Mocha News - February, 2013 - Mocha Shriners
Mocha News - February, 2013 - Mocha Shriners
Mocha News - February, 2013 - Mocha Shriners
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<strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> of <strong>Shriners</strong> International, London Ontario<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
Vol 36 No 1<br />
5<br />
Elected Divans for <strong>2013</strong><br />
6<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Spring Ceremonial<br />
21<br />
Telemedicine<br />
Update<br />
22<br />
Logan’s Story<br />
25<br />
A Message from<br />
Imperial Potentate<br />
Alan Madsen<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #40010349<br />
Offi cial Publication of <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br /> Published 4 times a year<br />
Statement of Purpose: To allow members to share items of<br />
interest while promoting our commitment to children and<br />
the interests of <strong>Mocha</strong> Centre.<br />
Editor: Dwight Coughlan, 519-657-7561<br />
Editor Emeritus: Gerry Stephenson, Floyd James<br />
Public Relations: Paul Smith, 519-637-3396<br />
Office: Sharron Miller and Jody Axford<br />
468 Colborne Street, London, ON N6B 2T3<br />
Phone: 519-672-1391<br />
Fax: 519-672-7723 Lounge: 519-672-2043<br />
Elected Divan <strong>2013</strong><br />
Potentate: Robert Parker 519-680-0032<br /> Lady Deb<br />
Chief Rabban: Jim Thomsen 519-495-1882<br /> Lady Deb<br />
Assistant Rabban: Bob Marshall 519-245-5567<br /> Lady Vesta<br />
High Priest & Prophet: Brian Dayman 519-353-4332<br /> Lady Corinne<br />
Oriental Guide: Garry Willsie 519-243-2616<br /> Lady Christina<br />
Treasurer: Dave Fahrner, PP 519-641-4998<br /> Lady Susan<br />
Recorder: Bill Butcher 519-657-5100<br /> Lady Sally<br />
Appointed Divan<br />
First Ceremonial Master: Mark Gordon 519-902-7811<br /> Lady Penny<br />
Second Ceremonial Master: Wally Green 519-245-1207<br /> Lady Darlene<br />
Marshall: Craig Kealey 519-389-4187<br /> Lady Sue<br />
Captain of the Guard: Ernie Morenz 519-243-1797<br /> Lady Ann<br />
Outer Guard: Brad Fickling 519-668-3323<br /> Lady Donna<br />
Director: Tom Hill 519-268-2409<br /> Lady Cheryl<br />
Potentate’s Appointments<br />
Potentate’s Report<br />
This is my first opportunity to thank<br />
each and every Noble of <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />
for allowing me the opportunity of<br />
serving as your Potentate in <strong>2013</strong>. I<br />
humbly accept this great honour and<br />
promise faithfully to carry out the many<br />
duties and responsibilities associated<br />
with this high office.<br />
My personal thank-you goes out to<br />
Ill. Sir Norm Camp and his team for<br />
a truly outstanding Installation event<br />
on Friday, January 11, <strong>2013</strong>. The attendance and support<br />
expressed by so many Nobles and Ladies and the presence<br />
and encouragement of thirteen Past Potentates was sincerely<br />
appreciated and will be fondly remembered by Lady Deb<br />
and I forever.<br />
An excellent Divan was invested and appointed for the <strong>2013</strong><br />
Shrine year and I look forward to working with each and<br />
every one of them to identify and attain goals that will be in<br />
the best interest for the growth and improvement of <strong>Mocha</strong><br />
Temple and ALL of its Nobility.<br />
Recorder’s Corner<br />
by Bill Butcher<br />
Well Brethren, I cannot believe how<br />
fast the last year has gone, this just<br />
goes to show, that when you are<br />
having fun, time goes by incredibly<br />
fast. In the last year I have learned<br />
a lot in the position that I was put<br />
into and I might add that I am<br />
enjoying what I am doing. I have<br />
had a great deal of help from various<br />
Nobles/people who shall remain<br />
unnamed, they know who they are and they have my<br />
many thanks for the support and help over the last year.<br />
Through working with the Potentate and Directors we<br />
have accomplished quite a bit this past year, our great<br />
new Banquet Hall and the Painting of the Exterior<br />
of our Great Building along with repairs to the lower<br />
bathroom areas, the Signage that has been put up in the<br />
Parking Lot, also the parking lot line painting. Nobles<br />
we have spent some money in the last year, however, this<br />
new look at different areas should make us proud to be a<br />
member of <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple.<br />
Chaplain’s Chat<br />
by Gord Simmons<br />
When I was working on my doctorate I chose as the<br />
title Many Parts One Body, One Body Many Parts. This<br />
was based on Chapter 12 of I Corinthians. The Apostle<br />
Paul was writing to a divided church and reminding<br />
the members that like the human body each member<br />
was important and dependent on the others. They were<br />
interdependent. They needed one another to be strong.<br />
Shrine Temples are like the human body and the clubs<br />
and units cannot exist without being part of the Temple.<br />
The clubs and units are the organs and the limbs of the<br />
Temple. Wherever there is a club, or unit, it is the visible<br />
presence of the Temple to the local area. The reputation<br />
and the wellbeing of our fraternity and our charities<br />
are dependent on the goodwill of our friends and<br />
neighbours which in turn is built upon the local good<br />
works and reputation of the nobles.<br />
The clubs and units depend on nobles being active<br />
and supportive in all aspects of their activities; in<br />
turn the Temple is dependent on these same nobles<br />
for supporting the maintenance and the charities of<br />
the Temple. Each is dependent on the other. A strong<br />
Temple has strong clubs and units working together to<br />
build up the fraternity and when necessary helping the<br />
weaker members to become stronger. As our fraternity<br />
moves into other parts of the world nobles need to be<br />
supportive of new Temples, new clubs and units by<br />
being actively participating, promoting and sharing<br />
their various talents to build up the greatest charity in<br />
the world.<br />
At his recent visit to <strong>Mocha</strong>, Ill. Sir Al Madsen emphasized<br />
the absolute necessity that membership and membership<br />
The new Potentate along with the new Divan will be<br />
growth become the No. 1 priority in all of Shrinedom. With<br />
adding some new ideas to the operation of <strong>Mocha</strong> in<br />
our numbers steadily decreasing and our <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital<br />
the near future. Ill. Sir Rob Parker has a great Spring<br />
for Children commitments increasing, or just leveling off<br />
Ceremonial planned along with a great many other<br />
at best (third and first party revenue and increased hospital<br />
things on his agenda for the year.<br />
efficiency aside), a point of no return will eventually be<br />
Brethren, I would like to take this opportunity to thank<br />
reached and support will not be sustainable. With this<br />
each and every one of you that have allowed me to stay<br />
priority in mind, I look forward to working with our ever<br />
in as your recorder. As most of you know I enjoy doing<br />
strong Membership Committee and welcome Noble Jeff<br />
the job for you, and as you know I still have the open<br />
Smith to the Divan as our new Public Relations chairman.<br />
Our Potentate, Illustrious Sir Rob Parker, has<br />
Chief Aide: Norm Camp 519-858-3500<br />
door concept, of which I enjoy Nobles coming in and<br />
chosen as his theme for this year the importance of<br /> Lady Lynda<br />
I believe the lines of communication between <strong>Mocha</strong>’s<br />
sitting down and having a little chat for awhile. So if<br />
Chaplain/Donor Relations: Rev. Canon Michael Farr<br />
interdependence. This year be involved help build the<br />
Divan and the Clubs and Units needs to be addressed and<br />
you have anything to vent or to talk about, feel free to<br />
519-396-8284 Lady Kathleen<br />
body by being an active part of it.<br />
Assistant Chaplain: Rev. Gordon Simmons 519-344-1983<br />
properly tended to where necessary. I will be encouraging<br />
come in and sit and we will chew it out. Once again<br /><br />
the entire Divan to embrace a policy of visiting all the Clubs<br />
Nobles, thank you for putting your trust in me to do a In the faith, peace,<br />
Membership: Harry Hewbank 519-773-7147<br />
and Units on a more regular basis and to be fully responsive<br />
second year as your recorder of <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple.<br />
Gord Simmons, Assistant Chaplain<br /> Lady Ruth<br />
to their inquiries for advice, information and guidance –<br />
Pubic Relations: Jeff Smith 519-633-5681<br />
Y.I.T.F.<br />
when so received. The future of <strong>Mocha</strong> depends on ALL of<br /> Lady Sheri<br />
Bill Butcher, <strong>Mocha</strong>/Recorder<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>News</strong>: Dwight Coughlan 519-657-7561<br />
us developing a Spirit of Trust for one another and I will do<br /> Lady Caroline<br />
my best to promote and support this aim.<br />
Temple Attorney: C. F. MacKewn Jr. 519-672-2171 x228<br /><br />
As this New Year starts to unfold, I would ask each and<br />
External Auditor: John Rozeluk 519-471-6900 x228<br />
every one of us to continue our dedication and commitment<br /><br />
to <strong>Shriners</strong> International and <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for<br />
Facility Manager - Inside: Bent Anderson 519-672-7408<br />
<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for Children<br />
Children and for All of us to work together to promote and<br />
