gec plessey semiconductors - Archive Server

gec plessey semiconductors - Archive Server

gec plessey semiconductors - Archive Server


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Two emerging market shifts prompt a rethinking of placing<br />

responsibility for unique product differentiation on<br />

engineering. First, the competition catches up and<br />

leapfrogs our technology with distressing regularity and<br />

speed. »^Mechnology itself has become a commodity and<br />

crosses political boundaries and the boundaries of<br />

engineering disciplines with increasing ease. Commodity<br />

pricing and margin erosion soon follows. Today, even<br />

proprietary products are subject to reverse engineering,<br />

cloning, and commoditlzation.<br />

Second, the user demands connectivity. Connectivity on<br />

their terms. Unless you engineer your hardware and<br />

software with compatible interfaces to other related<br />

devices, your market potential shrinks. Knowing the<br />

precise measure of what connectivity is needed by vour<br />

targeted customer set is a marketing, not an engineering,<br />

responsibility.<br />

So basic is this shift, that using your own eyes and<br />

depending upon your own judgement may become your<br />

biggest competitive liability! You are challenged today to<br />

replace your own views of your product, your own vision of<br />

your markets,and your strategies with someone else's<br />

vision!<br />

5/22/91. 11:28 AM<br />


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