Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association

Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association

Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association


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months in advance of the convention. We<br />

used ttrc call on the Sunday afternoon 20<br />

meter nets and also established a 2 meter net<br />

(which is still going!) then during the<br />

convention W2MM was the talk in station. I<br />

was the convention chairman.<br />

The Classic Radio Exchange Party<br />

looks interesting-as I just "inherited" an S<br />

Line. I'll look for you on the QSO Party in<br />

lvlarch.<br />

Vy 73, Bill KOORB<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Great job on the @WA Journal.<br />

73 de Gordon West, WB6NOA<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Just received the new WrlrA<br />

Journal and I had to drop you a note to tell<br />

you wlrat an improvernent it is over prior<br />

issues. Much more informative and<br />

interesting. Keep it up.<br />

73 deNeil E. Salowitz, WAICBW<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Just read through my copy of the<br />

Wint€r 1993 ffWA Journal...<br />

Congrats on a very fine issue... I<br />

like the format and of course the new<br />

columns and your choice of Columnists...<br />

Your *AND FINALLY'was the icing on the<br />

cake...<br />

Keep up the good work and know<br />

that while many may not take the time to say<br />

so or to let you know, your efforts are really<br />

appreciated.<br />

73 de Chadie Stouth, W3ZPP,<br />

Secretary Chapter 166<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Congratulations Joe on your fust<br />

issue of the @WA Joumal. It looks great.<br />

Nice seeing Chip Margelli's DX column<br />

also. I hope he continues to conkibute.<br />

Best wishes for continued success<br />

with tlrc, Joumal. Happy New Year.<br />

73, Bill Hellman, NA2M<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Congrats on a frne Joumal... jnst<br />

received it. This coming Tueday, I am<br />

beginning my 40th year in ham radio and<br />

enjoy the QCWA Jounal more and more.<br />

73 de Gary, WOSH<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Congrats on your fust iszue of the<br />

QCWA Journal; it lmks pretty good. I<br />

especially like the listing of Chapter Reports<br />

in numerical order. However, only the<br />

nrunber was given for some chapters and<br />

their names were omitted. I'd like to see all<br />

of the chapter names included with the<br />

numbers; this will make for a more uniform<br />

presentation, and will help those lmking for<br />

reports by chapter names. Could you also<br />

include the state or province abbreviation<br />

with the name? It isn't always possible to<br />

deduce the geographic location from the<br />

name alone.<br />

73 de Perry F. Crabill, Jr.,<br />

w3HQX<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Congrafulations on becoming<br />

editor of the QCWA Journal and on the new<br />

look ofthe Jozrnal. I arn particularly pleased<br />

to see the chapter news sections laid out in<br />

numerical order-that scheme makes it much<br />

easier to locate news of a particular person<br />

and/or place.<br />

Good luck and 73.<br />

Sincerely yours, Dick Baldwin,<br />

WIRU<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

I was disappointed to note in the<br />

Wtuter 1993 issue of the @WA Jourual the<br />

block showing information on the Chapters<br />

on the Air nets had been deleted.<br />

I am swe those of us who devote<br />

our time to conducting these nets for the<br />

furtherance of QCWA appreciate the<br />

recogrrition that these nets do exist and that<br />

we invite anyone who is interested to<br />

participate in the fellowship of these nets.<br />

73 de Warren Weldon, W5DFU<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

I received the Winter 1993 iszue of<br />

the @lVA Journal yesterday and read<br />

through it quickly to get a flavor and to look<br />

for specific items. I want to congratulate you<br />

on the job you have done-I think it is great!<br />

I like your approach of listing the<br />

chapter news in chapter numeric order-it<br />

makes it much easier to find the various<br />

chapters that way.<br />

There is one thing I missed in this<br />

issue from previous issues and that is the<br />

Chapters on the Air section. From my<br />

perspective, this page is vital, and I would<br />

like it to be in the next issue and continued.<br />

As you might imagine, there are several<br />

chapters within the Pacific Division [of the<br />

ARRLI and a few with on-the-air meetings<br />

(nets). As I try to meet physically with each<br />

Chapter periodically and also check into the<br />

on-the-air nets, having this information in a<br />

readily available form is very useful to me.<br />

Again, you have done a greatjob.<br />

73 de Brad Wyatt, K6WR,<br />

Director, Pacihc Division, ARRL<br />

Dear Warren and Brad:<br />

I apologize for not inclading the<br />

"Chapters on the Air" column in the last<br />

issue of the Journal. You will find it in this<br />

issue and subseEtent issue* Howaryr, vith<br />

rugatd n Chapter 15, which WSDFU is<br />

listd as a net cottrcl, Headqurters has<br />

notitied me tlut rte Tuls Chapter is in an<br />

inqctive status ot d, thercforc, cannot have a<br />

listing in the Chopters-on-the-Air column.<br />

While it is listed in rtis issue, wless notified<br />

dffirently by Hedryaners, it vill be<br />

deleted in ke nert printing of the column.<br />

-Ed<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Just a short noie to congratulate<br />

you on doing a fine outstandingjob in getting<br />

out yonr fvstJounul for QCWA.<br />

I liked it very much, although the<br />

printers did not have rmiform darkness to the<br />

printing, wtrich I am sut will be corrected<br />

for the Spring Issue.<br />

As a zuggestion, I think that in<br />

listing the Silant Keys, the QCWA number<br />

of the member slrculd be include4 as was<br />

done in the past.<br />

Am sure the majority of the<br />

members also liked it. Wishing you much<br />

suoces{i in the new year and thanking you for<br />

assuming the big job of being the editor.<br />

73 de Ralph Cabanillas, Jr., W6IL<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

I want to congratulate you on your<br />

editorship of tbe QCWA Jurnal.It is a great<br />

improvenrent and I know that with your<br />

experiance it will continue to improve and<br />

become a truly important journal. I put out I<br />

monthly journal myself and know what it<br />

takes. Keep it up!<br />

73 de Rev. George Whitrey,<br />

w5w<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Gmd qork and Congmts on the<br />

fust edition of the QCWA Joumal. Lot's of<br />

work, as if yor schedule uasn't already frrll.<br />

Best regards de Bob Ideker,<br />

wBsvt H<br />

DearEditm:<br />

Good luck, Joe, with yoru new job<br />

and staff. Enjoyed reading the first issue.<br />

73 & J. Douglas, WJ5J, and Joyce,<br />

N5LAA, Shary<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Nice job on tlre QCWA Joumal.<br />

Hope you get plenty ofsnpport.<br />

73 &Tomlnynd,NSOEE<br />

DearMitor:<br />

Just got my copy of the @WA<br />

Jounul....ldxs good and congrahrlations as<br />

the neweditor!<br />

73 de Jack Nyiri, AB4CR<br />

Spring 199[

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