Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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C.S.I. New York <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

They arrive at the family bathroom and find another blood smear on the door handle. Danny<br />

checks the garbage and finds the free sample kit, along with a blood-soaked cotton ball. In the<br />

lab, Lindsay goes to work on the Christmas ornament that has blood on it, the cotton ball Denny<br />

recovered, and the jacket the pickpocket was wearing. They confront the pickpocket, and he says<br />

that they got nothing in the way of evidence. Mac tells him he’s wrong, since he in fact saw Howie<br />

picking pockets. Don points out that he may get past the theft thing, but he won’t get past the<br />

murder thing. The blood on the jacket matches the blood from the crime scene. Don asks him if<br />

he’s ever heard of felony murder. Mac explains it. If there’s a homicide during the commission of<br />

another crime, everyone involved in that crime can be charged with murder. He tells them that<br />

he was in the store, just warming up, and she came bolting out of the bathroom. Ran right into<br />

him. He’s a pickpocket, not a murderer.<br />

Jo and Danny check the security tape and see the young woman run into the pickpocket.<br />

Jo recognizes her as the young woman that was making snow angels right before she met Mac<br />

that night. She left blood in the snow on that spot. She’s still there, not 10’ away, sitting on the<br />

merry-go-round and barely conscious. She’s non-responsive when Jo tries to question her. The<br />

paramedics told Jo that she had a lot of bruises and scratches on her body.<br />

Her name is Alena Maybrook, and she’s an assistant manager at Stonefields. Jo cleans under<br />

Alena’s nails for evidence. She still won’t talk so Jo tells Alena what she knows. Alena’s expression<br />

changes to mild alarm, but she remains mute. Don calls Jo out so he can fill her in on<br />

Alena’s background. She’s a regular girl scout. Pays her bills on time, model employee, doesn’t<br />

even jaywalk. Jo senses a ’but’ en route, and she’s right. Two weeks ago, Alena cleaned out her<br />

bank account and her 401K, and purchased a one-way ticket to Aruba. Departure date is tomorrow.<br />

That’s not a vacation, that’s an escape plan. And if she killed Grossman, it was probably<br />

premeditated.<br />

Adam is hard at work when Sheldon arrives. He asks about the USB Port the was founded the<br />

crime scene. Adams says he has not yet gotten to it. The prints on it were a match for the victim.<br />

They didn’t find the electronics device it belongs to, however. It wasn’t on Alena when Jo brought<br />

her in. Adam says that the cast iron branch with blood on it was different than the others as it<br />

was not soldered to the tree in the display. Apparently it was used as a club. Sheldon notices<br />

that the markings on the branch appear to match the impression on Richard Grossman’s skull.<br />

Danny is running tests on the blue glass bit he found at the crime scene. He finds DNA that<br />

matches a gentleman named Pascal Denton.<br />

Don and Danny arrive to speak with Mac. The glass had human flesh burned into it, and<br />

that’s where he got the DNA. Denton is Stonefields window display designer. But before that, he<br />

was doing time at Rikers. Six months for assaulting a police officer. They found his prints on the<br />

branch which was used as a murder weapon. In addition, Grossman fired him a week ago, and<br />

she and Pascal got engaged six months ago. So now they know that Alena was not alone with<br />

Richard Grossman when he was attacked.<br />

Danny and Don go to Pascal Denton’s place of business. Nobody answers Don’s call, but<br />

Denton starts to make a break for it. They take him down. As they start questioning him, he<br />

claims to know nothing of Grossman’s death. Last time he saw Grossman, they got into a shoving<br />

match, and Grossman shoved him back into the lamp that he broke with his elbow. They ask<br />

him about his fiance, and he says he and Alena’s engagement was ended, by her, six months<br />

ago. He hasn’t seen her since. One day they were planning a summer wedding, the next she was<br />

giving him his ring back and telling him never to speak to her again.<br />

Jo tells Mac that Denton was telling the truth. The catering deposit was sent back six months<br />

ago. Sid comes in and tells them that the victim was also an attacker. Somebody gave him some<br />

pretty serious scratches, and actually bit his hand. He also took a pretty heavy hit to the groin<br />

area. It would appear that the defensive injuries on Alena occurred in the same fight as the<br />

wounds he received. Mac and Jo reach the conclusion that Alena may be guilty of nothing more<br />

than self defense.<br />

Alena is still refusing to speak, but Jo is giving her all the new information they have. Turns<br />

out Stonefields HR Dept had a stack of complaints registered with them against Richard Grossman.<br />

Alena finally takes Jo’s hand, but it’s brief - and she remains speechless.<br />

Mac tells Don that the new DA is unwilling to press charges. They are going to have to process<br />

her and get her out of there. Don is concerned that they will crack this puzzle after she uses the<br />

ticket to Aruba. Mac says they will cross that bridge when it becomes necessary.<br />


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