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etern:d life. For Gdd s_) loved Ihe world Lhat [t it alway_ sin that i)archL_ the spirit and Once. we were _1#! _.'dking for Exercise and acro_ the filmr, and the d.or bell ringing by<br />

I{e gave His only begotten Son that whosoever dries up the founlains of joy. lint 'Jesus can mtq ii man in tile toad and began to, talk with frequent callers• If there is no sludy hi the<br />

believeth in Him shnuht not perish, hut have sa #sy bocatt_e Ile can forgive si_ unit _nctify him a_out Iris, spiritual state and his need of churcil nr parsonage, an office should be rented,<br />

everlastinz llfe." "lie that believeth not is con-' and fill the cleansed heart with ]Iis own abiding Christ. ft'e told me aliout lds Iotwg[ng/or -_a]- if finances will permit. A preacher needs privacy<br />

demned already, heeause he hath not believed presence aml peace, vaIion and his difficulty. Left an orphan in fur quict hours of study and'prayer, and should<br />

in the name of the ouly he_otten Son "of God." [I[. He said to.her: "'/'tie bout COmElh and early life he was brought Ulfby an uncle wi o was not be interru)ted by callers By all means the •<br />

(John a:I4.1g)., lmw is'wilenthe tiuc wbrshipers shall worship a Unitarian and did not believe in tile Deity of preacher should have a privale place for study,<br />

Wbat a sermon, t• We must all.be born again lhe Father in _pirit _J_d.trulh : for the. Father Christ. and wi_en he tried [o st,ek Him f_r s,al- medit_llinn'.a_d prayer.<br />

to _e the kingdom of God. _. It is a splritual seckt'th sudt to wordtill Hint." "God is a Spirit: vatlo, n lhe old doubts came up. We _ave him a This h_-imzs us the thought, WttAT a'O SIUn¥.<br />

mystery. 3. It comes hy faitb in a crucified and they that ivorshipHIm must Worship Him [ messazE on .join! ,/:x7 (R. V.), "If any man ln.dle first place, we should study our BibleTbe<br />

Savior. a. It was brought to us by the love ot . in spirit 'and in truth." willeth to d6his will_ he shall know of' the Bible should have first IdaC_ In the preacher's ]i-<br />

God. 5_ It is provhted for ,all mankind o. This was one of the profoundrst truths Jesus teaching." Hc krbit right lhete in the road aml brary, It is very alarming how little oLtbe Bible<br />

<strong>The</strong> oJ_e who doe_ not believe in this crucified e_,rr.httered and He r6adeit to one _in/ul _z,omatt. ., gave his heart, to God and joined tire church some preachers know. "In these last and awhd<br />

.Savior is h}_t foreverl Anti such a sermon was It [aueht her. :rod nil of us that God is not a ttle next Sunday with his wife and two sons.<br />

preadted ts an atidience of noel But it is the tribal orlocal Deity, - and that true worship is not. We made arrangements wRh a talbot-that his be daysBible we heed preachers more without Bfide preachers. diligent study We'cannot of its<br />

mast wi_lely known passa_e in all the Bible and e_nfined, to I_lace or to any form of [_riestly . grown up son should ride to church with me. HE #acted truths, Tbe Bible sbbutd be studied sysit<br />

has oeen the tloorway, to hearer for hundreds ceremony or liturgy. _ich limited _mtio_s are was converted tlurinrt the i'ide and i_eeam_ a<br />

of ndllim_s ol souls, to be .dispisced hy lhe sublime thouzht of an minister df the gospel, tdmaticallv, analytically, and by subjects. It looks<br />

In the very next.chapter of' John we have, the Omnipresent F,atlwr. who can he worshiped any- One o[ the most e_'fecltve preachers aml pus- very embarrassing to a prEaCher and his congregazrcat<br />

sermon of Jesus [_reached to one fallen wi_ere. 4_y any .sinful soul. who desires to find tots Melhodism ever produced, in his nld a_e ? tion to turn Iront page to page in his Bible, durwoman<br />

at Jacob's well, She was argumentative, salvation and God. What an'appeal it made to wrote a book on _oul-_vlnning. In it be said: intt his sermon, fo _eareh of scripture to prove his<br />

pert, quick-witted, full of race.pride and--lull. !hat sinful woman to be Bdd that tbe infinite "If I had to wi!_ a thousand more souls to in- points. He should form the habit of memorlzinz<br />

o/ sin _,_hat an opportuoiiy she gave the beavenly Father was willing to receive and was sure my own salvation. I wouhl, umlertake, to preacher,his _ripture, and tbus he will ben more effective<br />

Saviour.to try the gospel lie cam0 to brin_ to the even se'eki_ig the worship of her poor heart, wm hem by deal _g w 1 i_ 1v duals. What we -<br />

