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91<br />

Validation of the Parallel Simulator<br />

as part of the post simulation report found in the output logs of the simulate process for<br />

both simulation runs. For validation 5.1 the simulation performance was 1640 time units<br />

per second real time and for validation 5.2 1607 time units per second real time. The<br />

performance difference is quite small which suggests that for the example model used<br />

the processing saved on rolled back Transaction moves just about out weights the extra<br />

processing required for the LPCC, additional GVT calculations and the extra logging<br />

for the LPCC (the LP2 output log size of validation 5.2 is only around 3% of the one of<br />

validation 5.1). But for more complex simulation models where rollbacks in one LP lead<br />

to cascaded rollbacks in other LPs a much larger saving on the number of rolled back<br />

Transaction moves can be expected. It also needs to be considered that the hardware<br />

setup used (i.e. all nodes being run on a single CPU machine) is not ideal for a<br />

performance evaluation as the main purpose of this validation is to evaluate the<br />

functionality of the parallel simulator.<br />

6.6 Validation 6<br />

During the testing of the parallel simulator it became apparent that in same cases the<br />

normal Time Warp algorithm can outperform the Shock Resistant Time Warp algorithm.<br />

This last validation is showing this in an example. The simulation model used is very<br />

similar to the one used for validation 5. It contains two partitions with the first partition<br />

transferring some of its Transactions to the second partition but this time the<br />

GENERATE blocks are configured so that the first partition is ahead in simulation time<br />

compared to the second. The simulation is finished when 3000 Transactions have been<br />

terminated in one of the partitions. The complete simulation model can be seen here:<br />

PARTITION Partition1,3000<br />

GENERATE 1,0,2000<br />

TRANSFER 0.3,Label1<br />


PARTITION Partition2,3000<br />

GENERATE 1,0<br />

Label1 TERMINATE 1<br />

Simulation model file model_validation6.gps

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