2008 Pittcon Final Program - Pittcon Web Archives

2008 Pittcon Final Program - Pittcon Web Archives

2008 Pittcon Final Program - Pittcon Web Archives


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1:50 (1450-2) An Aptamer Conjugated Gold Nanoparticle Based<br />

Colorimetric Assay for the Detection of Cancer Cells COLIN D MEDLEY,<br />

University of Florida, Joshua E Smith, Weihong Tan<br />

2:10 (1450-3) A New Approach to the Measured Size of<br />

Nonspherical Samples TOCHINO SHIGEMI, HORIBA, Ltd., Umezawa<br />

Makoto, Yamaguchi Tetsuji, Igushi Tatsuo<br />

2:30 (1450-4) Seeing and Sizing Nanoparticles in Liquids: Multiparticle<br />

Tracking of Brownian Motion BOB CARR, NanoSight Ltd, Andrew<br />

Weld, Jonathan Smith<br />

2:50 Recess<br />

3:05 (1450-5) Studies of Electrokinetic Transport in Single<br />

Nanocapillaries via Axially-Opposed, Dual Confocal Microscopy TRAVIS L<br />

KING, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Paul Bohn, Jonathan V<br />

Sweedler<br />

3:25 (1450-6) Formation of Lipid Nanotubules from Surface-<br />

Attached Liposomes Using Electric Fields JOSEMAR A CASTILLO, Arizona<br />

State University, Mark A Hayes<br />

3:45 (1450-7) Detection and Control of Single DNA Molecule<br />

Stretching on Solid Surface DMITRY S BULGAREVICH, National Institute for<br />

Materials Science, Keita Mitsui, Hideo Arakawa<br />

4:05 (1450-8) Meeting Microanalysis Challenges Using a Flexible<br />

X-ray Fluorescence Microscope DAISUKE MATSUNAGA, HORIBA, Ltd.,<br />

Sumito Ohzawa, Yoshihiro Yokota, Yoshimichi Sato, Shintaro Komatani, Whitley<br />

Andrew<br />

ORAL SESSION Session 1460<br />

Developments in Physical Measurements (Half Session)<br />

Tuesday Afternoon, Room 274<br />

John P Auses, Alcoa Technical Center, Presiding<br />

1:30 (1460-1) A Good Weighing Practice: Applied Risk<br />

Management and Product Life Cycle Management for Weighing Systems<br />

KLAUS FRITSCH, Mettler-Toledo AG<br />

1:50 (1460-2) Establishing a Correlation between Agent<br />

Permeation and Simulant Permeation MARK HANNING-LEE, Jacobs<br />

Technology, Brad Rowland, Darren Jolley, Gregory Bottelberghe, Jonathan<br />

Kaufman<br />

2:10 (1460-3) Thermophysical Properties Characterization of<br />

Materials Used in Electronics Applications DAVID SHEPARD, Netzsch<br />

Instruments, Inc.<br />

2:30 (1460-4) Combined Technologies for Particles Size, Shape<br />

and Concentration Measurement ROBERT E STEVENS, Ankersmid, Jacco<br />

Schipperen<br />

ORAL SESSION Session 1480<br />

FTIR: General Applications and Materials Analysis<br />

Tuesday Afternoon, Room 270<br />

Richard Schultz, Dr. Eyal Bessler and Co., Presiding<br />

1:30 (1480-1) Comparing the Reactivity of the Alkane-Solvated<br />

Reaction Intermediates Co 2 (CO) 7 (heptane) and Mn 2 (CO) 9 (heptane) by Time-<br />

Resolved Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy RICHARD H SCHULTZ, Bar-<br />

Ilan University<br />

1:50 (1480-2) Step-Scan FTIR Spectroscopy with a New Research<br />

Vacuum Spectrometer SERGEY SHILOV, Bruker Optics, Inc., Thomas J<br />

Tague<br />

2:10 (1480-3) Does Size Really Matter? A Study of Interference<br />

Effects on Reflectance Microspectroscopy of Particles Smaller than the<br />

Wavelength of Incident Radiation HEATHER BROOKE, University of South<br />

Carolina, Michael L Myrick<br />

2:30 (1480-4) FTIR Imaging of Anisotropic Polymer Films with<br />

Polarized Radiation HEINZ W SIESLER, University of Duisburg-Essen,<br />

Christian Vogel<br />

2:50 Recess<br />

3:05 (1480-5) Advantages of Cantilever Enhanced Photoacoustic<br />

Detection in FTIR Gas Analysis JYRKI KAUPPINEN, University of Turku,<br />

Ismo Kauppinen, Jussi Raittila, Gabor J Kemeny<br />

3:25 (1480-6) Macro ATR Imaging: Another Imaging Solution<br />

MUSTAFA KANSIZ, Varian Inc., Travis Burt, Ellen Miseo, Dave Drapcho<br />

3:45 (1480-7) Time-Resolved Fourier Transform<br />

Infrared/Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy for the Measurement of<br />

