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5-6 - The Wesley Center Online

5-6 - The Wesley Center Online


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tl_e mouth A _reat deal ui _tress by some is laid ination. That passage of Scripture that tells us , start off the day as the expression is "like fighting ing, kee l) there [or some time. ]_lasf_age Lbe re,supon<br />

the trainina of tile v,ice, hut this is,not all. man shall cut bread by the sweat of his face can fire. So many _ art to -preac i w| h i e effort eles of.the throat as has been mentioned. Give rim<br />

Every public slwaker or sin_er should bave a ct_- be applied to the preacher as well as any other. ], they should close with. Consequently, they.find body a friction rub wlth ,_ bath towel am] with<br />

lain amount of voice ealture,.but all trahdng pus- If a preacher does not produce .enough energy _ that their voice cannot stand tile strain. Bz_t if lilt. palm of the hands. <strong>The</strong>n take deep breathing<br />

sible co,hi not make some people's voice equal to when preacldug to c:tuse free petsplr_ion then he you give tile muscles and cords a chance to adjust exercise followed with massage of the muscles'dr<br />

that of otller*. Tile quality of the voice depends sbouId take some kind of exercise daily_ if it's themselves to the strain, you will find that they the body.<br />

more upon the resonance of the above named or- sawm_ wood. which will caUSe him to perspire,, can stand a great deal more than tbeywould have )$nyone speaking in the open alr.shouM be ve.ry<br />

_ans. This great w_rk'is that of nature and no- Sometimes the quality o[ the voice can be ira-. stood otherwise. So much hoarseness is dfle to careful nut to speak directly against the, wind or"<br />

lure's alone• However. all of our voices could be proved by _ein_ to the conditions of the nose, strained co?d{ and muscles. Many a good voice . with it hlowing against Ids back,' hut if possible<br />

_ improved anti we shouhl he talmhl to care for "foil hear it said that "he tMks or sings through has been ruined by Lhis over strained condition, soeal_ at right an_les to tile wuul. .File babit ot<br />

!?<br />

them better than mosl of us do. bis nose." No, that is nat the trouble. It is I have beard thig expression so much, "I imve wrapping up tbe throat .witb"soma warm cloth o[<br />

One•of the firs h has t confr mrs u_ in ear- o herwtse, hedoes not talk thrnu_b his nose. Thi_ . taken !mid and,I am hoarse," wizen I was gallsfled som_ kind-after speaking is uncalli!d for and usually<br />

ing for the voice is the i)rolmr breatbina, .(<strong>The</strong> may be due to the lack af trainina or"it m_,y he [hat this was due to over worked muscles and dovsharm. <strong>The</strong>throatcan and dues adapt itseff to "<br />

. reader umicrstamls [ am ont.giving lessons in due .to some abnormal condition or .to .some improper breathing, lint dry air. or air not of ti_e changes td temperature jqst as the face and<br />

voice culture f am trealing il from"the stand- _zrowtb:_n the nose, I am asked so many times the proper temperature, or too forced in_piratit!ri,. Itands_ Another dangerous thing is the drinking<br />

- point of anatomy and physiology.) No one need what is _ood for the catarrh of the head or throat• the suddeq drawing into the lungs a large umot)nt of water, .especially colt[ waterl just after preachexpect<br />

to take care of his voice as he shoukl until To the doctor this term does not mean anything, " of alr. Lwill produc$ a dry mucous memhrane aml ing attd eating a heavy meal before the system has<br />

he trains' Ifimself to breathe through lds nose or may mean a number of tb rigs <strong>The</strong>re are sooner or inter cause a cllronicinflammation of the a cbance to return to normal. Tlds kept up will<br />

wizen speaking as well a_ when not. Nature has _ometJmes _rowths i_ the nose, such as polypus, vocal organs. So we'find that most public speak- ziw" cmr friends a chance topass by us and say<br />

caused hMr to _row in the nose Ior the purpo__e of which produce a condition which is called catarrh• ors sooner or later develop what is cared '*clergy- "Alas, my brother."<br />

catching all (lust anti Iorelun partieleswhlcb may <strong>The</strong>n thdre may be ti thickenin_ of the mucous man's sore throat_" In this case there is found<br />

b0 breathed in With the air. <strong>The</strong>re are also alands mvmhmnes or enlamed conditions o['some hones, _ mostly in the pharynx little noflules, which are RE_I)/AI_$ r<br />

the other organs which secrete moisture tcr _4ve troul?le which, is called catarrh. Also, there may more with open-air, speakers than any others. _ |IF worid'believes in revivals. We need<br />

, to the,air tile right humidity before it is taken have heen tlmes.in our life when we had a blow Nothing much can be done for this. r£be best L not " spend dme in trying to' coh_,lnce ' our<br />

located over the in.the vocal mucous cords am[ membranes into 4he of bronchial the n,,se_ulws and" _ucb on tile as nose. tile turbJnaled as when abooe_. eh[id, <strong>The</strong>se that we alsonever produce re- I enlarged [hiflg is lymphoid to let some tissuethroat This specialist condition cauterize is found hearersBytha_t flt:a_tt,t upheavals _M. Lt/_L_t,'as of tilought, new in.<br />

and the lungs, Besides. in passblg through- the m_'mbered. TIds produced a deviation of the _ep- these nodules <strong>The</strong> habit of taking w_ter widie, terest ill finance, and a revo[utlonizing of ideals is<br />

