Imp.A-E _INGLESE OK _ 1-130 - San Giorgio Insieme

Imp.A-E _INGLESE OK _ 1-130 - San Giorgio Insieme

Imp.A-E _INGLESE OK _ 1-130 - San Giorgio Insieme


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assembling n monta≈.<br />

assembly n samblee.<br />

to assert vtr declarå - his friend asserted<br />

that he was innocent: il so amì al à<br />

declaråt ch’al jere nocent ♦ afirmå - to<br />

assert one’s authority: afirmå la sƒ<br />

autoritât.<br />

assertion n afirmazion.<br />

to assess vtr tasså.<br />

assignation n assegnazion.<br />

assignment n incarghe ♦ compit - we were<br />

given a written assignment for the<br />

exam: nus àn dåt di få un compit pal<br />

esam ♦ assegnazion, (der) cession.<br />

to assist vtr assisti, judå - to assist s.o. with<br />

a task: assisti un int’un lavƒr; to assist<br />

the priest at mass: serv∂ messe.<br />

assistance n assistence.<br />

assistant n assistent.<br />

assizes npl assisie.<br />

to associate vtr associå.<br />

association n associazion.<br />

assortment n sortiment.<br />

to assuage vtr umiliå - time assuages the<br />

pangs of love: il timp al umilie lis penis<br />

d’amƒr.<br />

to assume vtr assumi, ∑hapå - to assume a<br />

firm attitude: ∑hapå un’ande sigure.<br />

assumption n assunzion - the Assumption<br />

Day: la Madone di Avost.<br />

assurance n sigurece, sigurance - selfassurance:<br />

baldance.<br />

to assure vtr sigurå - they assured her of<br />

their support: j àn siguråt il lƒr sostegn.<br />

aster n (bot) astri.<br />

asthma n (med) asme.<br />

asthmatic adj asmatic.<br />

to astonish vtr straneå - I was astonished<br />

at seeing (to see) him there: o jeri<br />

straneåt a viodimal là; I am astonished<br />

at nothing: nuje no mi stranee.<br />

astonished adj straneåt, stran∂t, stuful∂t,<br />

imbacuch∂t - to be astonished: dåsi (fåsi)<br />

di maravee.<br />

34<br />

astonishment n straneament.<br />

to astound vtr straneå, sberluf∂ - when they<br />

told me, I was astounded: cuanche m’al<br />

àn dit, o soi colåt dal nŸl.<br />

astray adv - to go astray: butå stramb; to<br />

lead s.o. astray: puartå un fŸr di<br />

∑haradorie.<br />

astrologer n astrolig, strolig.<br />

astrology n astrologìe.<br />

astronomer n astronim.<br />

astronomy n astronomìe.<br />

astuteness n polìtiche.<br />

asunder adv aspart - to tear asunder:<br />

slambrå, sgnagasså.<br />

asylum n as∂l politic, ricet - to give asylum<br />

to s.o.: dåj ricet a un ♦ ospizi - lunatic<br />

asylum: manicomi.<br />

at prep a - at five o’ clock: a cinc; at noon:<br />

a misdì; at the theatre: a teatri; to be at<br />

work: jessi a vore; he met me at the<br />

station: mi vignì incuintri a la stazion;<br />

we spent a week at Lignano: o vin<br />

passåt une setemane a Lignan ♦ di - at<br />

first: di prin; at a blow, at a single<br />

blow: di pache ♦ in - at last: tal ultin;<br />

to be at peace with one’s conscience:<br />

jessi in pås cu la sƒ cu©ience; to knock at<br />

the door: tucå te puarte; to seat at table:<br />

sentåsi in taule; she is at church: a jè<br />

in glesie; he came just as we were at<br />

table: al capità juste cuanch’o jerin in<br />

taule; you have turned up at the right<br />

moment: tu sßs capitåt tal moment just ♦<br />

su, sun - at a late hour: sul tard; at<br />

daybreak: sul cricå-dì; at sunset: sul<br />

amont ♦ tƒr - at nightfall: tƒr sere ♦ - at<br />

all: fregul; at once: daurman; at present:<br />

cumò.<br />

atheism n ateisim.<br />

atheist adjn ateist.<br />

