AM MAGAZINE SHELL - Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine

AM MAGAZINE SHELL - Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine

AM MAGAZINE SHELL - Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine


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Alternative fuels<br />

The long-term objectives of alternative fuels for automotive use are<br />

sustainability and greenhouse gas reduction and therefore little is<br />

gained by looking at fossil fuels except where these are in abundant<br />

supply relative to the availability of oil. With the diversification of fuels<br />

available, it is necessary to consider the complete ‘fuel’ chain to<br />

understand the total impact on the environment from production,<br />

processing, transportation, distribution etc through to the use in a<br />

vehicle.<br />

One such study was conducted by Toyota in conjunction with<br />

Mizuho Research Institute to estimate Greenhouse Gas Emissions<br />

(GHG) on a “Well to Wheel” (fuel extraction through to power at the<br />

wheels) basis for many different fuel types. Using an index of 1 for<br />

petrol, some of the results are very interesting. For example a petrol<br />

hybrid is 0.45 (lower score means lower GHG impact), a diesel hybrid<br />

about 0.35, LPG and CNG are approximately the same at 0.8, for<br />

electricity produced by coal 1.2 (worse than petrol) whereas for nuclear<br />

power generation the result is 0; ethanol produced from sugar cane<br />

0.2 and synthetic diesel produced from biomass 0.1. A fuel cell using<br />

CNG is 0.4 whereas a fuel cell using liquid hydrogen is 0.2.<br />

Apart from Greenhouse Gas Emissions, other factors that must be<br />

considered to establish the viability of an alternative fuel include cost,<br />

infrastructure, supply potential and usability which will now be<br />

examined in more detail for fuel types which are the most likely to meet<br />

these criteria.<br />

Ethanol<br />

Ethanol, also known as Ethyl Alcohol, is a clear and colourless<br />

liquid, which is produced from vegetable and plant based materials.<br />

Today most ethanol is produced from starch and sugar based feedstock<br />

such as corn, sugar cane etc. Given the potential impact on food<br />

production, much research is being undertaken to use cellulosic<br />

feedstock. Cellulosic feedstock includes agricultural and forest<br />

residues, grasses, municipal waste and trees.<br />

The reason that ethanol scores so highly in the “Well to Wheel”<br />

index is that the carbon dioxide used to convert feedstock to ethanol<br />

is a little more than the carbon dioxide captured by the crops during<br />

growth.<br />

Ethanol works well in internal combustion engines as it is a highoctane<br />

fuel, suitable for high compression ratio engines, but contains<br />

about 34 percent less energy than petrol. Low-level blends such as<br />

E10 (90 percent petrol, 10 percent ethanol) are readily available in<br />

Australia and high level blends up to E85 (85 percent ethanol, 15<br />

percent petrol) are available in countries such as USA, Brazil and<br />

Sweden.<br />

Synthetic diesel<br />

Synthetic diesel is a method of producing diesel fuel from natural<br />

gas, which is one Earth’s cleanest and most abundant natural<br />

resources. Synthetic diesel is made by using a conversion technology<br />

called the Fisher-Tropsch process, which converts natural gas into the<br />

synthetic diesel, which can then be used in any petroleum diesel fuel<br />

application.<br />

Synthetic diesel provides numerous economic and environmental<br />

benefits over typical petroleum diesel. First of all, synthetic diesel is<br />

sulphur free and free of other petroleum by-products. This means that<br />

synthetic diesel is significantly cleaner, cleaner burning and can be<br />

formulated for superior cold weather performance and fuel system<br />

lubricity. Because synthetic diesel has fewer contaminants, it is lower<br />

in toxicity and it also has a higher cetane rating, like octane for petrol,<br />

it offers better performance over regular petroleum diesel. Synthetic<br />

diesel can be blended with standard diesel and stringent diesel exhaust<br />

emission standards are compelling the petroleum industry to revisit<br />

FIG 2: Mercedes Benz ‘B’ Class Fuel Cell vehicle<br />

synthetic diesel to competitively produce aromatic and sulphur<br />

complying diesel fuel.<br />

Since the late 1990’s nearly every major oil company announced<br />

plans to build pilot plants or commercial plants to produce synthetically<br />

derived diesel fuel. Shell is currently building the largest gas to oil<br />

refinery in the world in Qatar, and when completed, will have a capacity<br />

of 140,000 barrels/day of diesel and other products.<br />

Fuel cells<br />

Fuel Cells have been extensively used throughout the space program<br />

and many vehicle manufacturers believe that fuel cells are the<br />

technology of the future. Mercedes Benz will release a limited<br />

production version of a fuel cell ‘B’ series next year as will Honda with<br />

the FCX Clarity.<br />

Fuel cells convert the chemical energy in hydrogen to electricity,<br />

with pure water and potentially useful heat as the only by-products.<br />

Hydrogen powered fuel cells are not only pollution free, but also have<br />

more than twice the efficiency of traditional combustion technologies.<br />

A combustion-based power plant generates electricity at efficiencies<br />

of 35 percent while fuel cells are up to 60 percent efficient. The<br />

conventional automotive engine is around 20 percent efficient in<br />

converting the chemical energy of petrol into power at the wheels.<br />

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, which use electric motors, are much more<br />

efficient using 40-60 percent of the fuel energy.<br />

There are a number of ways that hydrogen can be provided to the<br />

fuel cell. Hydrogen gas can be stored as a gas or liquid hydrogen but<br />

to carry gaseous hydrogen it must be compressed at very high pressures<br />

in special fuel tanks similar to compressed natural gas. Liquid nitrogen,<br />

used in the space shuttle, is super-cold so the fuel tank would need to<br />

cope with high pressures and be super insulated.<br />

Another way to provide hydrogen to the fuel cell is to use a<br />

‘reformer’. A reformer is a device that removes the hydrogen from<br />

hydrocarbon fuels, like methanol, natural gas, LPG or petrol. When a<br />

fuel other than hydrogen is used, the fuel cell is no longer zero<br />

emission, but still very low emitting.<br />

The challenges facing fuel cell development are to reduce cost and<br />

improve durability to cope with the dynamics and vibration of a motor<br />

vehicle. In addition, the distribution costs of hydrogen on a large scale<br />

to fuel motor vehicles will be prohibitive and it is likely that initial use<br />

of this technology will be via the use of an onboard reformer using<br />

methanol, natural gas or LPG as the fuel.<br />

Whilst highly speculative, a 100 year forecast of automotive fuel<br />

supply by General Motors and Shell shows that petroleum based fuels<br />

will continue to dominate energy demand (around 78 percent) until<br />

2050, By the end of the century, petroleum based fuel energy demand<br />

will drop to around 25 percent whereas synthetic fuels and bio-fuels<br />

will account for 50 percent and hydrogen/electricity will meet the other<br />

15 percent.<br />

AU T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M AG A Z I N E D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 9 21

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