Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com

Ripley - Twelve Gates.pdf - Rubaphilos.com


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Opera Saturni Page 28<br />

Who knoweth not thys yn knowledge is but blynd:<br />

He may forth wander as Myst doth wyth the Wynd;<br />

Woting never wyth perfytnes where to lyght,<br />

Because he cannot conseve our words aryght.<br />

5.Joyne kynd to kynd therefore as reason ys,<br />

For every Burgeon answereth to his owne Seed;<br />

Man begetteth Man, a Beast a Beast lykewyse;<br />

Ferther of thys to trete it is no need,<br />

But understond thys poynt yf thou wylt spede;<br />

Every thyng ys fyrst Calcyned in hys owne kynd,<br />

Thys well consevyng, frute thereyn shalt thou fynde.<br />

6.And we make Calxes unctious both Whyte and Red,<br />

Of three degrees or our Base be perfyt;<br />

Fluxyble as Wex, ells stond they lyttle in sted;<br />

By ryght long processe as Phylosophers wryte,<br />

A yere we take or more for our respyte:<br />

For in lesse space our Calxe wyll not be made,<br />

Able to tayne with colour whych wyll not vade.<br />

7.As for the Proporcyon thou must beware,<br />

For therein many one ys beguylyd,<br />

Therefore thy warke that thow not marre;<br />

Lat the Body be sotelly fylyd<br />

With Mercury, as much then so subtylyd:<br />

One of the Sonn,two of the Moone,<br />

Tyll altogether lyke pap be done.<br />


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