a special thank you from the first eucharist class ... - St. Agnes Parish
a special thank you from the first eucharist class ... - St. Agnes Parish
a special thank you from the first eucharist class ... - St. Agnes Parish
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Page Two FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2009<br />
FROM THE<br />
May Jesus, whom we have received for <strong>the</strong> <strong>first</strong> time today;<br />
+bless our parents and teachers who taught us about Jesus,<br />
e<strong>special</strong>ly Sr. Margaret, Sr. Claire, Mrs. Guarraci, Mrs. Nenortas<br />
Mrs. Knorowski, Mrs. Kehrle, Mrs. Pecoraro, Mrs. Orsen and Mrs. Rowlands<br />
+bless our priests who are always <strong>the</strong>re to guide us and celebrate Eucharist with us<br />
+bless Mrs. Theel , <strong>the</strong> Organist, <strong>the</strong> Choir and Bell Choir for enriching this Celebration<br />
+bless all who helped make our day <strong>special</strong><br />
May <strong>the</strong> peace and joy of Jesus always be with <strong>you</strong>.<br />
Lovingly,<br />
First Eucharist Class 2009<br />
Charles Abruzzo John Etlinger Corey Makowski Michael Shackleton<br />
Alexa Almeida Julian Faustino Lilyana Malmqvist Nicholas Shapiro<br />
Brook Andre Hailey Ferreira Frank Mannino Christina Sheafer<br />
Francisco Antunez Michael Fioravante Isabela Martcorena Amanda Sheedy<br />
Jason Applin Isabella Firetto Michael Massarelli George Snell<br />
Andrew Beach Luke Fresco Nicholas Matos Gabriella <strong>St</strong>awinski<br />
Thomas Bizzoco Evandro Galli Olivia Miller Thomas Sweeney<br />
Lauren Bonavitacola Ava Garay Danielle Mitchell Jake Tarentino<br />
Edmund Burke Brian Gates Anthony Munoz Sabrina Tiseo<br />
Hanna Campiglia Vincent Gennaro Edward Neas Victoria Torres<br />
Marcos Castro Joseph Gibardi Vincent Negri Caroline Trevino<br />
Lauren Cerwinski Luke Giltner Jianna Nieves Joseph Valente<br />
Alexis Ciaramella Daniel Gomez Ethan Northcott Connor Webb<br />
Alyssa Colicchio Mat<strong>the</strong>w Gomez Logan Olsen Victoria Zatko<br />
Charlize Colon John Hall Nicole Pecoraro Ethan Nobre<br />
Jason Conklin Jacob Hasse Ryan Petela<br />
Michael Connor Sarah Hewitt Grace Peters<br />
Tyler Costeira Joshua Hill Ryan Pittari<br />
Nina Couzzi Kaitlin Kawko Justin Rafferty<br />
Brett Da Costa Andrew Kehrle Bryce Readie<br />
Robert Dante <strong>St</strong>even Kehrle Skylar Rodrigues<br />
Jacqueline David Jessica Ann Kunigelis Lisa Romeo<br />
Megan De Gregorio Michael La <strong>St</strong>ella Victoria Rosenbach<br />
Nina Di Profio Daniel Laucik Thomas Rufalo<br />
Kenny Doerflein Melissa Lettieri Ashley Russell<br />
Cody Downing Briana Louro Sean Sattur<br />
Sarah English Sean MacLaney Nicholas Scherb
Page Three FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2009<br />
Time, Talent, Treasure.<br />
Putting God First?<br />
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says that God is glorified when<br />
a disciple, granted in Christ, produces abundantly and<br />
bears much fruit. The disciple must <strong>the</strong>n be a good<br />
steward of that abundance.<br />
Your <strong>St</strong>ewardship in Treasure<br />
last week $11,671; last year $13,849.<br />
Thank <strong>you</strong> for <strong>you</strong>r generosity.<br />
Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Jn 14:21-26<br />
Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Jn 14:27-31a<br />
Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8<br />
Thursday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Jn 15:9-17<br />
Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17<br />
Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21<br />
Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98;<br />
1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17<br />
or Jn 17:11b-19<br />
Anointing of <strong>the</strong> Sick<br />
When <strong>the</strong> Church cares for <strong>the</strong> sick, it serves<br />
Christ himself in <strong>the</strong> suffering members of his<br />
