Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association

Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association

Untitled - Quarter Century Wireless Association


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Choptet 15E Prqidenl Lorry Bollzfiine, NSBZB, lzfi, yesefis<br />

QCWA Anniversory Awordfor 60 yean to Pem McRoe, WSEKD.<br />

Photo courtesy f5.SfS.<br />

Following an enjoyable hmch and fellowship perio{ President<br />

Iarry Ballentine, N5BZB, called the meeting to order. Ttre major item of<br />

huiness was the presentration of the nominees for 1993 Chapt€r ofiic€rs by<br />

the Nominating Committee Chairman Bill McClintock, KSSGG. We<br />

odended our thanks to Bill and his mmmittee mernbers, Bob Ideker,<br />

WBsVLnl and Tom Spencer, WSIGM, for their elforts.<br />

Our mernbership at the end of 1993 stands at thirly+ight and<br />

gro\i/tng. We are pleased to amounce that QCWA mernber Chest€r H.<br />

Pierce, AB5Q,4" has recanfly joined Chapter 158. Welcome aboard!<br />

Our first meeting of 19% uas held on Jamrary 15 at the same<br />

location as the November meeting. The meeting had an attendance of<br />

foruten mernbers and guests.<br />

President Iarry Ballentine, N5BZB, condtrcted tlre business<br />

rneeting which inchded the election of Chapter 158 offrcers for l9%. The<br />

are: President Iarry Ballentine, N5BZB; Vice-President, Herman L. Cole,<br />

W5YDR, Secretaly-Treasuro, J. Phil Powledge, KSSBS; Directors,<br />

William C. Mcclintock, K5SGG; and J. P. '?ern" McRae, W5EKD. kt<br />

keeping with Cltapter 158 poliry, Bob Ideko, WB5VUH, will also serve on<br />

tlrc Board ofDirectors as Past President.<br />

The highlight of the meeting was the presentation of a<br />

QCWA Aruriversary 60 Year Certificate to J.P. "Pem" McRae,<br />

W5EKD. Our congratulations, Pem!<br />

Our fellow Chapter 158 QCWA member, Elmer "Bud"<br />

Orvis, KD5KE from Sherwood became a Silent Key on Tuesday,<br />

Decernber 28, 1993, while visiting his family in Cleveland, Ohio. Bud<br />

died from a head attack wtrile preparing to come back to Arkansas.<br />

Bud was an electrical engineer having worked for Franklin<br />

Electric Compary in Jacksonville until his retirement in 1985 t{rcre he<br />

served as a design engineer. He was listed in the "Who's Who in<br />

America" in the '70's for his electric motor design work. His efforts<br />

were responsible for three U.S. patents.<br />

He had an early career in radio where he was a vocalist and<br />

played the violin, clarinet, and saxophone. He loved classical and big<br />

band music.<br />

Bud was active in our hobby. He held the Advanced Class<br />

license and loved to have QSOs daily with many of his friends in Ohio.<br />

He was an active member of the MARC Club in Little Rock and had<br />

been recently awarded a certificate of appreciation in the recruitment<br />

of hams for the club. In 1991, Bob Ideker, WB5WH, Section Manager<br />

for the ARRL in Arkansas, asked Bud to become the editor of the<br />

Arkansas Section Newsletter. "Bud did an excellent job as editor and<br />

was always there helping me and other hams in our section,' Ideker<br />

said. *He was truly the right person for the right job and I will truly<br />

miss his contributions and friendship as I know many of you will."<br />

We will miss Bud but know that his spirit of friendship and<br />

leadership will live with us for a long time to come.<br />

Respectfully submitted, J. Phil Powtedge, K5SVS, Secretary-<br />

Treasurer.<br />

53<br />


held its Furth Qurterly meeting and Christnas Party for 1993 at the Stony<br />

Brcok Family Restaurant ort December ll, 1993. Tlrere was a total of 22<br />

people that attended<br />

President Jotm H. Shaffer, W3SST condrrted a Business<br />

M€tfurg. Votittg of Chapter's 1994 Oflicers and presentatiur of QCWA<br />

A$ards were ttrc ords of hsirrcss. Tttose receiving awards were: QCWA<br />

Meritsions Service A\{ard, John H. Shaffer, W3SST; 55 Yea QCWA<br />

Gold Certificate, Jotrn W. Mrmnell, W3IISB 60 Year QCWA Gold<br />

C€rtilicate, Cly& H. Boring, W3DJF; Crqge H. Gable W3EDQ and J. H.<br />

VryArtdalerU W3AXA. The new Chapta oflicers for 1994. are: President,<br />

Cuey S. Grcen,I3Its; Vice-hesident Philip W. Steinfelt, Jr., W3YQJ;<br />

Board Mernbers, Joh rf Shaffer, W3SST; and Raymord A. Shaub,<br />

w3N(C.<br />

At the conclusipn of the meeting, each lady present received a<br />

potted Poinsettia fidn tlre Chapter.<br />

Respectfirlly sutrnitte4 Edw'drd H. Kirby, Jr., W3YQJ,<br />

Secretary-freasrer.<br />

CIIAPTER 166, COL,TONIAL: Our Cttrishnas Party qas held on<br />

December l9th at the Country Irm in Wawa Pa., with 40 members and<br />

wives attending. Electior of Officers was held with a new slate fo 1994..<br />

President Houard Trotlt, W3IGW Vice,PresidentThunas Jones, W3BED,<br />

Recording S€crctary San Tharpsur, K3ST, Carespoding S€cretary<br />

Charlie Stouth, W3ZPR ard Treasurer Woody Sbei, W3TTW were all<br />

elocted. Paul Bcftiruder, W3WS, was presented with a 50 year certificate.<br />

Curgmtulatiors Paul. After a fine hupheqr and good fellowsttip we<br />

adjounrcd rntil our nort rrceting. All ttrc ladies wene given a Ctrishnas<br />

Cactus plant to take horne. Ourn€xt meeting will be held m lvlarch 30th. kt<br />

the mean time, a qtrestiornaire will be sent out to tlre mernbers to find out<br />

what in tlre u,ray of pograms and/o services they might int€rested in<br />

p,roviding to help make our chapter and meetings more enjoyable. We have<br />

a lot of talent out th€r€. I, fu one, had a great tinp at the QCWA convention<br />

in Clearwater, Roida and wish to tlrank the many uito attended and those<br />

utro wortedtrard to make itthe success it was.<br />

Respectfully submitted, Charlie Stouth, W3ZPP,<br />

Corresponding Secretary.<br />

Chopta 179 Secretuy Mike Hoshiko, nryCJV meets with<br />

Ndional hqillent Harry Datnals, W2HD, d lant yeot's Dayton<br />

HomVeiliott Pltdo coutesY t4ryCJW<br />

CHAPTER 179, SOUTIIERN ILLINOIS: With the widely scattered<br />

mernbership, it has been diflicult to hold QCWA meetings with most<br />

memb€rs present. We have found that the only way the widely<br />

scattered members could meet was at various hamfests in scattered in<br />

southern Illinois and one in Evansville, Indiana. We consider Centralia<br />

llamfest as being the central one. Other sites that QCWA members<br />

meet are at hamfests in Granite City, Godfrey, DuQuoin, and<br />

Evansville.<br />

Spring 199(

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