November, 2012 - Mocha Shriners

November, 2012 - Mocha Shriners

November, 2012 - Mocha Shriners


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PM #40010349<br />

VOL. 35 NO. 4 LONDON, ONTARIO NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong><br />

Merry ChristMas<br />

from our Shrine family to yours!

Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement #40010349<br />

Official Publication of <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />

www.mochashriners.org Published 4 times a year<br />

Statement of Purpose: To allow members to share items of<br />

interest while promoting our commitment to children and<br />

the interests of <strong>Mocha</strong> Centre.<br />

Editor: Dwight Coughlan, 519-657-7561<br />

Editor Emeritus: Gerry Stephenson, Floyd James<br />

Public Relations: Paul Smith, 519-637-3396<br />

Office: Sharron Miller and Jody Axford<br />

468 Colborne St. London, ON N6B 2T3<br />

Phone: 519-672-1391 mochashriners@rogers.com<br />

Fax: 519-672-7723 Lounge: 519-672-2043<br />

ElEctEd divan <strong>2012</strong> J<br />

Potentate: Dave Fickling 519-451-6724<br />

ficks@rogers.com Lady Pat<br />

chief Rabban: Robert Parker 519-680-0032<br />

parkerrob@rogers.com Lady Deb<br />

assistant Rabban: Jim Thomsen 519-495-1882<br />

jimmyjobillybob@rogers.com Lady Deb<br />

High Priest & Prophet: Bob Marshall 519-245-5567<br />

rcm@isp.ca Lady Vesta<br />

Oriental Guide: Brian Dayman 519-353-4332<br />

bddayman@gmail.com Lady Corrine<br />

treasurer: Dave Fahrner, PP 519-641-4998<br />

fahrner@sympatico.ca Lady Susan<br />

Recorder: Bill Butcher 519-657-5100<br />

jelliebean@stmpatico.ca Lady Sally<br />

aPPOintEd J<br />

First ceremonial Master: Wally Gr een 519-245-1207<br />

w_green@sympatico.ca Lady Darlene<br />

Second ceremonial Master: Frank Eagleson 519-797-2067<br />

feagleson@bmts.com Lady Doris<br />

Marshall: Craig Kealey 519-389-4187<br />

kealey@bmts.com Lady Sue<br />

captain of the Guard: Bill Baxter 519-348-8000<br />

bmbaxter@ezlink.ca Lady Mary<br />

Outer Guard: Ernie Morenz 519-243-1797<br />

emorenz@execulink.com Lady Ann<br />

director: Tommy Hill 519-268-2409<br />

hill@sympatico.ca Lady Cheryl<br />

POtEntatE’S aPPOintMEntS J<br />

chief aide: Doug Fickling 519-888-7448<br />

dougfickling@rogers.com Lady Sandra<br />

assistant aide: Brad Fickling 519-668-3323<br />

b.fickling@tvdsb.on.ca Lady Donna<br />

assistant aide: Norm Camp 519-858-3500<br />

camp2555@hotmail.com Lady Lynda<br />

chaplain/donor Relations: Rev. Canon Michael Farr<br />

519-396-8284 morkfarr@bmts.com Lady Kathleen<br />

assistant chaplain: Rev. Gordon Simmons 519-344-1983<br />

simmons.gord@gmail.com<br />

Membership: Harry Hewbank 519-773-7147<br />

hhewbank@eastlink.ca Lady Ruth<br />

Pubic Relations: Paul Smith 519-637-3396<br />

pjsmith@pjsmithassoc.ca Lady Terry<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> news: Dwight Coughlan 519-657-7561<br />

editor.mochashriners@rogers.com Lady Caroline<br />

temple attorney: C. F. MacKewn Jr. 519-672-2171 x228<br />

fmackewn@mwlaw.ca<br />

External auditor: John Rozeluk 519-661-0990 x228<br />

jrozeluk@wilkinsonrogers.com<br />

Facility Manager - inside: Bent Anderson 519-672-7408<br />

krisandbent@porchlight.ca Lady Kris<br />

Facility Manager - Outside: Fraser Grant 519-657-4318<br />

sales6000@gmail.com Lady Connie<br />

Photographer: Randy Dunlop 519-264-2964<br />

rdphoto@rogers.com Lady Valerie<br />

Piper: Wilson McBeath 519-485-3496<br />

Potentate’s Report<br />

SHRinERS<br />

HOSPitalS FOR<br />

cHildREn<br />

The official hospital name is<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for<br />

Children-Canada.<br />

Apostrophes are not used and both “<strong>Shriners</strong>” and<br />

“Hospitals” are always plural. Please use the full<br />

name of the hospital on all references. Please do not use “<strong>Shriners</strong>”<br />

alone when referring to the hospital. “<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for<br />

Children” is the correct phrasing.<br />

The proper phrase for referring to the care provided by <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

Hospitals for Children is “regardless of the patients ability to pay”<br />

PLEASE do not use “free”, “at no cost” or “at no charge”<br />

iMPORtant FactS:<br />

- Children up to 18 are eligible for care at <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for<br />

Children, if,in the opinion of our physicians, there is reasonable<br />

possibility they can benefit from the specialized services avai<br />

able.<br />

- Approximately 90% of the annual <strong>Shriners</strong> hospitals for Children<br />

operation budget is spent in direct support of the organizations<br />

trifold mission of treatment, research and teaching.<br />

- As a non-profit organization, <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for Children<br />

relies on the generous donations of <strong>Shriners</strong> and the general<br />

public to carry out our mission and change the lives of children<br />

every day.<br />

- <strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for Children is the only pediatric multi-<br />

