Model Procurement - Jefferson County Public Schools

Model Procurement - Jefferson County Public Schools

Model Procurement - Jefferson County Public Schools


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<strong>Procurement</strong> Regulations<br />

3.7.4 Deletion of Bidders<br />

Businesses that fail to submit bids in response to two (2)<br />

consecutive invitation for bids of similar items may be removed<br />

from the applicable bidder mailing list. However,<br />

any business that currently meets the criteria for inclusion<br />

on any applicable bidder mailing list shall be reinstated on<br />

any such list upon request.<br />

3.7.5 <strong>Public</strong> Availability<br />

All bidder mailing lists shall be available for public inspection<br />

upon request. A copy may be made available to any<br />

person upon request in accordance with applicable open<br />

record laws and policies.<br />

3.8 Pre-Bid Conferences<br />

A pre-bid conference may be conducted to explain the<br />

procurement requirements for any particular procurement.<br />

The conference shall be open to the public, and the date,<br />

place and time of the conference shall be announced to all<br />

prospective bidders known to have received the invitation<br />

for bids, or a notice of availability of the invitation for bids.<br />

The conference shall be held long enough after the invitation<br />

for bids has been issued to allow bidders to become<br />

familiar with it, and sufficiently before the bid opening to<br />

allow consideration of the conference results in preparing<br />

their bids. When possible, the notice of the pre-bid conference<br />

shall state that biddersʼ questions shall be submitted<br />

in advance of the conference, in writing. Nothing stated at<br />

the pre-bid conference shall change the invitation for bids<br />

unless the change is made by written amendment as provided<br />

in section 3.9 (Amendments to Invitation for Bids)<br />

and the notice of the pre-bid conference shall so provide.<br />

3.9 Amendments to Invitations for Bids<br />

3.9.1 Form<br />

Amendments to any invitation for bids shall be distributed<br />

as provided in paragraph 3.6.1 to all prospective bidders<br />

known to have received the invitation for bids.<br />

3.9.2 Use<br />

Amendments shall be used to:<br />

(a) Make any changes in the invitation to bids such as<br />

changes in quantity, purchase descriptions, delivery<br />

schedules and opening dates;<br />

(b) Correct defects or ambiguities; or<br />

(c) Furnish to other bidders information given to one bidder,<br />

if such information will assist the other bidders in<br />

submitting bids, and the lack of such information would<br />

prejudice the other bidders.<br />

3.9.3 Timeliness<br />

Amendments shall be distributed within a reasonable time<br />

to allow prospective bidders to consider them in preparing<br />

their bids. Subject to paragraph 3.4.1, if the time set for<br />

bid opening will not permit such distribution, the time set<br />

for bid opening shall be extended in the amendment, or, if<br />

necessary, by facsimile or telephone notice, and confirmed<br />

in the amendment.<br />

3.10 Modification or Withdrawal of Bids Prior to<br />

Bid Opening<br />

3.10.1 Procedure<br />

Bids may be modified or withdrawn by a bidder by written<br />

notice received in the office designated in the invitation<br />

for bids prior to the time set for bid opening. The notice<br />

may be hand delivered, mailed or sent by any method of<br />

electronic transmission.<br />

3.10.2 Disposition of Withdrawn Bids<br />

Withdrawn bids shall be returned to the bidder when requested<br />

in the notice of withdrawal, or otherwise disposed<br />

of.<br />

3.10.3 Records<br />

All documents relating to the modification or withdrawal<br />

of bids shall be made a part of the appropriate procurement<br />

file, including, but not limited to; the envelope or other data<br />

that shows evidence of the date of mailing, filing or delivery<br />

and receipt.<br />

3.11 Late Bids, Late Withdrawals and Late<br />

Modifications<br />

3.11.1 Definition<br />

Any bid, withdrawal or modification received after the time<br />

and date set for opening of bids at the place designated for<br />

opening, is late.<br />

3.11.2 Treatment<br />

No late bid or late modification will be considered. A late<br />

withdrawal will be considered if received before the date<br />

the contract is awarded, and:<br />

(a) The late withdrawal would have been timely but for<br />

the action or inaction of Board personnel; or<br />

(b) The Director of Purchasing makes a determination<br />

and finding that the notice of withdrawal was released<br />

from the control of the bidder and should have arrived at<br />

the place designated for opening of bids at the time set<br />

therefor, prior to bid opening.<br />

3.11.3 Notice<br />

Bidders submitting late bids that will not be considered<br />

for award shall be so notified in writing as soon as practicable.<br />

3.11.4 Records<br />

Records equivalent to those required in paragraph 3.10.3<br />

(Modification or Withdrawal of Bids Prior to Bid Opening)<br />

shall be made and kept for each late bid, late modification<br />

or late withdrawal.<br />


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