Mocha February 2011.indd - Mocha Shriners

Mocha February 2011.indd - Mocha Shriners

Mocha February 2011.indd - Mocha Shriners


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PM #40010349<br />


Photograph by<br />

Randy Dunlop<br />

2011 Potentate Illustrious<br />

Sir Jack Cumming and Lady Helen

Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #40010349<br />

Official Publication of <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />

www.mochashriners.org Published 4 times a year<br />

Statement of Purpose: To allow members to share items of<br />

interest while promoting our commitment to children and<br />

the interests of <strong>Mocha</strong> Centre.<br />

Editor: Dennis Cook 519-842-3064<br />

Editor Emeritus: Gerry Stephenson, Floyd James<br />

Public Relations: Paul Smith, 519-637-3396<br />

Office: Sharron Miller, Heather Palmer and Jody Axford<br />

468 Colborne St. London, ON N6B 2T3<br />

Phone: 519-672-1391 mochashriners@rogers.com<br />

Fax: 519-672-7723 Lounge: 519-672-2043<br />

ELECTED DIVAN 2010 <br />

Potentate: Jack Cumming 519-353-5556<br />

hjcumming@brucetelecom.com Lady Helen<br />

Chief Rabban: David Ficklin 519-451-6724<br />

ficks@rogers.com Lady Pat<br />

Assistant Rabban: Rob Parker 519-680-0032<br />

parkerrob@rogers.com Lady Deb<br />

High Priest & Prophet: Jim Thomsen 519-495-1882<br />

jimmyjobillybob@rogers.com Lady Deb<br />

Oriental Guide: Bob Marshall 519-245-5567<br />

rcm@ispca Lady Vesta<br />

Treasurer: Dave Fahrner, PP 519-641-4998<br />

fahrner@sympatico.ca Lady Susan<br />

Recorder: Jeff Brown 519-285-2042<br />

2.browns@rogers.com Lady Lynne<br />


First Ceremonial Master: Brian Dayman 519-353-4332<br />

bddayman@gmail.com Lady Corinne<br />

Director: Tommy Hill 519-268-2409<br />

hill@sympatico.ca Lady Cheryl<br />

Marshall: Craig Kealey 519-389-4187<br />

kealey@bmts.com Lady Sue<br />

Captain of the Guard: Earl Schneider 519-343-2315<br />

schneider@sonicwaves.ca Lady Ann<br />

Outer Guard: Bill Baxter 519-348-8000<br />

bmbaxter@ezlink.ca Lady Mary<br />


Chief Aide: Frank Eagleson 519-797-2067<br />

feagleson@bmts.com Lady Doris<br />

Chaplain/Donor Relations: Rev. Canon Michael Farr<br />

519-396-8284 morkfarr@bmts.com Lady Kathleen<br />

Assistant Chaplain: Rev. Gordon Simmons 519-344-1983<br />

simmons.gord@gmail.com<br />

Membership: Harry Hewbank 519-773-7147<br />

hhewbank@eastlink.ca Lady Ruth<br />

Pubic Relations: Paul Smith 519-637-3396<br />

pjsmith@pjsmithassoc.ca Lady Terry<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> News Editor: Dennis Cook 519-842-3064<br />

thecooks@sympatico.ca Lady Diane<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> News Advertising: John Davidson 519-657-1303<br />

johndavidson@rogers.com Lady Cathy<br />

Temple Attorney: C. F. MacKewn Jr. 519-672-2171 x228<br />

fmackewn@mwk.on.ca<br />

External Auditor: John Rozeluk 519-471-6900<br />

john@rozelukandcompany.ca<br />

Facility Manager - Inside: Bent Anderson 519-672-7408<br />

krisandbent@porchlight.ca Lady Kris<br />

Facility Manager - Outside: Fraser Grant 519-657-4318<br />

sales6000@gmail.com Lady Connie<br />

Photographer: Randy Dunlop 519-264-2964<br />

rdphoto@rogers.com Lady Valerie<br />

Piper: Wilson McBeath 519-485-3496<br />

Page 2 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />

It is certainly an<br />

honour and a<br />

privilege to have<br />

just been elected<br />

and installed as<br />

Potentate of<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine<br />

for the year<br />

2011.<br />

I accept this important office with a<br />

high level of humility and I will<br />

certainly do my best to uphold the<br />

confidence you have placed in me.<br />

I want to extend my congratulations,<br />

to the elected Divan members,<br />

who have been elected and<br />

installed to their new offices, and<br />

also to congratulate and thank the<br />

appointed members, and other<br />

appointees, for accepting your<br />

respective appointments for the<br />

coming year. You will be a great<br />

group to work with and to provide<br />

leadership for <strong>Mocha</strong>.<br />

Attracting new members will be an<br />

ongoing mission, and it is always a<br />

desire to maintain or increase our<br />

membership. There are approximately<br />

12 temples in "Shriner's<br />

International" who do grow each<br />

year, so it can be done. Something I<br />

think we should consider at our<br />

Clubs and Units level is to have<br />

more events, which are family oriented.<br />

This would be a way to<br />

attract younger members, and retain<br />

and keep active the younger members<br />

which we now have.<br />

We are now in our second hundred<br />

years in <strong>Mocha</strong>, so lets put on a<br />

Potentate’s Report<br />

drive and increase our membership<br />

to make the second one hundred<br />

years as strong as the first one hundred.<br />

The Spring Ceremonial is<br />

coming the last week-end in Maywe<br />

already have fifteen new candidates<br />

signed up at the time of<br />

writing, so lets keep that number<br />

growing.<br />

We have an excellent Divan in<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong>-all quite dedicated to their<br />

positions. We intend to visit each<br />

club and unit, and offer our assistance<br />

to keep alive, the great spirit<br />

of fund raising in the <strong>Mocha</strong> jurisdiction,<br />

which has been so prevalent<br />

in the past. Remember, one Noble<br />

practicing Shrinedom and supporting<br />

our great work, is far better than<br />

SO preaching it, so lets keep up our<br />

impressive record.<br />

And finally, Nobles, for the clubs<br />

and units who are not already doing<br />

so, I would encourage you to include<br />

the <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple in your donations<br />

each year. This is our home-I<br />

am extremely proud of it and know<br />

each of you are too, so please consider<br />

this donation to <strong>Mocha</strong> to<br />

assist with the expense of the daily<br />

operations, and capital expenditures<br />

of the building.<br />

So in summary Nobles, I am looking<br />

forward to working with each of<br />

you this year. Lets continue to work<br />

together in <strong>Mocha</strong> and support our<br />

great philanthropy, to help the children,<br />

who need our help so bad.<br />

Yours in the Faith, Jack Cumming<br />



Please have<br />

everything<br />

submitted by ....<br />

APRIL 15<br />


Recorder’s Corner<br />

by Jeff Brown<br />

Well hopefully everyone made it through<br />

the Christmas Season safely and managed<br />

to have a very festive holiday. It’s always<br />

fun to get together with family and friends<br />

and celebrate the Season while remembering<br />

the “Reason for the Season” as well.<br />

The weatherman knocked out our regular<br />

meeting in December with snow and cold weather, so all our elections<br />

and Installation ceremonies had to be conducted on January<br />

7th 2011 at our Annual Meeting. It turned out to be a very busy<br />

evening and because of the combined activities, our ladies and<br />

guests had to leave the room after dinner for the election process<br />

then re-enter once that was completed to enjoy the open Installation<br />

ceremonies conducted by Illustrious Sir Gail MacKay P.P. (2008).<br />

Congratulations to Illustrious Sir Jack Cumming on his elevation to<br />

Potentate for <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> for 2011 and his Lady Helen. Illustrious<br />

Sir Jack tells me Dobbinton will never be the same after this year! We<br />

still have one contentious issue left unresolved from the elections at<br />

the time of writing this column but we trust we will hear from<br />

Imperial Headquarters soon with their decision.<br />

Our financial contributions to the Canadian Unit of <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