Mystical Body. When it follows <strong>the</strong> example of <strong>the</strong><br />
Lord Jesus, who “went about doing good and healing<br />
all” (Acts 10:38), <strong>the</strong> Church obeys his command to<br />
care for <strong>the</strong> sick.<br />
We will celebrate <strong>the</strong> Sacrament of <strong>the</strong><br />
Anointing of <strong>the</strong> Sick during <strong>the</strong> 12:00 noon Liturgy<br />
on Sunday, May 31, 2009. A reception will follow in<br />
<strong>the</strong> auditorium. To assist our preparation, kindly<br />
RSVP to <strong>the</strong> parish office (732-388-7852) to let us<br />
know if <strong>you</strong> will be present for anointing, if <strong>you</strong> will<br />
stay for <strong>the</strong> reception and if <strong>you</strong> require a ride to<br />
church.<br />
The Letter of <strong>St</strong>. James states that <strong>the</strong> sick are<br />
to be anointed in order to raise <strong>the</strong>m up and save <strong>the</strong>m.<br />
The Sacrament of <strong>the</strong> Anointing of <strong>the</strong> Sick is<br />
available to all who are baptized: adults, <strong>you</strong>th and<br />
children—if <strong>the</strong>y have sufficient use of reason to be<br />
streng<strong>the</strong>ned by this Sacrament, whose illness is of a<br />
serious nature whe<strong>the</strong>r physical, psychological,<br />
emotional or addictive.<br />
New <strong>Parish</strong> Office Hours<br />
To better serve parishioners’ needs, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> Office<br />
of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Agnes</strong> Church—presently located in <strong>the</strong> rectory<br />
(<strong>the</strong> priests’ residence)—is now “open for business”<br />
for many more hours:<br />
Monday-Friday<br />
Saturday<br />
Sunday<br />
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.<br />
9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.<br />
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.<br />
May we help <strong>you</strong>!<br />
Bulletin Deadline:<br />
Notices for <strong>the</strong> bulletin must be submitted to <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Parish</strong> (Rectory) Office no later than 12 noon Monday<br />
for publication in <strong>the</strong> next bulletin. Please email<br />
Joanne Cancro at stagneschurch@comcast.net with<br />
<strong>you</strong>r information.<br />
Elijah Cup Program<br />
Please prayerfully consider taking <strong>the</strong> Elijah Cup into<br />
<strong>you</strong>r home for a week of prayer for vocations. It is an<br />
honor and a privilege for <strong>the</strong> laity to support this<br />
ministry. During <strong>the</strong> month of May, <strong>the</strong> Elijah Cup will<br />
be in <strong>the</strong> homes of <strong>the</strong> following parishioners:<br />
May 3<br />
May 10<br />
May 17<br />
May 24<br />
May 31<br />
Kathy Fate<br />
Barbara & John Greve<br />
Tereshko Family<br />
Brian Toal<br />
Betty & Vince Flanagan<br />
Please call <strong>the</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> (Rectory) Office at (732) 388-<br />
7852. A week that is convenient for <strong>you</strong> will be<br />
assigned. Thank <strong>you</strong>.<br />
Communicating God’s Word<br />
Question: If Jesus Christ were on earth today,<br />
how would he spread his message? Answer:<br />
Jesus would use every means available—including<br />
media outlets to evangelize and promote gospel<br />
values. By our generosity in next weekend’s<br />
collection to support Communicating God’s Word,<br />
we will support traditional and new media<br />
programs that inspire and minister to <strong>the</strong>se<br />
Page Four FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2009<br />
“Food Collection Sunday”<br />
3rd Sunday of Each Month<br />
Our next collection date is May 17th. We ask that <strong>you</strong><br />
bring in a nonperishable grocery item that will be sent<br />
to <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>. John <strong>the</strong> Apostle’s Food Pantry in Linden/<br />
