1986 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club

1986 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club

1986 - Palomar Amateur Radio Club


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complaints f rom members of the KOJPK signal into Sa n Di e go County;<br />

ri spostion of s ome <strong>Club</strong>-owned equipment. A nice , soc iab l e evening .<br />

and the<br />


After crys talli ng , refurbishing, manufacturing o f de c oder cards, and<br />

tweaking up on 444.425 and 449.425 mHz we hope to soon have t he "new"<br />

Motorola "MSY" machine on the mountain to r eplace the old Standard we' ve<br />

used so long .<br />

J ohn, WB6IQS , has done all of the preliminary wor k to get the MSY repeater<br />

s ready for the mountain. The channel elements have arrived from Inte r­<br />

national crystals, and the tuning up of the repeater s ha s been done . Per ­<br />

haps, by the t i me you read this, we will have a "new" 450 mHz repeater on<br />

the mountain. - if all goes well.<br />

WB6IQS has installed a device t hat beeps every three s e conds when t he 2M<br />

repeater is on battery power. This sounds much like t he "courtes y beep"<br />

found on s ome machines to indicate that the time out t i me r ha s r e s e t . Whe n<br />

t his tone i s heard on W6NWG/R we must be aware that our use of t he r e peater<br />

shou l d be curtailed to preserve the battery in the c ase of a l engt hy powe r<br />

outage.<br />

We are remi nded that we shoul d wat ch our base to ba se QSOs during the<br />

he avy hours of mobile use: 0630-0830 and 1630-1830 . I f jamming is<br />

obse r ved on t he repeater, be sure a nd see i f you can hear the offendi ng<br />

s igna l on the repeater input (146.130 mHz). If you can, announc e the f ac t<br />

and your locat i on . If you have a directional antenna , try and determine<br />

t he direction t o t he source, of course!<br />


Licens e s expi ring in February: NOONE. In March : W1LE. I n Ap r i l :<br />

KD6WX , WB6JVS . I n May: WB6UON, N6EQB , N6GZI, WA7AMS.<br />

If you want to be reminded about your license expirat i on date, be sure we<br />

have i t in the Gi 'nt Computer. 610 for ms are availa b l e from t he FCC or<br />

from t he c l ub secretary . Be sure the 610 you use is d a t e d June 1984 or<br />

later. No e arlier issue is acceptable.<br />


Latest call signs issued as of 12/17/85: WN60, KG6ZR , N6MUM, KB6 KKW. <br />


(All the world luffs a luffe r )<br />

Kenwood TS- 830A HF xcvr w/ Me-50 mike, mint condx, $545 . Call Art ,<br />

WA6 I PD, 728- 6834 . (2)<br />

Tri-Ex W- 51 51' c rankup tower, de livery negotiable , $300. Call Buck ,<br />

KAORGQ , 94 1 - 0867. ( 2)<br />

Heath HA-20 2A 2M FM lOW i n 40W out amplifier in Klyst r onic condx , $25 .<br />

Cal l Dan , WA6HYB , 433-4445. ( 2 )<br />

Motorola 120W 136-150.8 mHz base station in r ack c a b i net . All solid<br />

state except t r i pIer, dri ver, and final. Has GLB f r equency s y n t hesizer f or<br />

t x/rx f requency control. W/spare tubes and all documentation. With typi ­<br />

c a l Motorola metering of tx & rx . An excellent base s t ation or would make<br />

a fine repeater. Call Phil, K6ROR, 724-0098 and make a n offer . Some<br />

ridiculous offers considered . It's <strong>Club</strong> property s o g i ve Pheel a c a ll . If<br />

the Gi'nt Computer answers, don ' t hang up , it may make more sense t ha n he<br />

does.<br />

Drake R- 4C HF r x w/MS - 4 spkr , $225; Drake TR - 4C HF xcvr w/ MS - 4 s pkr and<br />

SCOPE - February ' 86 Page 3

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