® provides specialty care<br /> Lady Kris<br />
to children up to age 18 with orthopaedic conditions,<br />
Facility Manager - Outside: Fraser Grant 519-657-4318<br />
support <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple and All of it’s Nobility.<br />
To learn more about our services, or to refer a burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate,<br /> Lady Connie<br />
patient, visit regardless of the families’ ability to pay. All care and<br />
Photographer: Randy Dunlop 519-264-2964<br />
Let’s have a great <strong>2013</strong> and have a lot of “Fun” doing it!<br />
to locate a hospital near you. Or call 800-361-7258. services are delivered in a family-centered environment.<br /> Lady Valerie<br />
Robert E. Parker<br />
Piper: Wilson McBeath 519-485-3496 Lady Barbara<br />
Potentate <strong>2013</strong><br />
2 3
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
from the<br />
New Year, New Beginnings!<br />
Welcome Nobles and Ladies to <strong>2013</strong>. Let me start<br />
by congratulating Potenate Rob Parker on his new<br />
position. I have known Illustrious Sir for a few<br />
years now and have worked closely with him when<br />
I was Membership Chair. His dedication to the<br />
Shrine is unmovable and I know Illustrious Sir will<br />
continue to work for the organization and give it the<br />
leadership that it needs.<br />
Congrats to all of the other appointments and newly<br />
elected officers.<br />
As the New Year began, I felt it was important to<br />
bring new change to the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>News</strong>. We have<br />
redesigned the news so that it is easier to read. The<br />
process began by looking at the whole organization<br />
and where it was going, what colours Imperial in<br />
Tampa is using, what style, and what the main<br />
messaging is. As we compared the look and feel of<br />
Imperial communications we felt that we needed a<br />
more modern and clean design. By this I’m referring<br />
to the use of simple fonts and colours that don’t<br />
distract the reader when reading.<br />
What hasn’t changed is our focus on <strong>Mocha</strong>, and<br />
news about what all the clubs and units are doing.<br />
You’ll find an increased emphasis on our activities<br />
and what is happening at our hospitals and the<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> region. Nobles: keep the pictures and<br />
articles coming.<br />
I welcome your feedback on this edition, and would<br />
ask for your comments on what we did well, and<br />
where we still could improve.<br />
Closing out, I want to congratulate the team that<br />
spearheaded the redesign of the <strong>Mocha</strong> Ballroom.<br />
It is a top notch facility and can surpass any banquet<br />
facility in our area. We should be proud of such a<br />
facility.<br />
Editor, <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Noble Dwight<br />
Coughlan<br />
as at January 21, <strong>2013</strong><br />
Name<br />
City<br />
Dinsmore William A Stratford<br />
Faulds William R Creve Coeur<br />
Hines Edward J London<br />
Hodgins Harold B Denfi eld<br />
Mcconnell John T London<br />
Muirhead Patrick H Windsor<br />
Oneil William R Oldcastle<br />
Pearson Norman London<br />
Pratt Malcolm Escondido<br />
Robinson Harold H London<br />
Thomas Ronald E London<br />
Download<br />
this <strong>Shriners</strong> International app from<br />
iTunes for your iPad/iPhone.<br />
FREE<br />
Category: Reference<br />
Updated: July 03, 2012<br />
Version: 3.00<br />
Size: 219 MB<br />
Language: English<br />
Seller: Computol, Inc<br />
© <strong>Shriners</strong> International<br />
Rated 4+<br />
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone,<br />
iPod touch and iPad. Requires iOS 4.3 or later.<br />
Description: <strong>Shriners</strong> International is a fraternity<br />
based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles<br />
of brotherly love, relief and truth. With approximately<br />
325,000 members in 194 temples (chapters) in<br />
the United States, Canada, Germany, Mexico, the<br />
Philippines, Puerto Rico and the Republic of Panama<br />
our fraternity is open to men of integrity from all walks<br />
of life.<br />
This app provides <strong>Shriners</strong> and people interested<br />
in the <strong>Shriners</strong> with information about our<br />
locations, events, history and philanthropy.<br />
MOCHANEWS submissions<br />
MAY ISSUE April 15<br />
AUGUST ISSUE July 15<br />
NOVEMBER ISSUE October 15<br />
<strong>2013</strong> INSTALLATION<br />
On behalf of Noble Harry Hewbank – Chairman,<br />
the Membership Committee congratulates Ill. Sir<br />
Rob Parker and the Divan on their installation.<br />
The Ill. Sir echoed the remarks given by our<br />
Imperial Potentate Alan W. Madsen when he said<br />
that ‘Membership is our Number One Priority’ –<br />
we couldn’t agree more! We have to turn things<br />
around. As of the last information I have available,<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> has 2733 Nobles. Five years ago<br />
we had 3,302 – a decrease of 17%. We need to<br />
attract new Nobles – especially younger Nobles.<br />
A breakdown by age shows the following:<br />
Age Under 45 6%<br />
45 to 65 25%<br />
Over 65 69%<br />
I know that you attend your lodge and other<br />
Masonic functions (if you are not getting out<br />
to your Lodge – Get Back To Lodge! Support<br />
Craft Masonry!) and as you do, I am very sure<br />
that you know some Masons under the age of<br />
45 who are not yet Nobles. Ask them – Have<br />
you considered joining the Shrine? It is an easy<br />
question. This will open up the discussion and<br />
you can share with them the fun you have as a<br />
Shriner and tell them about the World’s Greatest<br />
Philanthropy! Direct them to the BeAShrinerNow.<br />
com website.<br />
Is it as easy as this to turn our membership<br />
numbers around by asking a simple question?<br />
Yes – it can be! If only 10% of our current Nobility<br />
each brought in one new Noble, this would<br />
bring in 270 new Nobles!! We might have to get<br />
a longer rope for the Ceremonial parade – what<br />
a sight that would be.<br />
Your membership committee will be contacting<br />
as many Lodges as we can over the next few<br />
weeks to invite ourselves to your Lodge meeting<br />
to provide a presentation to the brethren about<br />
what being a Shriner is all about. (You don’t have<br />
to wait for us – give me a call 519-668-7209).<br />
Noble Shayne Eldridge<br />
Elected Divan<br />
Front Row (L-R) Chief Rabban, Jim Thomsen; Potentate, Robert Parker<br />
and Assistant Rabban, Bob Marshall. Back Row (L-R) Recorder, Bill Butcher;<br />
Treasurer, Dave Fahrner, PP; Oriental Guide, Gary Willsie; High Priest &<br />
Prophet, Brian Dayman.<br />
Appointments to the Divan<br />
4 5
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
CEREMONIAL <strong>2013</strong><br />
June 7 & 8, London, Ontario MOCHA SHRINERS SPRING CEREMONIAL <strong>2013</strong><br />
Saturday, June 8, <strong>2013</strong> Events:<br />
7:00 - 9:00 am Breakfast $5.00 / person<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple – Main Bar / Porch<br />
9:30 am Ceremony – First Section<br />
Public Welcome to attend<br />
London Masonic Temple – Red Room<br />
11:30 am Ladies Luncheon $20.00 / person<br />
London Masonic Temple – Dufferin Hall<br />
12:00 noon Men’s Luncheon $10.00 / person<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />
2:00 pm <strong>Shriners</strong> Parade<br />
through beautiful downtown London<br />
Shrine Clubs & Units from across the region<br />
3:30 pm Ceremony – Second Section – Nobles Only<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />
Fezzing Ceremony<br />
to immediately follow Second Section<br />
All Welcome To Attend<br />
6:00 pm Closing Dinner $20.00 / person<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple – Lower Banquet Hall<br />
Friday, June 7th<br />
FISH FRY<br />
Served from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm<br />
Cost: $17.00 / person<br />
Name:<br />
Address:<br />
Meal Registration Form<br />
City: Postal Code:<br />
Phone: Email:<br />
Single Tickets:<br />
Fish Fry $17.00 X = $<br />
Breakfast $5.00 X = $<br />
Ladies’ Luncheon<br />
New Candidate’s Ladies Complimentary $20.00 X = $<br />
Men’s Luncheon<br />
New Candidates Complimentary $10.00 X = $<br />
Closing Dinner $20.00 X = $<br />
Please note deadline for registration for ALL TICKETS is Friday, May 31, <strong>2013</strong>..<br />
Payment Options:<br />
❏ Cash or ❏ Cheque payable to MOCHA SHRINERS<br />
❏ VISA or ❏ MasterCard Card Number:<br />
Accommodations at<br />
Expiry Date: / Name on Card:<br />
325 Dundas Street, London, ON<br />
1-800-668-9999<br />
468 COLBORNE ST., LONDON ON 519-672-1391<br />
Tickets Available For Purchase Until FRIDAY, MAY 31, <strong>2013</strong><br />
6 7<br />
MOCHA BALL <strong>2013</strong><br />
Saturday, May 4, <strong>2013</strong><br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />
468 Colborne St., London, ON<br />
Reception: 5:00 pm (cash bar)<br />
Grand Entry: 6:00 pm<br />
Dinner: 6:45 pm<br />
Sunday Breakfast Available at<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple 9:00 am<br />
MOCHA BALL <strong>2013</strong> Ticket Order Form<br />
Name:<br />
Name of Wife or Guest:<br />
Join Potentate Rob Parker<br />
and First Lady Deb<br />
Tickets:<br />
Ball Tickets $50.00 / person<br />
Breakfast Tickets: $10.00 / person<br />
To purchase tickets please contact the<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Offi ce or return this form along<br />
with payment to the offi ce.<br />
Please make cheques payable to<br />
