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5-6 - The Wesley Center Online


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...................................................................................................................................................................................... ___, . It is bahl thai three-flmrths of the accidents are I say, sttrely the darkness shall cover me; even<br />

. . well-kept. Too ;treat a feefin_ of secur/iy nesz and the light are bolb alike'to t ee'."¢" .. -,<br />

' r_tu_s the drivers to yield to a temptatinn to . _<br />

# I spt,cd and take risks <strong>The</strong> care _yi/h which they <strong>The</strong>re iire manyt self-serving stor_'_' oue_-_|tt'dg_/<br />

- drive around curv_ nod.over the more damter- of todsy. 1_/,/_;?re ant waited on hy clerks,<br />

//"........................................................................................................................................................... ;.............................. II , ous eections of tile r,mds is not obser_,'ed. This but they _:o in','antl serve themsdves, God's<br />

fact has a spirRual appl/calicm." "Wherefore let store-house is full of rich blessink,_ but it is<br />

WINDOWS TO LET IN LIGHT <strong>The</strong> M:dn Slreel of the Bible is hol[nc_. All him that thinke/h fie staadeth take heed lest operated under Ihe sell-serving plan. If you<br />

_'_r_' ""Co_pih'd 7_y Sr_:vm.n'_S. WmrF. ether streets ,f the holy Scriptures lead into iL lie fall." wnuhl lmsst'_s these blessings you must have tile<br />

.... If you desire to live on tile central 'h/gl/way of -- faith and energy, to go m and help yourself, that<br />

• a<br />

a story nf an old Negro preacher who tire sanctifi_ltion. "Awl a Ilk.,hway shall he way chickens oct when a plate of meat is placed _hall be _iven you; s6ek, and ye slmil find t knock,<br />

A CLEVER A here.an wrih'r ,race wrote divine lruth_ s_,ek anti ._cure the hitching of en% A cerhdn writer has called our attention to the is, you must.take .tile initiative. "Ask. and it<br />

, wt_re a Prince Albert coat on widch the there, :!nd a way 9 and il shall he called tile way before them. Thcy stand around and look at th_ and it shall be opened unto you."<br />

'_'t,n Commandments were embroidered in mauY . of holiness." filled ldate for a time and then'one ttrabs a Inece<br />

colors. ('l'he_e words are taketl from Dr. Lynn -- and runs ImmedJMe_y all nf tile 6tlier chickens" <strong>The</strong> traffii: si_llals which are operated 6v the<br />

Harold Iloueh's recent Imok: "Evangelical Ohio ph'tce.s a white cross..alm_ the main state benin In chase the chicken which has the piece nmin husine._s streets of mos't of /he large cities<br />

IlumanisllL'] ./`he o legrn_s t_xtErint tni_hl road_ where _onle iwr_on has heen killed in a<br />

of meat. <strong>The</strong>y foruet all ahout thlr meat which of tn(hw may cot!roy to us a sl)lrilual lesson.<br />

have made a very significant impreszlov Ul_m motor mishal_. It is said that a person will'enstill<br />

remaill._ in tilt, [date. This is a very fitting <strong>The</strong> word "stop '_ appears in a setting of red.<br />

his brethren. <strong>The</strong> _xternals or apparel _l re- counter many td tht_.;e on a fitty-mlle drive in iliu._tralinn n[ ct_vetousnt_s_. Covetuusncs,s is This" signifies 4hat tht_re i_ danger fat us if we<br />

ligion as _t_ll as that ol "many men do often " that state. <strong>The</strong> same pl,_ is to be fnllo_;ed by really no/hfi_:z more lllhn selfislmt_s. Too ellen move i,_ that direction• We may nol always<br />

catch th_ eye of the public. But it is very dif- /he Ki_,'anis Cluh of Oklahoma City, Oklaht_ma,<br />

_e occupy ourselves with an attempt tn rob our realize it, but tile stop sign or check of tile }Ioly<br />

ferent witli God _'For the'Lord seetll not as inl milrkJnu tll,_ [)lace of the death of,any [mr- neighhor of his posse_._ons or experience instead Spirit h_ls a red sellin_. <strong>The</strong>re is danger in go-<br />

_aan sooth: forman looke(h on the outtv_ard ap- son _f that city. All ol this is done as a Ixtrt 0l•guhlg direct to the storehouse of nature and inn oil after W'E have felt the check el tile lloly<br />

peara0ce, hul the l.ord'lookvth on the beart." of a "_fety first" campaign It i_ a solemn<br />

If we would obtain His attention and favor, we warni:_e t6 al motorLsls '_s,)o woult be _ar_ ess of God for our supply. "Thou shalt not. covet Spirit. Th_ term "g_" has a.set_ing of gecen.<br />

tv _wi'2hbor_ house. /hen shall hot covet thy To move when it appears mear_ safety• So it is<br />

must portal/ flim In Irnnsh)rm our hearts or.in- Oh! lhat we had snnle sucll concrete method hy neighhOr's wife2 nor his manservant,, nor his when tile ltoly'Spirit whispers "go," "It may<br />

net live_, which we couki mark the thne _nd place of<br />

moral and spiritual traRedies. If we emdd only maid_ervant, nor his ux, nor his ass, nor any not alw,ays seem be._t In us, hut let us always<br />

thi!lg tlmt is thy t_i_itdlhor'sY remember that: no harm fall come when we are<br />