Clark.<br />
Did <strong>you</strong> know that <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Agnes</strong> parish has joined forces<br />
with <strong>St</strong>. John’s Food Pantry to “<strong>St</strong>amp out Hunger” in<br />
our community?<br />
This Pantry feeds over 600 local families who are in<br />
need of food every month <strong>from</strong> Clark, Cranford,<br />
Linden, Rahway, Westfield and Elizabeth. There are<br />
food collection boxes located in <strong>the</strong> nar<strong>the</strong>x of <strong>the</strong><br />
Church and in <strong>the</strong> entrance to <strong>the</strong> school next to <strong>the</strong><br />
office.<br />
God bless <strong>you</strong> for <strong>you</strong>r continued generosity.<br />
TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Registration and reregistration<br />
has been in progress for a month already.<br />
Please mail in <strong>you</strong>r re-registration forms as soon as<br />
possible. New student registration takes place at <strong>the</strong> CFF<br />
Office located in <strong>the</strong> school. Due to increasing numbers<br />
and scheduling of <strong>class</strong>es, <strong>you</strong>r cooperation would be<br />
greatly appreciated. Any questions, please call or e-mail<br />
<strong>the</strong> CFF Office (732-388-2560) or<br />
cff@stagnesparish.com.<br />
July 13th– July 17th<br />
ST. AGNES<br />
Sundays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. - <strong>St</strong>. Jude Room<br />
(Closed Holiday weekends.)<br />
Check out our expanded collection of books,<br />
DVD’s, videos and more!!<br />
Coffee and Community Ministry<br />
We are looking to fill a few positions for our <strong>Parish</strong><br />
Coffee and Community Ministry. If <strong>you</strong> attend <strong>the</strong><br />
7:30 or <strong>the</strong> 12:00 noon Sunday Mass and have a few<br />
extra minutes, we would love to hear <strong>from</strong> <strong>you</strong>.<br />
Please call 908-380-8494 for more information.<br />
CHILDREN AGES 4 – 8<br />
(Pre-K – 3rdGrade)<br />
(Age 4 by July 2009)<br />
Look for registration form in next<br />
week’s bulletin.<br />
Protecting God’s Children is a mandatory training program<br />
for all <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Agnes</strong> Church, CFF and school employees and<br />
volunteers (18 years and older) who work with minors (those<br />
under 18 years). PGC focuses on <strong>the</strong> issue of sexual abuse<br />
and creating a safe environment for children.<br />
Upcoming sessions in our area will take place at <strong>St</strong>.<br />
Bartholomew’s Church in Scotch Plains on Wednesday, May<br />
6th <strong>from</strong> 7-9 PM and <strong>St</strong>. Helen’s Church in Westfield on<br />
Wednesday, May 20th <strong>from</strong> 7-9 PM. To register please go to<br />
www.rcan.org and click on “Reporting Sexual Abuse” and<br />
<strong>the</strong>n click on “Protecting God’s Children Workshop<br />
Schedule.” At that point <strong>you</strong> can view <strong>the</strong> upcoming<br />
schedule and register.<br />
If <strong>you</strong> have trouble registering, please contact <strong>the</strong> <strong>Parish</strong><br />
(Rectory) Office at 732-388-7852.
Page Five FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2009<br />
A Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s Prayer<br />
We wish to WELCOME <strong>the</strong> following who<br />
have entered into <strong>the</strong> faith community through<br />
<strong>the</strong> sacrament of Baptism:<br />
Daughter of Kimberly and Kenneth<br />
Daughter of Jennifer and Paul<br />
Son of Nicole and Daniel<br />
Daughter of Lisa and Kelvy<br />
Son of Bridget and Frank<br />
Daughter of Erin and <strong>St</strong>even Jr.<br />
The <strong>special</strong> bond between<br />
mo<strong>the</strong>rs and children comes<br />
through a <strong>special</strong> blessing<br />
<strong>from</strong> God.<br />
He gives mo<strong>the</strong>rs strength,<br />
wisdom, patience and an<br />
