Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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C.S.I. New York <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

to see if they can locate the gun. Lillian it worked at a restaurant and we see where she had the<br />

opportunity to collect a lot of business cards. Stella has put out a series of business on the table<br />

to narrow the list of suspects as to who may have raped her. Stella and Lindsay narrow down the<br />

list to eight men. They want to know why she would talk to someone she didn’t know for twenty<br />

years 30 minute that theory and that the field of business cards is then narrowed down to three<br />

that the ranging from an architect to an attorney now they have to put one of these three at the<br />

alley. Lindsay and Stella begin interviewing the three men. The first man doesn’t remember ever<br />

talking on the telephone. The calls became more of a sexual nature. Lillian would even say on<br />

the phone to the men what you want my name to be. Stella is interviewing Charles Cooper and<br />

wants to know how long the calls between her and Charles Cooper lasted they lasted between<br />

twenty and 40 minutes. She then asks to check his coat and she sees a leaf on it and seemed<br />

realizes she saw that when she first met Charles Cooper because he was trying to push the leaf<br />

off his coat Stella mentioned that leaves are like fingerprints. Charles Cooper finely admits he<br />

was in the tunnel with Lillian but that was only because she picked the tree told him that if he<br />

opened his eyes she would leave. Stella wandered how Charles smacked her against the tunnel<br />

to cause a blow to the head. He says when he left the tunnel Lillian was still alive. Stella tells<br />

Charles to lawyer up. (Get an attorney). Lindsay goes to the restaurant where Lillian worked to<br />

get a peek inside it. When Danny and Lindsay talk about Lillian case Lindsay asks if it is Danny<br />

has ever gotten a phone call that turned him on it has happened to him but doesn’t go into<br />

any more detail. Is it Denny is somewhat shocked by the question from one thing. Denny tells<br />

Lindsay that Lillian was in control of the situation and that the phone sex does not fit the profile<br />

of the rapist she finds it difficult to believe that that the three men they believe raped Lillian<br />

and possibly didn’t do it. Denny gets a hit off the computer and it turns out that the card is<br />

a Mercedes-Benz registered to a woman they discover that the doubts on the headline are part<br />

of something called data top technology which means that because cars were stolen soften the<br />

deflate and have a certain numbers that on them so cars wouldn’t be stolen so often. Mac tells<br />

everybody in the room he’s going to catch this suspect at his brownstone apartment in New York<br />

When the doctor sees Detective Flack and Mac trying to catch him but Detective Flack is too<br />

quick for him. Mack places him under arrest. Lindsay tells Stella that Adam was able to finish<br />

identify all of the profiles but much to they’re discouragement they can’t charge Charles Cooper<br />

with the rape of Lillian Stanwyck because he’s sample was more degraded than all the others.<br />

His profile indicates he was the first one to have sex with Lillian. Stella sets the folder down and<br />

finds who raped Lillian is someone they’ve been trying to connect for quite some time. D. J. Partt<br />

didn’t show up for work all day. He had watched Lillian and Charles at her apartment raped her<br />

and put her in the alley. We flashback to Aiden Burn telling Stella that Regina Moore was raped<br />

by the same guy but at the time they couldn’t charge DJ with the rape Regina. At the apartment<br />

Stella blames herself because she didn’t put it all together. Lindsay tells Stella that it wasn’t her<br />

fault that she didn’t know that DJ Pratt was back. Mac interviews doctor Beaumont who was<br />

angry that his wife who wasn’t at the top of the transplant list he was angry that he had to wait.<br />

He tells Mac that he is a transplant surgeon and felt it was right for his wife to get the donor liver<br />

rather than enough rise who had been waiting for the liver for at least a year to have. Mac gets<br />

angry because the doctor decides to play god and determines who gets the tufts plants and who<br />

doesn’t. Mac tells the doctor that that he destroyed something so precious. The doctor however<br />

feels that the end rights that destroyed thing that if it affects this is old body because he was<br />

an alcoholic. Mac feels that the doctor destroyed something he had a lot of time however Mac<br />

in 2001 did not have a lot of time his wife died that as the towers were destroyed on 9/11 she<br />

died in the towers. In the last scene of this episode Stella of tells Mac that the DNA matched the<br />

suspect Mac wonders if we finally caught D.J. Pratt fact that stuff, unfortunately Stella tells Mac<br />

that they didn’t catch the suspect this time. He) says that that is not good enough and that from<br />

its one of his former detectives at that he wanted to catch the suspect. Mac wanted to catch the<br />

suspect not for her but for Regina Moore. The Mac kept a file on his desk as are reminder to try<br />

and catch the suspect. But at the end of the episode that at the Mac tells Stella that he wants to<br />

charge DJ (with murder.<br />


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