hospital health care system that provides all care “regardless of<br />

the patients ability to pay”.<br />

Presenting Canadian Flag to Imperial Potentate<br />

Alan S. Madsen at Imperial Session, Charlotte, NC.<br />

Page 2 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />

Recorder’s Corner<br />

by Bill Butcher<br />

Well Nobles it is that time of year<br />

again where we all enjoy the<br />

colours of the season, the beautiful<br />

colours in our area are amazing.<br />

The first part of September the<br />

Divan were all down in Mason<br />

Ohio for the GLSA and the leaves had not yet started<br />

to turn and show their colours. The last week of<br />

September we as the Divan had made the trek north<br />

to Elliott Lake and Sault Ste. Marie, and what a difference<br />

a couple of week s can make. The whole area<br />

came alive with beautiful colour everywhere; I was<br />

able to take scenic pictures of trees and landscapes<br />

that would make nice screen savers. Our visit, to the<br />

North Country was quite eventful, my Lady and myself<br />

met some very nice people from the two Shrine Clubs<br />

we attended.<br />

Now that we have returned home it is time to get<br />

back to business with meetings and the general<br />

operations of the Shrine and clubs and units. Since<br />

returning the Divan has enjoyed a night with our<br />

ladies at the London Shrine Club for an Official Visit<br />

Chaplain’s Chat<br />

Nobles: The season of new elections<br />

and appointments, for many of the<br />

Masonic bodies, we belong to is upon<br />

us. I was wondering if you have your<br />

excuses ready. I am reminded of that<br />

Great Prophet Moses, who is revered by<br />

Jews, Christian, Muslims, and Mormons.<br />

(You may read for yourself the whole story of the call of<br />

Moses by God in Exodus Chapters 2-4.) If you have a better<br />

excuse list than Moses you are a better man than I am.<br />

God calls Moses from a burning bush whose wood is not<br />

consumed. God wants Moses to go back to Egypt and lead<br />

his people from slavery to freedom. Moses says to God, “I<br />

can’t do that! Don’t you know that I am a murderer and<br />

hiding here in the land of Midian?” I hope you can’t top<br />

that excuse. God continually uses sinners to get his work<br />

done on earth. Moses now wants to know the qualifications<br />

of the voice from the bush. “What is your name?” Moses<br />

demands. “I am”, comes the reply, “that is my name for<br />

ever.” Now Moses asks God “What if the people don’t<br />

with our Potentate and first lady Patricia and that was<br />

an excellent evening for all 85 that attended.<br />

On October 10, <strong>2012</strong> was our third Stated Meeting of<br />

the year, at which time we presented 22 Nobles their<br />

pins for 25 years of service. Congratulations Gentlemen.<br />

Well on Saturday October 13, <strong>2012</strong> we had our Fall<br />

Ceremonial at <strong>Mocha</strong> and we installed 6 new candidates<br />

that I believe had a good time and enjoyed the<br />

ceremonial along with their fezzing at the end of the<br />

morning. After the ceremonial was over we all gathered<br />

in the lounge/bar area for as Ill. Sir Dave likes to<br />

say Tube steaks, chips and some wobbly pop!<br />

When the Stated Meeting was over I sat back and realized<br />

that this year is almost over and the next Stated<br />

Meeting is on December 12, <strong>2012</strong> this is also our<br />

annual election night and remember your dues card<br />

for <strong>2012</strong> for admittance.<br />

Since this is the last <strong>Mocha</strong> News for the year, Sally<br />

and I would like to take this opportunity to send<br />

“Blessings” to everyone for a Happy and Safe Holiday<br />

Season.<br />

Y.I.T.F.<br />

Bill Butcher<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Recorder<br />

believe me?” God gives Moses some miraculous powers<br />

(supernatural magic). Moses thinks this is his trump card,<br />

“But God I am not a good public speaker.” Do not worry<br />

God says, I will give you the right words to say and also<br />

send your brother, Aaron, with you who is accustomed to<br />

public speaking. Most importantly God promises Moses<br />

that He, God, will be with him all the time.<br />

When we, you and I, are asked to let our name stand<br />

for election or accept an appointment, how do we respond?<br />

Is our first response excuses? I am too young/old (Moses<br />

was 80 years old when called); I am not qualified; I don’t<br />

have the experience; I am a poor public speaker. The jobs<br />

and roles we are asked to fulfil are not as large as herding a<br />

nation of slaves through the wilderness for forty years.<br />

When we are asked to give leadership in an organization,<br />

give serious consideration to the fact that God may be calling<br />

you to lead. Remember God’s promise to Moses and to<br />

all His faithful people, to be with us always, giving us the<br />

right words to say.<br />

To God be the Glory<br />

Rev. Canon Michael Farr<br />

Chaplain<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 3

Dwight<br />

Coughlan<br />

❖ Now pay Dues Online - page 5<br />

editor<br />

Hello my fellow my Nobles...<br />

Well its been one year since I have taken<br />

on the role of Editor, I’ve missed a couple of<br />

articles, I’ve made a couple of changes to the<br />

design, I’ve talked to some great Nobles. In all<br />

honesty it has been a great experience. We<br />

sometimes duck our head when we see a Noble<br />

approaching us about taking on a new volunteer<br />

position. (I know I do) But, stop and think<br />

when your being approached and why, these<br />

Nobles see you as an important part in the<br />

ongoing on support of making this one of the<br />

greatest philanthropy’s in the world. So to our<br />

newest Nobles get involve, So to the Nobles<br />

who have been hanging out in the back room,<br />

step up…and those who give on a day to day<br />

basis, (and you know who you are). Simply<br />

Thank you!<br />

May I wish you and those who surround<br />

you a wonderful and warm Christmas Season.<br />

YITF<br />

Noble Dwight Coughlan<br />

❖ A Night with the London Knights - page 9<br />

❖ Joshua Shymko & the Lambton <strong>Shriners</strong> - page 22<br />

❖ Omar Temple - Messge from the Queen - page 29<br />

Lots of nice articles from Clubs and Units<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

Upcoming Events<br />

november<br />

december<br />

<strong>November</strong> 1 -8<br />

Potentate's Trip to St. Maarten Island<br />

(all inclusive)<br />

<strong>November</strong> 19<br />

Imp. Sir Alan Madsen and Lady Jan's<br />

Visit to <strong>Mocha</strong><br />

<strong>November</strong> 21<br />

Tillsonburg Installation<br />

<strong>November</strong> 16,<strong>2012</strong><br />

Blenheim, Fish Fry<br />

Palmerston, Feather Party<br />

Hamilton, Moore Consistory Hamilton.<br />

<strong>November</strong> 17, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Cambridge S.C. , Ladies Night 6 & 7pm<br />

<strong>November</strong> 21, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Hillbilly Installations 5:30 & 6:30pm<br />

<strong>November</strong> 29, <strong>2012</strong><br />

St. Thomas, Hi-Ro S.C. Installations,<br />

Road House Restaurant, 6 & 7pm<br />

December 2, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Simcoe, Norfolk S.C. Installations and Ladies<br />

at the Armories, 2 to 4:30pm<br />

December 4, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Strathroy, Strathoca S.C. 15 Centre St.,<br />

6 & 7pm Installation and Ladies<br />

December 5, <strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>Mocha</strong>, Directors Staff Installations<br />

and Ladies, 6 & 7pm<br />

December 6, <strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>Mocha</strong>, London S.C., Installations<br />

and Ladies, 6 & 7pm<br />

December 9<br />

Potentate's Appreciation Dinner<br />

(by invitation)<br />

December 10, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Waterloo S.C. at Gulf’s Restaurant,<br />

Installations and Ladies night, 6 & 7pm<br />

December 12<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Stated Meeting/Elections<br />

Dinner 6:30/ Meeting 7:30<br />

December 13, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Windsor, Moramos S.C., Installations<br />

and Ladies night, 6 & 7pm<br />

December 14<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Christmas Open House<br />

Page 4 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 5


SRINES<br />

WLS<br />

WLS<br />



Tickets $30 per person<br />

Advance Sales Only<br />

Purchase tickets through<br />

the <strong>Mocha</strong> Office<br />

mochashriners@rogers.com<br />

/ 519-672-1391<br />

Tickets available until<br />

Nov 12th<br />

Monday, <strong>November</strong> 19 th, <strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>Mocha</strong>’s Banquet Hall<br />

468 Colborne Street, London<br />

Cocktails: 6:00 pm<br />

Appetizers: 6:15 pm<br />

Dinner: 7:00 pm<br />

Prime Rib Dinner<br />

Special Appearance by<br />


Patient Ambassador of<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for<br />

Children <strong>2012</strong>-2013<br />

Business Tagline or Motto<br />

Page 6 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />

I sure would<br />

love to see this<br />

excellent<br />

Jeepster find a<br />

good home<br />

with a Shriner,<br />

they are so<br />

great to see in<br />

parades, etc.<br />

Interested parties please<br />

phone for price and info.<br />

FOR<br />

Jim Thompson 519-205-1709<br />

Fezzing at the Fall Ceremonial<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 7

<strong>Mocha</strong> Temple Elections<br />

Illustrious Sir David Fickling<br />

Potentate<br />

REGULATIONS IMPERIAL COUNCIL BY‐LAWS <strong>2012</strong>‐2013<br />

325.11 Elecon Regulaons<br />

Summons you to attend<br />

The Stated Meeting of <strong>Mocha</strong> Temple<br />

468 Colborne Street, London, Ontario<br />

Wednesday, December 12, <strong>2012</strong> - 7:30 pm<br />

Officers to be elected for 2013<br />

Assistant Rabban<br />

Oriental Guide<br />

Recorder<br />

Chief Rabban<br />

High Priest & Prophet<br />

Treasurer<br />

4 Reps to Imperial Council<br />

Your <strong>2012</strong> dues card will be required for<br />

a) Eleconeering A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish and circulate during the year he is<br />

seeking the elected office, a resume consisng of his educaon background, his vocaonal history, and his Masonic and<br />

Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the prinng, publicaon, circulang or distribuon of resolu-<br />

ons, leers, telegrams, ckets, email or other devices, by a unit, club, Noble or group of Nobles, suggesng, recommending,<br />

opposing or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is prohibited.<br />

b) Expenditures Prohibited The expenditure of money for gis, favours, or entertainment, on behalf of a candidate for<br />

elected office is prohibited.<br />

c) Violaon For any violaon of (a) or (b), the Imperial Potentate may suspend any offending Noble, and he may declare<br />

the elecon of the officers void and order a new elecon.<br />

d) Noce At least one week prior to the annual meeng or any elecon, the temple Recorder shall mail to each member a<br />

noce thereof containing this secon.<br />

Dinner at 6:00 pm ‐ $25.00 per cket<br />

Advance sale only from office unl Friday, December 7th<br />

519‐672‐1391 or online at www.mochashriners.org<br />

Page 8 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />

Thank you...<br />

for the kindness shown to Logan at last<br />

Friday nights hockey game, we could not<br />

have asked for more.<br />

Logan loved every minute of it and will<br />

never ever forget that night, the Knights<br />

jersey from the <strong>Shriners</strong> was fantastic and<br />

the autographs from the London Knights<br />

players on it was great.<br />

Thank you to everyone involved and we look<br />

forward to bringing him back to another<br />

game now that he is a London Knights Fan.<br />

The <strong>Shriners</strong> do so much for Logan and other<br />

children and work very hard with fundraisers<br />

to allow them to do the amazing work they<br />

do, so I thank you all for the support, without<br />

them a lot of children would get no help.<br />

The <strong>Shriners</strong> never ask for anything in return, they just give give give in many ways to children.<br />