abundance of love to share.<br />
May God continue to bless<br />
<strong>you</strong> today and shower his<br />
blessings on <strong>you</strong> each and<br />
every day as <strong>you</strong> share <strong>you</strong>r<br />
love so freely and selflessly.<br />
God Bless You<br />
Archdiocese of Newark<br />
Office of Communications & Public Relations<br />
The Perfect Fund Raiser<br />
*No extra money out of <strong>you</strong>r pocket*<br />
*We all need groceries each week anyway*<br />
*Shoprite, A&P, Foodtown, Pathmark*<br />
*Our personal family food shopping will<br />
strongly benefit <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Agnes</strong> Community’s<br />
financial need, since 5% goes back to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Agnes</strong>*<br />
Thank <strong>you</strong> for <strong>you</strong>r support!<br />
The most recent news stories about teens “sexting”—<br />
using phones to send explicit sexual messages and<br />
photographs—is certainly disturbing and worrisome.<br />
How can parents meet this challenge of avoiding <strong>the</strong><br />
misuse of technology and keep <strong>the</strong>ir children <strong>from</strong><br />
becoming victims of even <strong>the</strong>mselves?<br />
A national organization, <strong>the</strong> Religious Alliance Against<br />
Pornography (RAAP), located in Cincinnati, is an<br />
interfaith group that was formed more than 20 years ago<br />
to help families deal with <strong>the</strong> increasing threat of<br />
pornography. The organization’s most recent project is<br />
a booklet entitled “Sex and Cell Phones: Protect Your<br />
Children,” which provides parents with information and<br />
assistance in asking questions and making choices at <strong>the</strong><br />
point of purchase and afterward in regard to such<br />
matters as screening devices and programs.<br />
“Sex and Cell Phones” and o<strong>the</strong>r resources <strong>from</strong> RAAP<br />
are available for download on <strong>the</strong> organization’s website<br />
www.icarecoalition.org. The booklet is available in<br />
English and Spanish.
Page Six FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2009<br />
SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2009<br />
5:30 People of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Parish</strong><br />
SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2009<br />
7:30 Josephine <strong>St</strong>efanik—Ron & Joyce Hoehn<br />
9:00 Margaret Rittweger—Fred Rittweger<br />
10:30 John & Maria Bucca—Toni Bucca<br />
12:00 Alice Hart—Hart Family<br />
MONDAY, MAY 11, 2009<br />
7:00 Dr. Victor Garra—Sister<br />
9:00 Anthony Plesh—The Rosary Society<br />
TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009<br />
7:00 Deceased Members of Bokenko & Morahan<br />
Families—Barbara & Ed Morahan<br />
9:00 Anthony Plesh—Doris & George Allen<br />
WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2009<br />
7:00 Mary Marrin—Gene Wargacki<br />
9:00 Robert Kauffman—Margaret Shea<br />
THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2009<br />
7:00 Barbara & Wynne Toler—The Lordi Family<br />
9:00 Mary Lou Ortega—Bernie & Carole Hayden<br />
FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2009<br />
7:00 Declan Mulcahy—Doro<strong>the</strong>a Mulcahy & Family<br />
9:00 Siclari Family—Rose Zukowski<br />
SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2009<br />
8:30 Diane Watson, Frank LaMorte<br />
5:30 Mr. & Mrs. T. McCann—John & Angie Bielecki<br />
SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2009<br />
7:30 People of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Parish</strong><br />
9:00 Helen Koscica & Christopher Barilla—<br />
Peter & Lucy Koscica<br />
10:30 Robert Palumbo—Terry & Joe Segreto<br />
12:00 Joseph Zurich—Angela Zurich<br />
SUNDAY MAY 10, 2009<br />
10:30 AM Mass/May Crowning<br />
7:00 PM No CYO<br />
MONDAY MAY 11, 2009<br />
6:00 PM Sandwiches—Team 1C<br />
7:00 PM Book Club—<strong>St</strong>. Thomas Room<br />
TUESDAY MAY 12, 2009<br />
