Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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C.S.I. New York <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

was real. She doesn’t know how she knew, she just did. Mac says he’ll need the message, and<br />

Liz says she has it. Charles realizes that whoever left that message, killed Jeremy. He tells Jo it’s<br />

just not fair. He was a good kid.<br />

Sid and Sheldon remove the body from the car on the count of three. His right hand was left<br />

behind, hanging onto the steering wheel. As Sid is working on the body, he finds a leprechaun<br />

tattoo.<br />

A young woman is wandering through CSI with a purposeful air. Mac is asking her name, but<br />

she sees Jo over his shoulder and calls out to her mom. Her name is Ellie, and she says this<br />

move to the Big Apple is not working. they need to leave. Mac looks at Jo and tells her to take all<br />

the time she needs. As she walks away with her arm around Ellie’s shoulders, she turns back<br />

and mouths ”Thank you” to Mac. They chat it out, and Ellie reluctantly agrees to give the stupid<br />

school another chance.<br />

Adam is working on the phone call Elizabeth Harris supplied, that led them to the rooftop.<br />

Adam has isolated the voice, and while the caller gives step-by-step instructions, Mac maps out<br />

the route. Why did he put so many hurdles in their way, if the point was to get them to the body?<br />

Sid shows Jo the tattoo from the vic. He ran it through missing persons and got a hit.<br />

Lindsay approaches Mac. The prints on the car belonged to Charles and Elizabeth Harris. She<br />

got a third, older print but it was inconclusive for results. Jo walks in with good news. Jeremy is<br />

not Jeremy. The body inside the car is not the Harris’ son. Danny says he is 19 year-old Craig<br />

Anderson of Boston. His parents reported him missing almost three weeks ago. What was he<br />

doing in New York? Sheldon says studying. He was a sophomore at NYU. Jeremy Harris attends<br />

the same school and is a sophomore as well. Jeremy is a poly-sci major, Craig is a film student.<br />

No overlap in classes. According to Mac, that doesn’t mean they didn’t know each other. There’s<br />

a connection between the two of them; find it.<br />

Sheldon says that by the process of elimination, the COD (cause of death) is looking more<br />

and more like poison. Tox screening brought up nothing on the usual suspects, which means<br />

it would be something rare and exotic. Poisoned and left to die? That means it’s personal. The<br />

killer wanted that body found by someone - but why the Harrises?<br />

Jo breaks the news to the parents. The body in that vehicle was not their son. Charles thinks<br />

they must have made a mistake. Jo gives them the victim’s name and asks if Jeremy knew him.<br />

Charles says that Jeremy was in college. His circle of friends was different every time they spoke.<br />

They’re wasting time. Liz begs to be taken to him, but Jo can’t help her. The team needs access<br />

to his email and voice mail records. Anything that could tie him to Craig could give them some<br />

direction in the case.<br />

Mrs. Anderson shows up early to talk to Don about Craig’s death. He suggests they take<br />

a walk. She shares that her husband, Mark, passes away when Craig was still in elementary<br />

school. It was just the two of them after that. She wasn’t a perfect mom, she tried her best. Don<br />

tells her she must have been pretty damn good, because Craig was at the top of his class. He<br />

loved learning, and basketball. He tells her that they’re going to find the guy that murdered her<br />

son. She snaps at Don, then apologizes. She doesn’t know the right way to act around people.<br />

Don tells her there is no ’right way to act’. Children aren’t supposed to die. She wants to see him.<br />

Don flashes on the body and tells her that with all due respect, that’s not a good idea. It’s not<br />

how she should remember him.<br />

When Don arrives back at work, a very anxious and upset Charles Harris is asking for him<br />

at the front desk. They got another call. He only heard it once, he can’t remember specifics. His<br />

wife is gone. If anything should happen to her ... Don tells him to take a breath, calm down. He<br />

recites as much as he can, and while he’s talking, Don is calling Mac.<br />

Don, Mac and Jo arrive at the building. They smell smoke. Jo finds it coming from the floor<br />

below. They call out for Elizabeth. She’s alive, coughing. Jo finds her. Don finds a fire extinguisher<br />

and does what he can to put out the flames. They clear out.<br />

Lindsay is taking pictures. The last voice mail plays while we see Elizabeth following instructions<br />

to douse the place in gasoline and set it on fire, including snakes. His next message will<br />

be the last one. Mac puts everything together and realizes the calls aren’t to help the Harrises<br />

find Jeremy. He’s making them destroy evidence. The basement is an unofficial sublet to a company<br />

called Eastwick Receivables. It’s counter-intuitive, Jo says; why would you get someone to<br />

dispose of the evidence, when you could easily do it yourself?<br />


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