Molecular Diffusion in Polymer Membranes JAMES M SLOAN, U.S. Army<br />

Research Laboratory<br />

4:05 (1480-8) Thermal Decomposition Studies of Biodegradable<br />

Polymers by TGA/FTIR Spectroscopy HEINZ W SIESLER, University of<br />

Duisburg-Essen, Christian Vogel<br />

ORAL SESSION Session 1490<br />

Homeland Security and Forensic Analysis<br />

Tuesday Afternoon, Room 262<br />

David Rahni, Pace University, Presiding<br />

1:30 (1490-1) The Use of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy<br />

(FT-IR), Raman Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)<br />

toward the Analysis of Pharmaceutical Adhesive Labels ADAM<br />

LANZAROTTA, Miami University, Mark R Witkowski, Andre J Sommer, Nicola<br />

Ranieri<br />

1:50 (1490-2) Water Security: Detecting Chemical Agent<br />

Hydrolysis Products by SERS STUART FARQUHARSON, Real-Time<br />

Analyzers, Inc., Frank Inscore<br />

2:10 (1490-3) Validation of Diffuse Reflectance Infrared<br />

Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) as a Means to Discriminate Blood from Various<br />

Forensically Relevant Substrates ANTHONY R TRIMBOLI, University of<br />

South Carolina, Jessica M McCutcheon, Stephen L Morgan<br />

2:30 (1490-4) Development and Optimization of Sorbent Polymer<br />

Coatings for Detection of Chemicals and Explosives BERNADETTE A<br />

HIGGINS, Naval Research Laboratory, Duane L Simonson, R. Andrew McGill,<br />

Jennifer L Stepnowski, Kimberly P Williams, Heather M Summers, Rekha Pai,<br />

Stanley V Stepnowski, Michael Papantonakis, Matthew T Rake<br />

2:50 Recess<br />

3:05 (1490-5) Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Coated SPME Fibers<br />

for Enhanced GC-MS Detection of Chemical Agents AMANDA L JENKINS,<br />

Ask Inc., Sue Y Bae, Michael W Ellzy<br />

3:25 (1490-6) Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Peroxide-Based,<br />

Nitroaromatic, Nitramine, and Nitrate Ester Explosives on a Revised<br />

Explosives-Specific Column Pair SCOTT LANDER GROSSMAN, Restek<br />

Corporation, Jack Cochran, Chris English<br />

3:45 (1490-7) Towards the Development of a Self-Powered<br />

Explosive Sensor MARGUERITE GERMAIN, Saint Louis University, Robert<br />

Arechederra, Shelley D Minteer<br />

4:05 (1490-8) Classification of Accelerants by Gas<br />

Chromatography-Differential Mobility Spectrometry and Temperature<br />

Constraint Cascade Correlation Neural Networks PING CHEN, Ohio<br />

University, Yao Lu, Peter de B Harrington<br />

ORAL SESSION Session 1500<br />

Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy: Pharmaceutical<br />

Applications<br />

Tuesday Afternoon, Room 242<br />

Richard A Henry, Consultant, Presiding<br />

1:30 (1500-1) Development of Practical Rules for High-Throughput<br />

MS-Directed Purification of a Medicinal Chemistry Library Based on<br />

UPLC/MS PAUL LEFEBVRE, Waters Corporation, Ronan Cleary, Marian<br />

Twohig<br />

1:50 (1500-2) Tandem LC-MS Approaches for Extended Detection<br />

Times of Drug Administration in Vulnerable Groups MARK PARKIN, King's<br />

College London, Sophie Turfus, Robin Braithwaite, Simon Elliott, David<br />

Osselton, David A Cowan, Andrew T Kicman, Norman Smith, John Halket<br />

2:10 (1500-3) Automated Method Scouting to Speed Up the<br />

Development of On-line SPE-LC-MS Analysis of Antibiotics FRANK<br />

STEINER, Dionex Corporation, Frank Arnold, Verena Fraas, Markus Martin,<br />

Christian Huber<br />

2:30 (1500-4) An Automated LC/MS/MS Protocol to Enhance<br />

Throughput of Physico-Chemical Property Profiling in Drug Discovery<br />

PETER ALDEN, Waters Corporation, Paul Lefebvre, Darcy Shave<br />

2:50 Recess

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