Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com


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Opera Saturni Page 42<br />

Elementall whych doth bren the brond;<br />

These foure Fyres use we and no mo:<br />

Fyre against Nature must doe thy bodyes wo;<br />

Fersely brennyng as Fyre of Hell.<br />

16.Fyre of Nature ys the thyrd Menstruall,<br />

That fyre ys naturally in every thyng;<br />

But fyre occasionat we call Innaturall,<br />

And hete of Askys and balnys for putrefying:<br />

Wythout these fyres thou may not bryng<br />

To Putrefaccyon for to be seperat,<br />

Thy matters togeather proportyonat.<br />

17.Therefore make fyre thy Glasse wythin,<br />

Whych brennyth the Bodyes more then fyre<br />

Elementall; yf thou wylt wyn<br />

Our Secret accordyng to thy desire,<br />

Then shall thy seeds both roote and spyre,<br />

By help of fyre Occasionate,<br />

That kyndly after they may be seperat.<br />

18.Of Separacyon the Gate must thus be wone,<br />

That furthermore yet thou may procede<br />

Toward the Gate of secret Conjunccion,<br />

Into the Castle whych wyll the Inner leade,<br />

Do after my Councell therefore yf thou wylt spede;<br />

Wyth two strong locks thys Gate ys shyt,<br />

As consequently now thou shalt wyt.<br />


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