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5-6 - The Wesley Center Online

5-6 - The Wesley Center Online


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4,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bible is tile Bunk oi all bodks Its poetry for pulpit preparation' but f am saying that it is laid down Hear Joshua talk about Moses. Re- about by every wind of doctrine and by the cunts<br />

,be mo_t sublime, and its eloquence i_ the n.- supldementary to it. member the word which Moses the servant of the ningness and craftiness of men.<br />

ble_t that ever fell from human lips or swayed 3. Smallness o] caliber. Littte one track men. Lord commanded you." Again, "ye shall return It. WHY SUCH WEARNES'SES PRI_V^IL.<br />

human heart. No history of earth is so important men that are jealous of the success of others. '! unto the laud of possessions, which.Moses the<br />

.as the Bible story of-God's dealings wRb a sinful Small. _elfish men who ne{_er rio. mucb oL a_ly- Lord's servant _ave you." What did the people I .believe, there is. just one fundamental all ab-<br />

world. No arguments are so unanswerable, no thine themselves.but are always looking for some: say? <strong>The</strong>y said. Joshua, we will go anywhere sorbmg rude of reason, tributary andreasons this reason and that answers is ,be a multi-<br />

Holy<br />

precepts ;ire SOimportant, no promises are so on- one lo make a nest for them. Little. suspicious you _ay and will be as loyal to you as w¢ were to<br />

couragbm, no [hreatenings are so terrible, ha men who feel they are always being discriminated Mug's. Now suppose Joshua had senl in hls.re- Gbost has been grieved• I do not say tbat He bus<br />

prophecies are so far-reacbing aml so true• And. against; mistreated, anti never given a chance. . port to tbe Herald ol "Holiness of tbe awful con- left us. but 1 believe His work has been s[owed<br />

difion he found when he took up the Israelite up Holy•Ghost men do not.preach merely [or a<br />

the preacher.has the key that unlocks them all Little calliper men Lhat have but one pattern or • church, how things were run down, that idolatry lob or [)rofession but heeao_ o[' • burl_ing passion<br />

and the commissinn to declarb tbem all to a dying mold and every member of ,be church must'bear was among tile people, collections poor, etc. But that finds rest in nc other occupation. Holy<br />

world. And these Anytexts an_e) of mi_bt Scripture, covet, dlsregardfd tlds opportunity, by so their personal stomp or be anatIiema. " " "by Ids master hand. after six'weeks collections Ghost men rio not dry up the fountain of p,r_onM<br />

many, are the 'jewelled caskets ,bat contain them 4. Thost struck with femtnlnetis. Menwhoare " - _i:ere coming, crowds increasing,.Spirit was again testimony but+by frequent and spontaneous testiall.<br />

careless in their association with women working and that he _xpected the best year of his mot)y tell of the miahty works of God. Itoly<br />

5. Too much driving power Going toforce life• What wouhI his church have thought? Ghost men are nor'little men. <strong>The</strong>'Holy Ghost is<br />

ii -- tbings shrough or break it up. We often make a What woubl his old parishioners havesaid? <strong>The</strong>re too great to'tabernacle in a little man. WIlen }to<br />

MINISTERIAL W E A K N E S S E S AND _reat deal over our courage anti holy boldness is little _ained by one man's trying to build his comt_ He makes men big, magnanimous.',_onsid.<br />

• , fame on what he thinks is some other man's mis- crate, cbarital?lc. Holy Ghost men are not hano-<br />


,ruination. when " it may or worse be nothing yet, carnal, more than stubbornness. human deter- rakes. Tben too_ after the new man has been on ing around and makin_ auto trips with: other<br />

the j6b as long as his predece_or and has done a_ men's wives, ilirtlng with old maids, or havin_<br />

! I. Tin: Wx_x_;£sszs. 6. Want oJ Intercession I fear as a group of much. it will be ample time for him to plume his private council with young widows Holy Ghost<br />

I. Pro]esswnali._m We can preach better, men that we do not bear the marks of soul bur- win_s for flight _md tune up his crowing appa- men are not drivers, hut are lefiders, they deliver<br />

' scripturally than once we could, huf is our motive ministry of God Give me souls or I die has ever- • another's expense is poor business. Politicians trust G!M to work out in His ov(n time an w v<br />

more homiletisally, more logically, find even more den aod compassion, that should characterize the ratus. This matter of trying to become famous at their soul _and do nnt try to lores the*issue hut<br />

• as singular to glorify GOd a_sin other days? Do " characterized great lovers of men and _Ucceksful _m'y do it and zet away with it. Ham_in tried it Hi_ program: Holy Ghost men. live in an atmos*<br />

we.not look well to the si_ of the congregation, soul winners. But where is the Jeremlah that Is lo .his own sorrow, belt God is persuaded better phere of prayer and intercession. Tbey get dfings<br />

the amount of remuneration, before we decide Willing for God to reduce his life to tears that tbings of us. _ frt:sh tlim as from a [riemL tbe hand I{oly of Gbost GOd, and men commune arc never with supwbich<br />

almost field invariably of labor feel'led shall of bethe ours. Lord andtodogowe where not men,mightbe u_ that will incorpo'rate saved? Where the prayer is the of man Pafil amon_ iuto _en o .7"oo p/eaters, tanw,'tedious,'lire_.le, job seekers. Man .Iearers. time Nothing errors, p'.anters for tbemselves or for others, tbey i love<br />