Hospitals for Children took a huge step upwards in 2010, partially<br />

due to a bequest for $170,000 received through the Tillsonburg<br />

Shrine Club. In all, we contributed $395,194.41, an increase of<br />

$223,014.70 over 2009, WOW! Good work, Nobles. This is the<br />

kind of dedication and support for our hospitals we need to display<br />

regularly, not just once in a while. Over the last five years we<br />

have averaged $278,947.32 in donations to the Canadian Unit. In<br />

the last four years, (while MSPOTS fundraising was being done)<br />

we averaged $281,495.40 which is over 45% better than our<br />

nearest sister Temple (excluding Rameses).<br />

Chaplain’s Chat<br />

Dear Nobles,<br />

As I write this the days are growing<br />

longer and getting colder. I am feeling<br />

sorry for those old folk who miss the<br />

wonders of winter by heading south<br />

every winter. Unless one has lived in<br />

the “snow belt”, one cannot truly<br />

appreciate the benefits of hibernation;<br />

i.e. the joy of being snowed in for several<br />

days at a time with family and<br />

friends. Such winter “delights” as shovelling snow together,<br />

sitting around a warm fire (preferably wood), sharing stories,<br />

hot drinks and the knowledge that one is safe and sheltered are<br />

something that the “snowbird” will surely miss. Of course I am<br />

being facetious, but the truth be told, when one goes away for<br />

any length time, work remains to be done. Often those who go<br />

away are the hard workers whose work is left undone until they<br />

return. We live in an age when seniors play an increasingly<br />

important role in volunteer organizations. Unfortunately,<br />

younger people are often not encouraged to fill in when the<br />

We also need to recognize our own building is in need of further<br />

work. It is unfair to expect every member to contribute to financing<br />

our Shrine Centre especially those who live remote from<br />

London as to make it impractical to come here on a regular basis.<br />

In contrast however, is the principle that the Shrine Centre is “our<br />

home” and perhaps it is fair for every member to support it regardless<br />

of the number of times you get to visit? It is a tough sell.<br />

Wouldn’t it be nice to see the Centre become a self-supporting<br />

business that required little, if any support from our members?<br />

We can make it viable if we are willing to invest in a 35+ year old<br />

building and bring it up to date with such things as fresh paint,<br />

wallpaper, lighting and sound system in our upper banquet hall.<br />

Some redecoration of the front veranda to bring it into the current<br />

era and redecoration and upgrading of the lower banquet hall to<br />

make it a more fashionable venue for smaller activities. Bookings<br />

for these venues within our building are being stifled by the dated<br />

atmosphere and appearance. People love to come here for their<br />

parties but we are not attracting the numbers of events that we<br />

could if we invest in some updating and upgrading. If we attract<br />

additional business on a profitable basis, then we can stop the<br />

bleeding of our own financial resources and look to outside customers<br />

to support the ongoing maintenance and repair work. We<br />

need to develop a “business first” attitude and make it happen!<br />

We can no longer support the idea of this being just “Our<br />

Clubhouse”, it just doesn’t make sense anymore and it certainly<br />

doesn’t pay the bills.<br />

Some ideas will be coming forth in the next few months for some<br />

upgrading ideas and I encourage you to come to the Stated<br />

Meetings to find out what can be done and offer your constructive<br />

opinions for potential beneficial changes.<br />

Remember, "UNITY WINS"<br />

and the Potentate’s Slogan;<br />


older members leave for short periods of time. In the scriptures,<br />

you may have noticed, that the Almighty never calls his<br />

prophets or others to “go it alone”. I believe and have always<br />

taught that it is important to have an “understudy” or an<br />

apprentice to cover for one when one goes away or if one<br />

becomes ill. There have been too many times when an organization<br />

has fallen into darkness or at least “deep shadow”,<br />

because no one wanted to accept the responsibility of learning<br />

a particular job. Too often the one doing the job was too protective<br />

of the position to work with someone else anyway. As<br />

Nobles of the Illustrious Shrine and members of faith communities<br />

we need to demonstrate that we are willing to work together<br />

and ready to step in when someone goes away for awhile.<br />

We seniors need to welcome and support the junior members<br />

who are demonstrating a willingness to accept responsibility<br />

and to share their ideas and suggestions with us.. It is important<br />

for us to shovel that snow together, to listen to stories and<br />

ideas together, and above all to share fellowship together.<br />

“ ...And he sent them on ahead of him, two by two…”Luke<br />

10:v1 RSV.<br />

Blessings and Peace, Gordon Simmons<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 3

Dennis<br />

COOK<br />

editor<br />

Greetings Nobles.<br />

And for some strange reason, as you can see we've had<br />

an election and the Editor is still me.<br />

I offer my congratulations to the New Potentate,Illustrious<br />

Sir Jack Cumming, and all the members of the Divan,<br />

and I wish you all the best in your new titles and may<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple have another fine year.<br />

It was nice to receive good comments at the Installation,<br />

this year and with the assistance of all Clubs and<br />

Units,may the <strong>Mocha</strong> News shine for another year. This<br />

Publication cannot exist without your input, so as they<br />

say "keep those Cards and Letters coming."<br />

It was certainly nice to hear from people that have been<br />

in the shadows for a few years, and I.m sure the readership<br />

will enjoy your input.<br />

See you at the Spring Ceremonial,<br />

and Happy Reading Denn<br />



Please have<br />

everything<br />

submitted by ....<br />

APRIL 15<br />

Meet the New Divan<br />

Anthony Klassen Story<br />

Words from the North "Sault Shrine Club"<br />

Spring Ceremonial Info<br />

Potentate's Trip<br />

New Format for <strong>Mocha</strong> News<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Ball Info<br />

Please keep reading and sending information.<br />

Page 4 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />

If you wish to get more information<br />

on The Widows Son's,<br />

please contact Steve McQuade<br />

atsmcquade@execulink.com<br />


2011 DIVAN<br />

Dave Fahrner, Treasurer; Jim Thomsen, H.P.& P; Dave Fickling, Chief Rabban; Jack Cumming,<br />

Potentate; Rob Parker, Assistant Rabban; Bob Marshall, Oriental Guide; Jeff Brown, Recorder.<br />

Back Row: Earl Schneider, Capt of Guard; Frank Eagleson, Chief Aide; Craig Kealey, Marshall;<br />

Brian Dayman, 1st Ceremonial Master; Tommy Hill, Director.<br />

Front Row: Dave Fahrner, Jim Thomsen, Dave Fickling, Jack Cumming, Rob Parker,<br />

Bob Marshall, Jeff Brown<br />

Absent: Bill Baxter, Outer Guard; Michael Farr, Chaplain<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 5

The Badge<br />

By the scimitar and crescent which you<br />

wear upon your coat<br />

You proclaim that you're a Shriner. It's<br />

a sign for men to note.<br />

It's a symbol that your fellows have<br />

abiding faith in you;<br />

They believe that you are worthy and<br />

they trust in all you do.<br />

But I wonder, fellow Noble, as I meet<br />

you here and there,<br />

If you've really caught the meaning of<br />

that little badge you wear.<br />

By the token that you're wearing,<br />

you're expected to be fine.<br />

We have taught the world it's<br />

something to be chosen by the Shrine.<br />

And the man who wears its emblem<br />

has his fellows' guarantee<br />

That a gentleman of honor he is<br />

known and pledged to be.<br />

And if he should fail that standard by<br />

some thoughtless word or whim<br />

All <strong>Shriners</strong>, world-wide over, shall be<br />

put to shame by him.<br />

By the scimitar and crescent which so<br />

proudly you display<br />

You are bound to live and travel in a<br />

bigger, better way;<br />

I You must dignify the emblem,<br />

so that none whom you may meet,<br />

Be he friend or foe, may whisper that<br />

the Shrine is but a cheat.<br />

For additional<br />

information contact:<br />

Bob Howden<br />

(814) 875-8782<br />

You must play the man at all times,<br />

you must keep your conduct fair,<br />

And be worthy of the crescent,<br />

and the scimitar you wear.<br />

Edgar A. Guest (1881-1959)<br />

Page 6 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />


Local Enterprise Car Rental Co. Helps Shrine<br />


On Jan. 17, 2011 it was necessary for our CaMel Coach vehicle to be inspected<br />

for possible repairs at the dealership. Furthermore we were assured that it<br />

would not be available to transport a child patient to our Shrine Hospital in<br />

Erie, PA for a scheduled appointment on Jan. 18th.<br />

In 2007 Enterprise had provided excellent service when I required vehicles<br />

during our Great Lakes Fall Session. With that in mind I visited the same<br />

location at 500 Oxford St. West, London. During my conversation with Mr. Mark<br />

Cornelius, Branch Manager, the subject came up explaining our need for<br />

transportation.<br />

C104 London<br />

500 Oxford Street West<br />

London, ON N6H 1T5<br />

enterprise.com<br />

Mark Cornelius<br />

Branch Manager<br />

Daily Rental<br />

mark.j.cornelius@erac.com<br />

519-472-6676 tel<br />

519-472-6977 fax<br />

With no hesitation he clearly related what good work and service <strong>Shriners</strong> provide for children and<br />

immediately offered a courtesy car with no charges to complete our mission.<br />


Submitted by Stew Murdoch and Bill Butcher, Camel Coach Drivers<br />

Lost in<br />

the Desert<br />

3 HONDA<br />


The following Nobles have been listed as<br />

lost. If you have an address,<br />

please advise the office.<br />


London<br />

BRAUSS W E<br />

Dallas<br />


Sarnia<br />


Creve Coeur<br />


St Thomas<br />


Waterloo<br />


London<br />


Seaforth<br />


London<br />


Goderich<br />


St Thomas<br />


London<br />


Sarnia<br />



Please have<br />

everything<br />

submitted by ....<br />

APRIL 15<br />

FOR<br />

Come join the<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Desert<br />

Rat Unit by<br />

buying 1 of the<br />

3 odesseys for<br />

sale.<br />

Only if you are intrusted in becoming<br />

a Desert Rat need to call<br />

Geoff Clays<br />

519-461-1065<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 7


Motor Corps Parade Woodstock Clown Unit<br />

On Jan. 28 at the Woodstock Masonic Centre .<br />

Woodstock Clown Unit head there 2011 Installation<br />

ceremony under the driction of London <strong>Mocha</strong> Divan.<br />

The dinner was put on by the Woodstock Eastern Star.<br />

The evening was well attended 20 people. Just<br />

Remember <strong>Shriners</strong> Help Children.<br />

Left to Right the <strong>Mocha</strong> Motor Corps members in the<br />

picture are: Noble Gerald Campbell, Noble Randy Henry,<br />

Noble David Robinson and Noble George Ewer.<br />

The picture was taken at the<br />

Woodstock Parade May 24, 2011.<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Hillbillies Clan 59<br />



