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science's admi_si0n of tile impos_ihilify of an- Can it be that powers so noble, so _lof|y and P:lr;idi_(,?' l:in;dly, "in my Fatht,r's httu_e are rrarvtl on Abib n. _ratithm thai it wa_ a _abnlhiliation;<br />

are all proofs of tbe univer._al belief calxacious are d_igt_ed just to begin to unfold manv m:ut_iouL,; if it were nutso I wtJtd,/ ha_t. b;_llt day, u would proye a violation of the sahof<br />

immortalitY, themselves on _arth'and then tlike a bubble burst- I_)h] you.. I go in prelxare a place'[or you. And bath law. "in it thou shalt not dn any work."<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a world which no-one can explain. Jag on tile bosom of the sea disappear forever? il ] _o and prepare it place for you. I will come This work w,x_ what tile Lord c(,mmanded, anti<br />

t_ence there must be a God. God anti immqrtality Ha_, infinite Wisdom and Power. created an in- aL_aln and receive you unto myself: th;tt wbere nut the ordinary .occupation of man's choice.<br />

are it_zeparablit. Tberefore," immortality is a " tell_genee so highly endowed merely [o flutter I am, there ye may "be also," • "Tbe priests in the temple profane tire sabbath<br />

reality. <strong>The</strong> instinct o? tile soizl testifies to this. a brief moment on Lhe surface of the.earth and . . " day [in toe labor of offerin_ sacrifices], and are<br />

and God the autbor of both the soul and tbe in- then sink back into nonentity? Can we suppose blameless" (Matt. :2:5L and the iaboi: Of rearstinct<br />

has _Tevealed ibis to man both by nature that .dll that Ires ever been great anti maj_tic THE PIRST SABBATH I_AY OF", THE .intz the tahornncle and placing its furnlsidngs in<br />

and ttoZy Writ.. in the httman soul has pa_ed into eternal un- YEAR 2"OF THE EXODUS order t_as that wi_ich the Lord commanded,<br />

<strong>The</strong> soul is immortal because it is incorporeal, consciuusnes._? Reason anti every ennobling hope By R_:v. H. G. Cow^re llut, again says the objector, .:_lthouglt the<br />

<strong>The</strong>re arc two kinds of existence: one corn- within us and every attribute o[ God above us . _ IIE Children of Israel were" one year I shewbread was to he placed on the table every<br />

and line other simple, the forn'ter sub- forbid tile hylmthesis that this lofty nature is / lackim, two weeks; ou_ of Egypt_ and hat! sabbath day, yet-the first pMcblg migbi have oc-<br />

.L come to Abib x of the year 2 o[ tht,<br />

oct to'changei tbe latter unchangeable, one per- born today to perish forever iotnorrow. Exodus. t_r tbt first day ot_ tile tirst month of curred on some other day_ when everytbing was<br />

ceptible to-sense, the Other comprehended by Ite_r tl_e af_beted haint ofUz say, "] know the second year lifter their departure from tbe reacly for it, then the practice was continued on<br />

nxind alone; one visihle, the other invisible, rny Redeemer liveth, and that lie shall stand at the s_d_batb ria)'s, But to cdntinue" is to keep<br />

soul employs bodily sense it is tmnfused, the latti:r day upon the eartll" arld though after land of handatte, <strong>The</strong>y were still in tile wihler-<br />

' ne_ of Sinai. It had been a most eventful year Iin doinm that whicil _,s done'before, not to bewhen<br />

it.abstracts itself from lhe body it attains my skin ',%'orms destroy this body, yet in my _ tdn sotnething flew. "Without inter_ption,"<br />

-, f for them. h_,ving witnessed their deliverm_ce<br />

to knowlerlge which is uncompoLInded, unchattee- flesh shall I see God;whom [ shall see for mysel , lrom Egypt; .tbei.r progres_ tbroutdl .tbe wilder- "unceasimL" "uninterropt,ed succession." "conable<br />

and immortaL' <strong>The</strong>refore. the soul beiug and mune eyeff ._hall behold, and not another: neS._ unto Sinai. Iflo giving,of tile law, tbe send_ _tant succession." are some of tbe definitions of<br />

utlcofnpoui_ded, illcorporeal and invisible nlust tltou_h nly reins be consumed within ate." ing of the manna ant] ot er .gracious provision tile word ++continue" apd its derivative._. _n this<br />

be indis.soluble--that is, immortal, A_ain the ]aluzuaLre of the s,wcet sin_er of for their needs, .and the i_relxarationa for' tile ease tbere" was an tinintcrrupted succcf_ivn of<br />

Furthermore, the soul is intmortal because it israel, "My sfren_th and my heart fafletl_; bul building nl tbe tabernacle anti its furnishings placing the slfewbread on the table on the sob.<br />

fins ,an Jndepen_lent power of sell motion--that God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for the proper worship and _rvice" nf God. hallo from tire mbhath of Abib _, not from the<br />

is, it Iias self-activi.ty and self-deternlination. No forever;" "My Aesir also shall r_t 'iOn hope. "['he Aaronic priestllood had been *lpl_ointed day after tire sabbath, or some other day,<br />

arrangement of matter or confit_uraton of body For thou.wilt not leave my _otd in bel| neither ' and consecrated, the .offerio_ and sacrifice,6 But we art' not confined to tile dictionary for<br />

can be conceived'as the originator of Iree anti wilt thou suffer tl{ine Holy One to see corrup- provided for, and the altars and other equip- proof that Abib _ of the year,2of the Exod_<br />