Mail: 468 Colborne Street,<br />
London, ON N6B 2T3 or<br />
Phone: 519-672-1391 or<br />
Email: or<br />
Online:<br />
For Accommodations:<br />
Contact Delta Armouries, London<br />
1-800-668-9999<br />
Identity: <strong>Mocha</strong> Shriner<br />
NO ticket sales at the door<br />
Depart: 18 October<br />
Illustrious Sir Rob and First Lady Deb<br />
Invite you to join them on their <strong>2013</strong> Potentates Trip<br />
10 day Southern Caribbean/Panama Canal<br />
Sunfarer Cruise, October 18, <strong>2013</strong><br />
aboard Holland America’s MS Zuiderdam<br />
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 4:00 pm<br />
Day 1 19 October Half Moon Cay, Bahamas<br />
Day 2 20 October At Sea<br />
Day 3 21 October Oranjestad, Aruba<br />
Day 4 22 October Willemstad (Curacao),<br />
Antilles<br />
Day 5 23 October At Sea<br />
Day 6 24 October Cristobal<br />
Enter Panama Canal, cruising the Canal & Gatun Lake<br />
Shore excursion (included): Pacific coast & Panama City,<br />
then meet the ship at Colon, Panama<br />
Day 7 25 October Puerto Limon, Costa Rica<br />
Day 8/9 26/27 October At Sea<br />
Day 10 28 October Fort Lauderdale, Florida 7:00 am<br />
Prices from: $1566.62 Inside cabin $1946.75 Oceanview $2166.06 Verandah<br />
Pricing is Per Person in Canadian dollars based on double occupancy, and includes taxes,<br />
transfers and the Day 6 shore excursion. *Airfare and Insurance additional*<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
Temple, Club or Unit Offi ce:<br />
Phone: Email:<br />
Special Meal Needs:<br />
Your tickets & table<br />
assignments will be held<br />
at the door for pickup.<br />
Ball Tickets: @ $50.00 / Person = $<br />
Breakfast Tickets: @ $10/00 / Person = $<br />
TOTAL: $<br />
Please order your tickets no later than Saturday, April 20, <strong>2013</strong><br />
All tickets are Advance Sales Only<br />
For full details<br />
please join us at<br />
the information evening<br />
<strong>February</strong> 5th, 7 p.m.<br />
at the <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />
lower banquet hall<br />
Call Laura Phillips<br />
519-433-0191<br />
529 Richmond St. London<br />
TICO reg# 1086995<br />
8 9
Success is having<br />
Because many of the parades<br />
achieved a goal and<br />
we participate in are quite long<br />
it was decided we should fi nd<br />
which allows us to<br />
having fun doing it.<br />
an alternative to marching. Ken<br />
manage Bingos in<br />
That is why the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> Jenkins approached the executive<br />
Elgin County. This<br />
Trumpet continues to be<br />
of the Camel Coach Unit on the<br />
years presentation<br />
successful year after year. Under possibility of renting their fl oat.<br />
was made by<br />
Past President, Ron Henry the The Camel Coach considered<br />
Raban Ralph<br />
band attained our budget for 2012. and graciously agreed to terms.<br />
Ford and Bingo<br />
This target was reached by being Using the fl oat has been a fi nancial<br />
Chairman George<br />
active in parades, activities and benefi t to both units. Trumpet<br />
Hillman to Julie<br />
events 21 in total. We stand proud Band member Ken Jenkins uses<br />
Davey RN in charge<br />
in stating that the <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine his skilful driving and with Dave <strong>Mocha</strong> Trumpet Band Members at Lake<br />
of Family Services.<br />
Centre, and our <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> Williamson’s help give up much of Chapala Mexico<br />
Clan 59 this year is<br />
Hospitals were the benefi ciaries of their time in getting the fl oat ready<br />
celebrating 32 years<br />
our contributions.<br />
and to the parades.<br />
Wally Hutzel and John Sweeny<br />
as a Unit of <strong>Mocha</strong><br />
The highlight of the year for<br />
It is with sadness that we have loss<br />
Clan 59 and Out House #3 Shrine and have continuously<br />
the band was the <strong>February</strong> 25 the skill of Jack Baskey our bass<br />
annually make a presentation to contributed to the Children’s<br />
to March 5, 2012 visit to Lake drum player for many, many years<br />
the St. Thomas Elgin General needs of this Hospital, totaling<br />
Chapala, Mexico. We went to who is now in permanent residence<br />
Hospital Children and Family just under $100,000.<br />
represent our 2012 <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> in the Parkwood Hospital on the<br />
Services Division. This is part<br />
Potentate Illustrious Sir, David<br />
of the licensing agreement,<br />
<strong>News</strong> Writer: Cuzzin’ Ron Cripps<br />
3rd fl oor. Jack is well known in Potentate of Anezeh Temple Illustrious<br />
Fickling in support of our MTB the Shrine and a very active 33rd Sir Graham Paull & Lady Sheila at the<br />
member and a <strong>Mocha</strong> Shriner Scottish Riter. He is always glad Potentate’s Ball. Lake Chapal Mexico.<br />
Graham Paull. Graham was<br />
to receive visitors. Richard Jones Graham is a <strong>Mocha</strong> Noble & MTB Member<br />
installed as the Potentate of Anezeh another one of our talented horn<br />
Temple, Mexico City I wonder how player has left us to take on an<br />
many Shrine Centre’s can boast of important pharmaceutical position<br />
having Nobles as Potentates of two in Victoria BC. He hasn’t totally<br />
separate Shrine Temples. Quite resigned from the band and hopes<br />
an honour for <strong>Mocha</strong>, don’t you to join us whenever possible. We<br />
think? Graham and his wife Sheila wish Rick success and good luck<br />
was our host. They organized in his new position<br />
trips, activities and events. Of all<br />
Our long time, talented leader Assistant Rabban Jim Thomsen<br />
the events we participated in was<br />
Stew Taylor who made the band Installing <strong>2013</strong> MTB Executive<br />
at the Potentates Banquet where<br />
the success it is today resigned<br />
we opened the Ball by playing the<br />
and we were fortunate to have<br />
Mexican National Anthem proudly<br />
So <strong>2013</strong> promises to be another<br />
Pictured above is Bill<br />
another accomplish musician Allan<br />
lead by our lead trumpeter and<br />
successful year under our new<br />
Atkinson’s 1947 Panel delivery<br />
Davidson step in and direct the<br />
Director Stew Taylor.<br />
Offi cers: President, Rick Hamm;<br />
truck. There is only one door<br />
band.<br />
Vice President, John Powell;<br />
lock on the outside and it is<br />
It was a little disappointing that we<br />
In 2012 Canada marked the The Director, Allan Davidson; Treasurer,<br />
on the passenger side door,<br />
were only able to recruit two Nobles<br />
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – the Ron Henry. Ron takes over from<br />
I assume this was used as a<br />
to our rank, but we are extremely<br />
60th anniversary of Her Majesty’s Don Gellatly. Don was treasurer<br />
delivery van as there was a<br />
happy to welcome Gordon Walker<br />
Queen Sandy and the Patrol present a cake to<br />
to the throne as Queen of Canada. for eight years and was presented<br />
cash drawer opening under<br />
and Leo Granton. Leo and Gordon<br />
celebrate Omar Temple No. 111, 59th anniversary. the passenger side seat.<br />
In recognition of this auspicious with a plaque in recognition of<br />
like many people heard our band<br />
event, a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee his service. Secretary, Dave<br />
and were inspired by our music<br />
Medal was established and<br />
Williamson; 1yr Member-At-Large,<br />
Pictured at left is Wayne Grenon’s 1972 Chevelle SS.<br />
and enthusiasm and though they<br />
awarded to Canadians who have Andrew Barr; 2yr Member-At-<br />
300 HP. 4 Barrel. He purchased in Alabama 30 years<br />
never played an instrument, came<br />
made signifi cant contributions to Large, Bill Frank.<br />
ago, He is second original owner “Wow, what a power<br />
to one of our practices. After we<br />
their communities. One of our own<br />
house” Bill and Wayne are “super great and dedicated<br />
welcomed them we asked, “What<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Shriner and Trumpet Band<br />
<strong>Shriners</strong>” who travel over 250 Miles return trip to<br />
instrument would you like to play?”<br />
member, in the person of William<br />
attend our monthly Classic meetings and parades.<br />
Leo answered a Glockenspiel<br />
Frank was selected to receive this<br />
“Thanx guys” David Harding Pres. Want to belong<br />
and Gordon said the cymbals.<br />
medal. Congratulation to Bill for<br />
to a fun filled exciting group call me at 519-851-2311<br />
From that point on and with a little<br />
his outstanding commitment to his<br />
its that easy!<br />
coaching they are ready to play at<br />
country and community<br />
our parades and events.<br />
10<br />
11<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
POP CAN<br />
MOCHANEWS | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
Happy New Year from the<br />
Nobles of the “Love Bugs.”<br />
Thank you to Terry Melmer for<br />
a very successful year in 2012.<br />
We participated in parades in<br />
Woodstock, Thamesford, Mount<br />
Brydges, Chatham, Dresden,<br />
Bothwell, Port Rowan, Lambeth<br />
and Santa Claus parades in<br />
London, Woodstock, Aylmer, Port<br />
Stanley, Springfi eld, Port Burwell<br />
and Ingersoll.<br />
<strong>2013</strong> EXECUTIVE<br />
President – Bob Shier<br />
First Vice – Ross Crawford<br />
ALYMER<br />
Noble Gil Smith collecting donations at<br />
Aylmer shrine Cruise Night<br />
Noble President Roy Osmond and Vice<br />
president Noble Drew Buchner having<br />
fun before Blue Buddy Night at <strong>Mocha</strong><br />
