Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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C.S.I. New York <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

them right. Stella works with items from the vault floor. The first one is a monkey charm. She<br />

compares it to the mark on the one victim’s hand. It fits perfectly. She next examines a clasp,<br />

with a partial print. Aiden and Mac are together. She finds some images, it looks like they are the<br />

same guy but the wardrobe is different. They all wore the same mask, which explains why the<br />

security guard didn’t know how many there were. It’s just an ordinary face; they were made for<br />

their faces, so it looks like their face. Aiden is lasering one of the masks so that the information<br />

goes onto a computer; she gets a digital image of it and searches a database. One of Hawkes<br />

printings comes up as Carlton Himes, who was in the system for grand larceny. The other didn’t<br />

have anything to go with, so for now, he is a John Doe. All the items from the boxes were insured<br />

for up to 10 grand. However the monkey seems to be from a charm bracelet that only valued<br />

up to 50 dollars. The print comes back as a Joanne Cho. She was the bank teller. So Flack and<br />

Stella question her. Joanne has a daughter, 11 months old, and she is not married. Stella shows<br />

her the charm bracelet. Joanne says she doesn’t know who the robber was, but he had that<br />

charm in his hand, though it had her print on it. After consulting with Mac, they figure out how<br />

the mother got involved with the robbers: they forced her to co-operate by threatening her baby’s<br />

life- the jade monkey bracelet was used as proof they had her. There is a phone number on the<br />

note. It turns out to be a payphone in Madison Square Garden. Flack is going to put a tap on<br />

the phone. Joanne is worried for her baby since they robbery went bust. Stella is going to take<br />

the note and the materials they left with it to the lab and tells her she will notify her as soon<br />

as she finds something. Danny tests guns and bullets to compare with those found at the crime<br />

scene. Flack and Danny question the security guard. The first shot struck his partner Tony. He<br />

saw someone moving in the smoke, so he shot at the person moving. He admits he was scared<br />

and fired without thinking about it. He asks about Joanna’s girl. Danny says he believes him,<br />

but there is the evidence. Mac is examining the ransom letter when Aiden comes in. there was<br />

a hit from the mask. Luther Wilett, a guy who attempted a bank robbery twice in a week. He<br />

just got out. They find and question him. He says he was working his boss can vouch for him,<br />

but his boss isn’t there. He is very flippant about the situation and the fact that the masks look<br />

like him. He claims it’s a tribute, since ”prison just ain’t about punishment. It’s about education.<br />

Go in there, guys start bragging about what got you in there. Then you’re teaching it. Then, one<br />

day, you got a flock of disciples.” He tells them they should try figuring out who his disciples<br />

were. A montage of Stella and Danny working show Stella is working on the baby’s clothes and<br />

Danny at the vault working on the gun shots. Trace on the clothes: diapers. She then puts some<br />

disposable diaper under the scope and compares. It’s very different. Mac is walking with Stella,<br />

telling her his findings about the note. The letters could only have come from three magazines:<br />

”Gotham”, ”The Hamptons” and ”Playbill”. The bad news is that there are over 20,000 subscribers<br />

in Manhattan. Stella offers to help with the Playbill, and so tells him her finding about the diaper<br />

material on the baby’s clothes not being diaper material but something else: fake snow. Mac and<br />

Stella are at a theater talking to a handyman. There is a hole in the door here too. They find the<br />

dead body on stage, complete with mask, and little bloody handprints. The baby was definitely<br />

here. Mac and Stella investigate this crime scene. Mac takes pictures while Stella takes evidence.<br />

She finds a long hair on the bank robber. And a card in his pocket, positive for cocaine. They<br />

find the missing letter x, with a partial zip code. Flack comes in with news, ”His name’s Kevin<br />

Moretti. He’s got a rap sheet longer than I am tall and he’s spent time in jail with our good friend<br />

Luther Willett.” Flack says his parole officer is looking for him, the address for him on file is a<br />

Laundromat in the Bronx, no connection this place. Hawkes and Mac. Gunshot wound to the<br />

neck. Might have been saved if he hadn’t run. There are no burns on him; there was residue on<br />

his lungs. Traces of mercury, glass fibers and lead in his trachea. But that is from ground zero,<br />

three years ago. Over time glass fibers absorb into the lungs, but they haven’t with him: so it<br />

was recent. Mac is checking the scrap of paper found on the third robbers pocket for what is on<br />

it. A symbol of a dragon is found. He heads over to Stella who says that Joanne Cho received a<br />

ransom note that was placed in the neighbor’s slot. It was written by hand. Stella is processing<br />

the handwriting. Same person who signed the letter to the leasing agent signed this ransom note.<br />

Gooey residue on the top shows it came from a notepad and that it wasn’t the first sheet. They<br />

attempt to raise the imprint from the page above it. It’s in a foreign language. Flack informs Stella<br />

that Joanne Cho wants to pay the ransom. It’s raining again, Stella heads to a yellow newspaper<br />

box and places an envelope inside, Flack in a car watching. She wipes her prints and joins him.<br />

After a lady hailing a cab a man in a hooded sweatshirt pauses by. Just as Flack tells the cops<br />


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