voluntary movement. That wiflcb deriyes its tion. Thou w t _lmw' me the path of |il_e; its ment built, tngethe 3- with the tabernacle wlflch was a sabbath day, for tbero is historical proof<br />

from something else may cease to move thy presence is fulm'_s of joy,; at thy right hand wasto enclose all and be tbe place where God of tile mdst cnnvincing k_jtd tbat God did not<br />

and peri._lb but tbat wbicb is self-moved n6ver there are pleasures for evermore." x " shouhi meet witb 'tits people. [dan to have His work don_ on "'any day." A<br />

ceases to be active andis the cause of motion Just as fiature springs forth from death into ' " t t. notah/e day had come, when the tabernacle reference to Exodus 4o:x-33 will show -that<br />

to all other things that are moved. Whatever life crying, "This.mortal. shall put on immof was to be reared ull anti all'its furnishings ]}ut everything x_as done by lkiost.-_ on that day by<br />

is continually active is immortal. This self- tality," in ttie bud ng flowersl spr glue.gram, in their proper places, Among the articles of a preordaln'ed plan, that nothing was left to<br />

activit# ,;g the very e._ence and true notion of the and leafltm tret_, so is th# soul in its Ioltglngs, as-. furniture plat'ed in tire taherhacle was ,a table chance or arrangemel_t 'by an afterthought," but<br />

soul. Heine thus essentially'causative it partakes plratJm_s', and'hope% answenng tile call of Him made of Acacia. wood anti covered with gold, that every detail of'the work had been carefl/fly<br />

tbe nature of a -"l_rinciplc" and it is tbe nature who said, "Whosoever believeth in me sball never as were all its'attachments, and its dlshesof pure planned beforcband by God. Moses had been<br />

o[ a principle to cxcludc its contrary_ Thai die." gohi; this table Was Iflaeed in tim north sid6 specially enjoined by God_ "And look that thou<br />

wldch is t____entially self-active can never ct._se tlear tbe" apbstle _ay, "For we know that' of tbe tabernacle, in the holy place, anti its use make them after their pattern, which was showed<br />

to be active; then tbat which is tbe tatuse o[ if cur earthly bouse'of this tabernacle were dis- was to bold theshewbroad ,_,Izich was placed upon thee in the mount" (Exodus a5:4o), and the<br />

motion and chango cannOt be extinguished bY solved, we have. a building of God. an houst it cvnr_ Sabbath day. <strong>The</strong> shewbre;_d was te rec6rd of the completed work is, "Thins "did<br />

tbe change called "death," not made with hands, eternal in the heavehs.," be the portion of Aaron'and bis sons.' the priests, Moses: according fo nil that the Lord command-<br />

If tbe soul can conceive an immbrt_ility it "For to me to llve Ls Christ and to die Is gun, _ who wereto eat. it in the holy place. Now _ill ed him, so did'he" (Exodus 40: x6] And sevce<br />

cannot be less tban immortal. If by its '.'cry "f am no_ ready Io be offered, and the timg of this. wag done by God's. eomrnalld, as may be times inthe record of the work of that day, it<br />

nature it has hopes thgt will.not be bounded by my ¢leparture is at band. I bare fought a _ood seen by'_ reference to Exodus 4o:t-33, <strong>The</strong> is ._aid tbat it was done "as tbe Lord c'ommand.<br />

the _n_ve and desires and Iongtngs that grasp fight, I bare kept the faith; henceforth there is tabernacle _vas reared "up that day, and all its ed Moses," and this inctudes the placing of tbe<br />

eternity, its' nalure anddestiny must correspond, . laid up for me a crown of rigbteousne_.s, which furnishings placed in it, including the table and _hewhread upon the table, which t'dds to be "set<br />

Tile utmost t_apaeily o1 the soul has never yet the Lord, tile righteoUS judge, shall give me at the. shewbread placed UlmU it. <strong>The</strong> making oI in order before the Lord nontinually every sobbeen<br />

tested on earth Philosophy bus spread tha_ day; al_d not to me ol/ly, hilt uzlto aft lhem tli_ table is. described in Exodus _5: _3-3o, and batil."<br />

open her wldc tlth|s far the. stage of the human also that love his ai_peariog." - tile making of the sitewbread the time and man- But what is tile evidential value of Abib r as<br />

soul. <strong>The</strong> dcep mysteries.of nature have beet_ Christ says, "Fear nol them which kill the [ nor of its placing on the table fn Leviticus _4:8', n sabhatb day? It is asign hoard showing the<br />

explored. <strong>The</strong> sublime doctrines uf revelathm if'ply, _ _ re n,t abe Io kill lhe soull but 9, "Every sabbath lie shall set it in order before x_av through the sabbaths of the year, being the<br />

surveyed and the rich pronlise._ ul ,_i_ eodle._* rat lei"ft_ar tunl .which ts abl e tn destroy both tbe Lard continually." This marked Abth t of first of fifty-two regular, weekly sabbaths. <strong>The</strong><br />

lif,_ h;we been grit_ped by the soul :t_ the. pledge _mfl and hody'iv hrtl?' To the dyln_ th ef o_ i1 the year _-of the Exodus as._ Sabbatlt day. seventh da_: of the week was the sabbath, but<br />

of an undying h_ope trod iL blissful immorlality, tire cross, "This day shalt thou hg"with mt in But, says an objector, if the tabernacle was being on u fixed date iu the mm_th the week was

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