CMG-DCM / AM - Güralp Systems Limited

CMG-DCM / AM - Güralp Systems Limited

CMG-DCM / AM - Güralp Systems Limited


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<strong>CMG</strong>-<strong>DCM</strong> Data Communications Module<br />

change the password as soon as you can with the command<br />

passwd<br />

3. Connect the <strong>DCM</strong>'s NETWORK port to your network, and power<br />

cycle it. Log in again.<br />

4. If your network does not use DHCP, type<br />

gcfgdbset net.eth.0 static<br />

to make the <strong>DCM</strong> use a static IP address instead, and set the<br />

address with<br />

gcfgdbset net.eth.0.netmask<br />

gcfgdbset net.eth.0.address your-address<br />

Here, your-address should be replaced with the IP address<br />

you want the <strong>DCM</strong> to use. The IP address you choose must be<br />

unique on your network.<br />

If you are connecting the <strong>DCM</strong> to a machine on the same<br />

network, you do not need to configure any more options at this<br />

stage.<br />

If your network uses DHCP, you will not need to perform this<br />

step. Instead, ensure the <strong>DCM</strong> is also using DHCP with<br />

gcfgdbset net.eth.0 dhcp/bootp<br />

5. Issue the command ifconfig<br />

The <strong>DCM</strong> will reply with technical information on its current<br />

network setup. Each interface is listed separately. The<br />

NETWORK port uses the interface eth0:<br />

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:20:C0:FF:E2<br />

inet addr: Bcast:<br />

Mask:<br />


MTU:1500 Metric:1<br />

RX packets:88045 errors:36 dropped:0 overruns:36<br />

frame:0<br />

TX packets:16308 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0<br />

carrier:0<br />

collisions:149 txqueuelen:100<br />

RX bytes:12358214 (11.7 MiB) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)<br />

Interrupt:76<br />

If the interface is correctly set up, its IP address will be shown<br />

after inet addr: (here,<br />

16 Issue F

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