Shrine Centre<br />
Second Vice – Paul Jago<br />
Secretary – Roy Picard<br />
Treasurer – Harold Fowler<br />
Parade Chair – Mark Walker<br />
Sick & Visiting – Bob Shier<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>News</strong> Rep – Bob Shier<br />
Our best wishes and prayers go<br />
to Terry as he battles his ongoing<br />
health problems.<br />
The “Love Bugs” breakfast<br />
meetings are held on the fi rst<br />
Saturday of every month from<br />
April to November at the New<br />
Sarum Diner in downtown New<br />
Sarum at 9 am. This is an open<br />
2012: Year In Review<br />
Nobles Alvin Lindsay, Johnny Van,<br />
Harry Hewbank, Percy Whitcroft waiting<br />
for the parade to start<br />
Noble George Sinden and Noble Matt<br />
Wilson riding hard at the Canada Day<br />
parade in Aylmer<br />
invitation to join us this year if<br />
you want to drive a “Bug”, are a<br />
new Shriner or one not belonging<br />
to another Unit, or just want a<br />
change, we welcome you with<br />
an introductory complimentary<br />
free breakfast. Our Unit gets lots<br />
of attention on parades as our<br />
“1970 Bugs” are always clean<br />
and sparkling.<br />
If interested in membership<br />
contact President Bob Shier<br />
(519-645-2692), or Secretary Roy<br />
Pickard (519-773-5526) check us<br />
out at<br />
Fire Brigade<br />
Draw winners,<br />
held on November 18<br />
1st prize winner<br />
2nd prize winner<br />
3rd prize winner<br />
Nobles,<br />
Strathocha Shrine Club thanks the<br />
Nobles who attended the Spring<br />
Ceremonial that was hosted by our<br />
club making it a successful event.<br />
To reward our club members they<br />
were given the summer off to<br />
recuperate except for one Sunday<br />
in August when the club held its<br />
annual Golf Day and steak supper.<br />
The ladies were invited and it was<br />
a great day of exercise (I hear<br />
some of the Nobles spent a good<br />
part of the day in the rough looking<br />
for golf balls), fi ne food and plenty<br />
of fellowship.<br />
We weren’t allowed to sit and<br />
relax for long as the Saturday<br />
after Labour Day is our annual<br />
Lobsterfest which we hold<br />
in conjunction with the local<br />
Rotary Club. Noble Mark Fonger<br />
chaired this successful event<br />
with a sell out of 700 tickets. The<br />
evening started with “ice cold”<br />
refreshments, buckets of mussels<br />
and trays of “jumbo” shrimp”, all<br />
for a price (have you ever met a<br />
Shriner who wasn’t trying to sell<br />
you something). While all this was<br />
going on a live band was playing<br />
“down east” music to get the folks<br />
in the right mood. Noble Lyle Smith<br />
and his “band of cooks” provide<br />
the main course of surf (a whole<br />
lobster) or turf (a steak) or if you<br />
were really hungry, both. This was<br />
followed by a DJ playing dance<br />
music which was enjoyed by all<br />
until past midnight. An event of this<br />
size requires plenty of help and I<br />
am pleased to state that 60% of<br />
our club membership along with a<br />
few volunteers helped.<br />
Being fall time, it was time to hold<br />
our monthly dinner meetings on<br />
the 1st Tuesday of the month,<br />
social at 6:00 pm, and at 7:00 pm<br />
delicious meals prepared by<br />
Noble Rick Collier followed by<br />
interesting guest speakers and our<br />
club business. At our December<br />
meeting the Divan attended, they<br />
installed the executive for <strong>2013</strong>,<br />
they are as follows:<br />
President – Dusty Sutherland,<br />
1st V.P. – Tim Clark, 2nd V.P.<br />
– Stephen Freymond; Past<br />
President – Jim Pedden;<br />
Directors (5) – Brian Payne,<br />
John Nywening, Anthony<br />
Beattie, Bob Hart, and Wade<br />
Milliken; Secretary – Bill Newitt;<br />
Treasurer – Rick Collier.<br />
I hear our executive is planning a<br />
busy year for our club with a trip<br />
and taking part in Shrine events<br />
outside Strathroy. Our club has<br />
been participating in many Santa<br />
Claus parades in our surrounding<br />
area as well as selling Christmas<br />
cakes and our every day sales of<br />
Vidalia Onion relish, regular or hot.<br />
If you need some contact Noble<br />
Rick Collier at 519-245-3625.<br />
Would you like become an active<br />
Shriner in a Club where our<br />
number 1 priority is fellowship<br />
and hosting and participating in<br />
different events that you will want<br />
to take part in. If you answered<br />
“yes”, please contact any<br />
Strathocha Shrine Club member.<br />
Noble Mel Hougen<br />
Strathocha Shrine Club <strong>News</strong> Editor<br />
December 25, 2012<br />
On Christmas Day,for my fi rst<br />
time I went to the London<br />
Children’s Hospital with Nobles<br />
Tim Clark and Tim Eastman from<br />
Strathocha Shrine Club to join<br />
other <strong>Shriners</strong> and Ladies from<br />
the <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine Centre to help<br />
Santa Clause deliver presents to<br />
brighten the day for the children<br />
that had to spend Christmas day<br />
in the hospital.<br />
Each child received a large<br />
shopping bag full of age<br />
appropriate gifts.<br />
There were a good number of<br />
Nobles in attendance,some<br />
stated that they had been coming<br />
to this event for 30 years,others<br />
thought that the <strong>Shriners</strong> had<br />
been doing the visit for close to<br />
50 years.<br />
The smiles on the faces of the<br />
kids and their parents were worth<br />
the time.<br />
Illustrious Sir Noble Dave Fickling<br />
was said to have been there and<br />
I know I heard his voice but didn’t<br />
see his Potentates Fez or smiling<br />
face.<br />
Santa was guided by Laurie<br />
Gould, President of Children’s<br />
Health Foundation and 2 very<br />
busy staff helpers.<br />
Noble John V. Cann<br />
Communications<br />
12<br />
13<br />
MOCHANEWS | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
Greetings from the<br />
Hope you all had a great Christmas<br />
as we wish you all a wonderful<br />
Happy New Year!<br />
We have had a tremendous 2012<br />
as a club and we are working<br />
hard to make <strong>2013</strong> even bigger<br />
and better. Under the keen eye<br />
of our President, Noble Alex<br />
Cameron, our elected executive<br />
team has guide the Nobles of<br />
the BSC through some heavy<br />
discussions and as a club we<br />
have come out the other end more<br />
determined than ever to work<br />
together in an effort to make the<br />
Bruce Shrine Club the best it can<br />
be. The pictures I’ve attached to<br />
this article show the many good<br />
times we have had at numerous<br />
Christmas Parades that invited our<br />
participation this 2012 Christmas<br />
season. Our fi rst Christmas parade<br />
was in London in early November<br />
and continued to Owen Sound,<br />
Port Elgin, Mildmay, Hanover,<br />
Chesley and fi nally in Neustadt.<br />
Noble Terry Mills added a bubble<br />
machine to his parade unit and<br />
along with this and our new trailer<br />
full of enthusiastic Nobles we<br />
took the prize for best parade<br />
unit in Owen Sound and Chesly’s<br />
Santa Clause Parades. A big<br />
thank you to all the Nobles and<br />
Ladies of the Bruce Shrine Club<br />
who supported us at these many<br />
parades and shared the fellowship<br />
at the wonderful after glows. Our<br />
Rameses Brothers who invite<br />
us to share in the Owen Sound<br />
Christmas Parade with them asked<br />
if we could hand out some small<br />
stuffed toys along the parade route<br />
since our golf carts are manned<br />
by two Nobles. The Nobles who<br />
were left with the hand out task<br />
took great pleasure in the face<br />
to face contact they had with<br />
special children along the parade<br />
route. These Nobles took some<br />
care to try and make hand outs to<br />
children who may be from needy<br />
families and children with obvious<br />
disabilities. The smiles they<br />
received from this small stuffy toy<br />
gesture where heart warming to<br />
say the least. We tried to carry this<br />
into some of our other Christmas<br />
parades as Noble Doug Gould<br />
took the time to purchase a bag<br />
of stuffi es from Goodwill and gave<br />
them to our golf cart crews for<br />
distribution. A small cost for some<br />
great big smiles.<br />
Many of our Nobles were<br />
recognized during their Christmas<br />
Cake sales activities by members<br />
of the public who had seen them<br />
on the televised London and Owen<br />
Sound Christmas parades. This<br />
added a little celebrity and great<br />
publicity for our cause. Noble<br />
Ken Cunningham, BSC Cake<br />
Chairman, was happy to report<br />
a complete sell out of Christmas<br />
products this year as our club<br />
members worked hard selling at<br />
venues in Kincardine, Port Elgin,<br />
Walkerton and Hanover.<br />
Some great news, our 2nd annual<br />
Quilt Draw was very successful<br />
and the three hand made quilts<br />
donated to our club will be in the<br />
hands of the winners of the draw<br />
in time for Christmas. You can see<br />
the pictures from the draw held<br />
at the home of Noble Cannon<br />
Michael Farr and Lady Kathleen @<br /><br />
Ill Sir Grant Fotheringham, Past<br />
Potentate of the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong>,<br />
drew the winning names for the<br />
three quilts, with help from Noble<br />
Ron MacLennan, chairman of the<br />
quilt draw committee; Kathleen<br />
Farr, president, and Lia Ellyatt,<br />
treasurer of the Northern Nile Club;<br />
and Jim Hudvagner of the quilt<br />
committee, Monday afternoon 17th<br />
December, 2012, in Kincardine.<br />
