Emerald Dove Husbandry Manual - Nswfmpa.org

Emerald Dove Husbandry Manual - Nswfmpa.org

Emerald Dove Husbandry Manual - Nswfmpa.org


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Canker (trichomoniasis)<br />

Jennifer Brown ● <strong>Emerald</strong> <strong>Dove</strong> Chalcophaps indica ● <strong>Husbandry</strong> manual<br />

Very common disease among wild birds especially pigeons. It is<br />

contagious an d o ccurs i n areas wh ere p eople f eed pigeons<br />

and doves as t he high concentration of birds aids transmission.<br />

(Bourne, 2000)<br />

Cause: Canker is caused by a flagellated protozoan <strong>org</strong>anism<br />

called Trichomonas gallinae, which lives in t he s inuses, mo uth,<br />

oesophagus and other <strong>org</strong>ans. Birds can often carry the disease<br />

and will only show signs when under stress.<br />

Signs: Bird becomes v ery si ck an d t hin. C haracteristically a<br />

diseased bird will have white plaque inside its beak (fig 8.4.1) or<br />

a hard lump on its neck or in its crop. Some birds can carry the<br />

disease wi thout sh owing si gns an d t he d isease wi ll o nly come<br />

forth when the bird is under stress.<br />

Treatment: a b ird m ay n ot al ways s urvive treatment. T he b irds<br />

oesophagus may need to be cleared of plaque, which is done<br />

under general anesthetic, so that it can be crop fed. The bird will<br />

also need to be treated with an anti-protozal medication which a v et would be able to<br />

supply and often a vet will also prescribe antibiotics to prevent secondary infections.<br />

Prevention: Once a bird is identified as having the disease it should be separated from<br />

breeding stock as i t is readily passed on to off spring. The disease can be prevented by<br />

routinely t reating y our p opulation wi th a n an ti-protozal m edication. T here ar e m any<br />

commercial su pplements a vailable th at c an ro utinely b e a dded t o their water su pply,<br />

one such example is Ronivet ® or Poly-Aid Plus ® .<br />

Worms –Internal Parasites<br />

Internal p arasites occur u sually i n t he birds intestines<br />

although th ey c an a lso ap pear i n th eir l ungs an d o ther<br />

body <strong>org</strong>ans such as the liver.<br />

Cause: As all birds usually have worms they do not have a<br />

significant negative effect on the birds h ealth until their<br />

numbers build up. The increase in internal parasites is often<br />

a sign that the bird is already ill or overly stressed and this<br />

has allowed the internal parasites to increase in number.<br />

Signs: Visible si gns o n t he b ird i nclude weight l oss an d<br />

diarrhea w hich c an su ggest a n umber o f problems s o i t’s<br />

not a sp ecific d iagnosis. I t m ay b e p ossible t o visibly se e<br />

worms in a b ird’s mouth or in their droppings. Completing a<br />

fecal flotation test is the surest way to identify the presence<br />

of worms in the bird.<br />

Treatment/Prevention: T reatment an d p revention c an b e ac hieved b y u sing t he sam e<br />

broad spectrum worming syrup which is added to the birds’ water. Such worming<br />

solutions can be supplied from a v et or even pet shops. Such brands included Panacur ®<br />

or Ivomectin ® or Avitrol ® . Keepers should be aware of cheap brands as they often only kill<br />

one or two types of internal worms and are not a complete solution.<br />

Chlamydiosis (psittacosis)<br />

Fig 8 .4.1: B ird with c anker s ores<br />

(canker, 2009)<br />

Fig 8.4.2 Internal p arasites-worms<br />

(Wikipedia, 2010)<br />

Chlamydiosis is a v ery c ommon d isease a mong wi ld b irds. I t i s a d isease o f concern<br />

because it is also a zoonotic disease and can infect human who have close contact with<br />


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