Emerald Dove Husbandry Manual - Nswfmpa.org

Emerald Dove Husbandry Manual - Nswfmpa.org

Emerald Dove Husbandry Manual - Nswfmpa.org


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Jennifer Brown ● <strong>Emerald</strong> <strong>Dove</strong> Chalcophaps indica ● <strong>Husbandry</strong> manual<br />

10.3 Reproductive Condition:<br />

It is important that the specimens that you intend to breed are in good condition, and<br />

contain the genetic material that you wish to pass on to the next generation.<br />

10.3.1 Females:<br />

Females n eed t o b e i n good condition<br />

physically. This can be established during the<br />

animals’ year ly p hysical ex amination. C lose<br />

examinations sh ould be c onducted week ly as<br />

the breeding season approaches, to ensure the<br />

birds condition remains healthy. The animals<br />

diet sh ould al so b e su pplement w ith ex tra<br />

calcium t o h elp t he b ird p repare f or t he st rain<br />

that eg g production wi ll p lace o n its own<br />

calcium deposits (pers com Cam, 2010).<br />

10.3.2 Males:<br />

Unlike f emales, m ales d o n ot g o u nder a Fig 10.2: <strong>Emerald</strong> dove nesting (ZooChat, 2008)<br />

strenuous l abor su ch as p roducing eg gs. Males<br />

merely need to have a g ood physical condition<br />

which c an b e est ablished d uring t he b irds an nual p hysical ex amination (pers com<br />

Cam, 2010).<br />

10.4 Techniques used to Control Breeding:<br />

It is very e asily t o c ontrol b reeding w ithout g oing to extreme m easures. The si mplest<br />

method to ensure 100% control is to separate the sexes in the aviary, although this is not<br />

always p ossible. Any adult m ales wo uld h ave to b e h oused i n sep arate av iaries to<br />

prevent possible fights over territory. The more common method to control breeding is<br />

to not provide any breeding triggers or media to build a nest (pers com Cam, 2010). This<br />

allows the birds to remain in the environment they know and takes away any stress they<br />

would suffer from moving them to a n ew aviary. Though it should be noted that even<br />

with no triggers or media these birds still may<br />

breed, as some nest are only constructed from<br />

eight sti cks (Higgens et al. 1996) w hich co uld<br />

easily be found in any aviary.<br />

10.5 Occurrence of Hybrids:<br />

There are no r ecords t o indicate wh ether t he<br />

<strong>Emerald</strong> D ove is able t o create a hybrid with<br />

another species, but as there is little<br />

documentation o r s tudies c onducted i n t he<br />

breeding o f t his sp ecies t hat m eans v ery l ittle.<br />

Though t hese b irds h ave b een h oused wi th<br />

similar species for years in free flight aviaries with<br />

Fig 10.3: Unknown Subspecies (janson, 2009)<br />


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