Them there Hillbillies & Mamas of Outhouse #3, which<br />

meets out in the snowy area of Port Franks at a cute pub<br />

& eatery called GROG'S, have been a working hard at<br />

selling meat raffle tickets each and every 1st Saturday<br />

from September to May raising funds for our Hospital<br />

needs.Annually this here jolly group raise many thousands<br />

of dollars. This is one of those few moments that you can<br />

catch them just hangin' around.<br />

If you see one of them, thank them for their hard work.<br />

Newswriter Cuzzn Ron Cripps<br />

Page 8 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />

Installation ceremony Left to Right: Chief Rabban<br />

David Ficklin, Assistant Rabban Rob Parker, Noble<br />

Kieth Latter Director, Noble Larry Toohey President<br />

2011. Noble Vernon Johnston Secretary, Noble Bob<br />

Sims First Vice President, Noble Harry Ketchabaw<br />

Treasurer, Noble Mark Payne Director, Noble Norman<br />

French P,R, Director, Noble Bill Phillips Past<br />

President & Director.<br />

First Annual<br />

Waterloo Oriental Band<br />


Tuesday, March 8th, 2011<br />

Serving 5-7 pm<br />

KW Masonic Hall<br />

440 Weber St. N., Waterloo, ON<br />

Pancakes, Sausages/Bacon,<br />

Coffee, Tea, Juice<br />

* Door Prizes *<br />

Open to everyone!<br />

Adults $8 Children (4-12) $2<br />

For tickets email<br />

noble.cbradley@gmail.com<br />

Or contact any Waterloo<br />

Oriental Band member<br />

Proceeds to benefit Shrine activities<br />



<strong>Mocha</strong> Motor Corps is looking for new members.<br />



whether you ride a motorcycle or not!<br />

For information please contact Randy Henry (519-281-1301) or<br />

George Ewer (519-850-3204) or email to ewer.george@sympatico.ca<br />

Concert Band<br />

If you have an interest in becoming a member of the<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Motor Corps Unit, please contact the secretary or<br />

assistant to arrange a personal meeting. Both motorcycle<br />

rider members to join our motorcycle parade group (any<br />

size motorcycle) and social members (no motorcycle) are<br />

welcome. We have low annual dues and uniforms are<br />

provided.<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong>’s Historic Concert Band Welcomes New Music Director and<br />

Conductor.<br />

Don was born and raised in St. Thomas and is from a family of musicians.<br />

He graduated from the University of Toronto Music Faculty followed by<br />

graduate work at the famous Rochester Eastman School of Music.<br />

Following his academic training he became comfortably established in<br />

Ottawa while teaching secondary school music for five years. His talents Band President Jim Shillington<br />

were recognized by the well known Londoner, Earl Terry, who encouraged welcomes Professor Emeritus Don<br />

him to move to London to establish a music curriculum for our school system.<br />

McKellar as Music Director and<br />

Conductor.<br />

In 1961 he moved to the University of Western Ontario<br />

as a founding member of the music faculty now known<br />

as the Don Wright Faculty of Music. He was also the<br />

founding Chairman of the Music Education Department<br />

and then became Associate Dean of the faculty. Don was<br />

music director of London’s Grand Theatre in the 1950’s<br />

and ‘60’s as well as the founding conductor of U.W.O’s<br />

Concert Band and Symphony Orchestra.<br />

He has taught music for 40 years including his 30 years<br />

at Western as well as adjudicating music competitions<br />

across Canada and overseas.<br />

Don’s talents have been recognized for his commitment<br />

to establishing bands in Ontario by being one of only two<br />

people to be granted Honorary Membership in the<br />

Ontario Band Association.<br />

On a personal family note Don is also the brother of our<br />

late Noble Ian (Doc) McKellar who contributed greatly<br />

to the activities and atmosphere at <strong>Mocha</strong>.<br />

We are very pleased to have Don, who is a member of St.<br />

David’s lodge in St. Thomas, “on the baton” for our<br />

historic concert band as we play into the second 100<br />

years of our existence.<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 9

Camel Coach<br />


2010 Fantasy Chairman Geo.<br />

VanSlack has greeters ready for<br />

doors to open at the Fantasy Show.<br />

Past Pres. Charlie Pole, Vice Pres.<br />

Bill Butcher, with guest speaker,<br />

Radio & TV Personality Jim Chapman,<br />

at Camel Coach Lady's Night.<br />

Past Presidents Charlie Pole, Mark<br />

Gordon, and Tom Rushton, check<br />

the attendance at Lady's Night.<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Oriental Band who were<br />

invited by the Camel Coach did a<br />

good job of entertaining at Fantasy<br />

Show.<br />

Concert Band<br />

Good turnout at Fantasy<br />

Show, held in Nov. 2010<br />

Camel Coach Fantasy Show Chairman<br />

George VanSlack, making sure kids<br />

are having fun at the 2010 Fantasy<br />

Show.<br />

Past Presidents,. Charlie Pole, Steve<br />

Ricketts, and Bill McKay, keep a<br />

watchful eye on things at the show.<br />

Page 10 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />

Annual Christmas morning visit by <strong>Shriners</strong> and friends of <strong>Mocha</strong>’s<br />

Concert Band to London’s Children’s Hospital.<br />

Left to right—Kerry Benson, John Lloyd, Vivian Huard, Bill Culp, Floyd<br />

James, Greg Jackson<br />



Trumpet Band<br />

If you want happiness for a month - get married.<br />

If you want happiness for a year - inherit a fortune.<br />

If you want happiness for a lifetime - help someone else.<br />

(Chinese Proverb)<br />

Isn’t that the truth? This is why we, as<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong>, feel happiness as we raise funds<br />

for <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals and hopefully our<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine Centre as well (without<br />

which we would not have a base to achieve<br />

that goal). Why not join the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

Trumpet Band and feel the extra satisfaction<br />

of playing a horn, drum, glockenspiel<br />

or even carrying a flag? We practice<br />

Monday evenings at 7:30 so come and<br />

check us out. As a matter of fact, now is a<br />

good time to join us as we start practices for<br />

the 2011 season. I can guarantee a warm<br />

welcome. The cost of becoming a member<br />

is a real bargain - only $10.00 per year and<br />

the instruments and uniform are supplied<br />

(except the shirt). Functions and socials are<br />

always arranged in a first-class manner and<br />

at a low cost, many times even subsidized.<br />

In 2005 the band was asked to play at the<br />

dedication of the new <strong>Shriners</strong> Children’s<br />

Hospital in Mexico City and Graham Paull<br />

and his wife, Sheila arranged this trip.<br />

Graham is a member of our band but resides<br />

in Lake Chapala and in 2012, on the occasion<br />

of his pending installation as Potentate<br />

of Anazeh Shrine Centre in Mexico City, he<br />

and Sheila have again offered their organizing<br />

talents to arrange another trip. Because<br />

the last trip was so successful, the 2012<br />

opportunity is open to all so if you are interested,<br />

contact PP Owen Coles for more<br />

information (Cambridge 519-654-0117) or<br />

E-mail: oncoles@sympatico.ca. And if this<br />

isn’t exciting enough, Jack Baskey will be<br />

our President that year….ooooh! Now I ask<br />

you, if that isn’t a reason to join our unit,<br />

support one of our own plus an opportunity<br />

to have a working vacation in Mexico, I’ll<br />

eat my Fez!!<br />

On a personal note, in 1983 after our Spring<br />

Ceremonial in Kitchener, I was encouraged<br />

to join a unit and although I had never<br />

played a trumpet, I was caught up in the<br />

excitement of being given the opportunity<br />

of actually learning. And guess what….I’ve<br />

been playing ever since and have even participated<br />

in competitions! Surprisingly this<br />

success story applies to a few of our members.<br />

If I can do it, so can you. All you<br />

have to remember is: Step #1 become a<br />

Shriner; Step #2 join the <strong>Mocha</strong> Trumpet<br />

Band and Step #3 have fun galore parading<br />

and traveling with a bunch of great guys<br />

(and gals) and last but not least, no experience<br />

required - we’ll teach.<br />

I won’t go into the successes the band<br />

achieved in 2010 as I have talked about that<br />

in past issues. No doubt other units were<br />

also successful in achieving their objectives,<br />

much to the pleasure and appreciation<br />

of our outgoing Potentate, Illustrious Sir<br />

Barry Snider who not only supported our<br />

band but lead <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine Centre to a<br />

prominent year which was recognized by<br />

Tampa. I would however like to mention<br />

our unit’s donation of $400.00 to purchase<br />

leg braces for Leah, a local girl from Port<br />

Rowan. Leah is doing well and will continue<br />

to be under the care of our Montreal<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> Children’s Hospital for a few<br />

years. This was not just a contribution from<br />

our band but recognition for all <strong>Mocha</strong><br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> for which we can all be proud.<br />

The band will have another successful year<br />

under our new Executive: President, Gary<br />

Davidson; Vice President, Jack Baskey;<br />

Secretary, Dave Williamson; Treasurer,<br />

Don Gellatly; 1 year Member-at- Large,<br />

Ron Henry; 2 year Member-at-Large, Dick<br />

Berday and last but not least, Director,<br />

Stew Taylor. Four members of the Divan<br />

installed this Executive on Monday,<br />

December 13, 2010. Jack Baskey and his<br />

committee have revised our By-Laws so<br />

now President Gary can make sure members<br />

toe the line.<br />

cont'd on page 12<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 11

cont'd from page 11<br />

Now I hope you didn’t just read the beginning<br />

of this article and scan down to the end because<br />

the object was to inform you about the great<br />

things happening with and about the Trumpet<br />

Band (besides, if you don’t read this insert, by<br />

job is on the line!). I know there are many<br />

units that are just as successful as we are but if<br />

you have been dreaming about marching down<br />

the street playing the sweetest music and having<br />

the best time, then come out and join us…..<br />

you’ll be glad you did, eh!<br />

Don’t forget to check out our new website created<br />

by our talented member, Paul Davidson.<br />

www.mochatrumpetband.org If you have<br />

questions or need more information, give me a<br />

call at 519-455-4417.<br />

From our family and members of MTB to<br />

yours … health, happiness and success in<br />

2011!!<br />

MTB Secretary,<br />

Dave Williamson<br />

Norfolk Shrine Club<br />

Hi Nobles:<br />

Our Illustrious Potentate and Noble Recorder have<br />

informed those of us, who were able to be present at the<br />

last several stated meetings, that our temple building<br />

could use some additional maintenance help.<br />

The items of concern are presently listed as follows:<br />

• Chairs for special occasions<br />

• Office equipment updates<br />

• Parking lot updates<br />

• Fez room updates<br />

• <strong>Mocha</strong> News publications<br />

• General building repairs<br />

The Norfolk Shrine Club has set aside a total minimum<br />

annual donation of $500.00 to be allocated by choice to<br />

one of the above considerations.<br />

We are approaching each Club and Unit to join with us<br />

to form a united effort to help our temple building where<br />

needed.<br />

At your discretion, please forward any donation, payable<br />

only to <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple, to include the designation of your<br />

