Emerald Dove Husbandry Manual - Nswfmpa.org

Emerald Dove Husbandry Manual - Nswfmpa.org

Emerald Dove Husbandry Manual - Nswfmpa.org


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Jennifer Brown ● <strong>Emerald</strong> <strong>Dove</strong> Chalcophaps indica ● <strong>Husbandry</strong> manual<br />

A healthy birds’ eye shape<br />

An ill birds’ eye shape<br />

Fig 8.1.1 diagram of an ill birds eye and a healthy eye<br />

The daily health check of the animal should include a visual check to:<br />

• Ensure all limbs are moving freely including wings and legs<br />

• Ensure that there are no physical injuries, bleeding or breaks<br />

• Ensure that flight is unhindered and strong<br />

• Ensure the animal is eating normally<br />

• Ensure that the animals fecal output is of normal consistency and colour<br />

• Ensure eyes are clear and fully open and round (see Fig 1)<br />

• Ensure feathers are orderly with none sticking out and the colour is shiny and not<br />

dull<br />

• Ensure that the nose has no discharge<br />

• Ensure that there are no unusual vocalisations<br />

• Ensure that there are no bald patches or evidence of over grooming<br />

• Ensure cloaca is clear and free of discoloration and discharge<br />

• Ensure t hat th e b ird is b ehaving normally, n ot s itting wi th their f eathers f luffed u p<br />

and their posture is normal and their wings are held in tight and are not droopy<br />

• Ensure t hat t he b ird is i nteracting n ormally wi th an imals o f i ts o wn sp ecies an d<br />

animals from other species and these birds are interacting normally with it<br />

Record any finding in the daily report sheet so the results can be compared to previous<br />

days. By comparing the results is the easiest way to detect a<br />

slow progressing illness that may not seem evident on initial<br />

inspection but is obvious when compared to how the bird<br />

looked or behaved a week or month ago.<br />

Ensure that the birds are displaying their normal behavior<br />

daily t o make c ertain th at th ey ar e well, su ch as p reening<br />

see Fig 8.1.2.<br />

Fig 8.1.2. A n em erald d ove p reening –<br />

displaying no rmal b ehaviour (oceanwide<br />

images, 2010)<br />


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