Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com


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Opera Saturni Page 22<br />

To understand well Mercurys three,<br />

The keys which of our Scyens be.<br />

Raymond hys Menstrues doth them call,<br />

Without which trewly no truth ys done,<br />

But two of them are Superfycyall:<br />

The third essentyall of Soon and Moone;<br />

Theyr propertyes I wyll declare ryght soone,<br />

And Mercury of other Mettalls essencyall,<br />

Ys the pryncipall of our Stone materyall.<br />

In Soon and Moone our Menstrue ys not sene<br />

Hyt not appeareth but by effect to syght,<br />

That ys the Stone of whych we mene;<br />

Who so our wrytyng concevyth aryght,<br />

Hyt ys a Soule, a substance bryght:<br />

Of Soon and Moone, a subtyll influence,<br />

By whych the Erth receyveth resplendence.<br />

For what ys Gold and Sylver sayth Avycen,<br />

But Erth whych ys pure Whyte and Red,<br />

Take fro that the sayd clernes, and then<br />

That Erth wyll stond but lyttyll in stede;<br />

The hole <strong>com</strong>pound ys called our Lede,<br />

The qualyte of clernes for Soon and Moone doth <strong>com</strong><br />

These be our Menstrues both all and sum.<br />

Bodyes wyth the fyrst we Calcene naturally<br />


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