Page 12 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />


<strong>Mocha</strong> Love Bugs<br />

Another year as passed and here we are in 2011 already. Thanks<br />

to all Love Bug members for their help at Elgin Mall and especially<br />

to Harold Fowler for organizing it. We have all put our<br />

"bugs to bed" for the winter or as we refer to it as "Bedbugs".<br />

Looking forward to the Ceremonial in Port Elgin and other<br />

parades to raise funds for the kids.<br />

President Ross Crawford and the rest of the executive guided us<br />

through another successful year. One of the many highlights of<br />

2010 was our participation in the London Santa Claus parade<br />

before the largest crowd that we have paraded for.<br />

Regular monthly breakfast meetings are held on the first Saturday<br />

of every month, starting in March at the New Sarum Diner. You<br />

guessed it in downtown New Sarum at 9 am. We are always looking<br />

for new members and if interested contact President Larry<br />

Schmeltz (519-773-9055), or Secretary Roy Pickard (519-773-<br />

5526) OR check us out at www.lovebugs.ca.<br />

Driving a "bug" is fun and exciting.<br />

Noble Bob Shier<br />

choice to the following address.<br />

The collective donations will be made to <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />

under the name of each contributor.<br />

Please help to keep our temple building proudly standing<br />

for generations to come.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Eric Jensen, Secretary, Norfolk Shrine Club<br />

PO Box 311, Simcoe, On, N3Y 4L2<br />

519 426 2962 edjensen@sympatico.ca<br />



Please have<br />

everything<br />

submitted by ....<br />

APRIL 15<br />


BlueWater Shrine Club<br />

Submitted by Ron Turner Secretary-Treasurer<br />

We here at Bluewater Shrine Club have been very<br />

busy during the past year. We participated in 10<br />

Parades, which were enjoyed by many spectators.<br />

3 Hot Dog Storefront Sales were held, and we<br />

deeply appreciate Goderich Wal-Mart matching our<br />

sales for the 3rd year in a row.<br />


Many people attended our Fish Fry, and we had<br />

several day outings for our 2010 Lottery, with ticket<br />

sales being down, but there were 3 happy winners.<br />

President Casey Does along with many<br />

volunteers,took care of the Christmas Cake, and<br />

Shortbread Sales.<br />

Members of the Fire Brigade, received 100 Million<br />

Dollar Certificates, this year..<br />

L-R Gary Willisee,<br />

Maggie Nirta, Pete Wiersma,<br />

and Ron Turner.<br />

2nd. Prize Winner Betty Young,<br />

with Ernie Morentz,<br />

Pete Wiersma and Ron Turner.<br />

Noble Robert Hesse traded his<br />

Fez, for the door prize Hat.<br />

L-R Casey Does,<br />

Howard Aikea, Mike<br />

Stillwell and Wayne<br />

Bannon with<br />

100 Million<br />

Certificates.<br />

Fire Brigade Members<br />

receiving 100 Million<br />

Dollar Certs.<br />

L-R Ron Turner Sec-Trea.,<br />

Hank Morentz, Pres. Casey<br />

Does, Robert Hesse,<br />

Brad Sykes, Andrew Miller,<br />

Murray Hoover,<br />

and Gary Willisie.<br />

Zurich Bean Festival Lottery<br />

#6. Ticket sellers,<br />

Robert Hesse<br />

and Ron Turner.<br />

Goderich Wal-Mart (Matching Hot<br />

Dog Sales) L-R Wal-Mart Manager<br />

Ben VanEvery, Pres. Casey Does,<br />

Carla Hill, Brenda Does,<br />

Doug Russel, Joanne Doherty,<br />

Wayne Bannon.<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 13


Pal <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine Club<br />

submitted by Noble Laverne Long<br />

Another successful Year 2010, has come and gone, and we here at Pal<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> would have to call it a great year. Our New Unit the "Trailer" with<br />

the help of Nobles Jim, Clarke, and Brad Richardson, Jim Doig, and<br />

Gearld Metzger, really made our reception at local Parades, a treasure to<br />

behold, with their Mini Bikes, and Mini Car. We attended many Fall, and<br />

Christmas Parades, and won Prize Money, at most of them.<br />

Once again Noble Al Barlow, and Lady Donna's son Tom, C.E.O. of<br />

Coca - Cola, North America, was most generous, and donated Raptor,<br />

and Maple Leaf Tickets, for our Annual Feather Party. This event proves<br />

to be a real profitable one for our Club. P.S. Tom don't ever retire on us.<br />

With an extra big push on Christmas Cake, Shortbread, and Candy, other<br />

years Noble Laverne Long has had sales of $1400.00, but with the<br />

recession this year he was down to $1247.50. (Still an excellent Job.....<br />

the Editor )<br />

So as we head into 2011 let us remember to pay a visit, or give a call to<br />

our Nobles and Ladies who are shut-in. We could even take them out for<br />

a coffee.<br />

Lets all keep raising money<br />

for the Children.<br />

Master of Ceremonies Noble John<br />

Green )right) presents a Turkey to<br />

Potentate Barry Snider after his name<br />

was drawn from the Drum.<br />

Noble Al Barlow presents<br />

Leaf Tickets to the winning<br />

bidder Ron Faulkner.<br />

Noble Cunningham, Dadson,<br />

Donaldson, Naylor, Moir, take a well<br />

deserved break from ticket selling.<br />

Illustrious Sir Barry<br />

Snider draws a ticket<br />

from the drum,<br />

while Nobles George<br />

Arlein, and Don<br />

McPhail look on.<br />

A Happy group of Strathroy <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

make a yearly trek to our<br />

Feather Party.<br />


MOCHA’S<br />

Please have<br />

everything<br />

submitted by ....<br />

APRIL 15<br />


Page 14 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />


Blenheim<br />

Shrine Club<br />


Cheque presentation from the Blenheim<br />

Shrine Club.<br />

L to R: Dave Ficklin, Rob Parker, Adam<br />

Vandermey (new Blenheim Shriner),<br />

Barry Snider, Jack Cumming, Jeff<br />

Brown<br />

Aylmer Christmas Parade<br />

2010 Woodstock<br />

Nobles Dave<br />

Clown Unit<br />

Harding, and Bob<br />

White President<br />

of the <strong>Mocha</strong><br />

Classic Car Club,<br />

parked their cars<br />

in favor of a 1964<br />

bicycle built for<br />

2. Many Thanks<br />

to Bob & Ken at<br />

B.K.Cycle<br />

Works, in Aylmer<br />

for the gracious<br />

donation of the<br />

bike again this year.The Weather was cold, and sunny, and thousands of<br />

spectators lined the streets to witness this years Parade.<br />

Submitted by Nobles Bob White<br />

and Dave Harding<br />

New <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

(B-Blenheim SC, A- Ahcom SC,<br />

Chatham)<br />

L to R front: Peter Cumming (B), Peter<br />

Barton (B), Gerry Pickard (A), Barry<br />

Snider, Jim Stokes (B), Mike Smith (A)<br />

Centre: Mike Brown (B), Matt Dauphin<br />

(B), Adam Vandermey (B), Peter Jacklin<br />

(B)<br />

Back: Norm Camp, Dave Ficklin, Jeff<br />

Brown, Rob Parker, Jack Cummins,<br />

George Sims<br />

President Larry Toohey on<br />

his Installation with Divan Chief<br />

Rabban David Ficklin & Assistant<br />

Rabban Rob Parker.<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 15

Whispering Sands of the<br />

London <strong>Mocha</strong> Oriental Band<br />


Producers of the Sweetest Music<br />

this side of Heaven<br />

Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the Nobles of the <strong>Mocha</strong> Oriental Band wish<br />

to “Talk to you” As we continue to greet Nobility everywhere.<br />

The Black Camel appeared Sunday, January 23, 2011 Noble, Oriental Bandsman Carl Morley<br />

The London <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple Oriental Band has honoured Noble Carl Morley and now we mourn his passing. A<br />

Noble of the London <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine, a bright light has been extinguished, but will carry on in spirit. Carl’s loving<br />

wife Betty Lou preceded Carl, our condolences are most sincerely given to his dear Family, father of Kimberly<br />

and friend Gerry, Greg and his wife Kim and Grand Children, Braden and Shelden Fickling and Ashley, Kyle and<br />

Brittney Morley, Sister Audrey and husband Ken, Son in Law, Bandsman Brad Fickling and good friend and<br />

Bandsman Dave Fickling.<br />

We will cherish his memory in our hearts.<br />

2011 Election and Installation at<br />

the Annual Meeting of the Band<br />

Top Left: Big Boss Noble Bill Hurn now the Pres<br />

addressing the rank, did a good job Bill.<br />

Top Right: Bill with a sigh of relief when all was over.<br />

Now for a Beer or two.<br />

Bottom Left: In the light dress, The Oriental Guide,<br />

Noble Dave Fickling, congratulating the new Officers.<br />

Bottom Right: Only one more Year David. Chief Rabban<br />

now Oriental Guide invests our long time Treasurer;<br />

Roy Fletcher as the Band’s 2nd. Vice President. Did<br />

Doreen give you H..l Roy when you arrived home with<br />

the news? You do look worried.<br />

The new executive: - President, Bill Hurn; I.P.P. Bill<br />

Butcher; 1st. Vice Doug Hoelzli; 2nd. Vice Roy Fletcher;<br />

3rd. Vice is open, how about it Nobles?; Secretary, Brian<br />

Howard and also Band Director; Treasurer for the past<br />

many years, Alex Aitken; The Band is looking forward<br />

to yet another good year, thanks guys.<br />

Congratulations to Noble David Fickling on being<br />

elected Oriental Guide of the <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine for 2011.<br />