7:00 PM Liturgy Meeting—<strong>St</strong>. Lucy Room<br />
7:30 PM Holy Name Meeting—<strong>St</strong>. Joseph Room<br />
WEDNESDAY MAY 13, 2009<br />
9:00 AM School Mass/May Crowning<br />
7:30 PM <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Agnes</strong> HSA Meeting—Gym<br />
7:30 PM RCIA Year-End Party—Fr. Whelan Center<br />
THURSDAY MAY 14, 2009<br />
3:30 PM Children’s Choir/Year-End Pty—Whelan Ctr.<br />
7:30 PM Bereavement—OLG Room<br />
FRIDAY MAY 15, 2009<br />
7:30 PM Girl Scouts—5th Grade Classroom<br />
SATURDAY MAY 16, 2009<br />
5:30 PM CYO Mandatory Mass<br />
6:30 PM Pasta Appreciation Dinner—Auditorium<br />
SUNDAY MAY 17, 2009<br />
9:00 AM CYO Six Flags Trip<br />
9:00 AM SAS Open House—Gym/School<br />
10:30 AM Baptisms<br />
TRAVELING MADONNA <strong>St</strong>atue of Our Lady of<br />
Fatima will be in <strong>the</strong> home of Jo Sodano during <strong>the</strong> week<br />
of May 10th.<br />
SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of<br />
Josephine <strong>St</strong>efanik during <strong>the</strong> week of May 10th<br />
at <strong>the</strong> request of Ron & Joyce Hoehn.<br />
The next general meeting of <strong>the</strong> Holy Name Society<br />
will be on Tuesday, May 12th at 7:30 p.m. in <strong>the</strong> <strong>St</strong>.<br />
Joseph Room. Our guest speaker will be Fr. Vinnie<br />
Fortunato. Refreshments will be served. All men <strong>from</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> parish are invited.<br />
Devotional area flowers for <strong>the</strong> week of May<br />
10th are in honor and memory of all mo<strong>the</strong>rs,<br />
living and deceased.<br />
ALTAR BREAD AND WINE for <strong>the</strong> week of<br />
May 10th were donated in memory of William<br />
and Mary Bodkin, a gift <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Bodkin<br />
Page Seven FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 10, 2009<br />
Those Who Have Died<br />
Thomas Evans<br />
Those Who Are Sick<br />
Frank LaVerda, Alvera Martin, Joe Margeton, Irene Sisko, Noel<br />
<strong>St</strong>evenson, Leilla DiLeone, Mary Morelli, Anthony Szablowski,<br />
Robert Szabo Jr., Jean Williams, Mary Lawrence, Ann Miller,<br />
Barbara Rygiel, Henry Latch, Vickie Tomasco, Earl Miller,<br />
Margaret Shea, Hank Kaczka, Patrick Miller, Louise Regeci,<br />
Wendy Sullivan, Annette Drake, Lucia DeCristofaro, Barbara<br />
<strong>St</strong>einberg, Nancy Liberti, Daniel Palumbo, Jim MacConchie,<br />
Eileen Imbriaco, Josephine Zbikowski, Antonina Manto, Warren<br />
Sidney, Elizabeth Kate Chern, Zackary Infante, Vincent<br />
Flanagan, Helen Kiempista, Carmelina Giacobbe, Joseph Loria,<br />
Rose Gerhardt, Mariani Rocco, Dominic Preite, Marge Geist<br />
Gais, Jerry Vezza, Brenda Vermeal, Gabriella Giordano, Mary<br />
Gianti, Joao Faria, Richard Ciccone, Joseph Fabijanczuk,<br />
Jennifer Concalves, Linda Shea, Joey Santillo, Josephine Kane,<br />
Sergio Ricciardi, Kevin Keating, Nicholas Maculuso, Joseph<br />
Santillo, Josephine Pipa, Alice Dowzycki, Janet Papetti, Joseph<br />
Sciacchitano, Claire Orense, Joanne Piech, James Shea, Jason<br />
Greenbush, Rita Corrado, Richard Adamonis, Lou Peragallo,<br />
Edward Nicholson, Sr., Bonnie Webb, Maria Fernanda Smith,<br />
Anthony Vitanzo, Michael & Mary Fedosh, Helen Zdaniewicz,<br />
Ka<strong>the</strong>rine Cantalupo, Bob Buckley, William F. Regan, James<br />
Hart, Anne Tavano, Giovanna Tripicchio, Lealinda Costa,<br />
Donna Arena , Dolores Colasurdo<br />
Lost and Found<br />
Are <strong>you</strong> missing a glove, earring or scarf? Those<br />
and much more are in our Lost and Found Box. If<br />
<strong>you</strong> left/lost something in Church over <strong>the</strong><br />
winter—we may have it! Be sure to stop in <strong>the</strong><br />
Vesting Sacristy (off <strong>the</strong> nar<strong>the</strong>x) next Sunday to<br />
claim what’s <strong>you</strong>rs.<br />
Fifth Sunday of Easter<br />
May 10, 2009<br />
Let us love not in word or speech<br />
but in deed and truth.<br />
—1 John 3:18