We thank them and we thank you. regards and Gratitude - brent & Kim buckley, Logan's Grandparents<br />

More of What's Happening in the Units!<br />

Brantford Celebrates 100 Years<br />

Deputy Imperial Potentate John Cinotto participated and enjoyed.<br />

Divan ladies Divan guys Imperial Sir John practises with<br />

Ill. Sir Owen Coles<br />

Imperial Sir John gongs with<br />

Ill. Sir Dave Ficklin keeping the beat<br />

Imperial Sir John outranks Noble Wilson 2 Potentates of 2011. What a greeting!<br />

Can hair really regenerate?<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 9

What's Happening in the Units?<br />

Whispering Sands of the<br />

london <strong>Mocha</strong> Oriental Band<br />

On behalf of Noble Charlie Crow, who is recovering from<br />

a significant injury to his neck, this humble scribe will<br />

endeavour to inform the Nobles about the happenings in<br />

the Oriental Band.<br />

June started off with the band playing at the Spring<br />

Ceremonial and parading with all the other Clubs / Units.<br />

We then had an enjoyable day of smacking a small white<br />

orb around a golf course on June 9th for the Oriental Band<br />

golf tournament. This was followed by a BBQ at the home<br />

of Noble Peter Dodsley.<br />

We had a bit of a quiet summer. Some of the Nobles and<br />

their wives were able to attend the Imperial Session in<br />

Charlotte, NC and put on a fine show parading down the<br />

streets entertaining the public with the finest sounds to be<br />

heard that day. These band members had to contend with<br />

hurricane weather getting there and very hot and humid<br />

temperatures while on parade yet a good time was had by<br />

all. Band member and Illustrious Potentate Dave Fickling<br />

was very appreciative of their attendance.<br />

Things have picked up for the band this fall with the band<br />

parading at Port Rowan on Sept 2nd. The Nobles and their<br />

London Shrine Pop Can Unit<br />

Producers of the Sweetest Music<br />

this side of Heaven<br />

Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the Nobles of the <strong>Mocha</strong> Oriental Band wish<br />

to “Talk to you” As we continue to greet Nobility everywhere.<br />

wives had nice after-parade BBQ. The Nobles then<br />

showed their community spirit by leading off the Walk-A-<br />

Mile In Her Shoes fundraiser on Sept 16th. This has<br />

become an annual event for the band. The Thorndale Fall<br />

Fair-goers were pleased to hear our sounds as we paraded<br />

in this yearly event. We again entertained the hockey fans<br />

attending a Knights game on October 5th at the now<br />

Budweiser Gardens. We participated in the Fall Ceremonial<br />

and the band members and their wives are looking forward<br />

to our Annual Fish Fry that will be held on October<br />

15th.<br />

If you are young or feel young, can walk or blow or do<br />

both together, don’t belong to another Unit or would like<br />

a change, then you are for us. There is no need to have a<br />

teach you in short order to play the kind of music we promote.<br />

We have a great deal of fun, travel with our Ladies<br />

and above all, we delight the public with our dress and<br />

entertaining mode. How about it you new <strong>Shriners</strong>? We<br />

are about 60 strong but many can no longer walk or blow<br />

or neither, but still enjoy the company of the Band and<br />

continue to line the parade route. Call the President NOW<br />

- Noble Bill Hurn at 519-630-5591.<br />

Come out and enjoy comraderie! (Now on Charterhouse Crescent)<br />

Collecting from storage at remote location Collection bin prepared Early sorters at work<br />

More sorters and process The Crew Your Potentate. How do I make these boxes?<br />

Page 10 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />

More of What's Happening in the Units!<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Motor Corps<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> with street legal<br />

Motorcycles are needed<br />

for the 2013 parade season.<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Motor Corps unit<br />

members participate in<br />

8-10 community parades<br />

each year as a way to raise<br />

awareness and funds for our Hospitals and Shrine<br />

charities.<br />

If you are a motorcycle-riding Noble and would<br />

like to consider participating with this long<br />

established unit please contact any member or the<br />

unit secretary. emailrandyhenry@rogers.com<br />

ph. 519-281-1301.<br />

Parade Practice sessions are held in May. Unit uniforms are available. Great fellowship!<br />

Port Rowan Labor Day Parade on September 2<br />

Where would small town parades<br />

be without <strong>Shriners</strong>?<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 11

What's Happening in the Units? More of What's Happening in the Units!<br />

Legion of Honour<br />

The LOH continues to maintain a role in the activities of the<br />

Shrine. The leadership of our Commander, Ron L'Heureux<br />

and his officers have provided impetus for our members to<br />

volunteer their time and skills to assist in Shrine projects<br />

and unit activities. Thank you Ron for your time and being<br />

there over the past years, particularly for assuming and<br />

continuing the Commander`s duties while you were on the<br />

mend. We appreciate the effort from Gayle and yourself.<br />

A contingent of our members made, what has become an<br />

annual affair, pilgrimages to Frankenmuth, Mich. and Sarnia<br />

Casino. Special thanks to PC’s Roden and Smith for<br />

the arrangements in Mich. and Noble Lasenby for taking<br />

charge of the Casino trip.<br />

We had the special honour of celebrating the 100th Birthday<br />

of Noble Sid Daley, whom had joined us at Sarnia Casino<br />

with his daughter and Noble Paul Loftus. Sid was our<br />

1st Adjutant. We wish him many happy returns. It remains<br />

a unit secret as to how much “loot” was liberated or deposited<br />

during the outing. A good time was had by all at both<br />

venues.<br />

The installation of our new Commander and the officers<br />

is complete. We congratulate our new Commander Keith<br />

Roden, 1st Lt Commander/Finance Officer John Smith,<br />

2nd Lt Commander Brian Dayman, Adjutant/Colour Sgt<br />

Willy Wilson (to be installed later), RSM James Pargeter,<br />

Chaplain Peter Sloman and Quartermaster Gerry Coaker<br />

for assuming their new duties. The installing officer, Illustrious<br />

Sir David Fahrner was accompanied by Lady Susan<br />

and once again performed an admirable job of installing<br />

our officers for 2013. The evening was the official visit of<br />

Illustrious Sir David Fickling and Lady Pat. We also had<br />

visitors from the U.S in attendance; the 6th Lt Commander<br />

IALOH, Ill Sir Ray Coombs and Lady Pat from Dayton,<br />

Ohio and the Commander GLSA-LOH Larry Hearn, his<br />

Chief Aide Lloyd Hearn and his Chief of Staff Bob Watson<br />

from Indianapolis, Indiana. We were also graced with the<br />

presence of Lady Helen Vine, the widow of PC Fred Vine<br />

and Lady Pat Munro, the widow of PC Bill Munro.<br />

The unit continues to look for new members, if you served<br />

in the military (active or reserve) of our country or an ally’s<br />

country and you would like more information about<br />

our unit please contact me or any member of the unit.<br />

Attached is a photo of the newly installed officers, from<br />

left to fight, Gerry Coaker, Peter Sloman, Jim Pargeter,<br />

Brian Dayman, John Smith and Keith Roden.<br />

Submitted by PC Ray Masters<br />

Woodstock Clown Unit<br />

I't summertime again and Woodstock Clown Unit. Is hard at work cooking up hotdogs & sausages. For the Woodstock<br />

Side walk Day's. A little Rain didn't dampen there spirit's of them. Hard at it are Bill, Harry, Bob & Geo. The next thing<br />

will be Parades to do. Hope to see you then.<br />

P.R. Noble Norman French<br />

Page 12 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />

Roadrunners show their appreciation<br />

On October 1 the Roadrunners made a special presentation in appreciation<br />

for 12 years of entertaining the community of Shakespeare<br />

in their Field Day and Fish Fry Parade. Our Unit donated<br />

$150 to the Hospital Fund to acquire a $100 Million Club Certificate<br />

that was presented to Deb Bell, President of the Shakespeare<br />

and Community Athletic Association. All the money raised by the<br />

Association is distributed to their local minor sports as well as<br />

to the renewal of the entire ballpark and facilities. It now offers<br />

functions of all kinds such as a pavilion for basketball, indoor<br />

hockey during the winter and ball hockey in the summer.<br />

Present in the photo is Noble Ron McNicol, Parade Chairman<br />

(on right) who is presenting the certificate to President Deb Bell<br />

(centre) and Noble John Parker is on the left.<br />

Hillbilly Unit<br />

Clan 59, with Outhouse 1 and 3, had an initiation with Hillbilly<br />

degree and BBQ, in Nilestown, on Sept. 22, <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