Dave is a long time member of great importance to our<br />

Oriental Band and an expert on the Base Drum. Already<br />

we look forward with great anticipation to next year and<br />

with the opportunity, indeed intent, as<br />

we follow Dave to the 2012 Imperial.<br />

The re-scheduling of the <strong>Mocha</strong><br />

Annual Meeting almost delayed this<br />

article for the <strong>Mocha</strong> News but was<br />

well worth the wait.<br />

Noble Bill Butcher: Did you guess<br />

correctly? Our new immediate Past<br />

President and what a wonderful job<br />

Page 16 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />

he did in serving the band<br />

as President in 2010. Notice the crutch and the Gaul<br />

Stones prominently placed beside the long drum the<br />

plaque tucked under his arm. Thanks Bill for all your<br />

hard work and guidance. Bill was presented with his<br />

award at our Annual Meeting as Past President - 2010.<br />

The <strong>Mocha</strong> London Oriental Band is forever in need of<br />

new youngish members. If you are 60 but feel like 40,<br />

can walk or blow or do both together, don’t belong to<br />

another Unit or would like a change, then you are for us.<br />

There is no need to have a musical background as we<br />

will teach you to play the kind of music we promote. We<br />

have a great deal of fun, travel with our Ladies and<br />

above all, we delight the public with our entertaining<br />

mode. How about it fellows, we are about 60 strong but<br />

many can no longer walk or blow but still enjoy our<br />

company. Call the President NOW Noble Bill Butcher or<br />

his wife Sally at 519-657-5100.<br />

Article by Noble Charlie Crow<br />



Strathroca Shrine Club Celebrates 40 Years<br />

As the song goes 'Wasn’t that a Party', best describes our<br />

40th Anniversary of 'Strathocha Shrine Club' (Strathroy<br />

& area).<br />

After our usual opening, we were treated to a delicious<br />

roast beef and /or chicken dinner with all the trimmings,<br />

followed by many wonderful desserts.<br />

Noble Paul Brown introduced our President Noble Rick<br />

Barkley and he gave a few remarks. Illustrious Barry<br />

Snider was asked for a few remarks.<br />

Our 1st guest speaker was Tim Bosch and his family<br />

from Michigan. Tim is a patient at our hospital in<br />

Montreal and suffers from Brittle Bone Disease. His<br />

mother informed us that Tim cannot have even his BP<br />

taken for fear that the pressure of the inflated cull will<br />

break bones. Tim spoke and thanked the staff at Montreal<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital and the doctors for his care…they are<br />

his second family.<br />

This past spring, Strathocha Shrine Club sponsored a bus<br />

trip to Montreal to visit our hospital, where we made a<br />

donation of $40,000.00 toward a new microspore & program<br />

to assist in the diagnosis and detection of this disease<br />

at an earlier stage. This new equipment replaces<br />

older version some 20 years old.<br />

Our 2nd guest speaker was Dr. Frank Rauch MD PhD,<br />

Associate Professor of Pediatrics at McGill University in<br />

research and working on a cure for Brittle Bone Disease.<br />

He is originally from Germany. Dr Rauch had never been<br />

to this part of Ontario, so he drove down to be with us for<br />

our celebration. We thank him for this.<br />

Our final speaker was Dr. Robert Drummond MD<br />

Chairman of the Board of Governors <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital<br />

for Children, Montreal Canada.<br />

He spoke about the new <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital and showed us<br />

pictures of where it will be located and what it will look<br />

like after completion. It will be a 3 part building. The 1st<br />

being built in conjunction with McGill University where<br />

medical students<br />

will receive their<br />

formal education.<br />

The 2nd part will<br />

be The Children’s<br />

Hospital and the<br />

3rd will be Our<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital.<br />

If you enter into<br />

the system, you<br />

can use any of the<br />

facilities and<br />

return to the <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital for physiotherapy etc<br />

before discharge.<br />

The evening concluded with draw prizes with our Master<br />

of Ceremonies wishing everyone safe travels and thanking<br />

all for participating in our 40 years.<br />

2010 has been a busy year for Strathocha Shrine Club.<br />

We held regular dinner meetings on the 1st Tuesday of<br />

every month except July & August.<br />

We hosted a bus trip to Montreal and city tour of<br />

Montreal.<br />

Strathocha Shrine Club hosted the Fall Ceremonial with<br />

nine new nobles added to our membership roster.<br />

Finally, our 40th Anniversary Celebration with our<br />

Special Guest Speakers.<br />

Our final meeting is slated for December 7th, our<br />

Christmas Dinner, we ask our Ladies to attend and the<br />

Divan will be present for installation of New Officers for<br />

Strathocha Shrine Club.<br />

2011 should be a little quieter as Strathocha Shrine Club<br />

gears up for 2012 as we will be hosting The Spring<br />

Ceremonial that year. Mark your calendars now.<br />

Fraternally, Mel Hougen,<br />

Past President<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 17


Ahcom Shrine Club<br />

We have the good fortune at Ahcom of having two<br />

young boys with cerebral palsy, who could not walk and<br />

now will. Eric McLean who returned from Montreal<br />

after surgery last June, age 7 now. Divan met them Jan.<br />

2010 at our installation when he could not walk and<br />

again last Thursday when he can take independent<br />

steps.<br />

Also, Anthony Klassen, age 5 now,<br />

4 at surgery time in Nov. He is<br />

walking over 100 steps independent<br />

now and improving daily.<br />

Anthony born Dec. 17, 2005 and his<br />

two young sisters live just outside<br />

Tilbury Ont., with their parents.<br />

Family contacted Ahcom in late Sept<br />

2009 to request a visit to Shriner`s<br />

Hospital for a consultation. They<br />

were familiar with our club as we<br />

had sent two other family members to Shriner`s Hospital<br />

in previous years. Those visits led to no dramatic results<br />

as this one did.<br />


Oct. 6, 2009 Submitted application to <strong>Mocha</strong><br />

April 5, 2010 Anthony to first visit to Clinic<br />

in Montreal<br />

June 14, 2010 To clinic in Montreal. Dr. Farmer<br />

states Anthony is a candidate for<br />

surgery and will likely be able to<br />

walk. Unable to do so from birth<br />

to Dec 2010<br />

Page 18 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />

Oct. 18, 2010 To clinic in Montreal. Doctor<br />

confirmed surgery soon<br />

Oct. 31 - Dec. 17 Anthony to have tests at<br />

2010 Children's Hospital Montreal<br />

Monday, Tuesday Wednsday<br />

and surgery Thursday Nov 4.<br />

Return to Shriner`s Hospital<br />

Nov 9 for recovery, monitoring<br />

and in depth therapy.<br />

Once Anthony returns to<br />

Shriner`s Hospital, parent<br />

stays in child`s room rather<br />

than hotel.<br />

Prior to returning home,<br />

Anthony and Becky spend<br />

the last two weekends at the Belvedere Hotel to<br />

ensure both Mom and child are completely independent<br />

prior to being at home. This way, no one is around<br />

to help etc. which happens at Hospital. After first<br />

weekend out, Mom is to provide therapists with any<br />

concerns. These are worked on for week and then<br />

repeat weekend out to ensure independence.<br />

Dec. 17, 2010 Anthony and Mom fly home from<br />

Montreal. Anthony can walk. It is<br />

first flight for both. It is Anthony`s<br />

fifth birthday ! Patients cannot<br />

use train after this surgery until<br />

has period of time to heal.<br />

Jan. 14, 2011 Anthony can complete 107<br />

independent walking steps in<br />

a row without tiring or falling.<br />

This number increases daily.<br />

Anthony must attend therapy sessions three times weekly<br />

and do exercises and therapy daily at home. Becky<br />

was taught these at <strong>Shriners</strong> during stay there. Intense<br />

therapy must occur first year and the continue at lesser<br />

intensity for years. <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospital will monitor Anthony,<br />

