Yokohama No. T224

Yokohama No. T224

Yokohama No. T224


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. 33e*"-ujf]!.-4tI*atqggPt*p.'.Sg4iegEgiES vras not in cornpliance u{-üh<br />

orders iss@<br />

=Tm6it<br />

Tt noffiin? to sholr tirar iaäcus "ä-l*ä"rr"<br />

g$_I"uy1i-kne-vv ühat<br />

lhe<br />

undgr carne-ührough agcus.ed-sugasara from the Chief oJ<br />

Süeff of ühe rlestern Ärmyr lttro.qoul,d he.ve to be fellor.r conspiretors to achieve<br />

a purpose?, ,iccu3ed, rgapgma. a1$ both<br />

-cgnnn$l<br />

$ozrlni<br />

hesitabed.viren prdered individ..<br />

ualh'to chokc ard to elloot lr.vrin. Their acts v:ere inerely in..obedience'Lo orders.<br />

as t/,as accused Suenqtsuls. There is,no evidence of rnaliee shown. The kiUine<br />

,tnr.s a.ctua]l"v acccrnplished r,ithouü authorizabion. ,Thercfore. Hozumi-ääc-ciriofiäfiea<br />

this acü b;r hi-mself, to the exclusion of bhe other three accused.. thc kii-Iins<br />

could not inblude eccuscd Sucnneüst-r becau.sc hc ühought, that ect'he,d becn accoro.öfiuf,e{,<br />

ar:d he issued, the,:or$er,}ellg-zunl to s*t{.!lts,;.qgdi, rt,:courJ ;;i'-i;;i;ää---'.<br />

aö6usea lvranuma because he thought *re:eeETfl-filifl-1-fr6*tiad.bci:n conpletsd. It<br />

could not inclUrle aqcuqed Sugrsnw.a because it rae ühe. soLd uneutholizecl ;.ct of<br />

e-ccused Hozuaüi l<br />

'<br />

.<br />

'', ;<br />

' .,..'.1.<br />

'. t:.' '".'i',,,<br />

:', . ,.<br />

': '<br />

. :.. .Consequently, ü!: c91_t,i1tfon of.,ühc pqosgo3tign that ühe killing of lrwia<br />

lrFs e'conspiracy is considered tb be without legeJ be.sj-s.<br />

, , j , - . , '<br />

Ib is considered bha,L, r,rhcre bhls Co,r'nissien founcl Hozumi 'guilty undcr<br />

but one spcci.fice.tion of pr.rü.icinä.L5-ng,in bhe.dceth of lrvrin b5q choking and<br />

süabbingt and sinqe ühcre"liJer.e, p-s hes been disclosed'in ühe opinion aborre, tuo<br />

separaüe ofjcnqqs resulting froq thc: chokinC alrd-''the,stal:bing,r''he is gutlty 6g<br />

bhe,grieaüef:off enseirrame1y,ofki11-lns:Iiwin'b5rsto.bbing...<br />

As'to Spectficabions 2 end 3<br />

a.np1e<br />

be.t'ond<br />

(Iyianrlna): It is eonsidcredt that ihere is<br />

ovfa ffiäE-EEffi]tJ rnävJ tirc-ElGe b iqrrs in th'e se spec if i ca.t ions<br />

The- rccord-di.sc1oscs..thF.ü the ecbr;s'ed-had g faif -trial'.-<br />

'doubl,.<br />

a rea<br />

The)r l'iere-ebly<br />

--'reü'tiented.-by eonnetent'counÄel.'fxäeot-"s'itär ueJn noirited or"rt in Lhe.obinioä<br />

'<br />

"lä8. ab;6, tho'rääord thd'räeora i€iilö tö-disclose enyl-'emrir-lr']tfch atribcted:tlie-subsütint'1aJ.^ .<br />

'<br />

iai-rö tö-rlisclose eny.-'er16r-'aiafch af;!4'pted-tlie-subsügnt'lal - .<br />

: -<br />

qtphts of .!h9 acgused.- or 9,_ny-fai!rlib,to.iftrord thcm a($iz2 $v'i,al in cvery'res-pecür'"<br />

rnä Thc fhc Evta*röjl-supForus dvld*&e Evide&od,-supüolfs<br />

suppolfs thJeindi-n$, thc tindi-n.B€r tindi-nFb. exeepü cxeepü as as'halislccen as hasncän-fMca ha.'sncen hötcd frMcd in ttris ühis ühj.s oginig!. ollxioq. og5nion. _ __: t.-.<br />

-There l-s no eviäänce;bhaü,the'acäGeC. r',r€ie noü spne at the tine the alrlegcd act-s."-<br />

',relc con'n-iüted qnC ab bhe bime of triel. a -<br />

. :r -<br />

+<br />

-tt<br />

a'<br />

'<br />

i. gecomrnendctions:-<br />

t r t ' - '<br />

There --F-:re'nJ<br />

retttrs of clementji ttot .eny nenber's-of t4e Co."anissloB.<br />

.The letbers of'pieniency bearing thousand,ä of sip:n.".-turci fr-o'n oLEers conccrning<br />

the agö'usöd h^e.ve been read end ce:refu.l-I}' qonsiderbd.<br />

:Susegar\re:<br />

-._E.:-+J.i.:J<br />

The Con'nlssion senüenced this<br />

The $enLcnce is legaI o,<br />

I<br />

B<br />

accused'üo be hanged b;' bhe neck until dead'<br />

j ':,For<br />

the.: reasong'set forth in ühe abovc opinion iü is rccor,rqencleci thaü.<br />

this accused. be found guilty of onl-;z .so ,nuch of lle specificabion as would find<br />

irin guiltlr of the lessär inäluaed offense of causing an assault vrith intenL to<br />

kil-l,<br />

The record sho',,,s itnt ,f,i" accused lr,.g.s the victinr of bad advice conccrnlng<br />

a, Japanese regulation a:1d believed thrr-t the execuLion of lr'*'in v,'as legal.<br />

In-{aeü, he nna.d-e a- conscienüious study of iü hj-nself aid concl-uded iL was proper.<br />

Adtt:üo [tr:s ttlc fa-cü thl.t he llas orclered b;t his la.r,ful superior to ha'vc hitn<br />

orecuLed., and iü is clee-r thaü .the ettenäion'of. cle,rencl.' is nrcribgd: ' is belicvcd<br />

Ib<br />

üha-b thiÄ is the tSpe of ca-se fornhich the SCAP pryovisiön for mitige.tion 9r! .<br />

"urrt..,""r'v..üere ecäüsea acüed- rmd-er supcrior orrlers, r.'It's r?earü üo ap$y.. It isrthereforä,<br />

furLher reconnendecl ühe.t the sentence of deaLh bl' hanging be corunuüed"<br />

to trvent;;five (25) i/ears'of confinencnb et herd labor'<br />

(p. 10, Sugeser'.'e cü al,<br />

t.l22l+)<br />

.Cese<br />

'<br />

t?F'.T. t<br />

lTiaTeqlttu<br />


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