With the Potentate and Cuzzin' Ralph Ford, our newly initiated<br />

Hillbillys: Jack Mclean, Gerry Coaker, Jim Thompson, Robert<br />

Feasey and Mammas: Penny Gordon, Joanne Coaker, Deb<br />

Thompson, Carolyn Feasey.<br />

The first week of October, 14 Hillbillys and Mammas attended<br />

The International Hillbilly Convention in Charleston , South<br />

Carolina. This picture shows the group, just before the Saturday<br />

night banquet, getting ready to eat excellent vittles, prepared by<br />

our Southern hosts. Just across the road was local wildlife hoping<br />

that one of us stuffed Hillbillys or Mammas wandered the wrong<br />

way!<br />

Hoping ya'll have a great Christmas and New Year season.<br />

Newswriter,<br />

Cuzzin Ron Cripps<br />

Submitted by Noble John Parker<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 13

What's Happening in the Units?<br />

Desert Rats at GLASMC<br />

On September 13 – 16, <strong>2012</strong> the <strong>Mocha</strong> Desert Rats participated<br />

in the GLASMC (Great Lakes Association<br />

Shrine Motor Corp) competition and parade in Mason,<br />

Ohio, hosted by Orak. Brought home the trophy for 1st<br />

in Parade – an outstanding accomplishment. Also,<br />

Winning 1st Place in Obstacle Course; 2nd Place in Drill;<br />

and 2nd Place in Inspection. Mike Andersen Sr. came in<br />

with the fastest time in the obstacle course at 36.6 seconds,<br />

followed by Bob Thompson with a time of 39.0<br />

seconds. A great time was had by all the Desert Rats and<br />

their ladies.<br />

Present at the Awards Ceremony (L to R):<br />

Mike Andersen Sr, Bob Thompson, Scott Petrie,<br />

Brian Howard, Geoff Clays, Glenn Chesney, Richard<br />

Smith.<br />

Desert Rat Ladies help celebrate at the banquet.<br />

(L to R) Marilyn Chesney, Kathy Petrie, Kelly Hack,<br />

Deb Andersen, Elaine Clays, Joyce Howard, Jane Smith.<br />

Desert Rats excited to share their trophies with their<br />

Potentate. (L to R): Mike Andersen Sr, Glenn Chesney,<br />

Brian Howard, Scott Petrie, Illustrious Sir Dave Fickling,<br />

Geoff Clays, Richard Smith, Bob Thompson.<br />

Desert Rats parading in Mason, Ohio.<br />

Scott Petrie, Glenn Chesney, Bob Thompson,<br />

Mike Andersen Sr., Brian Howard, Geoff Clays<br />

remember moCha’s<br />

next DeaDline<br />

Please have<br />

everything<br />

submitted by ....<br />

Jan 15/13<br />

More of What's Happening in the Units!<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Classics<br />

Thamesville, Calithumpian May 21st.<br />

Pictured is Bill @ Kathy Brown in front of his<br />

1952 Chevy High Performance, Snazzy screamer.<br />

Nilestown, July 8th, Pictured 1934 Ford, owned by David Ferguson<br />

Master of Belmont 190 David hosted the Family BBQ, Was lots of<br />

fun with great weather. Good Job David!<br />

a big<br />

thank you<br />

Aylmer, June 30th,125th Anniversary,<br />

Well attended lots of excitement.<br />

Classics were proud to be present.<br />

Presidents BBQ, July 15th<br />

President Bev Witlox did a superb job of feeding and entertaining<br />

over 30. All well fed thanks Bev and Joan.<br />

Thorndale, Sept. 22nd Parade was well attended. Followed by<br />

Ilderton, Sept. 29th. Group of 6 Classic Car Members waiting<br />

patiently to get behind the wheel of their cars for<br />

one of the best shows in town - The parade.<br />

Again this year goes out to "Robert" and his staff at "The Pier" Restaurant in Port Bruce for<br />

gathering over 20 gigantic huge bags of pop cans.<br />

Very active Shriner parade year, coupled with lots of social activities.<br />

Want to belong? Call us. Thanks David harding<br />

Page 14 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 15

What's Happening in the Units? More of What's Happening in the Units!<br />

Blue Water Fire Brigade<br />

London Shrine Club<br />

<strong>2012</strong> Blue Water Fire Brigade under the guidance of<br />

Noble President Wayne Bannon and help of unit members<br />

we participated in several parades with large fire<br />

engines and some of the small units. The small units<br />

are privately owned and expensed solely by members.<br />

A few hot dog sale days, Goderich Wal Mart, who<br />

promised to match the sales of the day. Christmas cake<br />

sales planned for the same Goderich Wal Mart.<br />

Hot dog sales at Benders Foodland Parkhill and Annual<br />

Fish Fry held at Corbett well attended.<br />

Lottery <strong>2012</strong> struggle to cover expenses at the time of<br />

printing.<br />

Spring Ceremonial club membership of 30 made<br />

donation of $4,000.<br />

Ladder Baby Smiles purchased and to be presented to<br />

six worthy recipients.<br />

All members of the unit receive 100M Certificate after<br />

1st year of membership.<br />

Our annual fish fry at Corbett right to left Morley Hodgin,<br />

Matt Miller, Garry Willsie, Ron Turner and pres. Wayne Bannon.<br />

Getting ready for Goderich parade.<br />

Election of officers for 2013<br />

Immediate Past IV Wayne Bannon<br />

President IV Doug Russel<br />

1st Vise IV Peter Wiersma<br />

2nd Vise IV Larry Price<br />

Sec. Tres IV Ron Turner<br />

Parade Marshal IV Peter Wiersma<br />

Parade Candy Man IV Morley Hodgins<br />

Fire Chief IV Garry Willsie<br />

Fire Chief IV Mathew Miller<br />

Meeting 2nd Thursday each month. 2013 - 50th year<br />

for Blue Water Fire Brigade more to come in the next<br />

year.<br />

To the Black Camel we lost N. Lawrence Scott<br />

- we cherish his memory.<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Pop Can Unit<br />

Bill Brady, former CFPL-TV broadcaster was the guest speaker<br />

at our September meeting. President Bill Middlemiss presented<br />

Bill with a 100 million dollar certificate.<br />


Brantford Shrine Club<br />

Nobles!! Wow what a great celebration of the <strong>Shriners</strong> Club of Brantford.<br />

We have been told it was a first class dinner, show, and music. The evening<br />

went as planned and 330 guests enjoyed a memorable event. Thanks<br />

to our commitee for many hours of hard work. All the members from the<br />

past 100 years played a part in this Grand Celebration. It was a honour to<br />

have present so many Shrine dignitaries. Imperial Deputy Potentate III Sir<br />

John Cinotto, <strong>Mocha</strong> Potentate III Sir Dave Fickling his Divan and there<br />

Ladies and Mexico Potentate III Sir Graham Paull.The gifts and presentations<br />

were greatfully recieved. May the Shrine continue to grow and<br />

prosper through our members. It was a privilidge to have served as<br />

President for this historic event.<br />

Ill. Sir Potentate Dave Fickling and his Divan had their official<br />

visit at our October meeting. The London Shrine Club also<br />

presenting flowers to Mike Anderson and his wife Deborah in<br />

recognition for all the time and effort they made in promoting<br />

and selling the tickets for the recent motorcycle show.<br />

Lambton Shrine Club Hosts Ladies Night<br />

As has been the tradition over the years, Lambton<br />

Shrine Club again this year hosted a Ladies Night which<br />

was held at The Best Western Hotel. This social gathering<br />

is a special event at which a BIG THANK YOU to<br />

our Ladies who continue to support us as we carry out<br />

the work in support of the Shrine Philanthropy.<br />

The event was attended by 83 Nobles, their Ladies and<br />

our Special Widowed Ladies. Following the excellent<br />

meal special guest Mike Bradley, Mayor of Sarnia congratulated<br />

Lambton Shrine Club for its continuing work<br />

in the community and especially the children we help.<br />

He offered some humorous tid-bits he had encountered<br />

while speaking at numerous gatherings as well as an<br />

optimistic outlook for the future. He is also looking<br />

forward to celebrations for the 100th Anniversary of the<br />

city of Sarnia in 2014.<br />

Following the formal activities the evening concluded<br />

with a rousing musical presentation by the Picadilly<br />

Banjo Band from London, Ontario lead as always by<br />

the one and only Gerry Stephenson. A GREAT night<br />

was enjoyed by all.<br />

Page 16 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 17


Entertainment at the Ball...<br />

Wearing spoons Sue, Sue, Patricia and Grand Master<br />

Page 18 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />


<strong>Mocha</strong> Roadrunners<br />

The <strong>Mocha</strong> Roadrunners started the <strong>2012</strong> season with a<br />

busy spring and with the fall fair parades and upcoming<br />

Christmas events we will be entertaining on the road for<br />

several special occasions.<br />

The <strong>Mocha</strong> Roadrunners would like to congratulate, Noble<br />

James “Sandy” McTavish, who is one of our own Roadrunners,<br />

on being elected in July by the Brethren of South<br />

Huron District to be District Deputy Grand Master for <strong>2012</strong><br />