barring problems, at least once a year until he is<br />

21 years old .<br />



Bruce Shrine Club<br />

The Bruce Shine<br />

Club has had a tremendous<br />

2010. The<br />

Bruce Tail Riders<br />

have been a large<br />

part of the Annual<br />

Labour Day Parade<br />

in Port Elgin for<br />

many years. This<br />

parade is hosted by<br />

the Canadian Auto<br />

Worker and is the<br />

second largest Labour Day Parade in Ontario. Second<br />

only to Toronto.<br />

Our winter events<br />

started in November<br />

with our Joint<br />

Potentate Ladies<br />

night which was<br />

hosted this year by<br />

the RAMOCHA<br />

Shrine Club in Owen<br />

Sound. Both clubs<br />

share a special bond as the boundaries between<br />

RAMESES and MOCHA cross each other through<br />

towns and villages where we both share membership.<br />

Both Ill Sir Barry Snider and Ill Sir Bryan Lawson show<br />

great leadership as Potentates and the camaraderie and<br />

fellowship shared by the two Temples makes for a great<br />

evening. We support each others’ Club events throughout<br />

the year and enjoy each others’ fellowship.<br />

Remembrance Day<br />

is a big deal for our<br />

club as we have<br />

members living in<br />

many communities<br />

across our geographic<br />

area. BCS members<br />

laid wreaths in<br />

Port Elgin,<br />

Southampton,<br />

Walkerton, Hanover,<br />

Kincardine, Tara and<br />

Tiverton. “They are<br />

not forgotten.”<br />

Bruce Trail Riders @Port Elgin<br />

Labour Day Parade 2010<br />

Christmas Ladies Night<br />

at Tara Legion<br />

Noble Vaugh Monroe and<br />

President Noble Kevin MacKay<br />

lay a wreath @ Remembrance<br />

Day Ceremony Kincardine 2010<br />

money donated specifically<br />

for this purpose.<br />

The new<br />

support vehicle has<br />

already been utilized<br />

on two trips to<br />

Montreal and hauled<br />

our large equipment<br />

trailer in all of our Christmas Parades this year.<br />

Support Vehicle sponsored by the<br />

Power Worker Union BP<br />

Empoyee Equity Fund<br />

Christmas Parades are a big part of our Community<br />

awareness program<br />

and our first one of<br />

the season was the<br />

London Santa Clause<br />

Parade, followed by<br />

parades in Owen<br />

Sound, Paisley, Port<br />

Elgin, Southampton<br />

and Tara. Attendance<br />

at these events by<br />

our Nobles and their<br />

Christmas parades were well<br />

ladies was tremendous<br />

and the after<br />

attended by BSC Nobles<br />

glows hosted by members were enjoyed by all.<br />

By the time you read this message we will have had our<br />

MOCHA Elections and Installation of a new Potentate<br />

and Divan for 2011. We at the Bruce Shrine Club are<br />

proud to have our very own Noble Jack Cumming leading<br />

MOCHA as Potentate for 2011, along with his son,<br />

BSC President Elect Noble Scott Cumming leading at<br />

the local SC level. The MOCHA Spring Ceremonial will<br />

be hosted by the Bruce Shrine Club in Port Elgin and<br />

with our father and son leadership it will make for a<br />

great and memorable year for sure.<br />

Don’t forget to be part of the fun and enjoy some great<br />

Bruce County hospitality during 2011, where you’re<br />

only a stranger once.<br />

Stay tuned to your MOCHA News and Club Secretary<br />

reports for details of some great events coming your way<br />

this year.<br />

As we here in the Bruce say;<br />

I’m Proud to be a Shriner, I’m Proud to wear the plaid,<br />

I’m Proud to help the Children,<br />

who need our help so bad.<br />

(It’s not easy to rhyme a word like “TARTAN”)<br />

We have been fortunate to be able to purchase a Bruce<br />

Shrine Club support vehicle. The Power Workers Union,<br />

Yours in the Faith, Kevin MacKay, President BSC<br />

Bruce Power Employee Equity Fund has been very generous<br />

over the last few years as we have been collecting<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 19


Norfolk Shrine Club<br />

The Norfolk <strong>Shriners</strong>, Simcoe. “The small group,<br />

with a BIG Heart”<br />

By the time you read this report 2010 will be [well<br />

remembered] history.<br />

At the spring ceremonial in Kitchener we were able to<br />

field 6 new members, a number which we hope to meet<br />

or beat for next spring.<br />

The dune bugs have attended many of the parades this<br />

year, including Toronto. Unfortunately several of our<br />

fellow Nobles are not yet retired so the turn out varies.<br />

We were able to rejuvenate an unused buggy this year so<br />

we now have five of them, Plus “The Boot”. This,<br />

together with Noble Brent Smiths Jeep, Noble Ron<br />

Collis’s WW2 Jeep, Noble Eric Jensens 1968 Cadillac,<br />

Noble Bob Thorntons 1984 Lincoln, and Noble Ken<br />

Beckett’s Vintage Jaguar kit car, should give us a large<br />

presence in future parades.<br />

Later last year four Nobles drove to Erie Pennsylvania<br />

for a young man to have an assessment for ongoing care<br />

to his feet, I would like to thank Noble Rick McCall for<br />

loaning us a suitable vehicle for this trip.<br />

The young man is slated for surgery in January 2011.<br />

Three of our members having attained the ripe young<br />

age of 80 were given life memberships. Noble Don<br />

Mckee. Noble Gord Franklin, and Noble Rod Smith.<br />

Suitable engraved plaques were obtained by Noble<br />

Wayne Brown and presented at our installation meeting<br />

in December.<br />

At that meeting Noble Gord Crandell was to have been<br />

sworn in as our president, but he didn’t turn up. So the<br />

task was eventually done in the London temple on the<br />

17th December<br />

Noble Bob Thornton was sworn in as Vice president,<br />

and yours truly, Noble Barry Mitton was sworn in as<br />

second vice. It serves me right for being absent when the<br />

nominations / elections took place.<br />

Noble Eric Jensen is our secretary. Noble’s Auby Cox,<br />

John Johnson, Wayne Brown, and Reid Bannister. Are<br />

director’s. Noble’s Peter McEown, and Don McKee.<br />

Are our auditer’s. Noble Reid Bannister, is our parade<br />

chairman.<br />



At the designated meeting in October, it was brought up<br />

that the Temple is losing its catering allure due to the<br />

chairs not being very comfortable. It is important that<br />

the Temple be able to compete with other venues, as this<br />

income is vital to keeping things going .We need about<br />

200 new / better chairs at a cost of roughly $75 to $100<br />

each.<br />

This is a considerable lump to have to delete from the<br />

building fund, so several of the Norfolk <strong>Shriners</strong> having<br />

calculated that there are about 64 clubs / units are proposing.<br />

“That each group be prepared to dip into their respective<br />

beer funds, and stump up the money for one or more<br />

chairs”.<br />

Having checked the status of our empty beer can fund,<br />

we made a donation of $200, and double dog dare the<br />

rest of you to do the same.<br />

Any section that is flush enough to buy more than two<br />

chair’s, gets bragging rights for as long as they wish.<br />

Wishing all Fellow Nobles a prosperous, safe and enjoyable<br />

year to come. I remain yours faithfully Noble Barry<br />

Mitton.<br />

PS. All grammatical errors, and spelling mistooks where<br />

done on porpoise!!!<br />


MOCHA’S<br />


Please have<br />

everything<br />

submitted<br />

by ....<br />

APRIL<br />

15<br />

Page 20 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />



Aylmer Shrine Club<br />

2010 was a very busy year for the Aylmer Shrine Club.<br />

I would like to thank ALL the nobles that invested their<br />

spare time to help the club Fund Raise throughout the<br />

year. Whether it was helping with one of our fish fry’s ,<br />

working at Cruise Nights, selling tickets on one of our<br />

draws or collecting and sorting pop cans your devotion<br />

to the club and the children in need, is greatly appreciated.<br />

I would like to thank Past President (2010) Noble Roy<br />

Pickard on behalf of the nobility for all of his hard work<br />

and efforts that he put into his year as president. There<br />

were a few things that not every president has had to<br />

deal with in their year and the Imperial Session in<br />

Toronto was one that comes to mind. A great time was<br />

had by all and I think any of the Aylmer Nobles that<br />

attended felt it was well worth attending. Then In Elgin<br />

County we had the International Plowing Match which<br />

a lot of Nobles helped with either in the hospitality tent<br />

working for the Mason’s of the St.Thomas District or in<br />

the Grand Lodge Tent. Roy played a big part I helping to<br />

organize man power from the Aylmer Shrine Club to<br />

help with both events. Roy I personally would like to<br />

extend a big “ Thank You” for all your help and organization<br />

in my transition to President of the Aylmer Shrine<br />

Club. I have very big shoes to fill in 2011.<br />

2011 Is shaping up to be another busy year for the<br />

Aylmer Shrine Club. I would like to challenge all Nobles<br />

in Aylmer Shrine Club as well as all other Clubs and<br />

Units of <strong>Mocha</strong> to except my motto for the upcoming<br />

Shrine Club Oldies<br />

year and that is “Work Hard, Play Hard and Have Some<br />

Fun” And keep in mind why we do it. “FOR THE KIDS”<br />

I am very proud to call myself a “Shriner” and all of you<br />

should be also.<br />

Finally I would like to welcome the new directors that<br />

have joined the 2011 Executive of the Aylmer Shrine<br />

Club. It is nice to see some newer members of the<br />

Shrine get involved. I truly believe that you only get out<br />

of being a “Shriner” what you put into it. Thanks for<br />

coming on board. And remember the most rewarding<br />

thing you can get from being a Shriner is having the kids<br />

you help say “Thank You Shriner”<br />

Fraternally Yours, Noble Jeff Smith<br />

President of Aylmer Shrine Club<br />

Noble Wiliam McNames Treasurer of<br />

Aylmer Shrine Club sent us these old<br />

photos, and we would like to know some<br />

history of any of them. If you know who,<br />

what, where, or when please email the<br />

Editor at thecooks@sympatico.ca.<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 21