And the work continues as we<br />
work on events for <strong>2013</strong> such as<br />
the BSC Annual Golf Tournament<br />
Under the direction of Nobles Tom<br />
and Paul Zorzi this grand Golf<br />
event is set for the 22nd of June,<br />
<strong>2013</strong>. This will be kicking off at 12<br />
noon with a shot gun start. The<br />
entry fee is still only $125 per/<br />
player and includes all prizes and<br />
dinner at the Club House. Get your<br />
foursome together and don’t miss<br />
this great time at the Saugeen Golf<br />
Club.<br />
A new event planned for <strong>2013</strong> will<br />
be the 1st annual BSC Motorcycle<br />
Draw being pushed forward by<br />
incoming President Elect Lorne<br />
Attenborough. We will be raffl ing<br />
off a <strong>2013</strong> Harley Davidson Street<br />
Glide with the winning ticket being<br />
drawn on the 21st of October at<br />
a to be planned event in Saugeen<br />
Shores (stay tuned). We are<br />
planning to be at the Western Fair<br />
Grounds in London for the “World<br />
of Motorcycles Expo, <strong>February</strong> 8th<br />
to the 10th, set and ready to move<br />
a large number of tickets on this<br />
great touring motorcycle. If you can<br />
make it down don’t forget to stop<br />
by and say hello! (and purchase a<br />
ticket).<br />
For any inquiries regarding up<br />
coming Bruce Shrine Club Events<br />
please feel free to contact: Noble<br />
Paul Zorzi, 519<br />
832 7447, Noble Doug Gould,<br /> 519 832 7332,<br />
Noble Kevin MacKay, kmackay@<br /> 519 389 7575, or Noble<br />
Terry Mills, 519<br />
386 7366.<br />
I can’t tell you how great it is to<br />
be a Shriner! All I can say is, “I’m<br />
proud to be a Shriner, I’m proud to<br />
wear the plaid. I’m proud to help<br />
the children, who need our help so<br />
bad!”<br />
All the best wishes to our newly<br />
installed Divan for <strong>2013</strong> and to all of<br />
you for your efforts to make <strong>2013</strong> a<br />
great year for MOCHA Temple and<br />
the many supporting clubs that<br />
make it great.<br />
Yours in the Faith<br />
Noble Kevin MacKay,<br />
Ambassador, BSC<br />
14<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
Installation <strong>2013</strong><br />
On January 16th, <strong>2013</strong> Illustrious<br />
Sir Robert Parker and his Divan<br />
installed the President and<br />
Executive of the Cambridge<br />
Shrine Club. Noble Barry Tracey<br />
was installed as President of the<br />
club for <strong>2013</strong>. A fabulous dinner<br />
of roast beef, spareribs and<br />
mashed potatoes with salads,<br />
vegetables and all the fi xings was<br />
enjoyed by the club’s Nobility<br />
and their ladies, the Divan of<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple and their ladies<br />
with more than 80 in attendance<br />
including 7 Past Potentates and<br />
their ladies. The meal was served<br />
by Nobles Richard Caufman,<br />
Mark Smith and Bill Westbrook.<br />
Congratulations are extended to<br />
Noble Barry and his Executive.<br />
The Cambridge Shrine Club<br />
invites all Nobility to stop in<br />
and meet the executive at their<br />
hospitality suite at the spring<br />
ceremonial on Friday June<br />
7th, <strong>2013</strong> or at the Cambridge<br />
Shrine Club on Canada Day,<br />
Monday July 1st, <strong>2013</strong>. Anyone<br />
requesting information regarding<br />
Cambridge Shrine Club meetings<br />
or functions is invited to contact<br />
Noble Tracey at 519-576-6194.<br />
In appreciation of many donations<br />
of aluminum pop cans, the<br />
Stratford Avon Shrine Club<br />
presented Steve Trupp with a<br />
certifi cate to the $100 Million Club<br />
on November 16. The Stratford<br />
Avon Shrine Club gave a $100<br />
donation to the hospital fund on<br />
behalf of Perth Auto Dismantlers.<br />
(see picture left to right, Noble<br />
John Parker, Steve Trupp, owner of<br />
Perth Auto Dismantlers and Noble<br />
Ron McNicol, pop can chairman)<br />
Pictured (L-R) Illustrious Sir Robert<br />
Parker – Potentate <strong>2013</strong> – <strong>Mocha</strong><br />
Temple, Noble Barry Tracey – President<br />
<strong>2013</strong>, Cambridge Shrine Club, Noble<br />
Jim Thomsen – Chief Rabban <strong>2013</strong> –<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />
Illustrious Sir Robert Parker – Potentate<br />
<strong>2013</strong> – <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple addresses the<br />
Nobility of the Cambridge Shrine Club<br />
As a scrap yard dealer, at Perth<br />
Auto Dismantlers, Steve accepts<br />
pop cans from all sources and then<br />
donates them to the Stratford Avon<br />
Shrine Club so that the money<br />
raised can be used to support the<br />
Shrine Hospitals.<br />
We are very thankful for people<br />
like Steve, who generously supply<br />
us with pop cans so that we can<br />
continue to contribute to the care<br />
of the Shrine Hospitals and Shrine<br />
Children.<br />
Submitted by Noble John Parker<br />
Pictured (L-R) Nobles Richard Caufman,<br />
Mark Smith and Bill Westbrook<br />
preparing to serve the meal to guests<br />
of the Cambridge Shrine Club.<br />
The Executive of the Cambridge<br />
Shrine Club for <strong>2013</strong> being installed by<br />
Illustrious Sir Robert Parker – Potentate<br />
<strong>2013</strong> – <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple and his Divan<br />
Members of Pal-<strong>Mocha</strong> have had<br />
a busy fall attending many fall fair<br />
parades in our area with our fl oat<br />
and Pooky the clown. Plus the<br />
several Santa Clause parades we<br />
travelled to during November and<br />
December.<br />
On November 15 th , Pal-<strong>Mocha</strong><br />
featured our annual Feather Party,<br />
which has been held for many<br />
years. This is our main moneymaker<br />
for the club, which turned out to<br />
be very successful, with some<br />
members of <strong>Mocha</strong> Divine<br />
attending and our loyal members<br />
from the Strathroy Shrine Club. A<br />
total of 115 <strong>Shriners</strong> and community<br />
minded men attended to make the<br />
party one of the best we’ve had<br />
in years, which certainly will help<br />
<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for children.<br />
However, even the NHL hockey lock<br />
out hit our club when we could not<br />
auction off the Maple Leaf hockey<br />
tickets that are given to us by Noble<br />
Al Barlow. Al’s son Tom who is CEO<br />
of Coca-Cola North America gives<br />
us 4 of each, hockey and basketball<br />
Raptor tickets to be auctioned off at<br />
the party.<br />
A tip of the Fez certainly must<br />
be given to Noble John “Duke”<br />
Lemaich and Lady Pat of Mount<br />
Forest. Duke and Pat just recently<br />
celebrated their 65 th Wedding<br />
Anniversary. The couple has had<br />
an illustrious life together. Coming<br />
from Sudbury after their marriage,<br />
they moved to Hamilton, buying<br />
a variety store. Then, the young<br />
couple got into the Hotel business<br />
in Hagersville during the 1950s,<br />
which eventually led them to move<br />
to Mount Forest in 1960. They<br />
operated the Royal for 15 years<br />
during the boom era for small town<br />
hotels in Ontario.<br />
Duke is a Postmaster of St. Albans<br />
Lodge 200 in Mount Forest and<br />
was also a District Deputy Grand<br />
Master in 1972 for Grey District.<br />
After selling the Royal Hotel they<br />
both went into semi retirement.<br />
Duke being an avid golfer<br />
introduced Pat to the game and<br />
they spent their winters at Sarasota,<br />
Florida, for several years, hitting the<br />
golf ball year-round.<br />
Today they live comfortable in their<br />
home in Mount Forest and they<br />
An Extremely Busy Fall<br />
in Pal-<strong>Mocha</strong> Land<br />
enjoy an occasional trip to a Casino<br />
where Pat is luckier than husband<br />
Duke.<br />
When this writer joined St. Albans<br />
Lodge in the mid 1960s, Duke<br />
was my sponsor and mentor. I<br />
learned my 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd degree<br />
obligations word by word, line by<br />
line, and paragraph by paragraph<br />
from Duke. A far cry from today<br />
when you are given the little black<br />
and told to memorize it.<br />
Duke still manages to get out to<br />
Dodge periodically with his lawyer<br />
son Richard who is also a Past<br />
Master at St. Albans and a past<br />
District Grand Master of Grey<br />
District.<br />
Just rounding out the fi rst weekend<br />
of December 2012 and tallying up<br />
my cake, shortbread and candy<br />
sales and the grand total is going to<br />
round off for a total of $1662 which<br />
is $300 more than last year. Eh<br />
boys, that’s a lot of phone calls and<br />
deliveries around town.<br />
Nobles – with old man winter days<br />
just ahead of us…Let’s not forget<br />
our fellow Nobles and brother<br />
Masons who are shut-ins who<br />
cannot get out and about. Give<br />
them a phone call or better still, buy<br />
some coffee and donuts and pay<br />
them a visit.<br />
God Bless and keep healthy.<br />
Nobel Laverne Long<br />
Noble Pres. Miles Dadsun presents<br />
Raptor tickets to purchaser<br />
Illustrious Sir Past Potentate Jack<br />
Cummins and Noble John Green, MC<br />
Four men who have been attending<br />
Feather Party for years. John Neilman,<br />
left, Harry Vines, Doug Jennings and<br />
Jack MacInnes, all winners of turkeys<br />
and a bottle of rye<br />
Nobles Don McPhail and George Arleen<br />
spin the wheel<br />
Noble recorder Bill Butcher of <strong>Mocha</strong><br />
draws a winning turkey ticket while<br />
Nobel Pres. Miles Dadsun looks on<br />
(Right) Mayor Ray Tout, Mayor of North<br />