- 2013. We are very proud of his accomplishments, his appointment<br />

and we wish him a most gratifying and successful<br />

term in office. His chosen charity is Juvenile Diabetes<br />

and if you wish to contribute to this charity or just contact<br />

our new DDGM you can at ddgm@rogers.com .<br />

This year has seen several repairs to our cars to keep them<br />

on the road. We have had to repair a broken chassis, replace<br />

an engine, replace wheel and brake bearings , fix flat tires ,<br />

adjust accelerator problems, tow them in parades and the<br />

list goes on. We are very appreciative of those who can<br />

service all of our car needs.<br />

One of our <strong>Mocha</strong> Roadrunners is Doug Richardson is a<br />

lifelong resident of St. Marys. He terrorizes the roads in his<br />

black cherry hot rod. (see picture) He has been married for<br />

46 years to his wife Audrey and they have 3 sons, Randy, bles Ron McKnight, Ron McNicol and John Parker with<br />

Brad and Paul. Their family includes 9 grandchildren and their wives cruised the Southern Caribbean visiting 7 dif-<br />

1 great grandchild on the way. Noble Doug worked at St. ferent locations. On this trip at every Port of Call, Noble<br />

Marys Cement for 23 years as a lab technician before ad- Ron McKnight would exclaim while stepping on to land, I<br />

vancing to Domtar, now Norampac, for 18 years. am “thirsty”. To this end we felt that his name was in fact<br />

Noble Doug was involved in softball and he was a member “Thirsty” as he often proclaimed it was. He is now known<br />

on 2 Juvenile All Ontario Hockey Championship Teams. as Thirsty McKnight. Incidentally, he always found the<br />

His hobbies include country style wood working which perfect location to cure our dry excursions. Noble John had<br />

include building cupboards and shelves, as well as other sore shoulders after looking after the two Rons; it was quite<br />

wood crafts. Both Doug and Audrey enjoy travelling and a work out. They may try to convince you differently but<br />

they have been to Hawaii, California, Arizona, and Florida for those who know them they know what I had to endure.<br />

and have cruised to just about all the Caribbean Islands. There is a reason for our name tags and names on our Road-<br />

Forty-six years ago Noble Doug joined St. James Lodge runner shirts. It is to help people to identify us, to know and<br />

#73 in St. Marys and in 2008 he was the Master of his to learn our names. Apparently some nobles have great dif-<br />

Lodge. He joined the Shrine in 2004 and he also became a ficulty knowing who they are travelling with if their name<br />

Roadrunner member in the same year. In 2010 he was the is not on their shirt, especially when they are introducing<br />

President of the Stratford on Avon Shrine Club. For those them to others. Ask Noble Ron “Thirsty” McKnight if he<br />

who know Noble Doug, he claims to be honest, reliable and has ever forgotten the person’s name that he was travelling<br />

an “abstainer” who will only associate with the same type with. He will have an entertaining story for you to tell. Per-<br />

of individuals. This could be a Ripley’s Believe It or Not haps “Thirsty” was enjoying one of his “senior moments”.<br />

moment.<br />

Please do not hesitate to talk to any of the Roadrunner<br />

We have been asked as to what the Roadrunners do in the members about their vehicles. They enjoy their toys and<br />

winter months. Some of us like to travel. Noble Jason Roth are very welcoming to any inquiries. If you would like us<br />

and his family visited Cuba. Noble Glen Shackleton and to perform in a parade for your cause or at your location or<br />

his lady spent time in Florida and also took a cruise to the even join our club, please contact Noble Ron McNicol at<br />

Western Caribbean. Noble Paul Bryant and his wife cruised 519 271 6694. We certainly put the fun in our feztivities.<br />

the Eastern Caribbean as did Noble Doug Richardson and<br />

Submitted by Roadrunner Noble John Parker<br />

his wife. Noble Harry Lawry ventured to England. No-<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 19


Tillsonburg Shrine Club<br />

Tillsonburg Shrine Club has had another successful car<br />

draw this year.<br />

Pictured Noble Bob Swayze, car draw chairman, presents<br />

the keys to the <strong>2012</strong> Camero to Ruth Brown of Ingersoll<br />

who purchaced her ticket #3509 from Noble Bob Hugill.<br />

Just testing the draft!<br />

Barbequeing the 2400 lbs. of pork!<br />

Tillsonburg Shrine's<br />

54th Annual Mammoth Pork BBQ<br />

Discussing Car Draw.<br />

All 10,000 tickets sold<br />

Some finished hams.<br />

Stirring the sauce!<br />

Cutting the ham.<br />


Page 20 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />

Hi-Ro Shrine Club<br />

Hi-Ro Shrine Club of Elgin alive and well!<br />

The Hi-Ro Shrine Club continues to grow in membership<br />

this year. The club was very pleased to make it’s first<br />

donation at the Spring Ceremonial as a new club, with a<br />

$1000 to the transportation fund and a $200 to the mocha<br />

magazine. The club has been establishing new by-laws<br />

and the committee under Noble Ross Mcintyre has completed<br />

a draft copy for the membership to review, thanks<br />

to Noble Joe Marsland, Noble John Smith for their hard<br />

work and determined effort to complete a major task.<br />

The building has been sold and purchased by a local<br />

karate school and we wish them every success.<br />

The club was pleased to participate with the aylmer<br />

shrine club in a rib dinner held at the home of Noble<br />

Terry and his lovely wife Heidi ronald, a great success.<br />

We also would like to thank all of the nobles who<br />

participated in the walk for matt pearce who passed<br />

away last year. We would especially like to give recognition<br />

to Noble John Watters who raised over $1500<br />

for the walk, well done john and all who participated.<br />

We had a busy summer with the sale of the building. We<br />

had a garage sale for members and a garage sale for the public.<br />

We have all important plaques, pictures, trophies, artifacts<br />

and any items we deemed important properly stored.<br />

The club ran a very successful chicken and corn bbq at<br />


Noble John Karn’s, thank you John and Hank for opening<br />

your home to us. Over 120 guest attended this event, a<br />

great turn out by the divan thanks. We would like to thank<br />

Noble Roy Sawyer, Noble Ted Ball and Noble Gerry Pinnegar<br />

for organizing the ticket sales and the evening. A<br />

special thanks to Kathy’s catering, to Noble Terry Ronald’s<br />

complete family, to Noble Hughson daughters for<br />

their assistance and to Kelly Payne and the whole team for<br />

their tremendous bar service. Thank you for volunteering<br />

to help us raise funds for the Hi-Ro Shrine Club of Elgin.<br />

We are now meeting at the Roadhouse restaurant, the meeting<br />

will commence at 7pm, all are welcome to come up for<br />

dinner starting at 5:30pm you may order directly off the<br />

menu and you are responsible for your own meal. We will<br />

finish each night off with a draw and we hope to see you there.<br />

We meet on the fifth week of the month October 29th and<br />

<strong>November</strong> 29th for our next two meetings all are welcome.<br />

Because the club has started up again the dues are $25 per<br />

year as agreed upon at ourspring meeting, also if you were<br />

in arrears the club agreed to forgive any back dues.<br />

The club is alive and doing well. Thank you for all your<br />

support , and let us remember we are shriners because we<br />

care.<br />

Thank you,<br />

Noble Grant Hughson<br />

Noble Wayne Brown<br />

from Simcoe Shrine<br />

presenting<br />

Marci Shea-Perry<br />

of Camp Trillium<br />

Rainbow Lake with<br />

a cheque for $500.00<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 21

Lambton Shrine Club<br />

What its all about, submitted by Noble George Pitfield LSC The<br />

Lambton Shrine Club's meeting of March 2nd was certainly a<br />

night the membership will not forget.Our guest speaker for the<br />

evening was Mr. Joshua Shymko, a young man of 19 years old,<br />

who can certainly testify with out a shadow of doubt, what it<br />

is like to be afflicted with an unknown type of bone cancer.<br />

This young man touched everyone as he described the events<br />

of living through his nightmare starting in his younger years,<br />

and how he managed to survive his ordeal. His speech very<br />

prominently notarized the outstanding efforts of The <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

