Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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C.S.I. New York <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

idea. They show the image, and she smirks, ”in trouble with his wife?” they inform her he’s dead,<br />

and she’s freaked. Saying he was a good guy. They show Bowers and she asks if he was dead and<br />

she said she was with him. And they were together. Then she asks if this is in confidence, as his<br />

wife knows her mother. Danny and Lindsay both have looks on their faces. Hawkes is dangling<br />

the key and looking around the park, where it seems his vic was headed. He sees a shack that<br />

says Closed for the season. On it is a new lock and it’s in green paint with smudges, the paint<br />

on his vic’s hand wad green. Meanwhile Stella is at the restaurant. The waitress remembers him<br />

and says he was nice though he was with some loud trust fund jerks. Stella asks if he had any<br />

seafood, and the girl claims no one gets sick eating here. She checks out the computer to see<br />

what it was. Apparently he said he was allergic when he ordered, yet both the other guys ordered<br />

lobster bisque. There was also a girl with them. When the vic went to the bathroom, the girl got<br />

into a row with the jerks, and she left, he came back, but then quickly left too, and the other<br />

two jerks followed him. Back with Hawkes, Hawkes is checking out the cabin. He finds clothes,<br />

and a sleeping bag, as well as yearbooks. He checks inside the yearbook and finds a name, Alex<br />

Weston. He looks and finds the two guys the interviewed. He also sees a picture of the girl there<br />

too. Stella is walking with Alex Weston and asking him questions about the yearbook. He has<br />

no idea why Wesley Harding would have his yearbook. He says he’s never heard of him. They<br />

show him a picture and he claims that’s not a Wesley, that’s his friend from childhood, Richard<br />

Collins. He says that things were looking up for him recently. Apparently his parents couldn’t<br />

afford Bishop Cochran (the school Weston and the other three went to) but Alex Weston did, since<br />

he was looked on as a ”charity case” from the school. He asks about Nigel and the others. And<br />

he says Richard asked for stories from them and he mimicked them exactly. He claimed Richard<br />

wanted to be an actor but that things were tough for him a while. Stella notes he did well, and<br />

Weston claims yeah because he learned how to be like them. He asks if Richard has a girlfriend,<br />

who was the girl at the party earlier. Stella is with Abby, and she tells them about the lipstick.<br />

Stella asks if they’ve been together for a while, and Abby says, ”not together, together.” And Stella<br />

reminds her of what she said the other day. she claims the guys knew who he really was and<br />

wanted to play a joke on them. She says she didn’t want to choose between the guys she grew up<br />

with and her... and Stella reminds her that she did choose, and now her BOYFRIEND was dead.<br />

Lindsay is walking down a Lab hall with Danny. Dobson cleared for GSR and his wife is backing<br />

him up. They are checking the tape again; Danny is reiterating what we were thinking earlier.<br />

They see the mystery guy coming in, and how he is leaving. Danny notes he switches arms as<br />

the woman passes, she notices there is something in his sleeve. She checks it out. and it looks<br />

like a steering wheel lock. When entering the building, he didn’t care if anyone saw. But he didn’t<br />

want them to notice him carrying it out. it has to be the murder weapon. Stella and Hawkes are<br />

walking in the park, we find the jerky boys from before, and they are ”rock climbing.” Stella gets<br />

a call but she didn’t pick up and Hawkes notices. They question the guys. And they notice the<br />

knot on his belt. They bring them in for questioning. Each one is questioning the other, Hawkes<br />

with Nigel and Stella with Ben. She claims Nigel made a statement and was very articulate. He<br />

convinced them he didn’t have anything to do with the murder. Hawkes brings Stella Nigel’s<br />

statement. Ben stupidly asks if he can read it. Stella lets Hawkes leave. Ben informs her that<br />

Richard was a phony. He was saying he was angry about it, and that he wanted to fool them. So<br />

they put some lobster bisque in his food. Richard took a bite, and immediately he got sick. They<br />

followed him. He fell. He was dead. They tied him up and dumped him in the lake. Stella says<br />

how he’s done. Mac is shooting a gun made from a wheel lock. The GSR spread and the pellet<br />

spread matches. The killer made a gun out of a steering lock. Danny thinks he remembers the<br />

lock the want. They head to the parking attendants station and check out a steering lock there.<br />

Mac takes some apart and checks them out. he notices an extra key and a missing car. Mike,<br />

the attendant, has a car somewhere out of the lot. He takes his key and brings it over to his car.<br />

They open the car and inside is a steering lock. It smells like gunpowder. They cuff him to bring<br />

him in. Meanwhile at the lab, Mac is taking apart the lock and checking it out. Inside he finds<br />

a balloon of a bullet. He prints it and gets a print. He scans it, and it matches Mike Adams, the<br />

attendant. He claims innocence still. He says anyone could have put the gun there. Apparently<br />

Mike has done three years for assault in 99. And then Mac reminds Mike of Dobson humiliating<br />

Mike and then her being with Kinsey. Apparently it used to be policy the attendants could park<br />

in Kinsey’s lot, but one day Kinsey changed his mind. And after asking Melanie she said no. Then<br />

the go upstairs, and Melanie didn’t recognize him. They play out scenes of Mike setting up the<br />


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