Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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C.S.I. New York <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Back at the lab, Jack Butler, Sara’s father, comes in to see her body. He talks to Lindsay and<br />

gives her a brief history about their relationship. Jack was upset when Sara wanted to leave and<br />

go to NYC. He forbid her to come home when she left. He’s clearly regretting his attitude and<br />

behavior now.<br />

Lindsay and Danny process Sara’s mermaid costume. Lindsay finds one a string with no<br />

sequins left on it, but it doesn’t make sense because there was only one sequin found on the bed.<br />

If they find the other sequins, they’ll know where Sara was murdered.<br />

We cut to a park, full of officers and taped off with police tape in grids. Lindsay, Danny, and<br />

Flack walk the park, marking locations of evidence. They find additional sequins, a hair clip, and<br />

evidence of a struggle near a tree.<br />

Back at the lab, Lindsay processes the hair clip and finds a piece of hair and a fingerprint.<br />

The print matches a James Vackner. He’s got a violent criminal history, and it seems to only be<br />

getting worse.<br />

Danny and Lindsay pay James Vackner a visit at his job. He’s stacking boxes of something<br />

fragile in a room below ground when they find him. He admits to touching the hair clip, but<br />

he says it was lying in the grass, but Lindsay and Danny believe he’s being less than honest<br />

because the hair clip didn’t just have a fingerprint, but a palm print. When James drops a box of<br />

the fragile contents, he kicks the box, causing dirt and tree bark to fall out of the sole of his boot.<br />

When James leaves, Lindsay collects the debris and puts it into an envelope to process later.<br />

Back at the lab, Danny and Lindsay process the debris they collected.<br />

Elsewhere, Stella tells Mac that she found GSr on Laura’s hands, but it was in an odd place,<br />

on the bottom of her hands, along her pinkie, not the normal place. Mac tells her to assemble a<br />

.32 and go to the firing range and see if she can come up with an explanation. Mac is then visited<br />

by a counsellor who’s angry about one of his clients being mistreated. He’s filing a complaint with<br />

the department because his client has been charged twice and is being charged a third time. This<br />

has nothing to do with the cases featured in tonight’s episode, by the way.<br />

At the firing range, Stella is about to fire a .32 to come up with an explanation for the odd<br />

place for the GSR. At first, she hesitates because of the memory of the last time she fired a gun.<br />

She gets up the nerve to fire the weapon in a normal hand position and does the same with the<br />

weapon held to the side. She’s unable to explain the GSR on Laura’s hands with her test firing<br />

and feels feels disappointed.<br />

Dr. Hawkes and Mac stop by the Jeffries’ apartment to see if they can find the weapon used to<br />

kill Mark Jeffries. They search the apartment and are unable to find the weapon. While searching<br />

the bedroom, Mac notices a folding chair is out of place, clearly not going along with the rest of<br />

the decor. He uses his UV light and finds semen on the carpet in front of it. He theorizes someone<br />

likes to watch while the threesome has sex.<br />

Back at the lab, Stella tells Mac about the GSR results and he agrees that she got the GSR<br />

from secondary transfer. She remembers that when Laura slapped Mac, she touched his shirt<br />

with the back of her hands. Stella tests Mac’s shirt and it comes back clean. This means she had<br />

to have gotten the GSR between being arrested and being tested.<br />

To test a theory, Mac and Stella test the squad car Laura was driven away in. It comes back<br />

positive for GSR. The previous occupant was a man arrested for a shooting. The GSR on his<br />

hands was transferred to the backseat, since he was handcuffed. When Laura got in, she sat in<br />

the same place, also handcuffed, and the GSR transferred to her hands. Mac then receives a call<br />

from Dr. Hawkes, who tells him the semen on the carpet in the bedroom is from a different male,<br />

making this a foursome.<br />

We join Stella and Mac interviewing Elle Jeffries in her apartment. She says it belongs to the<br />

”pinch hitter”. He’s only used when called upon and is allowed to masturbate if not called upon,<br />

which seems to be the case here. Elle confirms the identity of the pinch hitter, Kevin Davis.<br />

Dr. Hawkes and Mac pay Kevin Davis a visit at the bank he works for. They want to ask him<br />

some questions, but they’re not comfortable talking to him while he’s armed. Kevin wears a .9mm<br />

on his hip. They talk about the foursome he’s been a part of. He says he didn’t kill Mark. Elle<br />

apparently approached Kevin about having a relationship with him, and he didn’t exactly turn<br />

her down. The deal was no one was to know about their relationship, and Kevin agreed, thinking<br />

”why ruin a good thing?” Mac and Dr. Hawkes leave after giving him his gun back.<br />

Flack and Danny compare notes about the death of Sara. Danny found oil on James Vackner’s<br />

pants, matching the oil from the East River, placing him at the scene of the crime. Lindsay comes<br />


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