creating environmental improvements through biodiversity

creating environmental improvements through biodiversity

creating environmental improvements through biodiversity


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Sustainable Aggregates Creating Environmental Improvements <strong>through</strong> Biodiversity<br />

is well on its way towards establishing the American Fork Canyon as one of the leading examples of<br />

collaborative abandoned mine land restoration success on a watershed scale. Working with the US Forest<br />

Service, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort, a lasting<br />

framework for extending a unique and positive restoration legacy will be ready to serve communities and<br />

watersheds <strong>through</strong>out the West.<br />

Trout Unlimited has taken the initiative to begin mine reclamation on private lands with this demonstration<br />

project. Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort acquired mineral-patented lands with abandoned mines in<br />

American Fork Canyon in the 1960s, before concerns over mine contamination impacts on human health and<br />

natural resources were as prevalent. Trout Unlimited approached the resort with a proposal to participate in<br />

the restoration of selected mines in order to reduce impacts to the North Fork of American Fork River and<br />

the fishery it supports. Concerns over potential liability have long discouraged voluntary cleanup efforts.<br />

US Trout Unlimited and EPA Region 8 are working on an administrative order to clarify the responsibilities<br />

and minimize potential liabilities as the cleanup moves ahead. This administrative order will be the first<br />

agreement to limit the liability of a so-called ‘Good Samaritan’ to restore an abandoned mine. This will be<br />

used as a national model for cooperative conservation efforts. Improvements to fisheries and water quality<br />

will follow in 10 miles of stream in the American Fork Canyon that traverse the Unita National Forest and<br />

Timpanogos Cave National Monument.<br />

The Price: Mine wastes containing elevated levels of heavy metals will be removed from the abandoned<br />

Pacific mine, Blue Rock mine, Scotchman No. 2 mine and the Pacific mill. They will be safely encapsulated in a<br />

permanent repository to be constructed at Pacific mine on Snowbird’s property. This contaminated material<br />

will be lined and capped to prevent moisture from entering the waste and leaching heavy metals from the<br />

mining wastes. The estimated total cost for completion of the remediation activities at American Fork is<br />

approximately $120,000-150,000.<br />

Local Community Participation<br />

Two key approaches used by Trout Unlimited to ensure local community participation are the<br />

implementation of grassroots training and the production of a citizen’s guide to abandoned mine restoration.<br />

Grassroots Training, Organizing and Identifying Local Restoration Opportunities for Communities<br />

The grassroots training projects were able to encourage volunteer efforts by:<br />

• Developing a knowledge base on the problems within their area of interest<br />

• Providing training on the process of project development and implementation to instil confidence<br />

• Providing technical assistance and guidance during the project<br />

The training programme teaches volunteers to implement effective strategies and tactics to restore<br />

abandoned mine lands. The training also provide volunteers with information to advocate for policy reform<br />

while integrating organizational development principles. Working with volunteer leaders in the field, Trout<br />

Unlimited staff have developed meaningful, content-rich materials and presentations that help make the<br />

complex issue of abandoned mine land restoration clear for the layperson. The ultimate goal for these<br />

programmes is to arm Trout Unlimited members, local citizens, organizational partners and others with<br />

information and partnership opportunities so that they may become agents of change and be actively<br />

engaged in advocating for permanent and stable funding for cleaning up abandoned mines. Each of these<br />

programmes will be implemented relative to specific, on-the-ground abandoned mine restoration projects<br />

selected <strong>through</strong> partnerships with agencies or other appropriate local entities.<br />


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