The Chicago Martyrs by John P. Altgeld

The Chicago Martyrs by John P. Altgeld

The Chicago Martyrs by John P. Altgeld


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the testimony fairly amI iLDp_,rtialiy ann dedde whether they are guilty or<br />

innocent? "<br />

Juryman Reed said:<br />

"When they do not teach a doctrine that undermines the law, that don't<br />

break the law, then there is no flbjection to the labor organizations. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

could not be any. I have a prejudice against any man who seeks to undermine<br />

the Bocial and political laws of the country. I am a Freethinker."<br />

Now, this man condemned us to death, becaustl we seek to undermine<br />

the social and political laws of the country. He is a Freethinker; w~ accepted<br />

him for that reason, because we thought that, as he claimed the right of free<br />

thought on religious matters, he would certainly be consistent and give us the<br />

right of free thought on political and social questions. But alas! Juryman<br />

Reed is a Boston man. That is the country where they used to bum witches<br />

and condemn religious beretics to death. Tbe right to free thought has been<br />

acquhed after a century of bloollalJed and struggle, and now, because we, the<br />

Anarchists, are social and .political heretics, he strangles us on the gibbet.<br />

Juryman Reed concedes the right of free thought while he denies us the right<br />

of free action. What is the one worth without the other? What a mockery<br />

to say to the slave, "You are free to think yOJl ought to be free, but you have<br />

no right to be free." To compel me to work and to suffer for yoUI' benefit,<br />

and then console me with the aEsurance that I,am free to think what I please<br />

about it, is the very mockery of liberty. This is the fruit of authority, of<br />

force, of government. Juror Reed would have been hung one hundred years<br />

ago. He hangs me today. Do you \\onder that I am an Anarchis.?<br />

I will read from the Ala1"l)) an article headed" White Slaves-<strong>The</strong> Bitter<br />

Cry of Poor Working Girls-ATrue Picture of Civilization Under·the Infamies<br />

of Capitalism-Life, Liberty, and Happiness in Amer,ica-Facts for Fathers and<br />

Mothers to Consider." <strong>The</strong>n follows a two column article in t,he New York<br />

Evening Telegm'm, a capitalistic newspaper, descriptive of the life of the sewing<br />

girls in New York city-American girls-the future mothers of American<br />

citizens. 1 will not take up the time of the court in reading it in full. I will<br />

read a short extract as follows:<br />

'<br />

" It must be confessed that the outlook for labor in all its brancbes of<br />

industry is most discouraging, and revives the idea of that terrible story ill<br />

Blackwood, where a prison of iron bas been so constructed as to gradually<br />

contract until it becomes an iron shroud that crushes the prisoner within to<br />

a shapeless pulp. Labor is encircled <strong>by</strong> an iron shroud made of two factions,<br />

the tendency of capital to concentrate itself in few hands and the undeniable<br />

fact that the number of laborers will alwa,ys increase in greater ratio than the<br />

amount of employment for them. <strong>The</strong>se items alone would, if not counteracted<br />

<strong>by</strong> some system that is vital, reduce the working class in time to a condition<br />

far worse 'than slavery. In fact, elavery has been in all past ages the<br />

one remedy for the overpowering woes of labor, but a remedy that undermined<br />

and ruined each civilization in its turn. In the meantime, it is to be hoped<br />

, that the women of America will take up the cause of their sex and publicly<br />

denounce the monsters who propose to young girls to work sixty hours a week<br />

for less than will feed and clothe them. Young as is the American nationality,<br />

it stands front to front today with the wonderful problem of civilization.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cause of the striking girls at Wallack'a shirt factory is not only the cJ.,.~e.<br />

of womanhood throughout the world; it is also the entering wedge for the<br />

great problem, I What are rights of labor?' It mllst be obvious to every sen­<br />

Rtor and congressman and to every dabbler in.political economy tbat life is<br />

not worth living when honest gids cannot support themselves, <strong>by</strong> .sixty hours<br />

of intense labor. It is idle to prate about the great laws of supply and demand<br />

in the face of this present fact that an honest girl, who works ceaselessly<br />

throughout the week, has not enough wages to pay for her board and clothes.<br />

In America.we change conditions and right wrong <strong>by</strong> inquhy. In Europe a<br />

social revolution is brewing, hl1wever, before which the great revolution of<br />

France will pale."<br />

I merely quoted this article in order to show that class of people who are<br />

crying out that our grievances are imaginary-that these grievances are facts­<br />

DOt imaginary.<br />

Well, now, I come to consiller our city of <strong>Chicago</strong>. Take the management<br />

of the political affairs of the city, your honor. <strong>The</strong>y are Doted for their political<br />

corruption. Take these policemen-now, I do not aonse the policemen;<br />

the policeman is a workingman the same as 1 am. Now, a man's standing on<br />

the police force, it is notorious, depends. entirely upon his ability and his will- •<br />

ingness to club, and club often-hit everything that comes along and drag it<br />

in. <strong>The</strong> policemen have to get their positions through the aldermen. It is<br />

notorious that they have to use corrupt methods to do it, and when a man is<br />

once on the force, imagine how subject he is to his higher officials. Whatever<br />

his superior bands him to do he must do. He must obey. He must do it or '<br />

he will lose his job. 1 do not blame tbe police. It is not the individuals that<br />

I blame at all. I say here, as I said at the Haymarket-it is not individuals,<br />

it is not against the man, but it is against the system that prodnces the~e<br />

things that we contend: We object to that.<br />

<strong>The</strong> charge is made that we are " foreigners," as though it were'a crime<br />

to be born in some other country.<br />

My ancestors came to tbis country a good while ago. My friend Neebe<br />

here is the descendant of a Pennsylvania Dutchman. Be and I are the only<br />

two who had the fortune, or the misfortnne, as some people may 'look at it-I<br />

don't know and I dou't care-to be born in this country. My ancestors had a<br />

hand in drawing up and maintaining the Declaration of Independence. My<br />

great great grand-uncle lost a hand at the Battle of Bunker Hill. I had a<br />

great great grand-uncle with Washington at Braddywine, Monmouth and<br />

Valley Forge. I have been here long enough, I think, to have rights guaranteed,<br />

at least in the constitution of the country. I am an internationalist.<br />

My patriotism covers mOl'e than the boundary lines of a single State; 'tbe<br />

world is my country, all mankind my conntrymen. Tbat is what the emb1801<br />

of the red flag signifies; it is the symbol of the free, of emancipated labor.<br />

<strong>The</strong> workers are without a country. In all the lands they are disinherited,<br />

ann America is no exception. Tbe wage, slaves are the dependent hireling~of<br />

tho dch in every land. <strong>The</strong>y are everywhere social pariahs "itbout home VI'<br />

I\ollntry. As til y create all wealth, Rt> also they .fight every battle, not fol'<br />

thlllllH( IVOA but, for their JOl\Hters. <strong>The</strong>re is an end to tbis self-de~radation.<br />

III t,hl' rllturll JulioI' will flJ.:ht only in self-defense and work for itself and not

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