Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com


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Opera Saturni Page 50<br />

Ther sede consevyd kyndly to norysh and save;<br />

From the ground of ther grave not rysyng that while,<br />

Whych secret poynt doth many on begyle.<br />

10.Thy tyme of Conceptyon wyth esye hete abyde,<br />

The Blacknes showing shall tell the when they dye;<br />

For they together lyke lyquyd Pyche that tyde,<br />

Shall swell and burbyll, setyll, and Putrefye,<br />

Shyning Colors therin thou shalt espye:<br />

Lyke to the Raynbow mervelose unto syght,<br />

The Water then begynnyth to dry upryght.<br />

11.For in moyst Bodys hete noryshyng temperate,<br />

Ingendryth Blacknes fyrst of all which ys<br />

Of kyndly Commyxon to the tokyn assygnate;<br />

And of trew Putrefying, remember thys,<br />

For then to alter perfytly thou may not mysse;<br />

And thus by the Gate of Blacknes thou must cum in<br />

To lyght of Paradyce in Whytenes yf thou wylt wyn.<br />

12.For fyrst the Son in hys uprysyng obscurate<br />

Shalbe, and passe the Waters of Noyes flud<br />

On Erth, whych were a hundred dayes contynuate<br />

And fyfty, away or all thys Waters yode,<br />

Ryght so our Water as wyse men understode<br />

Shall passe, that thou wyth Davyd may say<br />

Abierunt in sicco flumine:bare thys away.<br />


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