My Years with Ludwig von Mises.pdf - The Ludwig von Mises Institute

My Years with Ludwig von Mises.pdf - The Ludwig von Mises Institute

My Years with Ludwig von Mises.pdf - The Ludwig von Mises Institute


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Action, I read every other book of Lu's that I could get my hands on.<br />

Those that I could not buy, I borrowed. Shameful as it is for me to<br />

say so, I think I even stole one-that is to say I never returned it to the<br />

person from whom I had borrowed it.<br />

Lu was on excellent terms <strong>with</strong> Syl, and on February 26, 1957,<br />

Lu-to the excitement of the class-substituted for Syl in the Law<br />

School when Syl was on another important assignment.<br />

Another example of Lu's influence is Anthony Fisher, who<br />

founded institutes for economic research in London, Vancouver,<br />

B.C., Los Angeles, Amsterdam, and, recently, in New York. "All<br />

my efforts," he once wrote me, "originally stem from Lu's teachings,<br />

writings and activities. Ideas have consequences."<br />

It would not have been astonishing-<strong>with</strong> all the admiration and<br />

the many honors he received in the course of time-if Lu had<br />

changed. But he never did. He stayed as simple and humble as he<br />

was when I first met him. One day I told him: "You pay so little<br />

attention to human beings, it is only history that really interests<br />

you." "How wrong you are," he answered. "Your presence means<br />

much more to me than any event in the past." Yes, he did love me.<br />

Human Action and <strong>The</strong> Anti-Capialistic Mentality were translated<br />

into Spanish by Joaquin Reig, a lawyer who lives in Madrid.<br />

As soon as Reig read a Hazlitt article about Human Action in<br />

Newsweek, he got in touch <strong>with</strong> Lu and met him personally for the<br />

first time at the Mont Pelerin meeting in Kassel, Germany. From<br />

that day on a warm friendship developed, based on fealty to the<br />

same ideals.<br />

In Stresa, during the 1965 Mont Pelerin meeting, Reig once<br />

spoke to Lu about monopoly and Ro'thbard's Man, Economy and<br />

State, which had been published in 1962. Reig directed Lu's attention<br />

to the fact that Rothbard, one of Lu's most able and admiring<br />

pupils, did not completely agree <strong>with</strong> Lu's analysis of monopoly.<br />

Lu replied: "I would subscribe to every word Rothbard has written<br />

in his study."<br />

About this Reig told me: "That was such a generous statement of<br />

<strong>Ludwig</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Mises</strong>, to say that one of his own students had exposed<br />

one of his own ideas better than he himself had been able to<br />

do it, that my admiration for this man jumped sky-high."<br />

Rothbard became the leader of many young American followers<br />

of the Austrian School. Men like Jean Pierre Hamilius (Luxembourg),<br />

one of the ablest defenders of Lu's teachings and editor of<br />

the Mont Pelerin Quarterly, Toshio Murata (Japan), Walter E.<br />

Grinder (U.S.), and George Roche (U.S.) are other notable adherents<br />

of the Austrian School.<br />

In addition to our four trips to Mexico and our flight to Peru, we<br />


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