16 - 20 MAI MAY 16 - 20 - Canadian Archaeological Association

16 - 20 MAI MAY 16 - 20 - Canadian Archaeological Association

16 - 20 MAI MAY 16 - 20 - Canadian Archaeological Association


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Transcanadienne. Bien que le complexe Turcot soit constitué presque<br />

essentiellement de voies aériennes, le ministère des Transports du<br />

Québec prévoit de revoir sa configuration, ce qui pourrait avoir un<br />

impact sur les biens archéologiques potentiellement présents dans le<br />

sol. En ce qui concerne l’archéologie, une approche méthodologique<br />

spécifique à ce type de projet est donc essentielle afin de planifier les<br />

interventions archéologiques nécessaires.<br />

At the moment, the Turcot interchange is almost entirely an aerial<br />

highway. It’s reconfiguration, by the ministry of Transports of Québec,<br />

could have an impact on the archaeological sites potentially buried<br />

within the ground of the future highway layout. From an archaeological<br />

point of view, a methodological approach specific to this type of<br />

project is required to plan the archaeological interventions needed.<br />

Duchaine, Désirée-Emmanuelle (Ruralys) • Wolfe’s Cove Hill: un<br />

point stratégique pour l’armée britannique lors des batailles de 1759<br />

et 1760 [12]<br />

Au cours de l’été et de l’automne <strong>20</strong>11, des fouilles archéologiques<br />

ont été réalisées sur les sites du musée du Québec (CeEt-542) et<br />

du couvent Saint-Dominique (CeEt-893) dans le cadre du projet<br />

d’agrandissement du Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. Les<br />

interventions archéologiques sur le site du musée du Québec ont permis<br />

de mettre au jour des témoins importants de l’histoire de la ville<br />

de Québec. Une sépulture d’un militaire ainsi que des vestiges en bois<br />

respectivement associés aux batailles des Plaines (1759) et de Sainte-<br />

Foy (1760) jettent un nouveau regard sur ces événements décisifs<br />

dans l’histoire de Québec. Les fouilles archéologiques sur le site du<br />

couvent Saint-Dominique ont conduit à la découverte des fondations<br />

de la villa Battlefield Cottage construite en 1829. Un autre témoin significatif<br />

de la vie bourgeoise de la ville de Québec.<br />

Duggan, Rebecca (Parks Canada) • The Louisbourg coastal conservation<br />

plan [<strong>16</strong>]<br />

A coastal conservation plan is currently in development for the management<br />

of eroding heritage at the Fortress of Louisbourg. A peer-reviewed<br />

draft conservation plan has been produced, drawing together<br />

information about coastal geomorphology, coastally-positioned heritage<br />

sites, erosion rates, and anticipated coastal change at Louisbourg<br />

based on the IPCC’s fourth assessment report predictions for sea level<br />

rise over the next century. The conservation plan divides the Louisbourg<br />

coastline into management units according to natural coastal<br />

cell divisions. Within each cell, the future outlook for heritage site<br />

protection is to be assessed through a coastal ‘triage’ process. This<br />

is proving to be a complex task with numerous variables to consider<br />

such as heritage value, protection vs. rescue options, financial viability,<br />

research potential, and public engagement options. This paper<br />

will discuss current efforts to work through the triage process, to best<br />

meet resource management needs now & in the years to come.<br />

Duguay, Françoise (Célat, Université Laval) • Clay Pipes in New<br />

France, <strong>16</strong>25-1760: Can Archaeometry be Helpful in Identifying Imitations<br />

[21]<br />

A small number of clay pipe bowls from collections housed in the<br />

Netherlands and the United Kingdom were submitted to neutron<br />

activation, to be used as reference samples. Pipe fragments from an<br />

archaeological site in Trois-Rivières (Canada), presenting unusual<br />

features (identified through macroscopic and microscopic observations),<br />

were also submitted to the same procedure. Comparisons of<br />

results tend to support the impression gained from qualitative characterisation,<br />

that pipes used in New France were mainly imports from<br />

the Netherlands. However, minute chemical component differences<br />

with both the Netherlands and UK pipes, combined with visual characterisation,<br />

lead to another conclusion: some pipes might be imitations<br />

of Dutch products. Where were they made? We propose that<br />

imitations used in New France originated from continental Europe,<br />

perhaps France, since the observed chemical components offer greater<br />

similarity with the Netherlands’ sample than the UK one. Warning:<br />

given the small number of artefacts and samples, the archaeometric<br />

findings shouldn’t be regarded as definitive.<br />

Duguay, Françoise (CÉLAT, Université Laval) • Tadoussac et Trois-<br />

Rivières : deux hauts lieux de la traite des fourrures (fin XVI e – tournant<br />

