creating environmental improvements through biodiversity

creating environmental improvements through biodiversity

creating environmental improvements through biodiversity


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Sustainable Aggregates Creating Environmental Improvements <strong>through</strong> Biodiversity<br />

which has large areas of open water near to an RAF base. The preliminary results show that the technique is<br />

effective in detecting patterns in bird movements in relation to geographical (habitat) features.<br />

Impacts (Potential):<br />

Further analysis of these results may reveal useful relationships of bird movements with geographical features.<br />

This could be considered in the future design of minerals site restorations where bird strike is likely to be an<br />

issue, and in development of guidelines on the matter.<br />

Potential Expansion:<br />

The report states that additional analysis is needed to create a larger and more robust dataset from which to<br />

analyse bird behaviour<br />

It states that movements should be studied <strong>through</strong>out a year or over a number of years to allow for<br />

seasonal variations<br />

The technique could be applied more widely to study bird movements at other relevant sites, where funding<br />

is available. The report states that this would be advantageous as it would allow the findings to be applied to<br />

a wider range of situations across the UK.<br />

Dissemination:<br />

This report forms part of a larger study by CSL and RSPB (‘Developing policy and best practice in relation<br />

to restoration following minerals extraction – resolving conflicts with aviation’), which will inform policy and<br />

best practice guidance.<br />



Project Type: Review, case studies, guidelines<br />

Site: Mineral sites in Worcestershire<br />

Project Aim: To assess the merits of future restoration plans in Worcestershire. To provide a source<br />

of reference for future restoration plans. To shortlist habitats that are most appropriate for given sites. To<br />

facilitate the industry’s role and commitment to achieving nature conservation objectives.<br />

Main Methods: Combination of best practice, assessment of a selection of past and present extraction<br />

sites in Worcestershire<br />

Output:<br />

Description of the Worcestershire BAP<br />

Discussion of restoration and aftercare of minerals sites, and the need to consider long-term management<br />

Discussion of the compatibility of nature conservation restoration with other end-uses<br />

Description of BAP habitats in the Worcestershire context<br />

Provision of key information on creation of these habitats at aggregate sites (with advice to seek skilled<br />

ecological guidance prior to <strong>creating</strong> them)<br />

Provision of references and further reading on these topics<br />

Discussion of natural regeneration at minerals sites and local sourcing of seeds species for planting<br />

Mention of vulnerable habitats close to proposed mineral sites that may be affected by extraction<br />

Mention of the habitats created during extraction processes<br />

Mentions landscape scale considerations and linking / expanding existing habitat fragments<br />

Explanation of NVC communities and description of those occurring in the county – tables showing<br />

considerations for each<br />

Description of ‘ecological natural areas’ where aggregate extraction is concentrated in the county (plus<br />


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