Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association

Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association

Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association


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Lynn and I had a wonderful visit with Amie and his family<br />

that lasted until after 2 AlvI uring the course of our conversations<br />

Amie related to me something that demonstrated his sensitivity<br />

toward spiritul matters.<br />

It is almost impossible to oonvey to someone who has not<br />

orperienced it frsthand what it is like to live under the acute<br />

shortages that exist in that country. Amie told me that everyone has<br />

ration books and that everyone is allocated so much food each<br />

month. Eran though they are authorized the food, if the fmd is not<br />

available, they do not receive it. And these rations do not carry over<br />

to the next month. Once the month is over, whatever food was<br />

received is all that they are going to get.<br />

Amie related that he and Olguita have gone to bed hungry<br />

qr several occasions. He said of one particular night, however, that<br />

they had gone to bed only to be awakened early in the moming very<br />

hrngry. Olguita found their remaining rice and prepared it. Knowing<br />

that they were about to eat the rest of their rations for the month with<br />

several days left in the month, they gave thanks for it.<br />

The next moming there was a knock at the door. Upon<br />

opening the door, they were greeted by a cousin of Amie's who had<br />

some meat to share with thern. This food was enough to get them<br />

through to the next allocation offood from the governrnent.<br />

By: Jim Walsh, W7L\[I<br />

Christnas rnsnirg of 1993 we lost a good friend of QCWA Td<br />

Ileilhoker, W5EI, was the G€n€ral Manager frryn 1975 to l99l ard in<br />

that period of tirrc helped implement nuny rrcw innovations fu QQWA<br />

and its menrbers.<br />

Ted was borrt April 7, l9l4 in McPherson, Kansas and spen:t<br />

his ddldhmd qr a farm in that area. During his growth he sper,t sonr<br />

time working i" a pr,"tirrg shop and also doing sorne eleokical work<br />

fiun time to tirne as an app,rentice.Ifl 1929 tre obtained his amateur<br />

lioense, W9BEB. This led to his getting involved in orystal<br />

runufrotning. &ound the same time he became involrrcd in broadcast<br />

radio wolq initially installing a rrw radio stratior for one of his friends.<br />

In 1934 h€ rnet ard marrid A. C. Rictrards and they had trvo<br />

brys. He then obtained his oonnnercial radio licens€ and sonre schoolins<br />

in high€r math so that he oqrld work in designing and instafling<br />

dirwtiorul anterru systems. I{e startd that wort in 1939 in t}re Tulsa,<br />

OK area, W.W.tr canrc along ard Td lhen went to Colorado and qrce<br />

again b@me imolwd in a crystal plant, profucing frequenry curhol<br />

units frthe war effort. IG also, at that time, taught non-technical citizern<br />

to beorne ernplgm in the urious elechuric canpanies.<br />

Now, I think about that story almost every time I go to the<br />

gfocery store or a restaurant.<br />

When we so exhausted that we could not talk any more,<br />

they called Lynn and me a cab and we reluctantly returned to the<br />

guest house to finish what was left of the night.<br />

Necdless to say, I did not get much sleep for being so<br />

excited about the meetings and my visit with Amie and Olguita.<br />

The next day I, and the members of my team, headed back<br />

home. We were a bit sad to say good bye to our new friends in Cuba<br />

but also a bit tired and homesick.<br />

For me, it was a bit odd for a few days re adjusting to the<br />

many freedoms that we have in the gmd old USA. Nevertheless, I<br />

did so, but with a bit more thankfulness for having them.<br />

I left Cuba profoundly changed. The spiritual changes are<br />

too deep to be able to explain. I was awed by the faith being<br />

displayed in the various places we visited and worshipped and<br />

marveled that even that was miraculous. I had to ask myself if I<br />

could not do a better job with my religious convictions and I knew<br />

the answer.<br />

My friands Cuba taught me muoh about how they trust in<br />

God. I hope that I can put it into praotioe here in my day to &y<br />

experiences in the U.S.<br />

Ted Heithecker, W5EJ, Silent Key<br />

h 1952 he became manager of Q:arE Crystal Plant in lGnsas<br />

and then in 1955 he joiraed A. Earl Cullunr, Jr., and Associates. Fa the<br />

rl€lxt 3l years tre enjoyed amateur radio ard his oocupation of dewloping<br />

antenna syst€rns for broadcast statiqrs. Th€n in 1976, he took orm the<br />

managemerrt of QCWA and cryrtinued his broadcast ant€nna urork until<br />

tlrc engineering firm was dissolved upon the deattr ofMr. Cullum.<br />

Ted made many friends arxl close persunl relatiuships<br />

through bottr his work with @WA and the €ogineering activities. IIe<br />

was always acti'ye in developing relatiqral charts of activities and<br />

munbership statistics. He especially loved to talk with younger people<br />

and e,ncoumge their edr.rcation in amateurradio fc it exposed tlun to the<br />

beauty and order of the scientific ard ensirrcring world. For that intqest<br />

he was always actirrc in tlre QCWA Scholarship program ud as<br />

Exocutiw Secretary of OOTC started to establish a similar program in<br />

ttut organizatiur after he stepped down from QCWA.<br />

Ted was an exceptional perscr and fri€nd and I will miss him<br />

rcrymuch.<br />

73, good frien{ de Jim Walsh WTLVIL<br />

Ted Heithecker, W5EJ, Memorial Scholarship Suggested<br />

A QQWA Scholarship in nrmay of Ted Heithecker, W5EI, has been<br />

rEcanrn€nd€d by QQWA Dir€cttr Art MlliagarL W8KW. Art<br />

aoooreanied his reoonrmendation with a zubstantial oqrtibutiqr to the<br />

Randles, Ralph Cabanillas, Jr., W6IL, Jan Hayter, John Troster,<br />

W6ISQ, Lew, WIICP, and lvlartha McCoy.<br />

Tod's many friends within ard oxside @WA will be glad to<br />

sclolarship fird in nrcrrcry of Ted<br />

hear that a sctrolarstrip in his name will be offered urtren su$cient fimds<br />

A choc,k of the list of oanbibutors on page 20 will slrow that harrc been mntibtrted inhis name.<br />

sctrEral oth€r@WAers, including; Robert, NF6P and Betty Riokey,<br />

Ifyou are also ocrsidering rerrvnbering Ted with a gift to the<br />

Jerry Mulberg, W2MIP, Wes, W4COW and Blanche, W4GXZ, Scholarship Furx[ while you are thinking abqt it, sit dovm and unite on<br />

that checktoday.<br />

25 Spring 1994

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