doc241 - Schoenherr Home Page in Sunny Chula Vista

doc241 - Schoenherr Home Page in Sunny Chula Vista

doc241 - Schoenherr Home Page in Sunny Chula Vista


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"Like unto the great Napoleon after the battle of Waterloo, or the magnanimous<br />

Boggs after his defeat, <strong>in</strong> the gubernatorial campaign of Missouri, I shall fold my arms<br />

with tranquillity, and say either 'C'est f<strong>in</strong>i,' or 'Oh shaw, I know'd 'it!'"<br />

The Whig ticket carried the county, but the Democrats carried the state. His<br />

comments upon the result of the election are <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g:<br />

"News of the Week.--We publish this week the gratify<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>telligence, sobre la<br />

izquierda (over the left), of the triumphant re-election of John Bigler to the chief magistracy<br />

of this commonwealth. The voice of the Democracy has been heard, peal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><br />

thunder tones throughout the length and breadth of the State, wak<strong>in</strong>g the echoes on<br />

Mokelumne Hill, growl<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> sub-bass from the San Joaqu<strong>in</strong> (Republican), reverberat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

among the busy and crowded streets of Monterey, and re-echoed from the snowcapped<br />

summits of San Bernard<strong>in</strong>o, with extensive shouts of Extension and John Bigler<br />

forever! While we of San Diego, through the culpable negligence of the Goliah (which<br />

put the Voice aboard but left it at San Pedro), have gone on unhear<strong>in</strong>g and unheed<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and voted for William Waldo, just as if noth<strong>in</strong>g extraord<strong>in</strong>ary was tak<strong>in</strong>g place. Many<br />

reasons are assigned by the Independent Press of San Francisco, and our Whig exchanges,<br />

for the election of Bigler. I am <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ed to attribute it pr<strong>in</strong>cipally to the defeat of<br />

Waldo, and the fact that the San Diego Herald took no active part <strong>in</strong> the Gubernatorial<br />

election. Had Waldo been successful or our course been of another character, there is<br />

every reason to suppose that the result would have been different. But 'whatever is, is<br />

right,' as the old gentleman sweetly remarked, when he chopped off the end of his nose<br />

with a razor, <strong>in</strong> an endeavor to kill a fly that had lit thereon while he Was shav<strong>in</strong>g. 'There<br />

is a Providence that shapes our ends rough-hew them as we may.' Governor Bigler is<br />

still Governor Bigler, there'll be no Ex. to his name (unless it be ex-tension) for the next<br />

two years; the people are satisfied, he is gratified, and I am delighted, and the Lord<br />

knows that it makes very little difference to me <strong>in</strong>dividually, or the people of this county<br />

at large, whether the water front of San Francisco rema<strong>in</strong>s unaltered, or is extended to<br />

Contra Costa. San Diego boasts a far f<strong>in</strong>er harbor at present than her wealthier rival,<br />

and when that of the latter is entirely filled up, it will be more generally known and appreciated<br />

'It's an ill w<strong>in</strong>d that blows nobody any good.' If this election should, however<br />

<strong>in</strong>directly, cause San Diego to assume its proper position as the first commercial city of<br />

California, I shall reverence<br />

<strong>Page</strong> 310<br />

the name of John Bigler forever, and I will bestow that honored appellation upon my<br />

youngest child, and have it engraved upon a piece of leather or other suitable material,<br />

and suspended about that tender <strong>in</strong>fant's neck, until such time as he shall be old<br />

enough to learn and love the virtues of his honored Godsire."<br />

Derby never wrote anyth<strong>in</strong>g more delicious than his account of the combat<br />

(which did not occur) between himself and Ames upon the latter's return, when "we held<br />

'the Judge' down over the press by our nose (which we had <strong>in</strong>serted between his teeth<br />

for that purpose)," until "we discovered that we had been labor<strong>in</strong>g under a 'misunderstand<strong>in</strong>g,'<br />

and through the amicable <strong>in</strong>tervention of the pressman, who thrust a roller between<br />

our faces (which gave the whole affair a very different complexion), the matter<br />

was f<strong>in</strong>ally adjusted on the most friendly terms.'" The people of San Diego took the<br />

change of politics of the Herald rather seriously, greatly to Derby's delight. One old gen-

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