Wellington who lives in Mount Forest was<br />
a big winner. On the left is Pres. Noble<br />
Miles Dadsun<br />
(Left) Noble Laverne Lung just wrapped<br />
up a total of $1662.00 selling Christmas<br />
cakes, shortbreads and candy for<br />
<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital for children<br />
draw a turkey ticket<br />
16<br />
17<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
Imperial Sirs Official Visit to <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />
The Bruce Shrine Club made a<br />
special effort to support MOCHA<br />
Temple during its hosting of<br />
Imperial Potentate Alan S. Madsen<br />
as he made his offi cial visit to our<br />
temple on the 19th of November,<br />
2012.<br />
This evening was made even more<br />
special as we were introduced<br />
to a great singing talent, Jeremy<br />
Gabriel, Patient Ambassador of<br />
<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital for Children for<br />
2012/<strong>2013</strong>. A great bus trip from<br />
the Bruce to MOCHA and back<br />
was enjoyed along with having the<br />
opportunity to meet with Imperial<br />
Sir and his lady Jan, our Hospital<br />
Ambassador and his mom, enjoy a<br />
great meal and the fellowship of all<br />
Nobles and Ladies present. Thank<br />
you Ill Sir Dave Fickling for giving<br />
us all this great opportunity and<br />
being a great ambassador for our<br />
temple.<br />
Yours in the Faith<br />
Noble Kevin MacKay<br />
Ambassador, BSC<br />
Patient Ambassador of <strong>Shriners</strong><br />
Hospital for Children 2012 – <strong>2013</strong><br />
Jeremy Gabriel with Bruce Shrine<br />
Clubs very own Noble Brian Dayman,<br />
MOCHA’s Oriental Guide 2012 Divan, at<br />
the Imperial Sirs Official Visit to MOCHA<br />
Temple on the 19th of November 2012.<br />
Bruce Shrine Club President Alex<br />
Cameron with Imperial Potentate Alan<br />
S. Madsen.<br />
Imperials Potentate Alan S. Madsen<br />
saw a sea of Bruce County Tartan.<br />
The Installation of Offi cers for the<br />
Lambton Shrine Club was held<br />
January 4, <strong>2013</strong> with the welcome<br />
attendance of Potentate Dave<br />
Fickling and his Divan.<br />
The evening included conversations,<br />
refreshments, supper, presentations,<br />
Installation of Offi cers, concluding<br />
with inspiring words spoken by<br />
both Potentate Dave Fickling and<br />
President Noble Lewis MacRae.<br />
Potentate Dave Fickling touched<br />
on the importance of each Shriner<br />
to make ourselves known to<br />
the public, through the means<br />
of advertisements, parades,<br />
community functions, stressing<br />
our never ending work and<br />
commitment towards The <strong>Shriners</strong><br />
Hospitals for Children.<br />
When the public sees our Red Fez<br />
and our presence at a function,<br />
they automatically know we are<br />
there mainly because of our great<br />
philanthropy and dedication<br />
towards our community.<br />
He also mentioned that his visit to<br />
The Lambton Shrine Club was his<br />
last offi cial visit during his tenure of<br />
Potentate.<br />
The Executive of Lambton<br />
Shrine for <strong>2013</strong> is:<br />
President: Noble Lewis MacRae<br />
Vice-President: Noble Leslie Hastie<br />
Secretary: Mike Adam<br />
Treasurer: George Spence<br />
Board of Directors:<br />
Noble Wes Patterson<br />
Noble Ken Sitzes<br />
Noble Ross Willoughby<br />
Noble Walt Saunders<br />
Noble Allan Jaques<br />
Chaplain:<br />
Rev. Noble Gordon Simmons<br />
Ambassadors:<br />
Noble John Bourrie<br />
Noble Robert Hart<br />
Noble William Miller<br />
Noble Carl Hall<br />
Ambassadors Emeritus:<br />
Noble Lewis MacRae<br />
Noble Ken Buss<br />
Noble Don Smith<br />
Noble Don Stewart<br />
Noble Ken Wood<br />
Noble Jack Stewart<br />
Noble George Gough<br />
Noble George Spence<br />
Committee Chairs:<br />
Noble Carl Hall – Sick & Visits<br />
Noble Randy Patterson – Catering<br />
Noble Al Jaques – Greetings<br />
Noble Don Roberts – Memberships<br />
Noble Ross McManus –<br />
100 Million Dollar Club<br />
Nobles Jack Struck and<br />
Walt Saunders – Pop Cans<br />
Noble Ross Willoughby –<br />
By Laws/Caravan<br />
Noble George Spence – Christmas<br />
Cakes/Vidalia Onions Relish<br />
Noble Leslie Hastie – Lottery<br />
President Lewis MacRae<br />
extended his many thanks to the<br />
membership in taking the positions<br />
required plus all their donated time<br />
and work during the past year.<br />
2012 Potentate Illustrious Sir David<br />
Fickling with the assistance of 2012<br />
Outer Guard Noble Ernie Morenz<br />
presented two of our Lambton<br />
<strong>Shriners</strong> with their 25 year pins.<br />
Congratulations to Nobles John<br />
Bourrie and Noble Jim Sayers.<br />
Submitted by Noble George Pitfi eld<br />
Pictures by Nobles George Pitfi eld<br />
and George Spence<br />
Left to right – Newly elected Lambton<br />
Shrine President Lewis MacRae<br />
receives The Gavel and Oath of office<br />
from Potentate Dave Fickling.<br />
Left to right – Treasurer George Spence<br />
receives the Order of His Office from<br />
Potentate Dave Fickling.<br />
Potentate Dave Fickling and his Divan,<br />
plus newly elected and appointed officers<br />
for the Lambton Shrine Club <strong>2013</strong><br />
Left to right – Chief Rabban Robert<br />
Parker, newly elected Lambton Shrine<br />
President Lewis MacRae, and Potentate<br />
Dave Fickling<br />
Left to right – Newly elected President<br />
Tillsonburg Shrine Executive installation<br />
Lewis MacRae listens as Potentate<br />
Dave Fickling issues the office of past<br />
President to Paul Kelly<br />
Potentate Dave Fickling speaks to<br />
newly elected officers of the Lambton<br />
18<br />
Shrine Club.<br />
19<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
ON XMAS MORNING 2012<br />
Santa, non other that Pote.<br />
Dave Fickling, he did a great<br />
job!<br />
Incoming Pote Rob Parker<br />
& his wife Deb in front of<br />
mural.<br />
Christmas Day was made a little<br />
happier for children staying at<br />
the Children’s Hospital at London<br />
Health Sciences Centre when<br />
Santa came for a surprise visit<br />
on Christmas morning. Santa and<br />
his special “elves” - the <strong>Shriners</strong>,<br />
spread Christmas cheer and<br />
personally delivered gifts to all<br />
the children.<br />
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Background<br />
In December, 2007, the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> committed to donating<br />
$1 million to Children’s Health Foundation by 2011 to establish<br />
the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> Paediatric Orthopaedic Telemedicine Service.<br />
Through commitment, dedication and numerous fundraising<br />
efforts, the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> achieved that goal in 2 1/2 years –<br />
an incredible accomplishment!<br />
The network offi cially went ‘live’ in 2010. Based at Children’s<br />
Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre, with audio video<br />
connections to Windsor, Chatham and Kitchener/Waterloo,<br />
telemedicine technology uses specialized video cameras and<br />
monitors to allow doctors at Children’s to assess and monitor<br />
treatments long distance in real time.<br />
The positive impact of the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> Paediatric<br />
Orthopaedic Telemedicine Service includes:<br />
• Offering families a welcome alternative to travelling to London,<br />
minimizing time away from work, days missed at school, and<br />
hours spent driving.<br />
• More effective and effi cient use of the doctors’ time because<br />
of less travel needed to the sites in Windsor, Chatham and<br />
Kitchener/Waterloo.<br />
Special Tour for the Imperial Potentate<br />
This past fall, Children’s Health Foundation was pleased to<br />
learn the Imperial Potentate was planning to visit London and<br />
would be interested in knowing more about the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong><br />
Paediatric Orthopaedic Telemedicine Service (MSPOTS). On the<br />
afternoon of November 19, 2012, we welcomed the Illustrious Sir<br />
Alan Madsen and Lady Jan for a tour of Children’s Hospital and<br />
a Telemedicine demonstration. The Illustrious Sir David Fickling<br />
and Lady Patricia, Noble Rob Parker and Lady Debbie, Noble<br />
Robert Marshall and Lady Vesta, and Emmanuelle Rondeau<br />
(Head, Communications and Marketing, Montreal <strong>Shriners</strong><br />
Hospital) also joined us.<br />
The tour began in the Atrium of the new Children’s Hospital, and<br />
the Imperial Potentate was made aware of the gift from the late<br />
Mrs. Dorothy Palmer in honour of her late husband John Palmer,<br />
a dedicated Shriner, which made possible the garden along the<br />
back wall of the Healing Garden and the waterfall.<br />
Sir Alan was pleased to see that the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong>’ generosity<br />
to Children’s Hospital has earned them a place in the top<br />
category on the Children’s Health Foundation Donor Wall of<br />
$1,000,000 and more.<br />
Dr. Tim Carey, Orthopaedic Surgeon at Children’s Hospital,<br />
linked us to the John McGivney Centre in Windsor where one of<br />
his young patients joined us via MSPOTS to demonstrate a gait<br />
analysis. Sir Alan’s questions of Dr. Carey demonstrated his deep<br />
knowledge of paediatric orthopaedics.<br />
Sir Alan Madsen and Lady Jan<br />
enjoyed seeing the mural depicting<br />
the generous support of the <strong>Mocha</strong><br />
<strong>Shriners</strong> over the years.<br />
Sir Alan Madsen and<br />
Sir David Fickling at the<br />
Donor Wall in the New<br />
