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Annals of the “Dunărea de Jos” University of GALAŢI<br />

Fascicle XIII, New Series, Issue 25, XIII (XXIV), 2006<br />

Book reviews<br />

pp. i - vii<br />

d’environ 6000 mots et lexies identifiés dans des corpus bilingues, français et roumain,<br />

traités de façon à ce qu’ils donnent une image de l’univers thématique dans les langues<br />

mises en rapport.<br />

Les auteurs de ce travail ont essayé d’éviter le dérisoire d’un « faux dictionnaire »<br />

et se sont impliquées avec beaucoup de passion dans l’élaboration d’un vrai dictionnaire,<br />

capable de décrire ce monde savoureux de la cuisine française et bien davantage.<br />

Ce dictionnaire que nous proposons non seulement à un emploi ponctuel dicté par<br />

des nécessités de compréhension, mais aussi à la lecture encyclopédique, se donne pour<br />

tâche d’harmoniser une présentation lexicographique, caractérisée par des entrées<br />

polysémiques, classification alphabétique et marquage différentiel, avec une présentation<br />

terminologique, dans le but de mettre en évidence les zones de la constitution du sens<br />

autant au niveau de la langue source (le français) qu’à celui de la langue cible (le roumain).<br />


Michaela Praisler<br />

Bucureşti: Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2005, 183 pp<br />

vi<br />

Conf. Univ. dr. Angelica Vâlcu<br />

Université “Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi<br />

Modern and contemporary literature has long been the object of debate. Critics have<br />

emphasized its avant-garde nature and have pointed out the intricacies of its fabric, readers<br />

have dismissed it as either too innovative to be pleasing or as difficult and eclectic, students<br />

have coped but not actually got to grips with its discourse. Michaela Praisler’s book partly<br />

adds to the debate, partly informs and stimulates. It addresses philology undergraduates,<br />

offering them ideas about how to read the (post)modern novel, how to enjoy its strange<br />

experiments, and how to assess its value. In this it is intended to support the daring enterprise<br />

of teaching literature and to encourage reading in the era of <strong>text</strong>s being sooner browsed,<br />

listened to or watched rather than interacted with in the old<br />

fashioned way.<br />

On Modernism, Postmodernism and the Novel<br />

examines the main strands of twentieth-century fiction,<br />

including post-war, post-imperial and multicultural fiction. In<br />

so doing, it looks into the metamorphoses of novel modes of<br />

writing and challenges canonical patterns by shedding new<br />

light on generally recognised valuable contributors to the<br />

literary stage and by observing their latest reformulations<br />

with writers who still have to enter this exclusivist zone, but<br />

whose works clearly deserve our attention.<br />

In short, it focuses on the most popular of literary<br />

genres and is structured into two parts, which concentrate<br />

on the trends announced by the title and which develop<br />

“from a theoretical base to individual writers and<br />

representative works”. Inspired and necessary for a<br />

coherent survey of the twentieth century literary phenomenon and its contemporary<br />

hypostases, the choices operated are:

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