Dr. R. W_ D;de, tile great E_g sl 1"1eo ogm• " indicate|_y some defndte means tllose who have<br />

on n missinn for him. "<strong>The</strong>re is a way which<br />

recklessly or car6k.'_ly l_rmlttlM opportunity<br />

at_d Preacher of a not far distant pa._t, is .gold . _ . ,. ' .<br />

to have, decla'red./hat his life really began wben after 9Pl?ortunlty to shp byte. their own undo- OcGu_itmaily a snake is /_um] along the road seenlelh right unto a man, but tile end thereof<br />

he cea._ed tliinking of' him.self and begah think- ing., Perhaps. such a plan woubl cause more of • choked to death wi/h a hall .swallowed rahbit, are the -ways of death." "All things ffork toing<br />

of Christ This brings to mind tile words of tile young and tender-hearted to decide for God lie has kilted hhn._elf by being a glutton." If getter for gnmi to them that-love God, fo them<br />

we became a eluttonas to Mammon or material wire are tile tailed according to his purpose?'<br />

P:tul when lie said, "For I determined not to hell, re it is-too late. "<strong>The</strong> harvest is past, the . t zonds we _hall _urely choke ourselves to dea/h<br />

kfmw ally thing, among you, ,_ive J't_sus Christ, _urnmer is ended!, nnd f am not _aved." .- :<br />

• . " spiriluafb'. "'t'e cannot'serve .God .aid roam- I heard P. P. Claxton, iormer U. S. Commisand<br />

him crucified." <strong>The</strong>'oldest known will in /he worhl, /hat of" t' men." Material zoo&s are legitimate in /heir sloner tJ Education make a very. natural and<br />

Uah, exert!ted tn _5,t8 B. C_, is commenled on olaee, but .if we center our atletition ul_n them. yet to/her unique use of the .zreat image of<br />

Dr. Frank Crane writes thus of- one part of a as'follow by the edit6v ol tile Daily Oklahoman: serve then!, bow down to thenL make them our Nehudtadnezzar's dream. Of course he lifted<br />

story which was written hy a famous Hun- • '.'All through tile document there runs the _tory e god they will destroy us spiritually, if completely ou_- of its prophetical telling. <strong>The</strong><br />

garian: "A scientist on a lonely iskmd created of a good and bcztowing brother. He huilt-thE "imagE's head was of fine gold, his hreast and his<br />

the 'robots' or mechanical men and women. <strong>The</strong>y house, hE gave most of /he pebsonal property. Marconi. claim_ that w'ithin two years the arm., of silver, l_is belly and his thighs, of bra._,<br />

were wilhout soul_, mere rmtchines to do the, " He is not ha.reed an_ where as a beneficiary, but problem of televisim_ will he completely, solved. Ii_ lens of iron, his-feet part of iron and part<br />

labor of the world. In the end they became " ahvays. ,as a cohtrihutor/'. Uah's benefactor was Already. we have tile _i_zantte telcscope which tff clay, A stone which was cut out, of the<br />

human .and the poi0t where they demonstrated no blood kin' to him, He ',vas all outsider• Let brin_s the infinite distances wi/hin the circle of nl,ulntau_ without hands smote the image on<br />

that /hey were human _'_ where one robot wa._ us tunl our minds to Christ. tie is our. Elder our vision. Also, Ihe microscope has £omE to its feet which were of. iron and clay. Thus the<br />

willing to die for another. <strong>The</strong>re Ihey ceased to Brother and yet He is no blood kin to us. How. revtal to us the'lnfinitt_lmal, <strong>The</strong>" X-ray lays imaee wa_ destrnyed and /he stone that _'mote<br />

be nviehincs' and slmwx'd .human symp:_thy and ever, lie is our Everht_ting BenefactoK lie h_ bare the sccrets of tile [iurann:.hody, But role- I_e" inmt_e became a great mountain and filled<br />

kindnes_." "]Ie_eby perceive we the love of Mways been a contributor to u._.and no( our vi._ion will make it i_o_ihle for us to penetrate the whole ear/h. <strong>The</strong> image was smitten on ira<br />

_,; Gdd, because he la/iI do_vn his life for us:'and heneficiary. He gave'ltimself for us aml with with our vtsloc the t/fountains ,the fore_ts, and feet which were of iron and day. Its [oundawe.ought<br />

lo lay dowtr our liven for the brethren." Him has come every genii altd perfect gift• !'For all such opaqu'e subst:_dces. Thisis all very tion was f[mlty and that resulted in its destruc-<br />

Sacrifice lies'at the very "henri. of Christianity, God _o loved /he world, that he _;ave his only wonderftll, but God ha_ always po._e_ed role- - tiotf. Above everything one's foundation must<br />

Without it 'we cannot rise to tbe high level of hegbtten Son_ that whosoever befi_veth tn him vision. God's all-_eeing eye e_ily penetrates the by stro0g. '/'his remirals /Is el the man of whom<br />

true humanity, sJlould not pi_rlsh, but have everlasting life?' night or the depths of the human heart. "If Christ toM us in the Sermon on the Mount.

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