Children’s Hospital in<br />
London.<br />
Our guests were impressed to learn Dr. Carey had done a<br />
Fellowship at the <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital in Tampa and that he consults<br />
periodically with the <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital for Children in Montreal.<br />
The tour continued on Level 2 to see the <strong>Shriners</strong> mural in the<br />
Orthopaedics area, also made possible by Mrs. Palmer. The<br />
tree branches depict the many ways in which the <strong>Shriners</strong> have<br />
supported Children’s over the years, including buying hospital<br />
equipment, Christmas morning visits for children in the hospital,<br />
and establishing MSPOTS.<br />
On Level 6 (the Inpatients fl oor), Val Rousom, Director of<br />
Children’s Care, showed the group one of the special playrooms<br />
and features in the patient rooms.<br />
A brief tour of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where the most<br />
fragile of babies receive lifesaving care, concluded this special<br />
visit. Children’s Health Foundation was honoured to have the<br />
opportunity to meet Sir Alan and Lady Jan and to welcome our<br />
other guests from the <strong>Shriners</strong>.<br />
Other <strong>News</strong> from Children’s Health Foundation<br />
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Susan Crowley<br />
as the new President and CEO of Children’s Health Foundation,<br />
effective January 14, <strong>2013</strong>. Debbie Comuzzi, our former President<br />
and CEO, has relocated to Thunder Bay to take up a new<br />
challenge as the Vice President External for Lakehead University.<br />
Susan brings a wealth of leadership, strategic and fundraising<br />
experience to her new role with Children’s. Her most recent<br />
position has been as Associate Vice President, Strategic<br />
Initiatives, University Relations with the University of Waterloo.<br />
She has also held senior positions with Western University, The<br />
Stiller Centre, Bank of Montreal and London Insurance Group<br />
focused on development, fi nance and communications.<br />
Susan has a Masters of Business Administration from McMaster<br />
University and a Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science<br />
from Western University. Susan resides in London with her<br />
husband Michael and is the mother of four children.<br />
Susan is very enthusiastic about joining us at Children’s. We<br />
hope you will join us in welcoming Susan to the Children’s team.<br />
Prepared by: Karen Wilson, Interim President and CEO, Children’s Health Foundation;<br />
Penny Harman, Philanthropy Associate, Children’s Health Foundation<br />
20 21
MOCHANEWS | <strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
Born: December 15th 2007<br />
Diagnosis: Type 1 Osteogenesis Imperfecta,<br />
better known as Brittle Bone Disease<br />
Logan is a typical boy who wants to jump, play tussle<br />
and do things any ordinary boy would want to do. But<br />
between September 2009 and July 2011, Logan suffered<br />
five broken legs, three of which were major femur<br />
breaks. These required rodding surgery of his right<br />
femur and three hip spica casts. These fractures occurred<br />
simply by tripping and falling from a standing position.<br />
Logan’s parents, John and Nicole, made frequent<br />
trips to the Children’s Hospital at London Health<br />
Sciences Centre. Logan’s future as a physically active<br />
boy was slowly fading away. Many questions remained<br />
unanswered and Logan’s parents began to look for<br />
alternatives for treating their little boy.<br />
On an otherwise ordinary day, John and Nicole’s luck<br />
changed. John was approached by <strong>Mocha</strong> Shriner<br />
Andrew Iwanis regarding Logan’s situation. Noble<br />
Andrew connected John and Nicole to two very<br />
dedicated <strong>Shriners</strong>, Noble George Vanslack and Roger<br />
Rogers. Over the next few weeks, Nicole would explain<br />
little Logan’s condition to the experts at <strong>Shriners</strong><br />
Hospital in Montreal. And as all the stars were aligned,<br />
Logan was admitted to this very special hospital.<br />
The <strong>Shriners</strong> Montreal Hospital specializes in various<br />
aspects of orthopedic care, but more importantly to<br />
Logan, they specialize in Osteogenesis Imperfecta,<br />
Logan’s condition. Dr. François Fassier, a pediatric<br />
orthopedic surgeon at the <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital, introduced<br />
Logan’s family to the prospect of “Duvall Rods”. The<br />
Fassier-Duval Rod is used to strengthen the long bones<br />
of the legs and arms and grows as the child grows. It is<br />
currently the standard of care and is used in more than<br />
45 countries worldwide.<br />
Through the <strong>Shriners</strong> hospital network, Logan<br />
receives world class care. Since joining the program in<br />
Montreal, Logan has had four treatments which have<br />
proven to be a huge success for the little guy. He has<br />
not suffered a broken bone in well over a year. This is a<br />
miracle to a family who were used to seeing their little<br />
guy constantly in a body cast. The summer of 2012 was<br />
especially great as Logan had now gone three years<br />
without a cast.<br />
Many thanks go out to John, Nicole, and Logan for<br />
sharing their journey, a testament to the great work<br />
of the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong>.<br />
Bill Butcher, Recorder<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine Center<br />
468 Colbourne Street<br />
London, Ontario N6B 2T3<br />
Guenther (Bob) Barwitzki<br />
Bright’s Grove, Ontario<br />
Dear Sir;<br />
This picture was taken on the Island of St. Maarten.<br />
Our Potentate, his first Lady and many of the past tpotentatesand and wives<br />
are in the photo. A total of 52 <strong>Shriners</strong> and wives took part in the excursion.<br />
All enjoyed the trip even though the temperature rose daily to 40 degrees and higher.<br />
The Island of St. Maarten is approximately 17 square miles and is split between the French<br />
and Dutch. The French portion is still controlled by the French Government and keeping<br />
that part as a Province. Casinos are certainly out of question as well the currency is equally<br />
maintained in Euros.<br />
The Dutch part is wide open. One can find in Philipsburg 100 casinos, and up to 150<br />
jewellery stores along the road. The spoken language is English in the whole of the island.<br />
The peculiar part of the island is that the West coast is facing the Atlantic Ocean and the<br />
East is facing the Pacific.<br />
What does a tourist do all day long when it is so hot? Well, the either lay on a lounge, go<br />
into any of the pools, or go into the ocean for a swim. Food and drink was okay and everyone<br />
enjoyed the stay.<br />
Guenther (Bob) Barwitzki<br />
We invite new members...<br />
<strong>Shriners</strong> with street legal motorcycles are needed<br />
for the <strong>2013</strong> parade season.<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Motor Corps unit members participate in 8 to 10 community parades each year<br />
as a way to raise awareness and funds for our Hospitals and Shrine charities.<br />
If you are a motorcycle-riding Noble and would like to consider participating with<br />
this long established unit please contact any member or email the unit secretary at<br /> or call 519-281-1301.<br />
2012 New Members meeting and practice May 5, <strong>2013</strong>.<br />
Everyone Welcome! Unit uniforms are available. Great fellowship!<br />
Help us motor so kids can!<br />
22<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Past Potentate and Cryer<br />
extraordinaire George Sims together with<br />
Imperial Potentate Al Madsen, preparing to<br />
enter the <strong>Mocha</strong> banquet hall on his official<br />
visit on November 19, 2012<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Chief<br />
Rabban Robert<br />
Parker, Imperial<br />
Potentate Al<br />
Madsen, and<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Potentate<br />
David Fickling<br />
Patient ambassador<br />
Jeremy Gabriel seen here<br />
entertaining with his<br />
beautiful voice, covering<br />
Charlie Chaplin’s ‘Smile’.<br />
Imperial Potentate Al<br />
Madsen addresses the<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> nobility and ladies<br />
Patient ambassador Jeremy Gabriel, <strong>Mocha</strong><br />
Potentate David Fickling and Jeremy’s mom<br />
Silvie Gabriel<br />
Imperial Potentate Al Madsen and<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Potentate David Fickling<br />
Yes, the Roadrunners made it to Paradise. On October<br />
6 three nobles ventured to Family Paradise Camping<br />
Park with the purpose of presenting a $100 Million<br />
Club Certificate to the Recreation Committee. The<br />
Roadrunners have paraded through the camping park<br />
in the past and have spent time showing their cars to<br />
the children. In appreciation of their parade donation<br />
the Roadrunners presented the certificate to Jim<br />
Button, President of the Recreation Committee.<br />
In the photo, from left to right is Pearl Alles,<br />
Treasurer, Lana Tonge, Park Manager, Jim Button,<br />
President, Noble Leon Roth, Roadrunner Unit<br />
President, Ron McNicol, Parade Chairman and<br />
Noble John Parker<br />
Submitted by Noble John Parker<br />
A Message from<br />
Alan Madsen Imperial Potentate<br />
January <strong>2013</strong><br />
Dear Fellow Nobles and Ladies,<br />
The December schedule began<br />
on Monday the 4th with a stellar<br />
performance in the beautiful New York Grand Lodge<br />
