Annual Report 2006/07 - Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital

Annual Report 2006/07 - Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital

Annual Report 2006/07 - Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital


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<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Devon</strong> & <strong>Exeter</strong> NHS Foundation Trust <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2006</strong>/<strong>07</strong><br />

Capital Developments<br />

The hospital landscape has changed a great<br />

deal over the past year – out went the<br />

landmark chimney when steam boilers were<br />

replaced with a new energy centre to supply<br />

steam for the laundry, though far more went<br />

up than came down!<br />

<br />

opening of the Centre for Women’s Health –<br />

the new home for Gynaecology, Maternity and<br />

Neonatal services transferring across from<br />

Heavitree to Wonford. Covering 9,000 square<br />

feet, the Centre includes an atrium entrance with<br />

café and a range of rooms for labour, examination,<br />

assessment, recovery and counselling. There<br />

are en-suite bathroom facilities for patients and<br />

parents with babies in the Neonatal Unit, theatres,<br />

a water-birth pool, a conservatory rest room and<br />

<br />

deliver high-quality healthcare services for women<br />

and children.<br />

Patient power lies at the very heart of<br />

the RD&E’s new Diabetes, Endocrinology and<br />

Vascular Health Centre which serves patients<br />

across <strong>Exeter</strong>, East and Mid <strong>Devon</strong> and is one of<br />

the UK’s leading diabetes facilities. There are<br />

very few centres where the whole gambit of<br />

specialist care, including research and<br />

education, are under one roof.<br />

the lungs can also be examined (bronchoscopy) as<br />

can the urinary bladder (cystoscopy). As well as<br />

diagnosis, various<br />

treatments can be<br />

given via endoscopes,<br />

without<br />

the need for open<br />

surgery.<br />

The project is due<br />

for completion<br />

by October<br />

20<strong>07</strong>, and two<br />

new consultant<br />

gastroenterologists<br />

have already been recruited, as well as 12 nurses,<br />

and several support and administrative staff, to<br />

<br />

The additional capacity will result in all patients<br />

in the urgent category receiving an appointment<br />

for their examination within two weeks and all<br />

other appointments being arranged within six<br />

weeks. It will also improve the detection of<br />

bowel cancer, with diagnosis being achieved at<br />

an earlier stage. The team also plans to have<br />

bowel cancer screening available, subject to<br />

national approval,<br />

within the year.<br />

“We hope that this<br />

all-encompassing centre will support<br />

diabetes care for every patient in our<br />

locality wherever they are, and<br />

whatever problems they have.”<br />




The new state-of-the-art Centre for<br />

Women’s Health.<br />

This new centre is better equipped to not only<br />

help medical management of the condition and<br />

its complications but also to empower patients<br />

<br />

The team can now offer an even more responsive<br />

service for patients with acute or complex<br />

challenges, including non-healing foot ulcers,<br />

disorders of limb circulation with risk of<br />

amputation, visual loss and kidney problems that<br />

can lead to kidney failure.<br />

Local diabetes charity DIRECT raised £200,000<br />

towards the overall project cost and has an<br />

<br />

An expansion of the Endoscopy Unit is<br />

currently under way, with plans to increase<br />

the number of procedure rooms from two<br />

to four. Endoscopy is the examination of<br />

<br />

telescope (‘gastroscopy’ being the term used<br />

for investigation of the upper digestive tract<br />

and ‘colonoscopy’ being the investigation of<br />

conditions of the rectum). In a similar manner<br />

The day-to-day work of the Intensive<br />

Treatment and High Dependency Units has<br />

continued, with building work to expand the bed<br />

capacity going on around them. By increasing<br />

the number of beds to 15 this should reduce, if<br />

not eliminate, cancellation of elective cases,<br />

<br />

promptly and admit high-care surgical cases.<br />


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