_nose and otiwr cavities the air is raised or blwered turn. This also will produce trouble which-may speaking or soon after wliI certaiMy in time pro- an uncommon tMng, .<br />

to a temperature which'will .not produce such be railed catarrh. A nose. speciaflst can'remedy dace a bad effect. - Educational circles have at different periods<br />

marked effects upon the delicate tissues'of th_t* this by removing the growth or thickened mucous Now to a very important part. Leave off all experienced .tremendous earthqttakes. New ideas,<br />

larynx. Air breathed, th'at has dust and otber membrane, or eniasRed bone, or strai_htenlng the patent remedies and proprietary preporation._ o[ z_entaiity tests,'or the development of se.Jentlfic<br />

foreign matter in it. as well as but dry air, will sept,re. Tl_ese abnormal conditions produce oh. _which can be bought at the drug stores. If some- laws ulmost to an astotinding degree as:e brqught<br />

certainly produce marked'effects upon the vocal stroctions and bad breathing wifici_ affects the " } thing must be taken be sure it is pp2seribed hy to light. Frequently such revivals occur following<br />

cords, Any individual who .will exerci_ a littie voice and hinders making the best tones. <strong>The</strong>n someone who ttndgrstands tile need. Most of the excavatipg of some King Tot, or _tili more<br />

will power can kmrn to breathe protmrly at ufl there may be an.over-growth bI lympho d tissue these preparMions have in them menthol or sire- illnmiuatlng, a skeleton of a prehistoric animal<br />

times Tids is so important for many other tea- in the posterior part of tile nose, commonly called liar.drug or drugs which ]l_s _ marked'effect upon whose vertebra resemhles slightly another _uch<br />

sons as Well as Ior the above, adenoids, which affects the voice. This condition the niueaus membrane_, and will give quick relief skeleton on exhibitinn in Lo_donf--which all<br />

As tittle as we may think, the proper dieting is found more in childhood th_n in adult, hut may and the individual feels he bas been benefited, but proves to all clear thinking_ unprejudiced minds<br />

and elimination has a great deal to do with Ihe hinder the proper development ol this part, or in most cases if taken very often will leave bad "tidal man is a direct descendant or ascendant from<br />

ease Of the _,oiee, No preacher need expect [he prdduee a condition that may he.called catarrh in results. For hoarseness.due td over.used muscles monkeydom,<br />

'voice to keep its proper qnality_ and stand up Igter years. <strong>The</strong>_e adenoids can be removed by and cords, I know ol nothing better thast a thor- Revivals of te]iglion are most common. ,New<br />

under the•strain.that it is subject to whose body the speciaflst. I have meat|nard some of the ongh massage of the muscles of the throat andthe thought .old thou'g _t and no thought at all is<br />

is surcharged with the poisons due to the lack oi common thJn_s wffieh can be helped or remedied entire body. For hoarseness.due to inflamed popular in promoting revivals among.persons of<br />

right kind of foods, over eating and the Iaek nl .by tile specialist. <strong>The</strong>se things certainly have throat, makes no dlfferencewhat this inflammation religious temperament, whether natural or culti-<br />

. .proper eliminations• That saying is true that their effect upon the voice and its care. <strong>The</strong> is due to, use'co_d applications externally° Take voted. Almost any religionist, no matter wbat his<br />

,"most people dig their ._raves with their teedl." structure of the moulh has something to do with a towel or some cloth Place in it small pieces o[ creed or interpt'etatinn can promote a religions<br />

Most of the preachers with whom I am associated the quaflty, but the mouth, tongue, lips and teeth ice, apply to the throat, tbezi fasten a dry cloth revival, and i[ tactful and much given to adveryield<br />

too easily to their appetites and earnest so- " have more to do with enunciation. Just here, let around;that and let them remain for some tlme_ tising, can L,e assured ol some follnwlng with a<br />

llcltndes of the good housewives where tbey stay. me _ay, training can produce some of its marked _say from ten to twenty minutes. It you have no likelihood ot that following becoming sufficient to<br />

I confess, it is Imrd to resist -both at':the same results, ice,.nse a cloth wliich has been in cold water and grant some recognition and remuneration.<br />

time. Look well to the organs of effmination. <strong>The</strong> Voca_ cords,_lik_ other organs of the body, .apply in thd same manner. Take also some small Every period oI _burc[_ history has been In-<br />

See that they perform their function well.• ,<strong>The</strong> can stand a'great deal of abuse. No one would pieces of ice, do not swallow,but let them pass miiiar with cbureh, revivals, Most religious of<br />

sweat glands oI the body are also. organs oI eflm- expect to hbld Out to do a d_ty's work if he should back in throat as far as possible without'_walIow- ganizations have had their birth in a ,revival of

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