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5-6 - The Wesley Center Online


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....................".... - <strong>The</strong> her's --.,sX/[a' azine<br />

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A monthly journal devoted to the interests<br />

of those who preach the full 8oapel<br />

Preachers Are Deli ,hted . • J. B. Chapman, Eaitor .<br />

• • Pt_[lJhed montlt]y br the Ngtarene Publlshl,g IIo_e. 2OSS Troost Ave.. Kansal City. Mo.. mlntalntd by and In<br />

miler. &| Kansas<br />

WITH THIS VERY S_IALL 'POCKET BIBLE. ,h.,oi._,tot,_,ch._ho,,h,s_.._..._..,_t,_o<br />

City, Mo,, u pending. I,_i[_<br />

p.,., It.on,,,,,,,,. a,,p,,,,I,o,, ,o,,..y..,,on_ o.,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Smallest Reference B_le You _ver Saw,'.wlth clear,, easy.readlng<br />

print. Size, S_gx3_x% _in, Weight 8 ounces. .<br />

• VOLUME I J.NE, 1926 NUr.tU_R 6'<br />


A remarkably" sm_ill Bible at an'aatoaishitlgly low price. •Printed on "I_'_7"THILE in Sooth Bend, lad., during the latter part of April, we lislened to_threL,' of O<br />

• . Iadla paper. .Full marginal references. Bound-in extra Morocco leather W Camphell Morgan's tecturcs oa "<strong>The</strong> Historic Chlist." His plan was to _pcak four times<br />

with avcr'alsp_g edges. Leather line,i; extremely flexible, silk sewn; gold on the subject, using one of the four Gospels as a basis each (lay. We' heard him on the<br />

title, leaves finished with red unde_', gold edges. A high grade" Bible Synoptic Gospels, and wouhi have heard him on john, except pressing engagements had called us<br />

throughoat. You will he surprised tO find such clear, easy-reading _)rint away.<br />

" in such a small Bible; just a trifle larger than a pocket Testament. i b Dr, Morgan called attention to tl_e follyat tlmse who are acitating the nntiov of a "shorter<br />

I ] Bible," for he said the four Gospels. all we have in lileratflre directly upon the life of Christ. ,,viii.<br />

• No. A.Z'094..<strong>The</strong> price is only $4.15, prmlmid. ' make bat one hundred_aml twenty ordinary pages of :reading matter: And he compared this with<br />

• " " "the extensive biographical literature dealin_ with the lives of'ordinary, great men. But he sakl even<br />

Ill<br />

1<br />

• " " _ ",, " at butthis,"the rsther they OospeR arc are fournotbiographies stories of Jesus ofChrist• written in the sense each that fromwea ordinarily different standpoint speak of biographies; and with a<br />

r' I SPECIMEN OF'TYPE " , / different purpose_ Matthew's motto might have been. "Behold the KinzI" Mark's,""Behold the<br />

." '_ . . _ t Servantl" Luke's.UBehold the ?danl" and John's, "Behold the Son of God I' And taklt_g the, days<br />

FIM_oflhohorn#, ZtgCHAR|A_/; ReCttepttoneyZlon. 1_3 ' '<br />

• . . . - • _ ]<br />

one by one that are definitely, mehtioned in the narratives of the Gospels, there ar_ only about<br />

I " r " ' trees that were in the hottE_il e-c.F-_..Jfrar 'the_m*to cas_ oat AhF I '<br />

• non.an t.t_ •_a_.t_Tlord<br />

¢m a a w tw_atl,¢_f_geH_h L [lan_ot _d_ to-scatter it. ]<br />

I<br />

a<br />

forty-eight<br />

Dr. Morgan<br />

days out<br />

said<br />

of<br />

,me<br />

a life<br />

must<br />

of<br />

appreciate<br />

thirty-three<br />

the<br />

years.<br />

human<br />

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element in ri_e Gospels before he can properly<br />

tsi_k_dar thcth_w_th_tttamvtncs_daunton_e_ xS_Zme,|_or,_at. | _H/iPT_R 2. " "• '_ ' appreciate the divine• Ire said God used such human igstraments as were adapted to His purpose,<br />

• . I<br />

, . " ,_ _'and he called attention to the reports of Mark and Luke. by way of illustration• Mark. although<br />

' ' . . ] the son of a ri_:h woman, lived his life among the common people _/nd.used the language, of every<br />

day life. Luke was an.educated man and a physician• <strong>The</strong>y both record the story of the healing of<br />

f<br />


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. . ' " : :" "<br />

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[I the<br />

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who<br />

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touched<br />

"She hacl<br />

the<br />

_pent<br />

hem<br />

all<br />

of<br />

her<br />

Christ's<br />

living<br />

gar._ent.<br />

upon phFs_c_ai_',and<br />

_But Luke reported<br />

could not<br />

as,a'physician<br />

be healed of<br />

wouhl<br />

any."<br />

.... "_ With: R,eferenets and, Coneor_nce and Aids to Bible Study. physicians, and had spent all that she had. and _:as nothing bettered, but rather grew worse."<br />

' Speaking on the question of Modernisn_ and. Fundamentalism, Dr. Morgan said he refused to<br />

' " Size 5_x3_/_x,]_ in. Weight I1 • oz. " And yet the ,type is clear arid' 1 wear Whilea Mark, tag. Hb with_aid thethat brutality what is ofcalled he ru_ "Modernism" lavrdan, sa[d_ is really "She antique, had suffered and that manyevery things proposition oi many<br />

easy to read• This Bible {s printed "on thilt, light htdiapaper. 'It crgt-"<br />

• rains iuli atarghtal r_:fercnces and q(_mplete coacordance; also a section ' o[ the Modernists is as old as Christianity and all their objections have be(_n answered by Christi0:n<br />

scholars during the last two thousand year_, But thellne fs.drawn, he said. between Naturalism and<br />

• _, of va uab c de s to Bible stady. . I Supernaturalism, and he declared that he is a Supernaturalist,<br />

' ' No_,3090, Bound its Fre_teh Morbcco'lbather; overlapl_iag edges $3.35 'On the quest on of the Virgin Birth. Dr. Morgan said that some w_re fond of saying that the<br />

' "" No_ 3094, Boaod isl'R_al M0roc_o.leather ;'over|s_plag edges ; leather proposition in favor.of the Virgin Birth is not strong because neither Mark nor J'oho speak oils.<br />

• ' lit_ed ; silk sex_a_; vcr_, durable._...i ..... _... ;. i.. ,_.'................. $_.60 " ' " But he said the p_oper way to say'if is this "Only two o[ the four who have written stories of the<br />

li[e of Christ speak of His hirth at all, and'both of these say that He was born of a virgin." This<br />

" _ . , makes all who speak on it at all unanimous h_ to how it hal/ported. But Dr. Morgan warned that<br />

" • ' NAZARENE PUBLISHING HOUSE, KANSAS CITY, MO. . attempt_ to explain the Virgin Birth on a scientific basis could never succeed. Tbe only explb.nation<br />

the Bible makes of it is that it was supernatural and that is the only explanation anyone can make<br />

- _,. " • " " of it. And aft have to accept the explanation of supernaturalism, or drift into doubt. Bat when<br />

-? " " , you accept the philosophy of supdrnaturallsm, the explanation is altogether sufficient.<br />

.., Dr. Morgan's explanation of the genealogies of Matthew:and Lul_c was that Matthew gives the<br />

.. ] • legal and Luke;the real genealogy, I have heard it said that fore great many years (I am not _ure

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