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Sfep 3:<br />

Export the data from the newly created business class of service lables above<br />

as ASCII (TXT extension) using the Utility I Export facility. For simplicity,<br />

use the table name as the export file name. Paradox will attach the .TXT extension.<br />

Step 4:<br />

~<br />

Determine the Nth circuit which should be pulled from each export file by<br />

dividing the number of circuits per file by the target sample size:<br />

Example: Text File Name Circuits* Sample Size Every Nth<br />

7 GSB.TXT (small bus<br />

1 #'<br />

use # of records as identiCied in PARADOX.<br />

Step 5:<br />

Run the sample selection program for each business circuit text file. Fust run QBASIC<br />

(usually in the DOS subdirectory). Then select File Open and type SAMPLE.BAS.<br />

Then select Run. The program will ask for an input file - type the name of the<br />

business text file. The program will then ask for an ouput file - give the program<br />

a file name which will represent the total business sample. The extension should<br />

be "TXT". Finally, the program will ask you to type the number of the Nth circuit<br />

which you would like to include in the sample as well as the random start.<br />

Repeat the process for each business text file using the same ouput file name.<br />

The program will append the contents of the output file each t he the program<br />

run. Thus, the output file will include the sample selections from each CRIS extract<br />

C. Combining Residence &Business Samples into One File:<br />

Step I:<br />

Sfep 2:<br />

Run the sample selection program using the text files (one for residence and one<br />

for business) created in steps A and B as input files. Name the output file<br />

"XXsample.bt", where XX represents the state abbreviation. In response to the<br />

Nth Circuit and Random Start prompts, fYPe a 1 for each. The program will<br />

write each line of the input file to the output file, appending the output file for<br />

the second execution. Hence, the output file will contain the contents of both<br />

input files. (run the SAMPLEBAS program once for residence and once for<br />

business; change the input file but keep the output file name consistent)<br />

Convert the sample selection ouput fie created in step 1 into a format which<br />

LMOS can understand. While in QBASIC, select File Open and type CONVERT.BAS.<br />

Then select run. The program will ask for an input file - type the name of the<br />

sample selection output file. The program will then ask for an output file - create<br />

a name for the file which will be handed off to LMOS. The file name should<br />

have a "TXT" extension. This step produces an undelimited ASCII file with<br />

the following format:<br />

BBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBOOOAOOl ( pad out to BO characters )<br />

B = Blanks<br />

x=alphanumeric (18 characters)<br />

p23BO2Z o0l7O<br />

Page 3<br />

Loop Sample Selection Instructions

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