Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association

Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association

Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association


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By: Harry Dannals, W2IID, President, QCWA.<br />

The President's Message<br />

o code. No code. Is it working? Watta mess! Only the manufacturers are getting anything out of it! No coders aren't<br />

adding anything to Amateur Radio! They dont want to be Hams and they aren't up-grading or wen thinking about it!<br />

Yes, the above comments are heard and read frequently via the ham bands and the Packet BBS around the<br />

country. However, you will also hear that No Coders are contributing to the radio clubs with an avid interest in Amateur Radio.<br />

They are participating in the many public service events in which we are involved. Many, many are seeking up-grading<br />

opportunities.<br />

So, what does one believe? You can probably find a case to fit each side of the coin. However, when it comes to looking<br />

at the overall picture, this writer thinks that the No code concept has brought new life into Amateur Radio and all of us will<br />

someday recognize its value.<br />

The intent of this issue's message is not to polarize QCWA members into a Pro or Con position. The intent is to comment<br />

about our...and that "our" refers to all Radio Amateurs...ability to provide a shoulder to lean on, a helping hand, or just simply<br />

being an Elmer. Much has been written about that word, Ehner!<br />

While I was a guest speaker on a radio-satellit€ talk show several weeks ago, a Radio Amateur called in from California<br />

and told me of his experiences in teaching and licensing more than a hundred new no coders...none of which had up-graded! My<br />

response to him was in the form of a question, "Who's fault is that?"<br />

That response was not meant to be sarcastic, but more realistic! Many of us are involved in the teaching of Ham Radio<br />

classes and we give birth to many new Radio Amateurs by that means. Does that mean we should idly stand by and let these new<br />

enhants fend for themselves and learn by example...some of those examples from a few less than representative senior licensees! I<br />

sincerely hope that is not the case. I sincerely hope that all of us are standing by ready and willing to assist these "fledglings" to<br />

fly.<br />

There are probably very few of us who began our early days without some help from some veteran operator. Can we<br />

afford to do any less today? So, fellow members, before taking sides on this issue... if that's what you think might happen... take a<br />

careful look at your own participation. Some of you man not be able to provide assistance directly, but there are many ways of<br />

helping. Your on-the-air example, your welcoming hand extended to the new, whether Novice or Exta, and your inviktion to<br />

come over and see your shack and gear in operation. How about it? Can you help?<br />

73 de Harry Dannels, W2HD, President.<br />

The General Manager's Report<br />

By: Jim Walsh W7LVN, Creneral lvlanager, QCWA Headqu,ailer$ 159 East 16th Ave., Eugene, OR 974014017<br />

want to thank all of the Chapter Secretaries for the gpat job they did with the Chapter Reports. As you all know this material<br />

goes into the annual listing of Chapters which gets published about April of each year. This form is available to anyone trat<br />

requests it. I automatically send one to all Chapters and to members of the Board.<br />

As a request from Jan Hayter, our Office Mgr. here at Headquarters ( she is my boss ) we need someone to come forttr<br />

with some Callbooks for us. They get pretty dog-eared with the constant use and have to be replaced. Over a period of time we get<br />

some contributions which helps a gpat deal. At the present time we need a whole year, Spring, Summer, Fall and Wint€r of 1970.<br />

If someone can come up with a complete set, we will, to the first one that contacts us, give an Oflicial QCWA Cap.<br />

Just a note to all members who write, send FAXes or use the BBS or Packet, please use your name and your Callsign.<br />

Our files are basically set up by Callsign in the data base. We can always find your name if we have your Callsign. You would be<br />

surprised at how many letters we get sigrred with a first name, and no return on the envelope. The BBS and Packet is much better,<br />

but the other methods need to have your Callsigrr appended.<br />

This year both the QCWA computer and my computer are linked and I am now able to access the main data base, when<br />

Jan is not using it, and enter data gleaned from the Chapter Reports. In the past two years it has not always reached the main file.<br />

This year every membership list is being checked and any discrepancies are being returned to the Secretary so they can make<br />

appropriate changes in their files. It appears, from the notes received, that the At-Large membership lists furnished ilris year, for<br />

the first time, are a greatgold mine for the Chapters. That is good news. Our next project is to supply a Delinquent listing, by<br />

States, to every Chapter of record. That will probably take place early this summer.<br />

73 de JimWalsh, WTLVIL<br />

Spring 199[

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