Childrens Hospital in Montreal, the importance of <strong>Shriners</strong> in<br />

general, plus the dedication and support of The LambtonShrine<br />

Club's Welfare Chairman Noble Don Lasenby. The following is<br />

Mr. Joshua Shymko's speech:<br />

It is my pleasure to be standing here tonight. Many of you<br />

won't know who I am, or even the point of my presentation<br />

tonight. I can start by introducing myself and then continue<br />

with my story of success and great thanks for everything you<br />

have done. My name is Joshua Shymko, and in 2006, I was<br />

directed into the care of Dr. Beneroche at the Montreal Children's<br />

Hospital. I was treated at the hospital for several years<br />

with great care, absolute generosity and complete brilliance.<br />

Dr. Beneroch and his team treated me and as I stand today<br />

back to health. I had an unknown type of bone cancer that<br />

caused me great trouble over the span of approximately three<br />

years. I received a bone graph and bone marrow transplant,<br />

filling in the spot that the cancer ate away. After my surgery<br />

I continued healing, withv arious complications that backset<br />

the process. None the less I made it through and still stand<br />

here today. As trouble some as my experience was, it is not so<br />

much what I am here to talk about today. The point that needs<br />

directing is how my family and I managed to survive through<br />

this ordeal. There is a point that goes unnoticed way too often,<br />

and that point is the people who are behind my success story.<br />

There are a group of people sitting in this room, a group of<br />

hard working, dedicated, outstanding, people in this community.<br />

These people are the ones I am looking at today.<br />

Each and everyone of you has worked to keep people like<br />

me alive and in good hands. Your fundraising efforts, surplus<br />

of hours put into events, your countless parades to<br />

raise awareness, your hours spent collecting cans, your<br />

time spent arranging the travel and lodging of the fortunate<br />

people you look<br />

over, your generousdonations,<br />

and your<br />

dedication are<br />

among the<br />

many things<br />

that have contributed<br />

to my<br />

ability to stand<br />

here today.<br />

(L to R) Lambton Shrine President Noble Paul<br />

Kelly, Mr, Joshua Shymko and Lambton Shrine<br />

Club Welfare Chairman, Noble Don Lasenby.<br />

The group<br />

ofoutstanding<br />

citizens I am<br />

standing before<br />

today made it financially possible<br />

to receive the incredible health<br />

care that I received.<br />

It is my goal to express the importance<br />

of Shrine Members in the<br />

community and their outstanding<br />

efforts to make the lives of so many<br />

comfortable. It is my goal to stress<br />

to the community and even some<br />

members within this club, how<br />

very important yourfinancial and- Mr. Joshua Shymko<br />

friend like support mean to Shrine<br />

Patients throughout the world and<br />

more specifically in Sarnia.<br />

Because of your incredible efforts I had the pleasure of being<br />

a Shrine Patient, to be a Shrine Patient is not to be any<br />

Patient within any hospital.<br />

The Shrine facilities you work so hard tofund allow kids to<br />

be kids, receive schooling, keep their families close so they<br />

don't have to be alone, support the families with financial<br />

expenses like lodging, meals, and travel fees, and create a<br />

atmosphere that makes a life as a child with illness more<br />

enjoyable and comfortable.<br />

The facilities youfund, employ the greatest doctors in the<br />

country, state of the art technology and the most up to date<br />

and comfortable hospital you could be in, making it a home<br />

rather than a hospital; not to mention the food in incredible,<br />

and that I know is hard to believe.<br />

This all comes at a great cost, a cost you all work so very<br />

hard for, through barbeques, circuses, can drives, raffles,<br />

and many otherfund raisers. These facilities you support<br />

mean an incredibly great deal to so many.<br />

If there is one way I can prove to you how important your<br />

services are, you can start by looking at me. I am standing<br />

here, something I could not do for a goodportion ofmy life,<br />

I am alive and more adventurous then ever, I am at the<br />

University of Guelph studying Criminal Justice and Public<br />

Policy, with plans on attending law school and eventually<br />

working for the RCMP.<br />

I would like to conclude by thanking an outstanding member<br />

of this club.<br />

Noble Don Lasenby has been there every step of my journey.<br />

Don made my family and my life as comfortable as<br />

could be. Noble Lasenby, thank you for being a great supporter,<br />

dedicated man, mentor and incredible friend.<br />

Thank you all.<br />

In conclusion...This heart to heart testimonial speech is<br />

living proof of the dedicated work and philanthropy of all<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> in general. To see and hear from an individual, who<br />

has had his life turned around for the better because of us,<br />

certainly proves to be a very rewarding and satisfying feeling<br />

indeed. Special mention to Noble Don Lasenby, for his<br />

untiring efforts and dedication, in the needed support to this<br />

young man during his difficult time.<br />

Page 22 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />

Membership Committee - <strong>Mocha</strong> News<br />

Noble Shayne Eldridge<br />

I have to tell you that I have been a bit frustrated lately. Your<br />

Memberhip Committee has been talking about membership<br />

over the last year – emphasizing the importance of retaining<br />

and recruiting Nobles. We have brought in some eager new<br />

Nobles this year and we welcome their enthusiasm. Yet the<br />

potential candidates we have had through the BeAShrinerNow<br />

website have not materialized into candidates as we would<br />

have hoped. Nor are we getting as many new applicants for<br />

our ceremonials. Hence the frustration<br />

– we are still below our<br />

goal of bringing in a minimum of<br />

150 new Nobles each year.<br />

There may be frustration yet<br />

there is resolve. We need to persevere<br />

and ‘keep the faith’. We<br />

did not get into our membership<br />

BROUGH, D H<br />

LONDON<br />










EVAN J<br />

LONDON<br />


LONDON<br />



Lost in<br />

the Desert<br />

The following Nobles have been<br />

listed as lost. If you have an<br />

address, please advise the office.<br />


LONDON<br />


LONDON<br />










LONDON<br />


LONDON<br />


LONDON<br />

dilemma overnight nor will we fix it as quickly.<br />

We CAN do this. We have about 2,750 Nobles here at <strong>Mocha</strong>.<br />

If only 6% of our members brought in one (1) candidate each<br />

year, this would mean we would have 165 new Nobles. So<br />

I’m challenging each and every one of you to talk to your<br />

friends or fellow Masons about the World’s Greatest Fraternity.<br />

Make sure you have an application form with you at all times.<br />

If a member of the Membership Committee can be of any<br />

assistance to you<br />

– please let us<br />

know. A reminder<br />

that we are<br />

also available to<br />

come out to your<br />

Lodge and make<br />

a presentation<br />

about <strong>Shriners</strong> –<br />

just ask!<br />

BlacK caMEl<br />

We Cherish Their Memories<br />



BROOKS, C E<br />

ST. THOMAS<br />





















PARIS<br />










LONDON<br />


LONDON<br />


CHATHAM,<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 23

Camel Coach Shrine Circus<br />

Line ups resulted in sold out shows at the <strong>2012</strong> Camel Coach Shrine Circus.<br />

Concert Band of <strong>Mocha</strong> entertain at the <strong>2012</strong> Shrine Circus<br />

and between shows.<br />

Chairman Jack McLean, Woodstock Clown Unit and<br />

Jim Pargeter working at <strong>2012</strong> Shrine Circus.<br />

Shrine Circus <strong>2012</strong> through the efforts of Camel Coach Unit.<br />

Clan 59 Hillbilly's, Woodstock Clown Unit, Legion of Honour assist<br />

Jack McLean Chairman and Charlie Pole Past Pres.<br />

of <strong>Mocha</strong> Camel Coach at Shrine Circus <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Face painting was popular again at Camel Coach Shrine Circus <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Page 24 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 25

