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Northern Climate ExChange <strong>WhiteCAP</strong> Draft <strong>Plan</strong><br />

The use of spatial information in this report has been largely to inform the observations<br />

provided to us by the community and by the Local and Technical Advisory Committees.<br />

Quantitative information has therefore not played a significant role in the planning<br />

process. In part our reliance on qualitative data has arisen due to the emphasis on local<br />

and technical knowledge in the plan. Quantitative data has also been challenging to<br />

integrate due to the broad nature and suite of issues that this plan addresses. As<br />

uncertainty is addressed and additional information becomes available, it is likely that a<br />

greater emphasis can be placed quantitative information in the adaptation planning<br />

process. It is encouraged that quantitative information should be integrated into future<br />

versions of this adaptation plan as opportunity allows.<br />

3<br />

This uncertainty is compounded when the large resolution and level of error in the model is<br />

refined or downscaled to a scale suitable for regional planning. Global Climate Model (GCM) grid<br />

cells are typically 1° to 5º latitude and longitude in size. Downscaling introduces error into the<br />

climate model by interpolating the implications of climate change a regional scale. It has also<br />

been observed that a polar amplification of the influence of greenhouse gas emissions and other<br />

variables influencing climate occurs in GCMs. This amplification varies with each GCM and some<br />

projections of climate change in northern regions or more robust. The performance of the GCM<br />

over the broader north correlates to their performance over Greenland and Alaska. Some level of<br />

error is associated with all GCM projections (Walsh et al, 2008).<br />

4<br />

The Project Team presented at two Council and Senior Management (CASM) sessions in the<br />

spring of 2009. The City of Whitehorse (COW) provided official approval for staff participation in<br />

the project at an official council meeting in the summer of 2009. [also meeting with Ta’an lands<br />

group in summer 2010]<br />

5<br />

The Whitehorse Technical Advisory Committee is made up of professionals from within and<br />

outside the community. The mandate of the Technical Advisory Committee is to provide<br />

academic and professional support for the adaptation planning process through the integration of<br />

local and scientific knowledge.<br />


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