Waterloo Shrine Club<br />

2010 Most successful in 27 years!<br />

Greetings <strong>Mocha</strong> Nobles! On December 18, 2010 we<br />

culminated one fantastic year of fun while entertaining<br />

young and old at 18 parades during the season. We currently<br />

have 42 Nobles in our Roster with most being<br />

active parade members.<br />

The parade season began in<br />

March at a Paddyfest Parade<br />

in Cambridge and finished<br />

with a Santa Claus parade in<br />

the village of St. Clements<br />

on December 18. President,<br />

and Band Director Doug<br />

Fickling and his Lady Sandra<br />

opened their home for a<br />

Chili Party after the parade.<br />

Doug is well known in our<br />

region for his chili recipe<br />

and he didn’t disappoint us.<br />

Some 44 attended the party,<br />

including many wives. We devoured two huge pots of<br />

chili, one regular and one hot! Needless to say, all the<br />

necessary trimmings were provided by the hosts with<br />

scrumptious desserts baked by Noble Chris Bradley’s<br />

wife Karri Waterman, who is also famous for her baking<br />

skills.<br />

We were honoured<br />

to be asked by our<br />

band member Ill.<br />

Potentate Barry<br />

Snider to perform<br />

prior to and during<br />

the first section of<br />

the Spring<br />

Ceremonial in<br />

Waterloo. We even<br />

surprised ourselves with the near flawless performance,<br />

being a first for our band.<br />

The Ingersoll Pipe Band requested our attendance at<br />

their Annual Band Tattoo in July and the audience gave<br />

us a standing ovation at the conclusion of our 15 minutes<br />

of fame, being the first non pipe band to participate in<br />

this event.<br />

After the Ayr Santa Claus parade on November 27, we<br />

entertained the adults and children at the Queen’s Hotel<br />

where we were also entertained by the infamous Eddie<br />

Shack who auctioned autographed photos from his playing<br />

days with the Toronto Maple Leafs. He even auctioned<br />

his personal Leafs windbreaker which went for a<br />

bargain price of $800.<br />

We then did the convoy<br />

to the farm of<br />

our own Noble<br />

Richard Baechler<br />

where we enjoyed<br />

refreshments outdoors<br />

under ideal<br />

weather, while our<br />

steaks were done to perfection. Potentate Barry Snider<br />

installed the band officers for 2011 in his beautiful stone<br />

home. The band officers for 2011 are: President Barry<br />

Tracey, Vice President Wilson Brown, Secretary John<br />

Paynter, Treasurer Jeff Rankine, Band Director Doug<br />

Fickling, Parade Marshall David Churchill and<br />

Quartermaster Watson Adams. John and Jeff were<br />

unable to be present and will be installed at a later date.<br />

Due to half our<br />

parades being in<br />

winter conditions<br />

we decided to<br />

purchase black<br />

winter band jackets<br />

with our band<br />

logo on the back<br />

and the official<br />

“fez” on the left lapel.<br />

A couple of years ago surplus instruments and equipment<br />

was donated to our band by the Windsor and<br />

Brantford Oriental Bands. This puts us in a great position<br />

to recruit new members without additional cost of<br />

instruments to our band. Any Nobles within reasonable<br />

driving distance of the KW area are encouraged to join<br />

a vibrant group of<br />

Nobles.<br />

Contact any<br />

member or<br />

Quartermaster<br />

Adams at<br />

519-886-1243 for<br />

more information.<br />

Noble Watson<br />

Adams (Charter<br />

Member)<br />

Page 22 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />



Welcome Back to all Nobles from the Sault SC<br />

Annual Children's Christmas Party Nov. 2010<br />

Over 90 Children from 12 Schools were bussed to a big<br />

Hall, where they were treated to Live Music, Food,<br />

Candy, and a Gift.. Noble Pres, Henry Particelli, stated<br />

that the atmosphere certainly warmed your Heart, got<br />

you in the Christmas Spirit, and reminded you what<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> are all about. Many Thanks to all Nobles who<br />

participated, in this great event.<br />

Pictured here on the Left is<br />

Pres. Henry Particelli, and<br />

Past Pres. Harold Long,<br />

who were standing in front<br />

of a Plaque, in the hall, of<br />

the new State of the Art<br />

800 Million Dollar<br />

Hospital, in Sault Ste.<br />

Marie.<br />

Sault Shrine Club were being honored with this Plaque,<br />

for the large $ 100,000 donation given to the Hospital.<br />

Nobles were given a Full Tour of the new facility, and<br />

treated to Coffee, and Deserts, by the CEO and other<br />

Officials.<br />

Pres. Henry was honored to be representing such a fine<br />

organization as the Sault Shrine Club, and felt it a great<br />

pleasure to be the new kid on the block, and receive this<br />

award, on behalf of many dedicated long service<br />

Nobles.<br />

This is an example of the respect all <strong>Shriners</strong> will be<br />

given, in the future as Hundreds of passersby, will see<br />

this great Plaque with the name of Sault Shrine Club<br />

proudly displayed.<br />

(Editor's Note, Way to go guys, and all the best to your<br />

future endeavors....Nice to hear from the Sault)<br />

Submitted by Noble Henry Particelli President<br />

I see you at the meetings,<br />

but you never say hello,<br />

You're busy all the time you're there,<br />

With those you already know.<br />

I sit amongst the members,<br />

yet I'm a lonesome guy<br />

The new ones are as strange as I,<br />

But you old members pass me by,<br />

But darn it, you folks' welcomed us in<br />

And talked of Fellowship,<br />


You could just step across the room,<br />

But you never made the trip.<br />

Why can't you nod and say hello,<br />

Or stop and shake my hand,<br />

Then go and sit among your friends,<br />

Now that I'd understand.<br />

I'll be at your next meeting,<br />

Perhaps a nice time to spend,<br />

Do you think you could introduce yourself?<br />

I want to be Your Friend.<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 23


Avon Shrine Club<br />

Potentate Visits Stratford on Avon Shrine Club<br />

On January 27 the Stratford on Avon Shrine Club held<br />

its monthly meeting at the Friendship Centre in St.<br />

Marys. There was a great attendance of nobles for our<br />

first 2011 meeting and our special guests were the<br />

Divan and our Illustrious Potentate Sir Jack Cumming.<br />

The purpose of this special visit was the passing of the<br />

gavel from our Past President Doug Richardson to our<br />

newly installed President James “Sandy” McTavish and<br />

to install our executive members. The evening was one<br />

of fun, fellowship and good food. All the nobles were<br />

very appreciative of this year’s past leadership of Past<br />

President Doug Richardson and his executive and are<br />

looking forward to our next year under President James<br />

“Sandy” McTavish and his executive. Remember to<br />

wear your Fez with pride.<br />

Submitted by Noble John Parker<br />

Back Row: Leroy Harrison, Wayne Smith, <strong>Mocha</strong><br />

Treasurer & Past Potentate Dave Fahrner, Allan Stewart<br />

Middle Row: Steve Albasel, James Tubb, Rob Parker,<br />

Dave Fickling, Jeff Brown, Brian Daymond, Bruce<br />

Davis. Front Row: President James “Sandy” McTavish,<br />

Ill. Potentate Sir Jack Cumming, Past President Doug<br />

Richardson<br />

Calling all Friends of <strong>Mocha</strong> News<br />

We need your help<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> News costs almost $25,000<br />

to publish each year.<br />

Can you help us offset some of those<br />

costs?<br />

Club, Unit or Individual donations, will be<br />

thankfully received and<br />

acknowledged in a special page of<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> News<br />

Please contact <strong>Mocha</strong> office<br />

519 672-1391 or<br />

mochashriners@rogers.com<br />

Page 24 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />

In appreciation to the Nobles listed below.<br />

Your generous financial contributions<br />

have helped ensure that all<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Nobles continue to receive<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> News four times a year.<br />

Thank You<br />

Jack Cumming, Potentate<br />





HOME<br />







• MARLENE<br />






CORP<br />













The Friend to Friend Masonic<br />

Memorial is a monument<br />

located in the annex<br />

of the Gettysburg National<br />

Cemetery in Gettysburg,<br />

Pennsylvania. Built by the<br />

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, it commemorates Confederate<br />

Brigadier General Lewis Addison Armistead<br />

entrusting Union Captain Henry H. Bingham with his<br />

personal effects, most notably a pocket watch, on the<br />

third day of the Battle of Gettysburg, during Pickett's<br />

Charge.<br />

Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial<br />

Pickett's Charge was an assault upon the Union Army<br />

center on the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg. The<br />

charge, the high tide of the Confederate States of America,<br />

was repulsed. Confederate general Armistead, under<br />

George Pickett's command, personally led his men up<br />

the hill to the Union position. Armistead was shot twice.<br />

Severely wounded, and fearing that his personal effects<br />

would be stolen by Union soldiers, he "gave a Masonic<br />

sign asking for assistance". Union Captain Bingham, an<br />

aide to Major General Winfield Scott Hancock, a personal<br />

friend of Armistead, then came to his aid as he<br />

lay wounded: Armistead, Bingham, and Hancock were<br />

all Freemasons. After ensuring Armistead that his possessions<br />

would be sent to his family, particularly his<br />

pocket watch, Bingham took Armistead to a field hospital,<br />

where Armistead died two days later on the George<br />

Spangler farm.<br />

The monument's sculptor was Ron Tunison of Cairo,<br />

New York, who was himself a Freemason. The sculpture<br />

is made of polychrome bronze.<br />

The statue was dedicated by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania<br />

on August 21, 1993.<br />

$200 deposit<br />

Country & Colour Tour<br />

$1,495.00 per couple<br />

on all bookings<br />

Thursday October 13 - Monday, October 17, 2011 (cut off date Aug. 1st)<br />

Join Jack and Lady Helen on this wonderful Fall tour and enjoy<br />

the colours of Northern Ontario.<br />

Trip Highlights:<br />

• Schauss Land & Cattle Farm<br />

• Ickendales Robotic Milking Farm<br />

• Tony Lang Elevator Farm (BBQ)<br />

• Saugeen First Nation's Amphitheater<br />

• Meaford Apple Orchard<br />

• Bala Cranberry Marsh<br />

• Red Leves Inn (J.W. Mrriott)<br />

(The Rosseau Muskoka)<br />

• Owen Sound Best Western Inn<br />

• All meals included except lunches on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th<br />

Leaving by bus from London and Paisley. For information contact 1-855-272-2011<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 25

Business<br />

Directory<br />

MacKewn,<br />

MW<br />

Winder LLP<br />

Lawyers<br />

“Lawyers that mean Business”<br />

Corporation & Business Law, Commercial<br />

Litigation & Negotiations, Real Estate Law,<br />

Wills & Powers of Attorney, Estate Planning,<br />

Probate & Administration<br />

C. Fred MacKewn - E. Dixon Winder<br />

Phone: (519) 672-2040 Fax: (519) 672-6583<br />

300-376 Richmond St., London, ON N6A 3C7<br />

8-605 Newbold St.<br />

London Ont.<br />

N6E 2T7<br />


Gary Penn<br />

Tel: (519) 681-2153<br />

Fax: (519) 681-2016<br />

midwestmed@rogers.com<br />

John Rozeluk, CA, CFE<br />

T 519-660-0990 x 222<br />

F 519-661-0996<br />

<br />


ROGERS<br />


700 Richmond Street, Suite 214<br />

London, ON N6A 5C7<br />

jrozeluk@wilkinsonrogers.com<br />

Mark Cornelius<br />

Branch Manager<br />

Daily Rental<br />

mark.j.cornelius@erac.com<br />

519-472-6676 tel<br />

519-472-6977 fax<br />

Kelly Flannery<br />

Audiologist, Reg. CASLPO<br />

C104 London<br />

500 Oxford Street West<br />

London, ON N6H 1T5<br />

enterprise.com<br />

Rick McLeod<br />

Consultant<br />

519-860-6682 cell<br />

519-673-4544 bus<br />

rick.mcleod@investorsgroup.com<br />

www.investorsgroup.com/consult/rick.mcleod<br />

396 Queens Ave., Suite 102<br />

London, Ontario N6B 1X7<br />

Tel: 519-438-0492<br />

Fax: 519-438-4948<br />


We Cherish Their Memories<br />


Woodstock<br />


Elmira<br />


Blenheim<br />


Union<br />


Kincardine<br />


Chatham<br />


Windsor<br />


Tiverton<br />


Strathroy<br />

Page 26 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />


Simcoe<br />

KNIGHT G W<br />

Blenheim<br />


London<br />


Tillsonburg<br />


Woodstock<br />


London<br />


Canmore<br />


Clinton<br />


Port Stanley<br />


Gore Bay<br />


London<br />


St Thomas<br />


Essex<br />


Waterloo<br />


Goderich<br />


Princeton<br />


San Juan Capistrano<br />


Surrey<br />


Sault Ste Marie<br />


Omar Temple 111<br />

Daughters of the Nile<br />

by P.Q. Audrey J. Stubbs<br />

Message from Queen Darlene<br />

I have had the opportunity to represent our great Temple, and to work together with the <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine.<br />