Athenian adjn atenian.<br />

Athens n (geogr) Atenis.<br />

athlete n atlet.<br />

athletics n atletisim.<br />

Atlantic adjn (geogr) Atlantic.<br />

atlas n atlant.<br />

atmosphere n admosfere.<br />

atmospheric adj admosferic.<br />

atom n atom.<br />

atomic(al) adj atomic - atomic energy:<br />

energìe atomiche; atomic bomb: bombe<br />

atomiche.<br />

to atonevintr espiå - to atone for a fault:<br />

espiå une colpe.<br />

atrocious adj atro∑, sbalsamant.<br />

atrocity n atrocitåt.<br />

to attach vtr tacå, un∂ - attach that label to<br />

your case: tache cheste etichete tal to<br />

satŸl; to attach a document to a letter:<br />

un∂ un document a une lètare; to attach<br />

importance to sthg.: dåj impuartance a<br />

alc.<br />

attached adj pi∑håt.<br />

attack n atac, assalt.<br />

to attack vtr assaltå, tacå - he attacked the<br />

government in an article: int’un articul<br />

al tacà il guvißr; he was attacked by the<br />

press: la stampe lu tacà.<br />

to attain vtr jongi - to attain to perfection:<br />

jongi la perfezion.<br />

attempt n tentat∂v, procure - many<br />

unsuccessful attempts discouraged<br />

him: unevore di tentat∂vs disditåts lu<br />

avilirin ♦ atentåt - an attempt on s.o.’s<br />

life: atentåt a la vite di un.<br />

to attempt vtr tentå - to attempt the<br />

impossible: tentå l’impossibil.<br />

to attend vtr assisti, frecuentå - to attend a<br />

conference: assisti a une conference; he<br />

attends the third grade: al frecuente<br />

(al fås) la tierce; she attends Mass every<br />

Sunday: a va a messe ogni domenie ♦<br />

assisti, curå - the doctor attended the<br />

patient: il miedi al curave il malåt ♦♦<br />

vintr viodi di - I have my own business<br />

to attend to: o ài di viodi dai miei afårs<br />

♦ marcå - attend to my words: marche<br />

lis mßs peraulis.<br />


attendant n servidƒr - hospital attendant:<br />

inferm∂r; petrol-pump attendant:<br />

benzinår.<br />

attention n atenzion - pay attention!: sta<br />

atent!; pay no attention to what I said:<br />

no sta a bacilå daŸr di ce ch’o ài dit; to<br />

catch, to attract s.o.’s attention:<br />

interesså un; if only they had paid<br />

attention to me!: se mi vessin scoltåt! ♦<br />

avertence, premure - careful attention:<br />

premure.<br />

attentive adj atent, intent.<br />

to attenuate vtr umiliå.<br />

attic n ∑hast, luminarie.<br />

attitude n ande - a threatening attitude:<br />

un’ande mena∑ose; to assume a firm<br />

attitude: ∑hapå un’ande sigure.<br />

attorney n (der) procuradƒr.<br />

to attract vtr atrai - magnet attracts iron: la<br />

calamite e atrai il fißr.<br />

attracting adj trat∂v.<br />

attraction n atrat.<br />

attractive adj trat∂v.<br />

to attribute vtr tribu∂.<br />

aubergine n (bot) melanzane.<br />

auction n aste - auction sale: aste.<br />

audaciousness n olse.<br />

audacity n olse.<br />

audience n udience ♦ auditƒrs, public - the<br />

speaker disconcerted the audience:<br />

il ∑hacaradƒr al sconzortà i auditƒrs; the<br />

long debate tired the audience: il lung<br />

dibatiment al stru©ià i auditƒrs.<br />

to augment vtr aumentå, parå sù.<br />

augmentation n al∑.<br />

August n Avost - of August: avostan.<br />

Augustine n Augustìn.<br />

Augustus n August.<br />

aunt n agne.<br />

aureole n aurèule.<br />

austere adj sevßr, suturni.<br />

austerity n severetåt.<br />

Australia n (geogr) Australie.<br />

Australian adjn australian.<br />


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