25<br />

YEARS<br />

Aitken, Alexander M<br />

Kaufman, Dan G<br />

Ashman, Glenn E<br />

Kavanagh, William M<br />

Atthill, Norris A<br />

Kealey, Craig A<br />

Barker, Murray A<br />

Kirkby, Murray H<br />

Bath, Thomas D<br />

Knight, J. Greg<br />

Blue, John M<br />

Kurmally, Rashid<br />

Bourrie, John B<br />

Leedham, Donald A<br />

Buck, William E<br />

Leuszler, Michael<br />

Carson, Owen J<br />

Martyn, George E<br />

Clark, Paul C<br />

Mccoll, John W<br />

Cluney, Terry J<br />

Mccomb, Harold E<br />

Cripps, Ronald W<br />

Mckay, William<br />

Cumming, Robert C<br />

McNair, J. Scott<br />

Dadson, Miles P<br />

Mielkie, Kenneth B<br />

Dix, Norval H<br />

Monteith, Kenneth E<br />

Duffield, Robert E<br />

Morton, Gordon A<br />

Dunphy, John<br />

Mugridge, William E<br />

Ebel, Kenneth N<br />

Neely, Ralph C<br />


<strong>2012</strong><br />

50<br />

YEARS<br />

Evans, Richard H Brubacher, Ralph M<br />

Nickle, Ronald C Reid, Reginald<br />

Faysal, Elie J<br />

Oliphant, David W<br />

Fisk, Kenneth R<br />

Hurley, Mervin W<br />

Porter, William A<br />

Flynn, Cliff G<br />

Pugh, Frederick V <strong>2012</strong><br />

Richardson, Dennis W Ackland, Norman<br />

French, Paul D<br />

Alexander, Sasha<br />

Rudy, Robert G<br />

Beattie, Anthony<br />

Gregory, Donald W<br />

Benn, William<br />

Russell, Pierce A<br />

Chambers, James<br />

Guy, Edward<br />

Cook, Bradley<br />

Sayers, James R<br />

Cozens, Thomas<br />

Haun, Leo M<br />

Croskill, Calvin<br />

Sherwood, Robert W<br />

Deller, William<br />

Herman, Ralph D<br />

Dunn, Dale<br />

Sommers, James W<br />

Feasey , Robert<br />

Hobbs, Timothy P<br />

Findlater, Ronald<br />

Sommers, Kenneth D<br />

Gibbard, Jason<br />

Hope, Chuck C<br />

GibsoNn, Michael<br />

Tracey, J B<br />

Harper, Michael<br />

Hughson, Gary M<br />

Harper, Ryan<br />

Tucker, John A<br />

Johnston, Ken<br />

Hughson, Grant G<br />

Judson, Jason<br />

Walters, Ivan W<br />

Lawson, Leslie<br />

Huntington, Reginald E<br />

Wettlaufer, C J<br />

James, Floyd L<br />

Leadbetter, James<br />

Wickie, Byron A<br />

Jenkins, Kenneth A <strong>2012</strong><br />

Wilhelm, Robert C<br />

Zimmer, Michael G<br />

Fotheringham, J Grant P.P.<br />

Dow, Kenneth<br />

Elliott, Andrew<br />

Grant, William<br />


<strong>2012</strong><br />

Sutherland, Robert J<br />

Macmillan, G. Cameron<br />

Wood, Jack R<br />

SPRING<br />


Longridge, T. Allan<br />

Mcintosh, Peter<br />

Mckinlay, Jason<br />

Milliken, Wade<br />

Morgan, Christopher<br />

Patroch, Brent<br />

Reath, Charles<br />

Richardson, Laurence<br />

Rohrer , Ron<br />

Ronald, Rob<br />

Sartoretto, Benny<br />

Schrank, Mark<br />

Smith, Brian<br />

Smith, Robert<br />

Snyder, Jeffrey<br />

Snyder, Jeremy<br />

Taylor, Arthur<br />

Wilton, Simon<br />

Yalowica, John<br />

FALL<br />


Mayes, William<br />

Mcculloch, Jeff<br />

Rice, Roger<br />

Page 26 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 27

Omar Temple No. 111<br />

On September 6th, <strong>2012</strong>, Right Worshipful Earl Jones<br />

received formal presentation of the Grand Master’s<br />

Meritorious Service Award at a well-attending social<br />

gathering after lodge at St. George’s #42 in the London<br />

West district. Right Worshipful Brother Earl Jones is<br />

photographed with his wife Lorell and the Grand Master,<br />

Most Worshipful Brother Garry Dowling.<br />

The <strong>Mocha</strong> Office requires a schedule<br />

of bookings from all the clubs and units<br />

of <strong>Mocha</strong> for their regular meetings,<br />

special events, etc that are held at the<br />

<strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine Centre.<br />

Our calendar is quickly filling up for 2013<br />

and we would like to accommodate each<br />

club or unit as best as possible.<br />

Please submit your dates, times and<br />

room choices in writing by<br />

email mochashriners1@rogers.com,<br />

fax 519-672-7723 or<br />

drop it into the office.<br />

Please provide us with your schedule of<br />

bookings no later than December 15th.<br />

For those clubs and units that have<br />

already done so – THANK YOU!!<br />

On August 24th, <strong>2012</strong>, Omar Temple No. 111, Daughters<br />

of the Nile, were pleased to host a visit at <strong>Mocha</strong> from the<br />

Supreme Queen on her travels throughout North America.<br />

Supreme Queen Suzie Schumacher is seen here along with<br />

Queen Sandra Rank from Omar No. 111, and Illustrious<br />

Sir David Fickling, Potentate of <strong>Mocha</strong> Shrine.<br />

Page 28 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 29

Message from Queen Sandra<br />

We had the Queen’s picnic on Sunday, July 29, at<br />

the home of PQ Darlene and Noble Wally Green.<br />

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and about 80<br />

guests enjoyed the camaraderie and delicious pot luck. The entertainment<br />

was a “garden” hat parade and the Patrolettes sang a song<br />

to Queen Sandy. After a few weeks of relaxation, JPQ Lucy Hesse,<br />

PSQ Vesta Marshall, Pr. Royal Evelyn Hawkins and Queen Sandy<br />

Rank left on Aug. 19 to go to Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto for the<br />

Supreme visits/hospital tour. It was a whirlwind week, however,<br />

when you see the children at the Montreal Hospital and their eyes<br />

light up to have the chance to wear Supreme Queen Suzie’s crown for<br />

a picture and doing a fun activity with them; this is a happy and<br />

proud moment to be a member of the Daughters of the Nile. We and<br />

the <strong>Shriners</strong> are making a difference to these children’s lives for the<br />

