Annual Report 2012

Annual Report 2012

Annual Report 2012


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for the year ended 31 December <strong>2012</strong><br />


(12) Impairment of financial assets and non-financial long-term assets (Continued)<br />

(b) Impairment of other non-financial long-term assets<br />

Internal and external sources of information are reviewed at each balance sheet date for indications that the following assets, including fixed<br />

assets, construction in progress, goodwill, intangible assets and investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities may be<br />

impaired.<br />

Assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable.<br />

The recoverable amounts of goodwill and intangible assets with uncertain useful lives are estimated annually no matter there are any<br />

indications of impairment. Goodwill is tested for impairment together with related asset units or groups of asset units.<br />

An asset unit is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets<br />

or groups of assets. An asset unit comprises related assets that generate associated cash inflows. In identifying an asset unit, the Group<br />

primarily considers whether the asset unit is able to generate cash inflows independently as well as the management style of production and<br />

operational activities, and the decision for the use or disposal of asset.<br />

The recoverable amount is the greater of the fair value less costs to sell and the present value of expected future cash flows generated by the<br />

asset (or asset unit, set of asset units).<br />

Fair value less costs to sell of an asset is based on its selling price in an arm’s length transaction less any direct costs attributable to<br />

the disposal. Present value of expected future cash flows is the estimation of future cash flows to be generated from the use of and upon<br />

disposal of the asset, discounted at an appropriate pre-tax discount rate over the asset’s remaining useful life.<br />

If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to the recoverable amount. The<br />

amount by which the carrying amount is reduced is recognised as an impairment loss in profit or loss. A provision for impairment loss of<br />

the asset is recognised accordingly. Impairment losses related to an asset unit or a set of asset units first reduce the carrying amount of any<br />

goodwill allocated to the asset unit or set of asset units, and then reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the asset unit or set of<br />

asset units on a pro rata basis. However, the carrying amount of an impaired asset will not be reduced below the highest of its individual fair<br />

value less costs to sell (if determinable), the present value of expected future cash flows (if determinable) and zero.<br />

Impairment losses for assets are not reversed.<br />

(13) Long-term deferred expenses<br />

Long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line basis over their beneficial periods.<br />

(14) Employee benefits<br />

Employee benefits are all forms of considerations given and other related expenses incurred in exchange for services rendered by employees.<br />

When an employee has rendered service to the Group during an accounting period, the Group shall recognise the employee benefits payable (other<br />

than termination benefits) as a liability and charged to the cost of an asset or as an expense in the same time.<br />

(a) Social insurance and housing fund<br />

Pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations of the PRC, employees of the Group participate in the social insurance system established and<br />

managed by government organisations. The Group makes social insurance contributions, including contributions to basic pension insurance,<br />

basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, maternity insurance and etc., as well as contributions to<br />

housing fund, at the applicable benchmarks and rates stipulated by the government for the benefit of its employees. The social insurance and<br />

housing fund contributions are recognised as part of the cost of assets or charged to profit or loss on an accrual basis.<br />

(b) Termination benefits<br />

When the Group terminates the employment relationship with employees before the employment contracts expire, or provides compensation<br />

as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, a provision for the termination benefits provided is recognised in profit<br />

or loss when both of the following conditions are satisfied:<br />

– the Group has a formal plan for the termination of employment or has made an offer to employees for voluntary redundancy, which will<br />

be implemented shortly; and<br />

– the Group is not allowed to withdraw from termination plan or redundancy offer unilaterally.<br />

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CHINA PETROLEUM & CHEMICAL CORPORATION <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

Financial Statements (PRC)

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