1986 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club

1986 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club

1986 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club


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The ARRL has petitioned the FCC to reconsider the part of its Report and<br />

Order in Docket 85-105 which stipulates that "no amateur station may be<br />

operated under automatic control while transmitting third party traffic".<br />

The League stated that "technology has overtaken some aspects of. .. the<br />

Commission's Rules, particularly in regard to automatic control" and pointed<br />

out that most digital communications use speeds of at least 1200 bits<br />

per second, which translates to about 1400 wpm. Thus, it would be impossible<br />

for a control operator using a video display terminal (VDT) or a<br />

printer to carefully monitor the communications, assuming an average reading<br />

speed of 300 wpm.<br />

On March 14, the FCC released a waiver of the rules to permit<br />

retransmission of third-party traffic via packet radio under certain<br />

conditions in response to the ARRL petition. The waiver will remain in<br />

effect until the FCC takes final action on the ARRL petition, which is not<br />

scheduled until late next summer. A copy of the text of the waiver will be<br />

available at the club meeting.<br />

50.0-50.S mHz has been available to UK hams since February 1.<br />

The FCC, in a Report and Order in Docket 85-87, has declared federal<br />

preemption of local regulation of satellite antennas.<br />

Latest call signs issued March 1: WQ6T, KI6CX, N6NHF, KB6LVW.<br />


(All the world luffs a luffer)<br />

Vic-20, Datasette, USI Pi-1 monitor, Hamtext, and Kantronics Interface.<br />

Cushcraft 4-elm 2M beam. Call Dave, WA6HQM, 753-2605. (4)<br />

Drake NB-5 noise blanker for TR-5 xcvr only $20. Call Dennis, N6KI, 271­<br />

6079. (4)<br />

Tektronix o'scope T-922 DC-IS mHz, dual trace, $350. Call Lou, N6CKQ,<br />

755-9179. (3)<br />

<strong>Radio</strong><br />

module,<br />

Shack portable computer PC-2 hand held BASIC computer w/16K memory<br />

portable printer, and several books, $85. Signal generator TS­<br />

497/URR 2-400 mHz, CW and AM w/good calibrated attenuator and output level<br />

indicator and manual, $25. Call John, WB6IQS, 724-8380. (3)<br />

~1' crankup tower,<br />

0867. (2)<br />

delivery negotiable, $300. Call Buck, KAORGQ, 941­<br />

Drake R-4C HF rx w/MS-4 spkr, $225; Drake TR-4C HF xCvr w/MS-4 spkr and<br />

AC-4 pwr supply, $275.<br />

WA6BSD, 746-9034. (2)<br />

All cables and manuals included. Call Steve,<br />

Kenwood TS-520S HF xcvr, $350. Call Ed Holm, K6II, 726-4337. (4)<br />

Travel Electronics Travelphone, commercial 6-channel VHF, high power 5W,<br />

low power 1W, presently on Gemcon freqs w/acc. Call Doug 676-7321. (2)<br />

Swan SS-200A solid state HF xcvr w/Turner 444 mike, $150; w/matching PS­<br />

20 pwr supply, $210.<br />

K6HAV, 727-5866. (2)<br />

Johnson 1 KW Matchbox w/swr meter, $lS0. Call Ralph,<br />

Drake TX-4B HF tX,RX-4B HF rx,<br />

W6VDA, 466-4234. (2)<br />

pwr supply, all for $275. Call Bill,<br />

Ten-tee Argonaut 509 CW/SSB 10-80M solid state xcvr, $160; Kenwood TS-820<br />

xcvr factory aligned, $360; Yaesu FT-221R 2M all mode xcvr, $19S; Yaesu<br />

Landliner spkr/phone patch, $40; Kenwood KB-l deluxe tuning knob, $7; Swan<br />

14-X DC module, $1S. Call Duane, AA6EE, 789-3674 evenings. (4)<br />

Tempo S-S HT, $150; Heathkit Apache TX-1 HF tx, $70; Gonset 6N2 tx $30;<br />

scanner, $40; Realistic DX-150 rx, $20; Hallicrafter S-38, $20; He~thkit<br />

SB-lOO xcvr, $125; Kenwood TS-S20-S, $350; Atlas 350XL, make offer; test<br />

SCOPE - April '86 Page 4

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