care that we provide to them. Now, it is Omar’s turn to roll out the<br />

“pink” carpet for Her Supreme Majesty, Suzie Schumacher on Aug.<br />

24. Congratulations to all the officers on your beautiful ritual work,<br />

to everyone who worked behind the scenes to make the day a success<br />

and to all the units who participated. We initiated two princesses<br />

that day, Joan Coulter and Valerie Lawrence. Omar members, the<br />

Clubs, Sewing Circle, Friends of Omar and Units presented Supreme<br />

Omar Temple welcomes<br />

new Princesses Beverley<br />

Hudvagner and Faye<br />

MacLennan at the May<br />

Ceremonial.<br />

Omar Temple welcomes new<br />

princesses Joan Coulter, Valerie<br />

Lawrence and Supreme Queen<br />

Suzie Schumacher with Queen<br />

Sandra Rank.<br />

Omar Temple 111<br />

Daughters of the Nile<br />

Fancy hat parade at Queen<br />

Sandra's summer picnic.<br />

Princess Wendy Dow<br />

fezes her husband Ken<br />

at the Shrine Fall<br />

Ceremonial.<br />

by Pr. Sheila Eldridge<br />

Queen Suzie with various donations to the Canadian Convalescent<br />

Endowment Fund totaling $13,125.00. Supreme Queen Suzie left for<br />

the western Temples and we surprised her by being at Al Amira<br />

Temple No. 157, Edmonton and to Sakkara Temple No. 115, Calgary.<br />

Princess Sheila Eldridge surprised us with a visit to the Ceremonial<br />

in Calgary. I have visited many Temples throughout my journey as<br />

Queen and we are all provided with the same tools to work with.<br />

However, each Temple’s traditions are unique and interesting.<br />

We travelled to Bangor, Maine on Sept. 27 to the Northeast Days,<br />

“The Way Life Should Be”. The drive down to Maine was gorgeous<br />

with the autumn colours; an artist delight. There were 125 members<br />

who attended this event. The Omar members, Lucy Hesse, Evelyn<br />

Hawkins and Shirley Porter honoured Queen Sandy by reading a<br />

poem about shoes and presented her with roses. Thank you for making<br />

my weekend with you very special. We talked about Omar<br />

Temple No. 111 hosting the 2013 Northeast Centennial Gem<br />

Celebration and everyone is excited about attending this event. Hope<br />

to see you there!<br />

P.S. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a<br />

Happy New Year.<br />

Patrolettes serenade Queen<br />

Sandra at the picnic.<br />

Princesses Jacquie<br />

Messenger, Doreen<br />

Fletcher and Ann Jury<br />

raising money at the<br />

London Sewing Circle<br />

Fashion Show.<br />

Omar Temple honours<br />

Queen Sandy in Bangor<br />

Maine at NorthEast Days.<br />

Supreme Queen Suzie<br />

Schumacher, Queen<br />

Sandy Rank and lll. Sir<br />

Dave Fickling at the<br />

August 24th Ceremonial.<br />

Queen Sandra Rank,<br />

P.Q. Darlene Green and<br />

Pr. Sheila Eldridge at the<br />

Supreme Queen's visit to<br />

Calgary, Alberta.<br />

Page 30 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> MOCHA NEWS<br />

PoWer<br />

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519-434-9141<br />

Fax 519-432-8396<br />

charles.pole@sci-us.com<br />

a division of Service corporation international (canada) ltd.<br />

Business<br />

Directory<br />

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Notes<br />

David Lamb<br />

Sales Representative<br />

Office 519.649.6900<br />

Fax 519.649.6933<br />

Realty Executives Elite Ltd. Brokerage<br />

515 Wellington Road S Unit #7<br />

London, ON N6C 4R3<br />

davidlamb@realtyexecutives.com<br />

www.realtyexecutiveselite.ca<br />

www.homes4ewe.ca<br />


Elite Ltd. Brokerage<br />

Each Office Independently<br />

Owned and Operated<br />

Taking care of "EWE" in Real Estate<br />

Would you like to advertise in the mocha news?<br />

Contact: mocha office at<br />

519-672-1391 mochashriners@rogers.com<br />

Kenneth Sommers<br />

President<br />

Content<br />


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pjsmith@pjsmithassoc.ca<br />

MacKewn,<br />

MW<br />

Winder LLP<br />

Lawyers<br />

Phone: (519) 672-2040 Fax: (519) 672-6583<br />

300-376 Richmond St., London, ON N6A 3C7<br />

Yvonne E. Carroll<br />

Advisor<br />

John Rozeluk, ca, cFE<br />

T 519-660-0990 x 222<br />

F 519-661-0996<br />

1202 Lambton Mall Rd<br />

Sarnia, ON N7S 5R6<br />

Tel: 519-542-7779 ext. 2214<br />

Cell: 226-678-5657<br />

yvonne.carroll@sunlife.com<br />

www.sunlife.ca/yvonne.carroll<br />


ROGERS<br />


700 Richmond Street, Suite 214<br />

London, ON N6A 5C7<br />

jrozeluk@wilkinsonrogers.com<br />

MOCHA NEWS <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Page 31<br />

a Message from imperial Potentate alan Madsen<br />

Dear Fellow Nobles,<br />

September was a very busy month!<br />

the Mid-atlantic Shrine association (MaSa) meeting in<br />

virginia Beach, va., was hosted by outgoing President louis<br />

Barazotti (Kismet PP) and lady virginia. Highlights of<br />

MaSa included performances by temple units at the Shrinea-Rama.<br />

all the performances were wonderful, especially<br />

those of Khedive’s drum and Bugle corp and lulu's Strutters.<br />

lulu's Strutters always bring a smile to everyone's<br />

faces. a massed band and a massed chorus also provided<br />

entertainment.<br />

incoming President arnold Brown (PP Kena) and lady<br />

dottie's pageant featured a parade of Potentates. Each Potentate<br />

was escorted by at least one unit from their temple.<br />

Excellent music for the pageant was provided by Kena's<br />

band.<br />

during the event, imperial officers and their ladies, Gary<br />

and anne Bergenske, Jeff and cheryl Sowder and Wayne<br />

and Janet lachut also met with the MaSa nobles and ladies.<br />

next on our agenda was a trip to tampa for committee meetings<br />

and a video shoot at the tampa Hospital. the video will<br />

be aired on the Golf channel during the Justin timberlake<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> Hospitals for children<br />

Open golf tournament<br />

in las vegas. While at the<br />

hospital, i had the opportunity<br />

to interact with the children<br />

in the hospital activity<br />

center, which made me feel<br />

like a kid again.<br />

Occasionally, our weekend<br />

activities on behalf of our great fraternity have to be split<br />

between two events. that was the case with the Great lakes<br />

Shrine association (GlSa) fall meeting and the 90th anniversary<br />

celebration at the Shreveport Hospital. thank you,<br />

GlSa, for understanding our scheduling predicament.<br />

the GlSa meeting convened at the Great Wolf lodge, north<br />

of cincinnati – a favorite of many who were there in 2008.<br />

it is a family-friendly environment with plenty of room for<br />

Friday's competitions and all other activities.<br />

the community of lebanon, Ohio, provided a small town<br />

backdrop for GlSa's Saturday parade, which was attended<br />

by John and Margaret cinotto, Wayne and Janet lachut<br />

and Bill and debby Bailey.<br />

the 90th anniversary celebration of our Shreveport Hospital<br />

was fantastic. El Karubah hosted a welcome reception at<br />

their beautiful lakeside facility on Friday evening.<br />

Saturday morning the hospital was full of children of all<br />

ages, lots of clowns, various ladies groups, nobles, dignitaries,<br />

news media and vendors.<br />

the hot spot at the end of the day<br />

was the raffle drawing for hand<br />

painted pottery pieces created by<br />

hospital patients.<br />

From Shreveport, i traveled to<br />

little Rock, ark., for a second<br />

meeting with Most Worshipful<br />

Grand Master Robert Jackson<br />

in hopes of bringing peace and<br />

harmony to the state of affairs<br />

between local <strong>Shriners</strong> and Masons.<br />

a dRaFt agreement was<br />

prepared by us, but it will require<br />

more negotiations by both<br />

<strong>Shriners</strong> international and the<br />

Grand lodge of arkansas to finalize<br />

details.<br />

the next stop was Winston-<br />

Salem, n.c., for the 225th annual<br />

communication of north<br />

carolina Grand lodge. i conveyed<br />

greetings from <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

international and <strong>Shriners</strong><br />

Hospitals for children to the<br />

Shrine Masons and Brother<br />

Masons. it was good to be<br />

home in north carolina with<br />

my brothers.<br />

that same weekend we traveled from Winston-Salem to the<br />

South atlantic Shrine association (SaSa) meeting in Myrtle<br />

Beach, S.c. John cinotto, dale and cheryl Stauss, Jerry and<br />

lisa Gantt and John and Rose Stanley attended the earlier<br />

events, prior to our arrival.<br />

the three hour parade down Ocean Boulevard Saturday<br />

morning included Oasis' big drum. Several years ago, Past<br />

captain of the band, Johnny Walker, took it upon himself to<br />

completely refurbish the drum. the artwork on the drumhead<br />

is by noble Marty Wilson, a member of Oasis Steel<br />

drum Band.<br />

the competition awards were<br />

presented at poolside, where<br />

the Potentates were eagerly<br />

waiting to hear their units<br />

names called out. then, they<br />

quickly left to share the news<br />

with their temple units.<br />

Saturday night the Presidents<br />

Banquet was held in honor of the outgoing President, Joe<br />

Scott (PP Hejaz). i was privileged to install the 2013 SaSa<br />

officers under the leadership of President doyle Simmons<br />

(PP Oasis). doyle preceded me as the 1999 Oasis Potentate.<br />

during our many visits over the last three months Membership<br />

has been promoted and encouraged since it is the<br />

“number OnE Priority” this year! Every noble and Shrine<br />

lady must make efforts to recruit new members – just share<br />

the Shrine Story of the past 140 years. We have plenty of<br />

promotional materials available to assist you at both your<br />

Shrine temple and the public relations department in tampa.<br />

the next message will include details from a visit to our<br />

northern california hospital in Sacramento, the 5th annual<br />

PGa tOUR golf tournament in las vegas, the Membership<br />

and PR Seminars in tampa, the imperial Shrine river cruise<br />

on the Blue danube, and hopefully another visit to arkansas<br />

Grand lodge.<br />

Yours in the faith,<br />

Alan W. "AL" Madsen,<br />

Imperial Potentate

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