XVIII e siècle) [29]<br />

L’observation d’une ressemblance des lieux physiques, entre Tadous-<br />

sac et Trois Rivières, a initié une réflexion par rapport à leur statut<br />

prépondérant dans la traite des fourrures. La synthèse des données<br />

biophysiques, ethnohistoriques et historiques établit des points de<br />

comparaison, afin d’identifier des variables qui orientent le sens<br />

de diverses manifestations, notamment l’instauration de postes de<br />

traite. L’étude met en exergue l’importance des deux lieux pour les<br />

populations amérindiennes, notamment algonquiennes, facteur qui<br />

semble avoir eu une incidence pour déterminer leur statut dans le<br />

commerce des fourrures. On remarque, par ailleurs, une dichotomie<br />

dans l’historiographie relative aux deux endroits, quant à la place accordée<br />

aux Amérindiens et au commerce.<br />

Dunlop, John 1 , Dan Kellogg 2 and Blake Williams 2 ( 1 <strong>Archaeological</strong><br />

Services Inc., University of Western Ontario; 2 <strong>Archaeological</strong><br />

Services Inc.) • Geophysical Survey Applications to the CRM Industry<br />

in Southern Ontario: Case studies of success at three sites in southern<br />

Ontario [31]<br />

Geophysical surveying is a non-destructive surveying technique that<br />

is currently regulated as an optional activity during site-specific investigations<br />

in the CRM industry in Ontario. As such, these applications<br />

have little bearing on the regulated process of CRM archaeology.<br />

An examination of geophysical surveys undertaken by <strong>Archaeological</strong><br />

Services Inc. at three sites: the Fort York National Historic site-<br />

Government House Area (AjGu-28), the Damiani Site (AlGv-231), and<br />

Blacker’s Brickworks (AgHb-415), resulted in positive identification<br />

of subsurface archaeological deposits, which guided the excavation<br />

and interpretation of the sites. The results indicate that geophysics<br />

can be effectively used in the assessment process to assist in refining<br />

investigative strategies to sites, the result of which would be greater<br />

efficiency in areas such as project budgeting and site conservation.<br />

Dunning, Phil (Parks Canada) • Yeoman and Merchant: Clothing and<br />

Accessories from the Elisabeth and Mary, a <strong>16</strong>90 New England Shipwreck<br />

[9]<br />

The year <strong>16</strong>89 saw the beginning of King William’s War, between<br />

France and an alliance of England, Spain and Holland. In <strong>16</strong>90 the<br />

New Englanders launched a naval expedition to take Quebec City, the<br />

capital of New France. The attack failed, and on the return voyage<br />

the fleet encountered violent storms in the St. Lawrence River. Four<br />

ships were lost, including the Elizabeth and Mary, carrying members<br />

of the Dorchester, Massachusetts militia. Parks Canada’s underwater<br />

archaeologists excavated the wreck, and the recoveries include footwear,<br />

buttons, textiles, ribbons, buckles and jewellery. These accessories<br />

and articles of clothing represent a microcosm of Dorchester<br />

society, from yeoman to merchant, from kersey to broadcloth, from<br />

pewter to silver.<br />

Dussault, Frédéric (Université Laval) • Reconciling past perceptions:<br />

Explorers to Northwest Greenland and Inughuit hygiene [10]<br />

While initially “discovered” by the explorer John Ross in 1818, the<br />

Polar Inuit also achieved certain recognition for helping Robert Peary<br />

reach the North Pole. Explorers’ accounts attracted the interest of<br />

anthropologists, such as Knud Rasmussen and Erik Holtved, who<br />

sought to understand the essence of Inughuit life by cataloguing their<br />

myths and legends as well as observing them in daily life. Following<br />

their expeditions in Greenland, explorers and anthropologist, related<br />

conflicting details about Inughuit cultural practices, such as hygiene.<br />

By observing the spatial distribution of ectoparasites found in different<br />

activity areas of four sod houses, we were able to infer hygienic<br />

practices described in the Inughuit oral tradition. Through interdisciplinary<br />

analysis of archaeoentomological evidence, oral traditions<br />

and material culture associated with the Polar Inuit, we propose a<br />

different narrative of past hygienic practices of Greenland’s Northwest<br />

coast.<br />

Duval, Isabelle (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi) • Analyse de<br />

provenance sur un gorgerin avec la micro-XRF [31]<br />

Une caractérisation géochimique, de manière non destructive par micro-XRF,<br />

a été réalisée sur un fragment de gorgerin en pierre retrouvé<br />

sur le site Cartier-Roberval (CeEu-4). Les données d’analyses ont<br />

permis d’associer la pierre du gorgerin avec une carrière de pierre<br />

décorative de grès rouge datant de la fin du 19 e siècle dans le Bas-<br />

Saint-Laurent. La compréhension du contexte géologique permet de<br />

suggérer des lieux accessibles pouvant avoir été exploités à la préhistoire.<br />

Les gorgerins sont des objets polis rares qui apportent des in-<br />


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