Auditorium. Donna Kane, whose daughter is a scoliosis<br />
patient at the Philadelphia Hospital, and her friends (all<br />
Broadway performers) entertained us with their favorite<br />
show tunes. Mark the first Monday of December <strong>2013</strong><br />
on your schedule for the next edition of this event.<br />
Broadway Loves Shriner Performer<br />
Attending the <strong>Shriners</strong> home office employee service<br />
awards luncheon confirmed what we already knew…<br />
we have a great group of very loyal employees. Forty<br />
employees with years of service ranging from five to<br />
30 years were honored for their contributions to our<br />
organizations. Combined, their efforts reflect 455 years<br />
of dedication and commitment.<br />
After the awards were presented, everyone celebrated<br />
and had a wonderful time.<br />
Shrine Bowl<br />
While in South<br />
Carolina, we visited<br />
the Greenville Hospital<br />
where our tour was<br />
given by patient<br />
Marina Hooker. A visit<br />
to Santa’s workshop<br />
was a special place for<br />
us and the patients to<br />
visit. Hejaz Potentate<br />
Ron Kennedy and his<br />
lady, Shirley, hosted a<br />
dinner in our honor.<br />
Former <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals patients Kristian Champion,<br />
who is the reigning Miss Wheelchair North Carolina,<br />
and Sydney Sill, the current Miss Teen South Carolina<br />
shared their stories with those in attendance. It was a<br />
good evening with lively conversation.<br />
Yours in the Faith,<br />
Rose Parade Madsen<br />
A special thank you to the Awesome Shrine Club of<br />
Al Malaikah <strong>Shriners</strong> for hosting an early New Year’s<br />
Eve at the San Mareno Masonic Lodge for our group.<br />
We observed<br />
New Year’s on<br />
EST because our<br />
transportation left<br />
the hotel the next<br />
morning at 5:30<br />
and 6 a.m.<br />
We also want to<br />
mention that <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for Children came in<br />
first place in the United Airlines 10 Million Charity<br />
Miles campaign. Thank you to everyone who voted<br />
and helped spread the word. This will be a tremendous<br />
benefit to our patients and to our transportation funds.<br />
Our next stop was the Boston hospital for the Board<br />
of Governor’s monthly meeting, chaired by David<br />
McKechnie. We joined hospital employees for their<br />
holiday luncheon in the cafeteria that day. Excitement<br />
was high as winners of the auction baskets were<br />
announced. The themed baskets had been assembled by<br />
various work groups. Bidding was intense.<br />
In <strong>February</strong> the Shrine fraternity will showcase and<br />
emphasize the Legacy program for <strong>Shriners</strong>. My son<br />
and I are proud members and proud of the Shrine<br />
tradition in our family. Please take a moment to learn<br />
more about the program by visiting <strong>Shriners</strong> Village<br />
or contacting the Membership Development office at<br /> or 813-281-8101.<br />
Efforts are continuing to bring “Peace and Harmony”<br />
between <strong>Shriners</strong> International and the Grand Lodge of<br />
Arkansas and the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. The<br />
door remains open for additional discussions to resolve<br />
these issues with both Grand Masters before they leave<br />
office in <strong>February</strong> and April of <strong>2013</strong>. We will keep<br />
you apprised of any developments! Thank you for your<br />
interest and concern.<br />
The next message will contain information on the<br />
Donor Relations Seminar, 88th East-West Shrine<br />
Game (the longest running college all-star game in<br />
the country), Leadership Conference, Texas Shrine<br />
Association Mid-winter meeting and a visit to Anezah<br />
Temple in Mexico City.<br />
Alan W. “AL” Madsen, Imperial Potentate<br />
Family Fun, Fellowship and Brotherly Love<br />
24 25
Each Office Independently<br />
Owned and Operated<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
26<br />
Omar Temple No. 111 Daughters of the Nile<br />
Wow, 2012 was the year for high heel shoes<br />
and pearls as we “Stepped Out In Style”<br />
and went the extra mile for the <strong>Shriners</strong><br />
Children. As this will be my final message<br />
for the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>News</strong>, I would like to take this<br />
opportunity to say thank you for a wonderful<br />
year as I represented you, the Ladies of the<br />
Household as Queen of Omar Temple No.<br />
111. It has been an incredible experience over<br />
the past four years to the position of Queen; the memories and<br />
everlasting friendships will never be forgotten. I would also<br />
like to thank Illustrious Sir David Fickling, Lady Patricia and<br />
the Divan of <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> for a fantastic year as we work<br />
together to support our greatest philanthropy.<br />
On behalf of the members of Omar Temple No. 111, we would<br />
like to extend our “best wishes to Illustrious Sir Rob Parker and<br />
Lady Deb for a very successful year and safe travels wherever<br />
you may be.<br />
Pearls of Love<br />
Queen Sandy Rank<br />
Dates to remember<br />
Open Installation<br />
of Officers of Omar<br />
Temple No. 111<br />
Sunday, March 17, <strong>2013</strong> at 2:00 pm<br />
Red Room, London Masonic Temple<br />
Banquet: 6:00 pm, <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine Centre,<br />
Upper Banquet Hall<br />
St. Thomas Nile<br />
Club Bus Trip<br />
April 13, <strong>2013</strong><br />
Fallsview Casino Niagara Falls<br />
London Sewing<br />
Woodstock Nile<br />
Club Fashion Show<br />
and Luncheon<br />
May 9, <strong>2013</strong><br />
Pipe Band Hall, Wonham St., Ingersoll<br />
Circle Card Party<br />
and Luncheon<br />
Wednesday, May 22, <strong>2013</strong><br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine Centre<br />
Northern Xmas Lunch<br />
November 29, 2012<br />
Strathocha Xmas<br />
November 14, 2012<br />
(Above) The Nile Clubs proudly display items made<br />
and purchased for the Montreal Shrine Hospital at the<br />
Orthopedic Tea. Great Work Ladies !<br />
London Sewing Circle Christmas Party.<br />
PQ’s Darlene Green,<br />
Marlene MacKay,<br />
Princess Royal Evelyn<br />
Hawkins model their<br />
beautiful period costumes<br />
celebrating our 100<br />
anniversary at the<br />
Orthopedic Tea.<br />
PQ Darlene Green and<br />
Jeremy Gabriel at<br />
the reception for the<br />
Imperial Potentate held<br />
at <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine.<br />
BUS: (519) 661-0380<br />
FAX: (519) 661-0998<br /><br />
The referral of your friends and family is the greatest<br />
compliment you can give me. Thank you for your trust.<br />
Yvonne E. Carroll<br />
Advisor<br />
CONTACT: <strong>Mocha</strong> Office at 519-672-1391<br />
Broker<br />
1673 Richmond Street<br />
London, ON N6G 2N3<br /><br />
Cell: 519-857-7922<br />
1202 Lambton Mall Rd<br />
Sarnia, ON N7S 5R6<br />
Tel: 519-542-7779 ext.2214<br />
Cell: 226-678-5657<br /><br /><br />
FOR SALE:<br />
Jeepster for<br />
Good Home!<br />
If your looking for a new unit to join please<br />
consider the Jeepsters. I have a topnotch<br />
Jeep for your purchase today. Please call<br />
Jim Thompson for more Information at<br />
519-205-1709.<br />
Kenneth Sommers<br />
President<br />
John Rozeluk, CA, CFE<br />
Would you like to<br />
advertise in the<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>News</strong>?<br />
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T 519-660-0990 x 222 700 Richmond Street, Suite 214<br />
F 519-661-0996 London, ON N6A 5C7<br /><br />
Paul J Smith, MIMA, AACI, P. App<br />
<br />
<br />
Consultants<br />
30 Burwell Rd., St. Thomas, ON N5P 3R6<br />
519-637-4356 fx 519-637-8513<br /><br />
David Lamb<br />
Sales Representative<br />
Office 519.649.6900<br />
Fax 519.649.6933<br />
Realty Executives Elite Ltd. Brokerage<br />
515 Wellington Road S Unit #7<br />
London, ON N6C 4R3<br /><br /><br /><br />
Elite Ltd. Brokerage<br />
Taking care of "EWE" in Real Estate<br />
MacKewn, Winder LLP<br />
Lawyers<br />
MW<br />
“Lawyers that mean Business”<br />
Corporation & Business Law, Commercial<br />
Litigation & Negotiations, Real Estate Law,<br />
Wills & Powers of Attorney, Estate Planning,<br />
Probate & Administration<br />
C. Fred MacKewn – E. Dixon Winder<br />
(519) 672-2040 Fax: (519) 672-6583<br />
300-376 Richmond Street, London, ON N6A 3C7<br />
Charles Pole<br />
Family Service Counselor<br />
Needham Funeral Service<br />
520 Dundas Street<br />
London, ON N6B 1W6<br />
519-434-9141<br />
Fax 519-432-8396<br /><br />
A Division of Service Corporation International (Canada) Ltd.
Alymer Santa Claus<br />
Parade<br />
Pictured are Nobles David Harding and<br />
Rick Lee on their bicycle built for two.<br />
Thanks to Ken at Cycleworks, Talbot<br />
Street, Alymer (519-765-28888).<br />
East West Shrine<br />
Football Game<br />
Ill. Sir Grant Fotheringham 2005 and<br />
Imperial Potentate Raoul Frevel Sr<br />
2005 met and enjoyed the East West<br />
Shrine Football game in St. Petersburg,<br />
Florida on Saturday, January 19, <strong>2013</strong>.<br />
Dr. Murray Smith<br />
& Suzanna<br />
Enjoying a luncheon at The Shrine Club<br />
with Suzanna’s beautiful dark hair<br />
draped over Murray’s head. Yep, we<br />
<strong>Shriners</strong> have fun. COME JOIN US!<br />
Trick or Treat<br />
Montreal Hospital<br />
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:<br />
<strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong><br />
468 Colburne Street,<br />
London, Ontario N6B 2T3<br />
PM 40010349