" IV. I{e dec/_red witb nrcater plainness of need is thousands of evangelists in boule," wbo Not only should a preaeber study the Bible<br />

w_rld, on a lost soul. _l>ceci_.than he had'e_)Er uscd be,tore t t) tins ' lone .can preach wayside sermons,<br />

sy_tEm'atically-aml memorize it correctly, but he<br />

No doubt file purposely sent all l]l.° disciples woman that lie himsel[ was "'<strong>The</strong> Mtsthlh, the<br />

should s'ttu*_z o'¢H/:R tmol_s. Books should be<br />

away to the market, He wanted to be alqne ,_ai,ior o! th_ worhl." bought even at a sacrifice of other thi_qgs," Books<br />

with Ih2d nt'edy person that He mieht the more She opeued hcf henri at once to accept the THE IMPORTANCE OF SYSTEMATIC are. not a lnxury to- the preacher, but' a vital<br />

sucres-fully reach her. heart Had there been a STUDY h_cefsity, Books to the preacher are as neces-<br />

• _ third Ilersou pr_,'_cnt sbe wouk] have hedged and Irtllh get her and_-atcr-p_t reccived aml Jesut. ran For to "tile verytown joy and _he told_ for-<br />

ByW. B. WA_.Z, _ary as food and clotldnm<br />

played.a ilart and concEalEd the spir/tual long- her neighbors and all site met Ita_ she had " "Study to shew tilyselj approved m_to God, a <strong>The</strong>.very bestbooks should be purcha_d./tironing<br />

of her foul. Such a course will be taken by .f¢_uudChrist. She was a live and effective his- woikman the. needeth hal to be 'ashamed, rightly ey, time, and energy should not be wasted in readevery<br />

wi_e ChriMian worker: he will x_,'antevery _ivlding the wordo/ trulh" (2 Tim. 2:15), ins useless books. Only a look at a preacber_s<br />

temptalion to concealment rcmovEd-and wil| sionary the fit_t hour of her salvationl<br />

refuse to he turned aside from the main i-_sue -"1 heard the voice o/ Je._us ,say, study in the life of the prEacher.'If, it Is acres- have more to do with mould/as the preacher than<br />

IWANT to call your altEfition to systematic library will tell the kind of preacher he is, Books<br />

by alkv debate nr frivohms atid.ineouse_uential lh,hold, I /rtely g_ve . sary for public sEhool teaEhers to spend any uther'force, except God. <strong>The</strong> preacbe_r does<br />

remarks, <strong>The</strong> living water,.thir_ly one, money ft_r books, and attend state Nnrmals, it is, ._nnt always know' what books contain the m-<br />

Jesus look the occas_m_ and fbe water "o! .Stoop down and drink attd !iw'." " formation that he needs. Often we are compelled<br />

Jacob's well for a theme and taught her, equally as important for preachers of the gospel _o .<br />

1. '/hat ;']_t_e_yone. that drlnheih o] Ills water "1 game to Jesus. had I drank 2. spend money analI time for a better preparaIiov to wade through many muddy waters to reach the<br />

shall thirst again." No _('drldh,' good, no earthly O/ that life-giving str#a_t_; for efficiency, bubbling fountain of needed information. Hence,<br />

lllea_t_re, nothing of lime and sense can perma- ' MY thirst was ¢]uenched, my _oul revived, If we are to study systematically, there must be one great difficulty is in purchasing the right<br />

neatly _tisfy. Not merely the body but the soul And now I live in litre" t_avr_ry as ro_tovss ro_ sTnn_. <strong>The</strong> morn- books.. If wc preachers .only had someone to<br />

must have an abiding _tisfaction ihat can come --HouArtos Bor_^_ ins hours ate witlmut doubt the_besf'fime lot SelECtfor us file books that we need, it would<br />

alone from God. deep study and meditation. During these hours -.,ave us mucb unnecessary reading and money.<br />

I1/ lie taught her, "Wl, a,m.ver drinketlt o/ the We have a suspicion that. this is a [t_son the the mind is fresh, in a rested cotlditlon, and mote One great mau -,:aid, "tie that Ioveth books is<br />

water that I _hall give him shall never tldrst ; ministers of our day most need.to learn, namely_ . active, and can mote e_sily understand and re- never without a friend." Good books are friends,<br />

but the water that I sl_all,give him s_all bEcOme how to lirEach these waystde sermons, member things read. <strong>The</strong> great.,preacbors of <strong>The</strong>y talk to us when earthly friends cannot.<br />

in him a well o/ water springing up Unto' EtErnal We have always endeavored, wi_en it was pus- history bare been men that devoted tbe_ early '/'hEy talk to us during the stillness of the night•<br />

life. Ill other words, Jesus can give a _:estless _ble, to have a t'bnversation with a person alone, ' bours of tho day to diligent study, and prayer. If a preacher is a treat reader, he will never run<br />

hungry hehrt an inner experience whiEh, like and we have won a multitude of souls in that <strong>The</strong>n again,, if we are in study systematically, out of sermon material. Sermons will bo longing<br />

an_rtesian ,well, ever renews itsel[_ becau_ [or- way. Looking bhck"over a ministry of more we must have a p_cz _o srutnt. A place to stutly [nr a time to be ddivered, <strong>The</strong> preacher that<br />

ever supph_d from the I[_eart of God--the in- _han n half ccmury wc ":_reconvinced that it is is as necessary as a time to study. No preaEher reads wide|y,, meditates prayerfully, and obfinite<br />

fountain of all anna: a .most fruitful form 'of evangEllsm, c_n study as he ought when children are ._unning serves carefully will wonder wi_en he will have<br />

....... " ' " lil I

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