' ! the cungregatioE is the largest and where pros- his a curse own fifewhen [or his he brethren challenged and God kinsman's' to makesake? him can be more paralyzing Lhanthis. Wlien one be- .brother their bro0_er minister as tbemst,lves as tbey wouhlbe and always treated. treat Holy their<br />

. pects are tile mnst lucrative ? Now I am not tg- Where are the Nashes, Knoxes, Baxtets, , and mo_ comes messagesuch of God a minister that man andbecomes feats toa speak molly out coddle, the t;host men are not ihterested in blowing their own .<br />

norant of tbe fact that you are thinking that su(h modern Mr. Buunds'that will step into the breach horn or havinra' committee appointed to do it<br />

a field offers the best opporluoity. Maybe so. no ent ty a pussyfooter a too of tha Dcv and •<br />

But wbat is tim motive that casts tile ballot of and turn lhe tide from Worldliness to righteous- the sooner he ceases"to cumber the grouml' m" ooa_ '": fur them, they obey.'God, and trust Him for prohess<br />

in our ranks today? Until we _ find sucb motions. IIoly Ghost men are not dry, tedious<br />

deci._ion? Is it the voice of God saying tbis is the a man or determine to be such a one let us not and Rives-way to men•who fear nothinr but God<br />

- • pulpiteer_; what they say:is fresh anti not th[ead.<br />

t! way, better watk job? ye in it. or is it the business sense of a retreat and leave the bettlefield to the enemy, and the cause hate notbing of God and but His sm Church. so nmeh _l_e better Ior " bare, time.wor_ and shop-dusty. Holy Ghost<br />

',<br />

, 7. Too mush o I the lacobs_irit. Not that<br />

men,haw a creed, a doctrine, a message of "thus<br />

2, Want of Personal Teslimot_y. We have an 10. Shortness on biblical, doctrinal preaching, saish tile Lord'."<br />

,'i abundance of talk, preaching, eX!_ortation,exegesis, Jacob spirit that prayed all hight for the blessing, Wh!le the world is waxing worse and worse anti<br />

such. as it is, and,.sometimes, . we'groW. . eloquent.and, ingh'Ut totherootJaC°boutthatsomeSUpplanted'other<br />

roanthe'spirt'from his pastorateOt want* when preachers arc propagating doubts .that wohld Ill. TtE REMF.DY. ._'OO. CAN EASILyANTICIPATE<br />

' reg,ster our wsmns ana dreams nut ther£ _ a_. _r_,_. .... , . . put Payne and-lngersoll to shame, and when 'i'ltE REMEDY. ,<br />

- . . . • ....... "mr.position toe sprat taut savors m poucy ano<br />

• _ lack of pos_ttve persona testtmon¥ of what God. Sunday night services are being giveh over •to <strong>The</strong> remedy is.back to GOd_back to' Pentecost<br />

! has done and is now<br />

-<br />

doing for our_lves. Paul politics<br />

friends to<br />

to<br />

have<br />

get<br />

at<br />

what<br />

the sacrifice<br />

you want<br />

of a<br />

or<br />

brother<br />

want your_<br />

rainbook<br />

reviews<br />

'<br />

instead of to the gospel, it is no back to personal t_timony, back to posltive<br />

_ said he was called to be a minister and a witness; _ time to tame down anti generalize the gospeL' It preaching, back to holy [ivJllg, back to brotherly<br />

i not merely a prescriber of wbat the gospel could ister. <strong>The</strong> spirit that has a few speak-easy bench- ts ours to ring the dmnges on such cardinal doc- love and kindness, back to 'fellowship with all tbe<br />

do hut a witness of what/the gospel had.done for men to drop.a word of'the possible avaflahillty of l - ,does of the Bible as the creation of man, tin, _aints, hack to prayer and intercession, hack to<br />

you to the place that.another rightfully holds, incarnation, redemption, resurrection, repentgnce, holy reeklemhess, back to consistent living, back<br />

himself. Happy is the preacher that isn't too<br />

' dignified when he gets in she brush to call to llfe Th_ spirit of a scavenger that goes about dabbling _ salvation, sanctification, judgment, second coming, to willing service and sacrifice, back to expressed<br />

some hit of personal experience to save the day. in cesspools to find an argument to further, his healing, hell_ eternity, heaven, To fail here means confidence in our fellow ministers, back to de-<br />

Paul carried ,be day in many a hard'fought bat- owfi kingdom. Lobreed about us followers who are weak in the termination anti desperation, bacl_ to the baptism<br />

tle by relating the Damascus episode. [ am not 8. Sol] Inflation. Joshua was the.successor'of . faith, sballow ih experience, stippled in Scriptural with the Holy Ghost and fire. This will cure "us<br />

.aying that a personal testimony is a substitute Moses, that is, be t6ok she pastorate that Mo._s hope and will result tn otlr members being tossed, ol our prof_'ssionalism. This will give us ames-

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