Together we have accomplished many great things as we support our great philanthropy.<br />

Congratulations to the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> for completing their goal of a Million Dollars for the inventive Tele Medicine Program.<br />

This will continue to provide essential links to specialists, and research from across the Country.<br />

Thank You for a wonderful year, I have visited many Temples and made many new<br />

friends. Stay involved and be a part of our great organization.<br />

We have Fun, so a Child can Run.<br />

Queen Darlene Omar Temple # 111<br />

March Installation of Queen Darlene<br />

April - May Installations at one of the<br />

six Clubs, and 3 Units<br />

Supreme Installation<br />

June Bus bound for<br />

Indianapolis<br />

Always a Noble to assist -<br />

this time Noble Tom<br />

Sept. and October Official Visits,<br />

Clubs and Units by Queen Darlene<br />

Party Night at<br />

Supreme honoring<br />

Supreme Queen Vesta<br />

Marshall, Queen<br />

Darlene, Supreme<br />

Appointments, and<br />

appointees<br />

Strathoca 20th. Birthday<br />

Omar Temple #111 celebrating<br />

their 57th Birthday , Jan. 5, 2011.<br />

We wish you the best in 2011.<br />

Orthopedic Tea 2,306<br />

articles were displayed<br />

valued at $13,010.75<br />

taken to Montreal<br />

Hospital by Nobles<br />

Larry & Fred<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 27

2011 MOCHA<br />


May 27 & 28, 2011<br />

See you in<br />

the Bruce!<br />

Friday May 27, 2011 ~ South Hampton, ON<br />

• Fish Fry – Open to the Public (Tickets Required)<br />

• Dance to the Live Band - Flashback (Tickets Required)<br />

Saturday May 28 ~ Port Elgin, ON<br />

• Ceremony – Open to the All<br />

• Ladies Luncheon – (Advance Tickets Required)<br />

• Men’s Luncheon - Bruce County Hip of Beef<br />

• Parade<br />

• Second Section (<strong>Shriners</strong> Only)<br />

• Fezzing Ceremony<br />

• Potentate’s Dinner<br />

Ceremonial Headquarters: Port Elgin Super 8 Motel<br />


Call 1-855-272-2011<br />

Or email the Ceremonial Chairman, Paul Zorzi @ pzorzi@brucetelecom.com<br />

Page 28 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />


Brothers and Nobles all:<br />

It gives me a great deal of pleasure to supply this<br />

information to you regarding a very special event<br />

taking place in Port Elgin this May.<br />

The Bruce Shrine Club is the proud sponsor of the<br />

MOCHA Spring Ceremonial being held in the<br />

beautiful community of Saugeen Shores on May 27-<br />

29, 2011.<br />

Friday night is completely open to the public and<br />

will include a tremendous fish fry supper along with<br />

a great line up of entertainment and followed by a<br />

dance all to be held at the Southampton Coliseum.<br />

This event is open to everyone. (Bus transportation<br />

between Port Elgin and Southampton provided).<br />

Saturday will be the regular line up of events starting<br />

with opening ceremonies at 9am being held at the<br />

Plex in Port Elgin.<br />

The biggest part of this announcement is the<br />

challenge being put forward to all Masons and<br />

Nobles.<br />

If you are a Master Mason who would like to take the<br />

next step into the secrets of the Mystic Shrine or if you<br />

are already a Noble of the Mystic Shrine and know of<br />

a Brother Mason who has ever toyed with the idea of<br />

becoming a Shriner then this spring will be the greatest<br />

time for you to help them take this step.<br />

The Bruce Shrine Club has committed to add $1,000.00<br />

to their donation to MOCHA and the Canadian Shrine<br />

Hospital in Montreal for each candidate that is initiated<br />

into MOCHA at the 2011 spring ceremonial.<br />

The challenge to you is to bring out enough candidates<br />

to have the biggest class of candidates ever. 100<br />

new <strong>Shriners</strong>. That’s the challenge. Come join the fun<br />

and be part of the great 2011 Big Bruce Challenge.<br />

That’s $1000 dollars for each and every candidate<br />

that comes forward this spring. Become a Shriner and<br />

change a Childs life. Enclosed are a number of applications<br />

to take advantage of this opportunity.<br />

Are you up to the challenge!!!<br />

Yours in the Faith, Kevin MacKay,<br />

President, Bruce Shrine Club<br />

Contact for further information and applications.<br />


<strong>Shriners</strong> believe in God and that He created<br />

man to serve to others in His name.<br />

We believe that care for the less fortunate,<br />

especially children who suffer from burns and<br />

crippling dieases, is our institutional calling.<br />

We are patriots, each willing to serve his<br />

country with fidelity and courage. We cherish<br />

independence under law and freedom with<br />

responsibility.<br />

We honor family. We respect our parents, wives<br />

and children. We should instill in our children<br />

the tenets of this creed and the heritage from<br />

which it emanates.<br />

As individuals we pledge ourselves to integrity,<br />

virtue and nobility of character. Our intentions<br />

will be honorable, our spirits forgiving of each<br />

other.<br />

As brothers we offer each other fraternal<br />

affection and respect. Together we will support<br />

each other in adherence to this creed, so that<br />

we and our communities will be better for our<br />

fraternity and it's principles.<br />

As <strong>Shriners</strong> we look beyond ourselves to<br />

serve the needs of others, especially children<br />

who cannot help themselves. We believe<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals to be the world's greatest<br />

philanthropy, and we covenant with each<br />

other to support it's "temple of mercy" with<br />

spirit, time, talent and means.<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 29

Thanks to the public’s generous support of the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

fundraising initiatives and the efforts of <strong>Mocha</strong> committee members Barry Snider, Dave Fahrner, Dwight Coughlan,<br />

Jeff Brown and Norm Camp with ex-officio members Gail MacKay and Kevin Wilson, the <strong>Shriners</strong> have been able to<br />

complete their $1 million pledge to establish the <strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> Paediatric Orthopaedic Telemedicine Service<br />

at Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre.<br />

The following treatment clinics are now connected by live video<br />

to orthopaedic specialists at Children’s Hospital in London: John McGivney Children’s Centre in Windsor<br />

Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent in Chatham ; KidsAbility Centre for Child Development in Waterloo<br />

BECOME<br />


AND HELP<br />


<strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

Complete $1 Million Pledge<br />

to Children’s Hospital!<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> are making it possible<br />

for children to now receive the orthopaedic medical care they need<br />

close to where they live.<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong> are proud to help<br />

make the health care journey easier and better for the children, their parents,<br />

the regional children’s treatment centres, and the health care professionals<br />

at Children’s Hospital.<br />

526 HAMILTON RD. 519-439-7951<br />

Page 30 <strong>February</strong> 2011<br />



Sure! Our Temple just runs itself.<br />

There's not much work to do,<br />

The By-Laws, they take care of<br />

that, so why worry me and You,<br />

The Divan just sit around, arranging<br />

plans and such, "Bout seven<br />

days in every week, they don't<br />

amount to much,<br />

And all the Recorder does, is see<br />

that dues are paid, and keep the<br />

Nobles up to date, and see no<br />

mistakes are made,<br />

Sure! Our Temple just runs itself,<br />

It's the best that ever wuz;<br />

You think so, Well just try it once,<br />

You'll say "Like Hell It Does".<br />

For additional<br />

information contact:<br />

Bob Howden<br />

(814) 875-8782<br />

What Is A Candidate?<br />

He Is!<br />

A) The Most Important Person In<br />

Our Organization.<br />

B) One Who Does Not Depend<br />

On Us, But We Depend On Him<br />

C) Not An Interruption To Our Work,<br />

But The Reason For It.<br />

D) Part Of Our Organization,<br />

Not An Outsider.<br />

E) A Human Being With Feelings,<br />

And Emotions, Just Like Us.<br />

F) Not A Name, Or A Face,<br />

Or A Number, But An Individual.<br />

G) A Person With Want's, And We<br />

Need To Fulfi ll Those Wants.<br />

H) The Lifeblood Of The Shrine.<br />

I) Most Deserving Of The Most<br />

Courteous, And Attentive<br />

Treatment We Can Bestow<br />

Upon Him.<br />

Nobles: Please Bring Us<br />

Your Candidates, And See That<br />

They Get The Help And Guidance<br />

That They Seek.<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>February</strong> 2011 Page 31

It’s red all around us!<br />

Keeping track of the coats!<br />

I wonder if there is more dessert?<br />

Noble Stan Boyce celebrates his 60th &<br />

waits patiently (?) to use the microphone<br />

That was good food!<br />

Just clowning around!<br />

Divan joins Woodstock Shrine Club for their<br />

installation of officers<br />

We support our Potentate!<br />

photos by Paul Loftus

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