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5-6 - The Wesley Center Online

5-6 - The Wesley Center Online


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1926_05-06-36<br />

u<br />


and Je,_ish faiths. Nh_ett_n of these organiza- ' In all the cities and towns of the United States<br />

lions have w_rkers on Ellis Island• of lO,O00 _r more inhabitant_ an overage el<br />

iiwA IEs oF OLOY NO,"2<br />

<strong>The</strong> Congregational CImreh Ires 280 foreign- more than ninety per cent of the police force is !!.. .<br />

speaking churches Jn the United States as a tmrt Roman Cathoilc. _<br />

o'f their Itome Mi_lon work. <strong>The</strong>y are chiefly Roman Catboli_ are in the majority.of th_ _ in two<br />

among the German, S_cdi_h, Danhh and Nor- _,...councilsof t5.0_3 cities a_d to'_ns of the United<br />

wegtan peoples, <strong>The</strong> CongregaIiofialists sustain. _States. _,<br />

two schools for foreign-born studentS, <strong>The</strong> Amer- .i t'rln ninety I_er cent of the cases In which the _•<br />

icon International College at Springfield, Mass.,_ _crlm nas are executed for crimes committed, the . _.! .. Limp _Clbt_.- l_eat :and durable<br />

and Schhuffer Missionary Training School at _vlctims of the execut|on have a-priest at their _,_<br />

_ r<br />

CieveIan3,. Ohio.<br />

It is reported thratt_k <strong>The</strong> tVeaern Recorder<br />

. elbow to administer the last sacrament,<br />

More"than sixty-live pet tent _f the prieou cont<br />

" " _ seetlOus_<br />

at some portions o[ the State of Kentucky pre-. victs of all grades _nd of all kinds of prhOt_ers |ot_ tJrriagn<br />

sent I_reat home mission opportunities. In one _ are Roman Catholics while lea,vtfian five per_eent . _,_ S_apkt copy, ._¢ l_rol_dd -<br />

creek region twenty miles long no religious seer-, r_'are graduates of our public schools. • _<br />

ic_ have heen held for more than two years. On i <strong>The</strong>se statements'are oston shing,!when we re- _ Th|s is" an imitatiot_<br />

another creek' wliere psact[eaffy 10,000 peep e n_ember that 0nly about twelve and one*hall p_" ._ ,.<br />

five, there are almost oo religious privileges except c_nt of the population of the United Stmo ate . [<br />

those supplied by Mormons. Roman Catholic, while the _thet elghty-_eveo and<br />

ann.half per cent are not.<br />

k_ expert hmke tt. ;bookThis b odors Loatheknow<br />

retto_h_ndlng<br />

Someone has sold"<strong>The</strong> plasterer plastered, and -- _ is finger,prtnt_ water prool Itand wears ,#illhette_ not" _than ahow . "<br />

the preacher preached. When the year was over _ leather.<br />

the plasterer motored and cut his coupons, and • "<strong>The</strong> government furnhhe_ the following: Oat _1<br />

the pre_fcher walked and' cut his co_ns." of has100 become average wealthy meia t_t atthe thettgl_of ale oftwenty-five, slaty-five, [our one _ I_0_ . -. • ':<br />

Inthe last ten years the _ear East Relief h_s are wel|.t_-do, five llve on [_eir daily earnings_ _<br />

- disbursed more titan $81,000,000 bestdes d'stribut- fifty-four are dependents and [hicty-dx ate dead. " " _ ReturnaH sample Copteg_<br />

lagmorethanStZ,oO0,__o_hof_o_r."_mer- A_c_chang_ _tat_,,,i_u_ yearthereare '_ sent at priceslisted:'i ,::<br />

lean charity tarnished 3t).460,137 meal_nndrations IQ;C_Qhomicides, 15.000 suicld_ nnd.g0#00 fatal .-<br />

for chffdren in Greece, Syria, and Armenia during<br />

t0_;. <strong>The</strong> Near E_t Rellel is caring for 32,000<br />

aceidentsJ' This means that•during a period of<br />

profound peace, the annual toll of death from<br />

' _i<br />

. • " ...<br />

little children in the orphanages,while giving par- violence _smore<br />

tim careto 20,000 additional refugeeehihlre_ out- incurred d.ring theGreat thando.hlaU,eIp_ War." ofIlia _ NEW SO BOOK ! " _":•<br />

"<br />

Oov_rnme_t r,gu__owh__ following ite._" i[_ A ' NG I! ' :","<br />

side of orphanages,<br />

what thepeopleottheUnltedStgtes'spendinone _ the Old Faith<br />

_ ' " ] '-,<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

.....<br />

fo_w|ng statistics are ohtained [tom <strong>The</strong><br />

,<br />

year<br />

Perfumery<br />

for luxuries:<br />

'and Cosmetics ......... $ 7_0_<br />

American Stamlard: _<br />

Five stales now have Catbollc administrations. Candy ............<br />

........... , 1,000,000,000 _'<br />

• Twenty thousand public schools have one-half Chew'm_ Gum .................... 50DO0,O00 _ _' _ 1. Its extoll<br />

* #r ....<br />

and schools. . " Fnr_ ........................... 300.000.000 _ , , _z<br />

and<br />

Six<br />

teach<br />

thousand<br />

from<br />

public<br />

the Catholic<br />

schools<br />

camddsm,<br />

ase Catholic readers Electric<br />

Resorts,<br />

Fans<br />

Race%<br />

...................<br />

Joy Rides, ere...... 3_,000_000<br />

. "B,000#00 . durable _;"" _<br />

"part Three Sixty-two at all,of thousand per thecent schao| I_u'bli_:scbool_ of all taxofficesoi'UhltedStat_, to Catholic now cnntdhute churches ..Autom_bll_ Tobao:o ahd C/garets and Snuff, and ........... Parts Ineludi0g ............ t ....... Clgatt "2,000#00,000<br />

2,000,000,000<br />

i,I _.:_ __ " ,-<br />

both elective and appointive, are now hem by _Servants and Luxuriou_ Sdrvice:.., -.L000,000_00<br />

R_man C_:thoffcL Soft Drink_ and Ice Cream ......... 600,000#00 _<br />

New York City, Chlcag0, Baltimore, Phlladel- Opium and Cocalqe ............... " lO0,O00_O00 . " _,_. '''_" .....<br />

' r _ .... 'b<br />

p_a, Boston_ Cleveland, St. Louh, Los Angeles, When the Lord come_ to Judgment, "what ac- , _ "NAZAREN'I_ "" "_ , ,_<br />

San Fran¢isco, and Bafffilo have _/Sper _nt'Caih- count'_kill ou_,"natl6u give for the $ZZtT_,O00,(_O0<br />

olic teachers in their public,scho01s, which tt spends for luxuries? . .. _ . , . , ,_ : , : , . , ,<br />

- . r" • . /

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