16 - 20 MAI MAY 16 - 20 - Canadian Archaeological Association

16 - 20 MAI MAY 16 - 20 - Canadian Archaeological Association

16 - 20 MAI MAY 16 - 20 - Canadian Archaeological Association


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<strong>16</strong> :<strong>20</strong> – <strong>16</strong> :40 Paul Prince (Grant MacEwan University) and Deanna McAvoy (Grant MacEwan University)<br />

Where Are the Deer? Prey Selection and Taxonomic Representation in Faunal Assemblages From Central<br />

British Columbia<br />

<strong>16</strong> :40 – 17 :00 Alejandra Diaz 1 , Alejandra, M.P. Richards 1 , Suzanne Villeneuve 2 , Brian Hayden 2 ( 1 Department of<br />

Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; 2 Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser<br />

University, Burnaby)<br />

Stable Isotope Analysis in the Mid-Fraser Region: Determining Prehistoric Diet in British Columbia<br />

9<br />

Maritime Archaeology on land and under water<br />

Charles Dagneau (Organizer / Chair)<br />


13:40 – 14:00 Vincent Delmas (University of Montreal) et Erik Phaneuf (AECOM)<br />

Underwater archaeological research at the Petit Mecatina Island site, Lower-North-Shore<br />

14 :00 – 14 :<strong>20</strong> Éric Legua, Mathieu Mercier Gingras, Marcel Goulet and Brad Loewen (Université de Montréal)<br />

Archéologie de la flotte française de 1759<br />

14 :<strong>20</strong> – 14 :40 Erik Phaneuf (AECOM)<br />

Beach shipwreck assessment in Douglastown, Gaspésie, Québec (DeDc-6)<br />

14 :40 – 15 :00 Charles Dagneau (Parks Canada)<br />

The investigation of the Clyde, a mid 19 th c. steamship lost off île du Wreck, Mingan Archipelago National<br />

Park Reserve of Canada<br />

15:00 – 15:<strong>20</strong> Karolyn Gauvin<br />

A bow anchor from the wreck of the Machault, Battle of the Restigouche National Historic Site of Canada<br />

15 :<strong>20</strong> – 15 :40 Pause café / Coffee break<br />

15 :40 – <strong>16</strong> :00 Mike Moloney, University of Calgary<br />

Applications of Space Syntax in Maritime Archaeology<br />

<strong>16</strong>:00 – <strong>16</strong>:<strong>20</strong> Phil Dunning (Parks Canada)<br />

Yeoman and Merchant: Clothing and Accessories from the Elisabeth and Mary, a <strong>16</strong>90 New England Shipwreck<br />

<strong>16</strong>: <strong>20</strong> – <strong>16</strong>:40 Alexandre Poudret-Barré (<strong>Association</strong> Adramar)<br />

L’Atlas archéologique des 2 Mers : un projet archéologique transfrontalier<br />

The <strong>Archaeological</strong> Atlas of the 2 Seas: a cross-border archaeological project<br />

<strong>16</strong>:40 – 17:00 Daniel LaRoche (Parcs Canada/Parks Canada)<br />

Challenges in the Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Canada<br />

3<br />

<strong>Archaeological</strong> Theory: A <strong>Canadian</strong> Perspective<br />

Matthew Beaudoin and Scott Neilsen (Organizers / Chairs)<br />

STE-FOY<br />

13 :40 – 14 :00 James Keron (The University of Western Ontario)<br />

Archaeology and Spatial Statistics<br />

14:00 – 14: <strong>20</strong> Gerald Oetelaar (University of Calgary)<br />

Theory and Evidence: The Tyranny of Scientific Objectivity in <strong>Archaeological</strong> Practice<br />

14 :<strong>20</strong> – 14 :40 Amelia Fay (Memorial University)<br />

Merging the Local and the Regional: Future Directions for the archaeology of Inuit-European Contact in<br />

Labrador<br />

14:40 – 15:00 Matthew Beaudoin (The University of Western Ontario)<br />

Archaeologists Colonizing Canada: The Effects of Unquestioned Categories<br />

15:00 – 15:<strong>20</strong> Jeff Oliver (University of Aberdeen)<br />

<strong>Archaeological</strong> Theory and the Indigenization of Canada’s past<br />

15 :<strong>20</strong> – 15 :40 Pause café / Coffee break<br />

15 :40 – <strong>16</strong> :00 Eldon Yellowhorn (Simon Fraser University)<br />

First Nations Historical Archaeology<br />

<strong>16</strong>: 00 – <strong>16</strong>:<strong>20</strong> Scott Neilsen (Labrador Institute of Memorial University)<br />

Regrettably, still implicit…<br />

<strong>16</strong>:<strong>20</strong> – <strong>16</strong>:40 Neal Ferris (The University of Western Ontario)<br />

Discussant<br />

5<br />

12<br />

Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent / St. Lawrence Iroquoians<br />

Claude Chapdelaine (Organisateur / Animateur)<br />

13 :40 – 14 :00 Christine Perreault (Université de Montréal)<br />

Conservatisme et innovation chez les potières iroquoiennes du site Droulers-Tsiionhiakwatha<br />


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